Commit Graph

294 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
e8388fafad Title Screen: Lazily scroll the demo level
Adds a lazy scroll algorithm that basically:
- Zigzags right/down a certain distance, then up again
- Then enters a bounce phase where it bounces off the level
  boundaries like a screensaver.

Arrow keys can still scroll the level manually, but the
automated scroll takes over otherwise.
2021-06-08 21:12:30 -07:00
bd90393cc3 Prepare v0.6.0 for release 2021-06-06 22:08:56 -07:00
8d3fc41e43 New Default Wallpapers
* Graph paper, Dotted paper, and secret Blue Notebook
2021-06-06 19:22:53 -07:00
640e75ba4d Custom Wallpapers for Levels
* You can now browse for a custom wallpaper image to use with your
  levels. A platform-native file picker dialog is used (no WASM support)
* In the New/Edit Level Properties dialog, the Wallpaper drop-down
  includes an option to browse for a custom map.
* When editing an existing level: the wallpaper takes effect immediately
  in your level once the file is picked. For NEW levels, the wallpaper
  will appear once the "Continue" button is pressed.
* All common image types supported: png, jpeg, gif.
* The wallpaper is embedded in the level using the filepath
  "assets/wallpapers/custom.b64img" as a Base64-encoded blob of the
  image data.
* The `doodad show` command will list the names and sizes of files
  embedded in levels. `doodad show --attachment <name>` will get an
  attachment and print it to the console window.
* To extract a wallpaper image from a level:
  `doodad show -a assets/wallpapers/custom.b64img | base64 -d > out.png`
2021-06-06 18:59:04 -07:00
ba29f407cc SelectBoxes in Add/Edit Level Window
* Replace the radio buttons for Page Type and Wallpaper with the new
  SelectBox widgets from the UI toolkit.
* Choice of default palette also switched from a MenuButton to
  a SelectBox widget.
* Experimental "Browse..." option added to the Wallpaper drop-down when
  run in --experimental mode; not yet functional.
2021-06-06 14:32:52 -07:00
3d8eedce35 Choice of palette when creating a new level
* In the "New Level" dialog, a "Palette:" option shows a MenuButton
  drop-down with options: Default, Colored Pencil, and Blueprint. These
  control the set of colors the new level starts with.
2021-06-05 20:51:20 -07:00
be47dc21c7 Decouple gravity from player velocities 2021-06-02 22:18:25 -07:00
d470f7e647 Collision: Fix walking up leftward slopes
* Actors can now walk up gentle inclines to the left as well as they can
  to the right. The bug was introduced as a hack to prevent clipping
  thru the left wall of a 90 degree corner, but that problem seems
  resolved now.
2021-06-02 21:49:29 -07:00
d14eaf7df2 Collision Box Updates
* The F4 key to draw collision boxes works reliably again: it draws the
  player's hitbox in world-space using the canvas.DrawStrokes()
  function, rather than in screen-space so it follows the player
* The F4 key also draws hitboxes for ALL other actors in the level:
  buttons, enemies, doors, etc.
* The level geometry collision function is updated to respect a doodad's
  declared Hitbox from their script, which may result in a smaller box
  than their raw Canvas size. The result is tighter collision between
  doodads, and Boy's sprite is rather narrow for its square Canvas so
  collision on rightward geometry is tighter for the player character.
* Collision checks between actors also respect the actor's declared
  hitboxes now, allowing for Boy to get even closer to a locked door
  before being blocked.
2021-06-02 20:50:28 -07:00
fcb5d27290 add Manjaro/Arch Linux setup 2021-06-02 19:18:52 -07:00
9b80d38c3e App rename + macOS Build Fixes 2021-05-02 12:06:34 -07:00
f5d814283c New icons and update rpm/deb/macOS scripts 2021-03-31 21:22:13 -07:00
dc1f0721c2 Update README file for 0.5.0 2021-03-31 19:35:32 -07:00
0fedcf4fcb Adjust ScrollboxVert and Prepare v0.5.0 for Release 2021-03-31 19:27:40 -07:00
1f274e0ca6 Changelog and Prepare v0.5.0 for Release 2021-03-31 19:16:33 -07:00
76b7dfa4f8 Various updates
New doodad interactions:
* Sticky Buttons will emit a "sticky:down" event to linked doodads, with
  a boolean value showing the Sticky Button's state.
* Normal Buttons will listen for "sticky:down" -- when a linked Sticky
  Button is pressed, the normal Button presses in as well, and stays
  pressed while the sticky:down signal is true.
* When the Sticky Button is released (e.g. because it received power
  from another doodad), any linked buttons which were sticky:down
  release as well.
* Switch doodads emit a new "switch:toggle" event JUST BEFORE sending
  the "power" event. Sensitive Doodads can listen for switches in
  particular this way.
* The Electric Door listens for switch:toggle; if a Switch is activated,
  the Electric Door always flips its current state (open to close, or
  vice versa) and ignores the immediately following power event. This
  allows doors to toggle on/off regardless of sync with a Switch.

