
90 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package ui
import (
// ImageType for supported image formats.
type ImageType string
// Supported image formats.
const (
BMP ImageType = "bmp"
PNG = "png"
// Image is a widget that is backed by an image file.
type Image struct {
// Configurable fields for the constructor.
Type ImageType
texture render.Texturer
// NewImage creates a new Image.
func NewImage(c Image) *Image {
w := &Image{
Type: c.Type,
if w.Type == "" {
w.Type = BMP
w.IDFunc(func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`Image<"%s">`, w.Type)
return w
// ImageFromTexture creates an Image from a texture.
func ImageFromTexture(tex render.Texturer) *Image {
return &Image{
texture: tex,
// OpenImage initializes an Image with a given file name.
// The file extension is important and should be a supported ImageType.
func OpenImage(e render.Engine, filename string) (*Image, error) {
w := &Image{}
switch strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) {
case ".bmp":
w.Type = BMP
case ".png":
w.Type = PNG
return nil, fmt.Errorf("OpenImage: %s: not a supported image type", filename)
tex, err := e.LoadTexture(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w.texture = tex
return w, nil
// Compute the widget.
func (w *Image) Compute(e render.Engine) {
// Present the widget.
func (w *Image) Present(e render.Engine, p render.Point) {
size := w.texture.Size()
dst := render.Rect{
X: p.X,
Y: p.Y,
W: size.W,
H: size.H,
e.Copy(w.texture, size, dst)