Add the Pager Widget

Noah 2020-07-09 19:31:46 -07:00
Parent 0e027a9fee
révision e2a561fbd0
2 fichiers modifiés avec 215 ajouts et 0 suppressions

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@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ most complex.
* Works the same as CheckButton and RadioButton but draws a separate
label next to a small check button. Clicking the label will toggle the
state of the checkbox.
* [x] **Pager**: a series of numbered buttons to use with a paginated UI.
Includes "Forward" and "Next" buttons and buttons for each page number.
* [x] **Window**: a Frame with a title bar Frame on top.
* Can be managed by Supervisor to give Window Manager controls to it
(drag it by its title bar, Close button, window focus, multiple overlapping

pager.go Normal file
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
package ui
import (
// Pager is a frame with Pagers for paginated UI.
type Pager struct {
// Config settings.
Page int // default 1
Pages int
PerPage int // default 20
Font render.Text
OnChange func(page, perPage int)
supervisor *Supervisor
child Widget
buttons []Widget
page string // radio button value of Page
// Private options.
hovering bool
clicked bool
// NewPager creates a new Pager.
func NewPager(config Pager) *Pager {
w := &Pager{
Page: config.Page,
Pages: config.Pages,
PerPage: config.PerPage,
Font: config.Font,
OnChange: config.OnChange,
buttons: []Widget{},
// default settings
if w.Page == 0 {
w.Page = 1
if w.PerPage == 0 {
w.PerPage = 20
w.IDFunc(func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Pager<%d of %d>", w.Page, w.PerPage)
w.child = w.setup()
return w
// Supervise the pager to make its buttons work.
func (w *Pager) Supervise(s *Supervisor) {
w.supervisor = s
for _, btn := range w.buttons {
// setup the frame
func (w *Pager) setup() *Frame {
frame := NewFrame("Pager Frame")
if w.Pages == 0 {
return frame
w.buttons = []Widget{} = fmt.Sprintf("%d", w.Page)
// Previous Page Button
prev := NewButton("Previous", NewLabel(Label{
Text: "<",
Font: w.Font,
w.buttons = append(w.buttons, prev)
prev.Handle(Click, func(ed EventData) error {
frame.Pack(prev, Pack{
Side: W,
// Draw the numbered buttons.
for i := 1; i <= w.Pages; i++ {
page := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
btn := NewRadioButton(
"Page "+page,
Text: page,
Font: w.Font,
w.buttons = append(w.buttons, btn)
btn.Handle(Click, func(ed EventData) error {
if w.OnChange != nil {
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(
w.OnChange(page, w.PerPage)
return nil
if w.supervisor != nil {
frame.Pack(btn, Pack{
Side: W,
// Next Page Button
next := NewButton("Next", NewLabel(Label{
Text: ">",
Font: w.Font,
w.buttons = append(w.buttons, next)
next.Handle(Click, func(ed EventData) error {
frame.Pack(next, Pack{
Side: W,
return frame
// next (1) or previous (-1) button
func (w *Pager) next(value int) error {
fmt.Printf("next(%d)\n", value)
intvalue, _ := strconv.Atoi(
intvalue += value
if intvalue < 1 {
intvalue = 1
} else if intvalue > w.Pages {
intvalue = w.Pages
} = fmt.Sprintf("%d", intvalue)
if w.OnChange != nil {
w.OnChange(intvalue, w.PerPage)
return nil
// Compute the size of the Pager.
func (w *Pager) Compute(e render.Engine) {
// Compute the size of the inner widget first.
// Auto-resize only if we haven't been given a fixed size.
if !w.FixedSize() {
size := w.child.Size()
W: size.W + w.BoxThickness(2),
H: size.H + w.BoxThickness(2),
// Present the Pager.
func (w *Pager) Present(e render.Engine, P render.Point) {
if w.Hidden() {
var (
S = w.Size()
ChildSize = w.child.Size()
// Draw the widget's border and everything.
w.DrawBox(e, P)
// Offset further if we are currently sunken.
var clickOffset int
if w.clicked {
// Where to place the child widget.
moveTo := render.Point{
X: P.X + w.BoxThickness(1) + clickOffset,
Y: P.Y + w.BoxThickness(1) + clickOffset,
// If we're bigger than we need to be, center the child widget.
if S.Bigger(ChildSize) {
moveTo.X = P.X + (S.W / 2) - (ChildSize.W / 2)
// Draw the text label inside.
w.child.Present(e, moveTo)
w.BaseWidget.Present(e, P)