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package ui
import (
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
// BorderStyle options for widget.SetBorderStyle()
type BorderStyle string
// Styles for a widget border.
const (
BorderNone BorderStyle = ""
BorderSolid BorderStyle = "solid"
BorderRaised = "raised"
BorderSunken = "sunken"
// Widget is a user interface element.
type Widget interface {
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
ID() string // Get the widget's string ID.
IDFunc(func() string) // Set a function that returns the widget's ID.
String() string
Point() render.Point
Size() render.Rect // Return the Width and Height of the widget.
FixedSize() bool // Return whether the size is fixed (true) or automatic (false)
BoxSize() render.Rect // Return the full size including the border and outline.
Rect() render.Rect // Return the full absolute rect combining the Size() and Point()
Handle(Event, func(render.Point))
Event(Event, render.Point) // called internally to trigger an event
// Thickness of the padding + border + outline.
BoxThickness(multiplier int32) int32
DrawBox(render.Engine, render.Point)
// Widget configuration getters.
Margin() int32 // Margin away from other widgets
SetMargin(int32) //
Background() render.Color // Background color
SetBackground(render.Color) //
Foreground() render.Color // Foreground color
SetForeground(render.Color) //
BorderStyle() BorderStyle // Border style: none, raised, sunken
SetBorderStyle(BorderStyle) //
BorderColor() render.Color // Border color (default is Background)
SetBorderColor(render.Color) //
BorderSize() int32 // Border size (default 0)
SetBorderSize(int32) //
OutlineColor() render.Color // Outline color (default Invisible)
SetOutlineColor(render.Color) //
OutlineSize() int32 // Outline size (default 0)
SetOutlineSize(int32) //
// Run any render computations; by the end the widget must know its
// Width and Height. For example the Label widget will render itself onto
// an SDL Surface and then it will know its bounding box, but not before.
// Render the final widget onto the drawing engine.
Present(render.Engine, render.Point)
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
// Config holds common base widget configs for quick configuration.
type Config struct {
// Size management. If you provide a non-zero value for Width and Height,
// the widget will be resized and the "fixedSize" flag is set, meaning it
// will not re-compute its size dynamically. To set the size while also
// keeping the auto-resize property, pass AutoResize=true too. This is
// mainly used internally when widgets are calculating their automatic sizes.
AutoResize bool
Width int32
Height int32
Margin int32
MarginX int32
MarginY int32
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
Background render.Color
Foreground render.Color
BorderSize int32
BorderStyle BorderStyle
BorderColor render.Color
OutlineSize int32
OutlineColor render.Color
// BaseWidget holds common functionality for all widgets, such as managing
// their widths and heights.
type BaseWidget struct {
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
id string
idFunc func() string
fixedSize bool
width int32
height int32
point render.Point
margin int32
background render.Color
foreground render.Color
borderStyle BorderStyle
borderColor render.Color
borderSize int32
outlineColor render.Color
outlineSize int32
handlers map[Event][]func(render.Point)
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
// SetID sets a string name for your widget, helpful for debugging purposes.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetID(id string) { = id
// ID returns the ID that the widget calls itself by.
func (w *BaseWidget) ID() string {
if w.idFunc == nil {
w.IDFunc(func() string {
return "Widget<Untitled>"
return w.idFunc()
// IDFunc sets an ID function.
func (w *BaseWidget) IDFunc(fn func() string) {
w.idFunc = fn
func (w *BaseWidget) String() string {
return w.ID()
// Configure the base widget with all the common properties at once. Any
// property left as the zero value will not update the widget.
func (w *BaseWidget) Configure(c Config) {
if c.Width != 0 || c.Height != 0 {
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
w.fixedSize = !c.AutoResize
if c.Width != 0 {
w.width = c.Width
if c.Height != 0 {
w.height = c.Height
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
if c.Margin != 0 {
w.margin = c.Margin
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
if c.Background != render.Invisible {
w.background = c.Background
if c.Foreground != render.Invisible {
w.foreground = c.Foreground
if c.BorderColor != render.Invisible {
w.borderColor = c.BorderColor
if c.OutlineColor != render.Invisible {
w.outlineColor = c.OutlineColor
if c.BorderSize != 0 {
w.borderSize = c.BorderSize
if c.BorderStyle != BorderNone {
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
w.borderStyle = c.BorderStyle
if c.OutlineSize != 0 {
w.outlineSize = c.OutlineSize
// Rect returns the widget's absolute rectangle, the combined Size and Point.
func (w *BaseWidget) Rect() render.Rect {
return render.Rect{
X: w.point.X,
Y: w.point.Y,
W: w.width,
H: w.height,
// Point returns the X,Y position of the widget on the window.
func (w *BaseWidget) Point() render.Point {
return w.point
// MoveTo updates the X,Y position to the new point.
func (w *BaseWidget) MoveTo(v render.Point) {
w.point = v
// MoveBy adds the X,Y values to the widget's current position.
func (w *BaseWidget) MoveBy(v render.Point) {
w.point.X += v.X
w.point.Y += v.Y
// Size returns the box with W and H attributes containing the size of the
// widget. The X,Y attributes of the box are ignored and zero.
func (w *BaseWidget) Size() render.Rect {
return render.Rect{
W: w.width,
H: w.height,
// BoxSize returns the full rendered size of the widget including its box
// thickness (border, padding and outline).
