
255 lines
5.3 KiB

package ui
import (
// Scrollbar dimensions, TODO: make configurable.
var (
scrollWidth = 20
scrollbarHeight = 40
// ScrollBar is a classic scrolling widget.
type ScrollBar struct {
style *style.Button
supervisor *Supervisor
trough *Frame
slider *Frame
// Configurable scroll ranges.
Min int
Max int
Step int
value int
// Variable bindings: give these pointers to your values.
Variable interface{} // pointer to e.g. a string or int
// TextVariable *string // string value
// IntVariable *int // integer value
// Drag/drop state.
dragging bool // mouse down on slider
scrollPx int // px from the top where the slider is placed
dragStart render.Point // where the mouse was on click
wasScrollPx int
everyTick func()
// NewScrollBar creates a new ScrollBar.
func NewScrollBar(config ScrollBar) *ScrollBar {
w := &ScrollBar{
Frame: NewFrame("Scrollbar Frame"),
Variable: config.Variable,
style: &style.DefaultButton,
Min: config.Min,
Max: config.Max,
Step: config.Step,
if w.Max == 0 {
w.Max = 100
if w.Step == 0 {
w.Step = 1
w.IDFunc(func() string {
return "ScrollBar"
return w
// SetStyle sets the ScrollBar style.
func (w *ScrollBar) SetStyle(v *style.Button) {
if v == nil {
v = &style.DefaultButton
w.style = v
fmt.Printf("set style: %+v\n", v)
BorderSize: w.style.BorderSize,
BorderStyle: BorderSunken,
Background: w.style.Background.Darken(40),
// GetStyle gets the ScrollBar style.
func (w *ScrollBar) GetStyle() *style.Button {
return w.style
// Supervise the ScrollBar. This is necessary for granting mouse-over events
// to the items in the list.
func (w *ScrollBar) Supervise(s *Supervisor) {
w.supervisor = s
// Add all the list items to be supervised.
for _, c := range w.Frame.Children() {
// Compute to re-evaluate the button state (in the case of radio buttons where
// a different button will affect the state of this one when clicked).
func (w *ScrollBar) Compute(e render.Engine) {
if w.everyTick != nil {
// setup the UI components and event handlers.
func (w *ScrollBar) setup() {
Width: scrollWidth,
// The trough that holds the slider.
w.trough = NewFrame("Trough")
// Up button
upBtn := NewButton("Up", NewLabel(Label{
Text: "^",
upBtn.Handle(MouseDown, func(ed EventData) error {
w.everyTick = func() {
w.scrollPx -= w.Step
if w.scrollPx < 0 {
w.scrollPx = 0
w.trough.Place(w.slider, Place{
Top: w.scrollPx,
return nil
upBtn.Handle(MouseUp, func(ed EventData) error {
w.everyTick = nil
return nil
// The slider
w.slider = NewFrame("Slider")
BorderSize: w.style.BorderSize,
BorderStyle: BorderStyle(w.style.BorderStyle),
Background: w.style.Background,
Width: scrollWidth - w.BoxThickness(w.style.BorderSize),
Height: scrollbarHeight,
// Slider events
w.slider.Handle(MouseOver, func(ed EventData) error {
return nil
w.slider.Handle(MouseOut, func(ed EventData) error {
return nil
w.slider.Handle(MouseDown, func(ed EventData) error {
w.dragging = true
w.dragStart = ed.Point
w.wasScrollPx = w.scrollPx
fmt.Printf("begin drag from %s\n", ed.Point)
return nil
w.slider.Handle(MouseUp, func(ed EventData) error {
fmt.Println("mouse released")
w.dragging = false
return nil
w.slider.Handle(MouseMove, func(ed EventData) error {
if w.dragging {
var (
delta = w.dragStart.Compare(ed.Point)
moveTo = w.wasScrollPx + delta.Y
if moveTo < 0 {
moveTo = 0
} else if moveTo > w.trough.height-w.slider.height {
moveTo = w.trough.height - w.slider.height
fmt.Printf("delta drag: %s\n", delta)
w.scrollPx = moveTo
w.trough.Place(w.slider, Place{
Top: w.scrollPx,
return nil
downBtn := NewButton("Down", NewLabel(Label{
Text: "v",
downBtn.Handle(MouseDown, func(ed EventData) error {
w.everyTick = func() {
w.scrollPx += w.Step
if w.scrollPx > w.trough.height-w.slider.height {
w.scrollPx = w.trough.height - w.slider.height
w.trough.Place(w.slider, Place{
Top: w.scrollPx,
return nil
downBtn.Handle(MouseUp, func(ed EventData) error {
w.everyTick = nil
return nil
w.Frame.Pack(upBtn, Pack{
Side: N,
FillX: true,
w.Frame.Pack(w.trough, Pack{
Side: N,
Fill: true,
Expand: true,
w.trough.Place(w.slider, Place{
Top: w.scrollPx,
Left: 0,
w.Frame.Pack(downBtn, Pack{
Side: N,
FillX: true,
// Present the scrollbar.
func (w *ScrollBar) Present(e render.Engine, p render.Point) {
w.Frame.Present(e, p)
func (w *ScrollBar) sendScrollEvent() {
var fraction float64
if w.scrollPx > 0 {
fraction = float64(w.scrollPx) / (float64(w.trough.height) - float64(w.slider.height))
w.Event(Scroll, EventData{
ScrollFraction: fraction,
ScrollUnits: int(fraction * float64(w.Max)),
ScrollPages: 0,