
187 lines
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// +build !js
package ui
import (
// Target frames per second for the MainWindow to render at.
var (
FPS = 60
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// Default width and height for MainWindow.
var (
DefaultWidth = 640
DefaultHeight = 480
// MainWindow is the parent window of a UI application.
type MainWindow struct {
Engine render.Engine
supervisor *Supervisor
frame *Frame
loopCallbacks []func(*event.State)
w int
h int
// NewMainWindow initializes the MainWindow. You should probably only have one
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// of these per application. Dimensions are the width and height of the window.
// Example: NewMainWindow("Title Bar") // default 640x480 window
// NewMainWindow("Title", 800, 600) // both required
func NewMainWindow(title string, dimensions ...int) (*MainWindow, error) {
var (
width = DefaultWidth
height = DefaultHeight
if len(dimensions) > 0 {
if len(dimensions) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("provide width and height dimensions, like NewMainWindow(title, 800, 600)")
width, height = dimensions[0], dimensions[1]
mw := &MainWindow{
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w: width,
h: height,
supervisor: NewSupervisor(),
loopCallbacks: []func(*event.State){},
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mw.Engine = sdl.New(
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if err := mw.Engine.Setup(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add a default frame to the window.
mw.frame = NewFrame("MainWindow Body")
mw.frame.SetBackground(render.RGBA(0, 153, 255, 100))
// Compute initial window size.
return mw, nil
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// SetTitle changes the title of the window.
func (mw *MainWindow) SetTitle(title string) {
// Add a child widget to the window.
func (mw *MainWindow) Add(w Widget) {
// Pack a child widget into the window's default frame.
func (mw *MainWindow) Pack(w Widget, pack Pack) {
mw.frame.Pack(w, pack)
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// Place a child widget into the window's default frame.
func (mw *MainWindow) Place(w Widget, config Place) {
mw.frame.Place(w, config)
// Frame returns the window's main frame, if needed.
func (mw *MainWindow) Frame() *Frame {
return mw.frame
// resized handles the window being resized.
func (mw *MainWindow) resized() {
W: mw.w,
H: mw.h,
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// SetBackground changes the window's frame's background color.
func (mw *MainWindow) SetBackground(color render.Color) {
// Present the window.
func (mw *MainWindow) Present() {
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// OnLoop registers a function to be called on every loop of the main window.
// This enables your application to register global event handlers or whatnot.
// The function is called between the event polling and the updating of any UI
// elements.
func (mw *MainWindow) OnLoop(callback func(*event.State)) {
mw.loopCallbacks = append(mw.loopCallbacks, callback)
// MainLoop starts the main event loop and blocks until there's an error.
func (mw *MainWindow) MainLoop() error {
for true {
if err := mw.Loop(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Loop does one loop of the UI.
func (mw *MainWindow) Loop() error {
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// Record how long this loop took.
start := time.Now()
// Poll for events.
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ev, err := mw.Engine.Poll()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("event poll error: %s", err)
if ev.WindowResized {
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w, h := mw.Engine.WindowSize()
if w != mw.w || h != mw.h {
mw.w = w
mw.h = h
// Ping any loop callbacks.
for _, cb := range mw.loopCallbacks {
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// Render the child widgets.
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mw.frame.Present(mw.Engine, mw.frame.Point())
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// Delay to maintain target frames per second.
var delay uint32
var targetFPS = 1000 / FPS
elapsed := time.Now().Sub(start) / time.Millisecond
if targetFPS-int(elapsed) > 0 {
delay = uint32(targetFPS - int(elapsed))
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return nil