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Examples for go/ui

Here are some example programs using go/ui, each accompanied by a screenshot and description:

  • Hello, World!: a basic UI demo with a Label and a Button.
  • Frame Placement: demonstrates using the Place() layout management option for Frame widgets.
  • Window Manager: demonstrates the Window widget and window management features of the Supervisor.
  • Forms: demonstrates some form controls and the magicform helper module for building forms quickly.
  • Tooltip: demonstrates the Tooltip widget on a variety of buttons scattered around the window.
  • Menus: demonstrates various Menu Buttons and a Menu Bar.
  • Themes: a UI demo that shows off the Default, Flat, and Dark UI themes as part of experimental theming support.
  • TabFrame: demo for the TabFrame widget showing multiple Windows with tabbed interfaces.
  • ColorPicker: demo for the ColorPicker widget.