Other changes:
* When the player character dies by fire, instead of the message saying
  "Watch out for fire!" it will use the name of the fire swatch that
  hurt the player. This way levels could make it say "Watch out for
  spikes!" or "lava" or whatever they want. The "Fire" attribute now
  just means "instantly kills the player."
* Level Editor: You can now edit the Title and Author name of your level
  in the Page Settings window.
* Bugfix: only the player character ends the game by dying in fire.
  Other mobile doodads just turn dark but don't end the game.
* Increase the size of Trapdoor doodad sprites by 150% as they were a
  bit small for the player character.
* Rename the game from "Project: Doodle" to "Sketchy Maze"
2021-03-30 23:40:41 -07:00
837960c477 Doodads: Small Key Door + Bigger Crumbly Floor
* The crumbly floor doodad was made 50% larger.
* New doodad: Small Key and Small Key Door. These work like the colored
  doors and locks except each Small Key is consumed when it unlocks a
  door. The door's appearance is of iron bars.
* The inventory HUD displays a small quantity label in the lower-right
  corner of items that have a quantity, such as the Small Key. This is
  done as a Canvas.CornerLabel string attribute on uix.Canvas.
* The "give all keys" cheat adds 99 Small Keys to your inventory.
2021-01-03 17:06:33 -08:00
3892087932 Doodads: Use Key and Working Warp Doors
* The "Use Key" (Q or Spacebar) now activates the Warp Door instead of a
  collision event doing so.
* Warp Doors are now functional: the player opens a door, disappears,
  the door closes; player is teleported to the linked door which opens,
  appears the player and closes.
* If the player exits thru a Blue or Orange door which is disabled
  (dotted outline), the door still opens and drops the player off but
  returns to a Disabled state, acting as a one-way door.
* Clean up several debug log lines from Doodle and doodad scripts.
2021-01-03 15:19:21 -08:00
2c1185cc9f Doodads: Warp Doors, Bird, Larger State Blocks
* The blue and orange ON/OFF state blocks have all been increased in
  size to better match the player character (42x42 up from 33x33)
* Added a new mob: the Red Bird. It flies back and forth while
  maintaining its altitude, similar to the Red Azulian. Planned AI
  behavior is to divebomb the player when it gets close. Dive sprites
  are included but not yet hooked up in JavaScript.
* Warp Doors! (WIP). They have a golden "W" on them and come in three
  varieties: Brown, Blue and Orange. The blue and orange ones are
  sensitive to the State Block and will become dotted outlines when
  inactive (and can not be entered in this state). The door opens for
  the player character, makes him disappear, then closes again. The plan
  is it will then warp you to the location of a linked Warp Door
  elsewhere on the level, but for now it will just make the player
  re-appear after completing the Close Door animation.
2020-12-29 20:31:35 -08:00
11afc7b522 New Doodads: Bigger Doors
* The colored locked doors and the Electric Door are increased in size
  to better match Boy's sprite size.
* Colored doors now have a "locked" and "unlocked" state when closed;
  when locked, a gold padlock hangs on the door with a keyhole shaped to
  match the corresponding Colored Key.
2020-12-29 17:24:42 -08:00
6912362899 Revert go.mod replace directives 2020-12-28 20:49:35 -08:00
6c5da42c91 Update the script
* Tested on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 VM
2020-12-28 20:46:32 -08:00
c78cd38c1d Add chdir option for Flatpak
* The --chdir CLI option to doodle will set a working directory for the
  game to switch to on startup. Flatpak builds place the files at
  /app/share/doodle where the ./rtp and ./guidebook files are relative
  to and this allows the game to find its sound effects and such.
2020-12-28 18:32:55 -08:00
580aaca2c5 go.mod: dependencies inside local deps/ folder
* Simplify building Doodle by cloning outside dependencies (like
  go/render and go/ui) into the deps/ folder, to assist with Flatpak
  building the app from source easily.
2020-12-28 15:04:51 -08:00
9529980ee4 Update changelog for v0.4.0-alpha 2020-11-20 23:35:37 -08:00
8eb3ab51d3 Fixup some developer console commands 2020-11-20 22:53:38 -08:00
fade085695 Move dev-assets/guidebook into its own repository 2020-11-20 19:08:31 -08:00
6cd5f17e9b Prepare v0.4.0 for release 2020-11-19 20:51:02 -08:00
6e40d58010 WIP Zoom Tool
* Added Feature Flag support, run doodle with --experimental to enable
  all flags. Eraser Tool is behind a feature flag now.
* + and - on the top row of keyboard keys will zoom the drawing in and
  out in Edit Mode. The wallpaper zooms nicely enough, but level
  chunkers need work.
* A View menu is added with Zoom in/out, reset zoom, and scroll to
  origin options. The whole menu is behind the Zoom feature flag.
* Update README with lots of details for fun debug mode options to play
  around with.
2020-11-19 20:09:15 -08:00
24aef28a0d Centralize Keybinds, Improve Menus
* pkg/keybinds holds central functions to check global keybinds, like
  DebugOverlay (F3), Undo (Ctrl-Z), GotoPlay/GotoEdit (p/e), etc.
* The Tools menu in the editor mode lists out more options to select
