
289 rivejä
6.3 KiB

package ui
import (
// MenuWidth sets the width of all popup menus. TODO, widths should be automatic.
var MenuWidth = 180
// Menu is a frame that holds menu items. It is the
type Menu struct {
Name string
supervisor *Supervisor
body *Frame
items []*MenuItem
// NewMenu creates a new Menu. It is hidden by default. Usually you'll
// use it with a MenuButton or in a right-click handler.
func NewMenu(name string) *Menu {
w := &Menu{
Name: name,
body: NewFrame(name + ":Body"),
items: []*MenuItem{},
Width: MenuWidth,
Height: 100,
BorderSize: 0,
BorderStyle: BorderRaised,
Background: theme.ButtonBackgroundColor,
w.IDFunc(func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Menu<%s>", w.Name)
return w
// Children returns the child frame of the menu.
func (w *Menu) Children() []Widget {
return []Widget{
// Supervise the Menu. This will add all current and future MenuItem widgets
// to the supervisor.
func (w *Menu) Supervise(s *Supervisor) {
w.supervisor = s
for _, item := range w.items {
// Compute the menu
func (w *Menu) Compute(e render.Engine) {
// TODO: ideally the Frame Pack Compute would fix the size of the body
// for the height to match the height of the menu items... but for now
// manually set the height.
var maxWidth int
var height int
for _, child := range w.body.Children() {
size := child.Size()
if size.W > maxWidth {
maxWidth = size.W
height += child.Size().H
w.body.Resize(render.NewRect(maxWidth, height))
// Call the BaseWidget Compute in case we have subscribers.
// Present the menu
func (w *Menu) Present(e render.Engine, p render.Point) {
w.body.Present(e, p)
// Call the BaseWidget Present in case we have subscribers.
w.BaseWidget.Present(e, p)
// AddItem quickly adds an item to a menu.
func (w *Menu) AddItem(label string, command func()) *MenuItem {
menu := NewMenuItem(label, "", command)
// Add a Click handler that closes the menu when a selection is made.
menu.Handle(Click, w.menuClickHandler)
return menu
// AddItemAccel quickly adds an item to a menu with a shortcut key label.
func (w *Menu) AddItemAccel(label string, accelerator string, command func()) *MenuItem {
menu := NewMenuItem(label, accelerator, command)
// Add a Click handler that closes the menu when a selection is made.
menu.Handle(Click, w.menuClickHandler)
return menu
// Click handler for all menu items, to also close the menu behind them.
func (w *Menu) menuClickHandler(ed EventData) error {
if w.supervisor != nil {
return nil
// AddSeparator adds a separator bar to the menu to delineate items.
func (w *Menu) AddSeparator() *MenuItem {
sep := NewMenuSeparator()
return sep
// Pack a menu item onto the menu.
func (w *Menu) Pack(item *MenuItem) {
w.items = append(w.items, item)
w.body.Pack(item, Pack{
Side: N,
FillX: true,
if w.supervisor != nil {
// Size returns the size of the menu's body.
func (w *Menu) Size() render.Rect {
return w.body.Size()
// Rect returns the rect of the menu's body.
func (w *Menu) Rect() render.Rect {
// TODO: the height reports wrong (0), manually add up the MenuItem sizes.
// This manifests in Supervisor.runWidgetEvents when checking if the cursor
// clicked outside the rect of the active menu modal.
rect := w.body.Rect()
rect.H = 0
for _, child := range w.body.Children() {
rect.H += child.Size().H
return rect
// MenuItem is an item in a Menu.
type MenuItem struct {
Label string
Accelerator string
Command func()
separator bool
button *Button
// store of most recent bg color set on a menu item
cacheBg render.Color
cacheFg render.Color
// NewMenuItem creates a new menu item.
func NewMenuItem(label, accelerator string, command func()) *MenuItem {
w := &MenuItem{
Label: label,
Accelerator: accelerator,
Command: command,
w.IDFunc(func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("MenuItem<%s>", w.Label)
font := DefaultFont
font.Color = render.Black
font.PadX = 12
font.PadY = 2
// The button child will be a Frame so we can have a left-aligned label
// and a right-aligned accelerator.
frame := NewFrame(label + ":Frame")
Width: MenuWidth,
// Left of frame: menu item label
lbl := NewLabel(Label{
Text: label,
Font: font,
frame.Pack(lbl, Pack{
Side: W,
// On the right: accelerator shortcut key
if accelerator != "" {
accel := NewLabel(Label{
Text: accelerator,
Font: font,
frame.Pack(accel, Pack{
Side: E,
w.Button.child = frame
BorderSize: 0,
Background: theme.ButtonBackgroundColor,
w.Button.Handle(MouseOver, func(ed EventData) error {
return nil
w.Button.Handle(MouseOut, func(ed EventData) error {
return nil
w.Button.Handle(Click, func(ed EventData) error {
return nil
// Assign the button
return w
// NewMenuSeparator creates a separator menu item.
func NewMenuSeparator() *MenuItem {
w := &MenuItem{
separator: true,
w.IDFunc(func() string {
return "MenuItem<separator>"
w.Button.child = NewFrame("Menu Separator")
Width: MenuWidth,
Height: 2,
BorderSize: 1,
BorderStyle: BorderSunken,
BorderColor: render.Grey,
return w
// Set the hover styling (text/bg color)
func (w *MenuItem) setHoverStyle(hovering bool) {
// Note: this only works if the MenuItem is using the standard
// Frame and Labels layout created by AddItem(). If not, this function
// does nothing.
// BG color.
if hovering {
w.cacheBg = w.Background()
} else {
frame, ok := w.Button.child.(*Frame)
if !ok {
for _, widget := range frame.Children() {
if label, ok := widget.(*Label); ok {
if hovering {
w.cacheFg = label.Font.Color
label.Font.Color = render.White
} else {
label.Font.Color = w.cacheFg