9 Compiling on Linux
IvanDSM edited this page 2020-05-10 23:33:48 -03:00

Note to Windows users

Do not attempt to use this guide to compile Windows binaries under WSL or Linux. It will not work. Use the "Compiling on Windows" guide.

Copy baserom(s) for asset extraction

For each version (jp/us/eu) that you want to build an executable for, put an existing ROM at ./baserom.<version>.z64 for asset extraction.

Install build dependencies

The build system has the following package requirements:

  • python3 >= 3.6
  • libsdl2-dev
  • audiofile
  • libglew-dev
  • git

Debian / Ubuntu - targeting 32 bits

sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libaudiofile-dev libglew-dev:i386 libsdl2-dev:i386

Debian / Ubuntu - targeting 64 bits

sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libaudiofile-dev libglew-dev libsdl2-dev

Arch Linux

There is an AUR package (courtesy of @narukeh) avaliable under the name sm64pc-git. Install it using your AUR helper of choice.

If you want to build it yourself:

sudo pacman -S base-devel python audiofile sdl2 glew

Void Linux - targeting 64 bits

sudo xbps-install -S base-devel python3 audiofile-devel SDL2-devel glew-devel

Void Linux - targeting 32 bits

sudo xbps-install -S base-devel python3 audiofile-devel-32bit SDL2-devel-32bit glew-devel-32bit

Build the executable.

Run make to build (defaults to VERSION=us)

make VERSION=jp -j6                           # build (J) version with 6 jobs
make VERSION=us MARCH=i686 TARGET_BITS=32     # builds a (U) 32-bit executable 
make TARGET_RPI=1                             # targets an executable for a Raspberry Pi