  various drawing tools (line, pencil, etc.) - and showing the hotkey
  for each tool.
2020-11-17 18:22:48 -08:00
190d4be1b6 Layer Selection Window for Doodad Editor
* When editing a doodad in the Editor Mode, the toolbar has a "Lyr."
  button that opens the Layers window.
* The Layers window allows switching the active doodad layer that you
  are drawing on, as well as create and rename layers.
* With this feature, Doodads may be fully drawn in-game, including
  adding alternate named layers for animations and multiple-state
* Update the Pager component to have a configurable MaxPageButtons.
  Controls that have more pages than this limit will stop having buttons
  drawn after the limit. The "Forward" and "Next" buttons can still
  navigate into the extra pages.
* Refactored and centralized the various popup windows in Editor Mode
  into editor_ui_popups.go; the SetupPopups() and various methods such
  as ShowPaletteWindow() and ShowDoodadDropper() make management of
  popups simple for the editor_ui!
* The Menu Bar in Editor Mode now has context-specific tools in the
  Tools menu: the Doodad Dropper for levels and Layers for doodads.
* Bugfix the Palette Editor window to work equally between Levels and
  Doodads, by only having it care about the Palette and not the Level
  that owns it.
2020-11-16 23:23:21 -08:00
336a949ed0 Global UI Popup Modals
* Adds global modal support in the pkg/modal/ package. It has easy
  Alert() and Confirm() methods to prompt the user before calling a
  callback function on affirmative response.
* Modals have global app state: they're processed in the main loop in
  pkg/doodle.go similar to the global command shell.
* When a modal is active, a semitransparent black frame covers the
  screen (gameplay loop paused, last game frame rendered below) and the
  modal window appears on top.
* The developer console retains higher priority than the modal system
  and always renders on top.
* Editor Mode: track when the level pixels have been modified, and
  confirm the user about unsaved changes when they attempt to close the
  level (New, Open, Close, etc.)
* Global: the Escape key no longer immediately shuts down the game, but
  will confirm the user's intent via a modal.
* File->Quit in the Editor Mode also invokes the confirm shutdown modal.
2020-11-15 18:02:35 -08:00
bc02f2c685 Convert to use Go modules 2020-11-15 15:20:15 -08:00
6241bfe415 Prepare v0.3.0 for release 2020-09-18 22:52:05 -07:00
71b3eafbe4 Add Player Character Sprites
* Added initial walking sprites for the player character, "Boy."
* Player doodad filename and title screen level are now configurable in
  the balance/numbers.go package.
2020-09-18 22:35:43 -07:00
6d8aa387d7 WIP Game Settings Window, WASM Fixes, Sound FX
* Add sound effect and music support to Doodle.
* Fix WASM build to use the 'null' sound driver for now.
* Add a Settings button to the main menu; UI for it is WIP.
2020-09-01 20:54:58 -07:00
47cca8c7c6 Palette Editor and Doodad Dropper Windows
* Start the program window maximized with the `-w maximized` CLI option.
* Move the Doodad Palette off the right-side dock of the Editor Scene and
  into its own pop-up window: the DoodadDropper.
* Shrink the width of the Color Palette panel and show only the colors in
  the buttons. The name of the swatch is available in the mouse-over tooltip.
* Added an "Edit" button to the Color Palette. It opens a Palette Editor
  window where you can rename, change colors and attributes of existing colors
  OR insert new colors into your palette. (Deleting colors not yet supported).
* level.Chunker gets a Redraw method: invalidates all cached textures of all
  chunks forcing the level to redraw itself, possibly with an updated palette.
2020-07-09 19:38:37 -07:00
5f75168235 Command-line flag for window resolution
* Added a --window flag to the game executable to specify the startup
  window resolution. Either specify an exact size (e.g. 1024x768) or a
  special keyword "desktop", "mobile" or "landscape"
* Default size is "desktop" or 1024x768
* Mobile simulates a smartphone form factor of 375x812
* Landscape is mobile but flipped horizontally.
* Doodle UX isn't great on mobile but this is a step towards working on
  mobile friendly UI
2020-06-17 18:21:15 -07:00
dabf88dff8 Prepare v0.2.0-alpha for release 2020-06-06 20:52:29 -07:00
8964322f4e Fix doodad edit-doodad args 2020-06-05 00:26:48 -07:00
b0a2524f1a In 'make dist' add a symlink to the latest output 2020-06-05 00:12:27 -07:00
cb155c8750 Fix version parsing on Makefiles 2020-06-05 00:02:06 -07:00
eae7258ce1 Modernize usage of urfave/cli 2020-06-04 23:11:03 -07:00
de896c93e6 Add dummy bindata Go package to help new setup experience 2020-06-04 22:43:37 -07:00
2c032f1df7 Menu Bar Update
* Integrate the new ui.MenuBar into the Editor Scene.
  * File: New Level/Doodad, Save [as], Open, Close, Exit
  * Edit: Undo, Redo, Level options
  * Level: Playtest
  * Tools: Debug overlay, Command shell
  * Help: User Manual, About
* Add an About dialog accessible from the Help menu.
2020-06-04 21:55:54 -07:00
82d50f1c91 Initial Guidebook Documentation 2020-05-22 21:03:01 -07:00
27896a9253 Add Initial Sound Effects
Adds support for sound effects in Doodle and configures some for various
doodads to start out with:

