Scrollbar Widget #5

kirsle2020-06-04 18:26:29 +00:00に作成 · 0件のコメント

Add a Scrollbar widget to the UI toolkit. It would provide scroll buttons, a draggable bar, and bind to a floating point number indicating the scroll position.

It would be a generic widget that can serve as a number slider or be composed with bigger, more complex widgets to accommodate things like scrollable text boxes or scrollable menus and so on.

The Scrollbar widget would consist of:

  • A Frame to contain all the child widgets and serve as the trough of the scrollbar.
  • Two Buttons on either end (your "up/down" or "left/right" scroll buttons)
  • A draggable Button to be the scroll bar itself, which can move between the two end Buttons and indicate the current scroll position.

Options for the widget would include:

  • Orientation (vertical or horizontal)
  • Ability to hide the up/down scroll buttons (e.g. to support use cases as a number slider widget instead of a scrollbar)
  • Min and max ranges for the scrollbar's value (float64 numbers)
  • A callback function for "OnScroll" that would receive the current scroll value.
Add a Scrollbar widget to the UI toolkit. It would provide scroll buttons, a draggable bar, and bind to a floating point number indicating the scroll position. It would be a generic widget that can serve as a number slider or be composed with bigger, more complex widgets to accommodate things like scrollable text boxes or scrollable menus and so on. The Scrollbar widget would consist of: * A Frame to contain all the child widgets and serve as the trough of the scrollbar. * Two Buttons on either end (your "up/down" or "left/right" scroll buttons) * A draggable Button to be the scroll bar itself, which can move between the two end Buttons and indicate the current scroll position. Options for the widget would include: * Orientation (vertical or horizontal) * Ability to hide the up/down scroll buttons (e.g. to support use cases as a number slider widget instead of a scrollbar) * Min and max ranges for the scrollbar's value (float64 numbers) * A callback function for "OnScroll" that would receive the current scroll value.
kirsle がラベル
を追加 2020-06-04 18:26:29 +00:00
1 人の参加者
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リファレンス: go/ui#5