func (w *BaseWidget) BoxSize() render.Rect {
return render.Rect{
W: w.width + w.BoxThickness(2),
H: w.height + w.BoxThickness(2),
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
// FixedSize returns whether the widget's size has been hard-coded by the user
// (true) or if it automatically resizes based on its contents (false).
func (w *BaseWidget) FixedSize() bool {
return w.fixedSize
// Resize sets the size of the widget to the .W and .H attributes of a rect.
func (w *BaseWidget) Resize(v render.Rect) {
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
w.fixedSize = true
w.width = v.W
w.height = v.H
// ResizeBy resizes by a relative amount.
func (w *BaseWidget) ResizeBy(v render.Rect) {
w.fixedSize = true
w.width += v.W
w.height += v.H
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
// resizeAuto sets the size of the widget but doesn't set the fixedSize flag.
func (w *BaseWidget) resizeAuto(v render.Rect) {
w.width = v.W
w.height = v.H
// BoxThickness returns the full sum of the padding, border and outline.
// m = multiplier, i.e., 1 or 2
func (w *BaseWidget) BoxThickness(m int32) int32 {
if m == 0 {
m = 1
return (w.Margin() * m) + (w.BorderSize() * m) + (w.OutlineSize() * m)
// DrawBox draws the border and outline.
func (w *BaseWidget) DrawBox(e render.Engine, P render.Point) {
var (
S = w.Size()
outline = w.OutlineSize()
border = w.BorderSize()
borderColor = w.BorderColor()
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
highlight = borderColor.Lighten(theme.BorderColorOffset)
shadow = borderColor.Darken(theme.BorderColorOffset)
color render.Color
box = render.Rect{
X: P.X,
Y: P.Y,
W: S.W,
H: S.H,
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
if borderColor == render.Invisible {
borderColor = render.Red
// Draw the outline layer as the full size of the widget.
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
if outline > 0 && w.OutlineColor() != render.Invisible {
e.DrawBox(w.OutlineColor(), render.Rect{
X: P.X,
Y: P.Y,
W: S.W,
H: S.H,
box.X += outline
box.Y += outline
box.W -= outline * 2
box.H -= outline * 2
// Highlight on the top left edge.
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
if border > 0 {
if w.BorderStyle() == BorderRaised {
color = highlight
} else if w.BorderStyle() == BorderSunken {
color = shadow
} else {
color = borderColor
e.DrawBox(color, box)
// Shadow on the bottom right edge.
box.X += border
box.Y += border
box.W -= border
box.H -= border
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
if w.BorderSize() > 0 {
if w.BorderStyle() == BorderRaised {
color = shadow
} else if w.BorderStyle() == BorderSunken {
color = highlight
} else {
color = borderColor
e.DrawBox(color, box)
// Background color of the button.
box.W -= border
box.H -= border
2018-08-01 00:18:13 +00:00
if w.Background() != render.Invisible {
e.DrawBox(w.Background(), box)
// Margin returns the margin width.
func (w *BaseWidget) Margin() int32 {
return w.margin
// SetMargin sets the margin width.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetMargin(v int32) {
w.margin = v
// Background returns the background color.
func (w *BaseWidget) Background() render.Color {
return w.background
// SetBackground sets the color.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetBackground(c render.Color) {
w.background = c
// Foreground returns the foreground color.
func (w *BaseWidget) Foreground() render.Color {
return w.foreground
// SetForeground sets the color.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetForeground(c render.Color) {
w.foreground = c
// BorderStyle returns the border style.
func (w *BaseWidget) BorderStyle() BorderStyle {
return w.borderStyle
// SetBorderStyle sets the border style.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetBorderStyle(v BorderStyle) {
w.borderStyle = v
// BorderColor returns the border color, or defaults to the background color.
func (w *BaseWidget) BorderColor() render.Color {
if w.borderColor == render.Invisible {
return w.Background()
return w.borderColor
// SetBorderColor sets the border color.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetBorderColor(c render.Color) {
w.borderColor = c
// BorderSize returns the border thickness.
func (w *BaseWidget) BorderSize() int32 {
return w.borderSize
// SetBorderSize sets the border thickness.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetBorderSize(v int32) {
w.borderSize = v
// OutlineColor returns the background color.
func (w *BaseWidget) OutlineColor() render.Color {
return w.outlineColor
// SetOutlineColor sets the color.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetOutlineColor(c render.Color) {
w.outlineColor = c
// OutlineSize returns the outline thickness.
func (w *BaseWidget) OutlineSize() int32 {
return w.outlineSize
// SetOutlineSize sets the outline thickness.
func (w *BaseWidget) SetOutlineSize(v int32) {
w.outlineSize = v
// Event is called internally by Doodle to trigger an event.
func (w *BaseWidget) Event(event Event, p render.Point) {
if handlers, ok := w.handlers[event]; ok {
for _, fn := range handlers {
// Handle an event in the widget.
func (w *BaseWidget) Handle(event Event, fn func(render.Point)) {
if w.handlers == nil {
w.handlers = map[Event][]func(render.Point){}
if _, ok := w.handlers[event]; !ok {
w.handlers[event] = []func(render.Point){}
w.handlers[event] = append(w.handlers[event], fn)
// OnMouseOut should be overridden on widgets who want this event.
func (w *BaseWidget) OnMouseOut(render.Point) {}