Menus and Menu Bars #2

kirsle sapludināja 1 revīzijas no menus uz master 2020-06-05 02:49:26 +00:00
  • New and completed widgets: Menu, MenuButton and MenuBar.
  • MenuButton is a kind of Button that opens a popup Menu when clicked.
  • MenuBar is a container of buttons designed to be attached to the top
    of an application window ("File, Edit, View, Help")
  • Supervisor manages the popup menus with its new concept of a Modal
    Widget. Modal widgets take exclusive event priority for all mouse and
    key events. The pop-up menu is a modal window, which means you must
    click an option inside the menu OR clicking outside the menu will
    close it and eat your click event (widgets outside the modal don't
    receive events, but the modal itself gets an event that you've done
* New and completed widgets: Menu, MenuButton and MenuBar. * MenuButton is a kind of Button that opens a popup Menu when clicked. * MenuBar is a container of buttons designed to be attached to the top of an application window ("File, Edit, View, Help") * Supervisor manages the popup menus with its new concept of a Modal Widget. Modal widgets take exclusive event priority for all mouse and key events. The pop-up menu is a modal window, which means you must click an option inside the menu OR clicking outside the menu will close it and eat your click event (widgets outside the modal don't receive events, but the modal itself gets an event that you've done this).
kirsle aizvēra šo izmaiņu pieprasījumu 2020-06-05 02:49:26 +00:00
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