1 Compiling on Windows
rai edited this page 2020-05-10 15:55:16 +02:00

Set up MSYS2, following this guide.

Install dependencies

pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-glew mingw-w64-x86_64-glew mingw-w64-i686-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 python3

Copy baserom(s) for asset extraction

For each version (jp/us/eu) that you want to build an executable for, put an existing ROM at ./baserom.<version>.z64 for asset extraction.

On MSYS2, navigate to the sm64pc folder and then enter ./tools/audiofile-0.3.6/. Inside this directory, run

autoreconf -i

Only leave this directory on step 9.

Run the configure script

PATH=/mingw64/bin:/mingw32/bin:$PATH LIBS=-lstdc++ ./configure --disable-docs

Run the make script

PATH=/mingw64/bin:/mingw32/bin:$PATH make

Create a lib directory in tools/

mkdir ../lib

Copy the compiled libaudiofile to tools/lib/

cp libaudiofile/.libs/libaudiofile.a ../lib/
cp libaudiofile/.libs/libaudiofile.la ../lib/

Navigate back to tools/, then alter the Makefile and add -lstdc++ on the following line

tabledesign_CFLAGS := -Wno-uninitialized -laudiofile -lstdc++

Run make

PATH=/mingw64/bin:/mingw32/bin:$PATH make

Navigate back to the sm64pc root directory.

Finally, run make once more.

(Note that mingw32 and mingw64 have been swapped. This is so you can build the 32bit application successfully.)

PATH=/mingw32/bin:/mingw64/bin:$PATH make