* Buttons and Switches: "Clicked down" and "clicked up" sounds.
* Colored Doors: an "unlocked" sound and a "door opened" sound.
* Electric Door: sci-fi sounds when opening and closing.
* Keys: sound effect for collecting keys.

JavaScript API for Doodads adds a global function `Sound.Play(filename)`
to play sounds. All sounds in the `rtp/sfx/` folder are pre-loaded on
startup for efficient use in the app. Otherwise sounds are lazy-loaded
on first playback.
2020-05-22 20:07:48 -07:00
38614ee280 Tighten Doodad JavaScript API, User Documentation
* Tightens up the surface area of API methods available to the
  JavaScript VMs for doodads. Variables and functions are carefully
  passed in one-by-one so the doodad script can only access intended
  functions and not snoop on undocumented APIs.
* Wrote tons of user documentation for Doodad Scripts: documented the
  full surface area of the exposed JavaScript API now that the surface
  area is known and limited.
* Early WIP code for the Campaign JSON
2020-04-21 23:50:45 -07:00
44788e8032 Prepare v0.1.0-alpha for release 2020-04-12 17:23:04 -07:00
695ff4da42 Collision: Fix clipping thru left walls, w/ caveats
There was a clipping bug where the player could sometimes clip thru a
left-side wall, if the left wall and floor made a 90 degree bend and the
player was holding the Left key while jumping slightly into the wall.

A band-aid that seems to work involved two steps:
1. When capping their leftward movement, add a "+ 1" to the cap.
2. At the start of the point loop, enforce the left cap like we do the
   ceiling cap.

This seems to patch the problem, BUT it breaks the ability to walk up
slopes while moving left. Right-facing slopes can be climbed fine still.

Note: the original bug never was a problem against right walls, only
left ones, but the true root cause was not identified. See TODO comments
in collide_level.go.
2020-04-11 19:21:12 -07:00