* pkg/plus/dpp is the main plugin bridge, and defines nothing but an interface
that defines the Doodle++ surface area (referring to internal game types such
as doodad.Doodad or level.Level), but not their implementations.
* dpp.Driver (an interface) is the main API that other parts of the game will
call, for example "dpp.Driver.IsLevelSigned()"
* plus_dpp.go and plus_foss.go provide the dpp.Driver implementation for their
build; with plus_dpp.go generally forwarding function calls directly to the
proprietary dpp package and plus_foss.go generally returning false/errors.
* The bootstrap package simply assigns the above stub function to dpp.Driver
* pkg/plus/bootstrap is a package directly imported by main (in the doodle and
doodad programs) and it works around circular dependency issues: this package
simply assigns dpp.Driver to the DPP or FOSS version.
Miscellaneous fixes:
* File->Open in the editor and PlayScene will use the new Open Level window
instead of loading the legacy GotoLoadMenu scene.
* Deprecated legacy scenes: d.GotoLoadMenu() and d.GotoPlayMenu().
* The doodle-admin program depends on the private dpp package, so can not be
compiled in FOSS mode.
* Fix collision detection to allow actors to walk up slopes smoothly, without
losing any horizontal velocity.
* Fix scrolling a level canvas so that chunks near the right or bottom edge
of the viewpoint were getting culled prematurely.
* Centralize JavaScript exception catching logic to attach Go and JS stack
traces where possible to be more useful for debugging.
* Performance: flush all SDL2 textures from memory between scene transitions
in the app. Also add a `flush-textures` dev console command to flush the
textures at any time - they all should regenerate if still needed based on
underlying go.Images which can be garbage collected.
* Rework the Story Mode UI to display level thumbnails.
* Responsive UI: defaults to wide screen mode and shows 3 levels horizontally
but on narrow/mobile display, shows 2 levels per page in portrait.
* Add "Tiny" screenshot size (224x126) to fit the Story Mode UI.
* Make the pager buttons bigger and more touchable.
* Maximize the game window on startup unless the -w option with a specific
window resolution is provided.
* Fix display bug with rectangular doodads scrolling off screen.
* The default Author of new files will be your registration name, if available
before using your $USER name.
* Add an exception catcher that pops open a UI window showing errors that
occur in doodad scripts during gameplay.
* Shows a preview of the header of the error (character wrapped) with a
Copy button to copy the full raw text to clipboard for inspection.
* Buttons to dismiss the modal once or stop any further errors from
opening during this gameplay session (until next restart).
* Add developer shell commands to test the exception catcher:
- 'throw <message>' to throw a custom message.
- 'throw2' to stress test a "long" message.
- 'throw3' to throw a realistic message copied from an actual error.
* Scripting engine: console.log() and friends will now insert the script
VM's name in front of its messages (the filename + actor ID).
Added a new level property: Difficulty
* An enum ranging from -1, 0, 1 (Peaceful, Normal, Hard)
* Default difficulty is Normal; pre-existing levels are Normal by
default per the zero value.
Doodad scripts can read the difficulty via the new global variable
`Level.Difficulty` and some doodads have been updated:
* Azulians: on Peaceful they ignore all player characters, and on Hard
they are in "hunt mode": infinite aggro radius and they're aggressive
to all characters.
* Bird: on Peaceful they will not dive and attack any player character.
Other spit and polish:
* New Level/Level Properties UI reworked into a magicform.
* New "PromptPre(question, answer, func)" function for prompting the
user with the developer shell, but pre-filling in an answer for them
to either post or edit.
* magicform has a PromptUser field option for simple Text/Int fields
which present as buttons, so magicform can prompt and update the
variable itself.
* Don't show the _autosave.doodad in the Doodad Dropper window.
Two new tools added to the Level Editor:
* Pan Tool: left-click to scroll the level around safely.
* Text Tool: write text onto your level.
Features of the Text Tool:
* Can choose from the game's built-in fonts, size and enter the message
you want to write.
* The mouse cursor previews the text when hovered over the level.
* Click to "stamp" the text onto your level. The currently selected
color swatch will be used to color the text in.
* Adds two new fonts: Azulian.ttf and Rive.ttf that can be selected in
the Text Tool.
Some implementation notes:
* Added package native/engine_sdl.go that handles the lower-level
SDL2_TTF logic to rasterize the text into a black&white image.
* WASM not supported yet (if the game even still built for WASM);
native/engine_wasm.go stubs out the TextToImage() call with a "not
supported" error just in case.
Other changes:
* New Toolbar icons: they are 24x24 instead of 32x32 to make more room
for more tools.
* The toolbar now shows two buttons per row for a more densely packed
layout. For very narrow screen widths (< 600px) the default Vertical
Toolbar layout will use one-button-per-row to not eat too much screen
real estate.
* In the Horizontal Toolbars layout there are 2 buttons per column.
* File->Publish Level in the Level Editor opens the Publish window,
where you can embed custom doodads into your level and export a
portable .level file you can share with others.
* Currently does not actually export a level file yet.
* The dialog lists all unique doodad names in use in your level, and
designates which are built-ins and which are custom (paginated).
* A checkbox would let the user embed built-in doodads into their level,
as well, locking it in to those versions and not using updated
versions from future game releases.
UI Improvements:
* Added styling for a "Primary" UI button, rendered in deep blue.
* Pop-up modals (Alert, Confirm) color their Ok button as Primary.
* The Enter key pressed during an Alert or Confirm modal will invoke its
default button and close the modal, corresponding to its Primary
* The developer console is now opened with the tilde/grave key ` instead
of the Enter key, so that the Enter key is free to click through
* In the "Open/Edit Drawing" window, a "Browse..." button is added to
the level and doodad sections, spawning a native File Open dialog to
pick a .level or .doodad outside the config root.
* You can now browse for a custom wallpaper image to use with your
levels. A platform-native file picker dialog is used (no WASM support)
* In the New/Edit Level Properties dialog, the Wallpaper drop-down
includes an option to browse for a custom map.
* When editing an existing level: the wallpaper takes effect immediately
in your level once the file is picked. For NEW levels, the wallpaper
will appear once the "Continue" button is pressed.
* All common image types supported: png, jpeg, gif.
* The wallpaper is embedded in the level using the filepath
"assets/wallpapers/custom.b64img" as a Base64-encoded blob of the
image data.
* The `doodad show` command will list the names and sizes of files
embedded in levels. `doodad show --attachment <name>` will get an
attachment and print it to the console window.
* To extract a wallpaper image from a level:
`doodad show -a assets/wallpapers/custom.b64img | base64 -d > out.png`