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package ui
import (
// Event is a named event that the supervisor will send.
type Event int
// Events.
const (
NullEvent Event = iota
// Drag/drop event handlers.
DragStop // if a widget is being dragged and the drag is done
DragMove // mouse movements sent to a widget being dragged.
Drop // a "drop site" widget under the cursor when a drag is done
// Window Manager events.
// Lifecycle event handlers.
Compute // fired whenever the widget runs Compute
Present // fired whenever the widget runs Present
// EventData carries common data to event handlers.
type EventData struct {
// Point is usually the cursor position on click and mouse events.
Point render.Point
// Engine is the render engine on Compute and Present events.
Engine render.Engine
// Supervisor is the reference to the supervisor who sent the event.
Supervisor *Supervisor
// Supervisor keeps track of widgets of interest to notify them about
// interaction events such as mouse hovers and clicks in their general
// vicinity.
type Supervisor struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
serial int // ID number of each widget added in order
widgets map[int]WidgetSlot // map of widget ID to WidgetSlot
hovering map[int]interface{} // map of widgets under the cursor
clicked map[int]bool // map of widgets being clicked
dd *DragDrop
// Stack of modal widgets that have event priority.
modals []Widget
// List of window focus history for Window Manager.
winFocus *FocusedWindow
winTop *FocusedWindow // pointer to top-most window
winBottom *FocusedWindow // pointer to bottom-most window
// WidgetSlot holds a widget with a unique ID number in a sorted list.
type WidgetSlot struct {
id int
widget Widget
// NewSupervisor creates a supervisor.
func NewSupervisor() *Supervisor {
return &Supervisor{
widgets: map[int]WidgetSlot{},
hovering: map[int]interface{}{},
clicked: map[int]bool{},
modals: []Widget{},
dd: NewDragDrop(),
// DragStart sets the drag state without a widget.
// An example where you'd use this is if you want a widget to respond to a
// Drop event (mouse released over a drop-site widget) but the 'thing' being
// dragged is not a ui.Widget, i.e., for custom app specific logic.
func (s *Supervisor) DragStart() {
// DragStartWidget sets the drag state to true with a target widget attached.
// The widget being dragged is given DragMove events while the drag is
// underway. When the mouse button is released, the widget is given a
// DragStop event and the widget below the cursor is given a Drop event.
func (s *Supervisor) DragStartWidget(w Widget) {
// DragStop stops the drag state.
func (s *Supervisor) DragStop() {
// IsDragging returns whether the drag state is enabled.
func (s *Supervisor) IsDragging() bool {
return s.dd.IsDragging()
// Error messages that may be returned by Supervisor.Loop()
var (
// The caller should STOP forwarding any mouse or keyboard events to any
// other handles for the remainder of this tick.
ErrStopPropagation = errors.New("stop all event propagation")
ErrNoEventHandler = errors.New("no event handler")
// Loop to check events and pass them to managed widgets.
// Useful errors returned by this may be:
// - ErrStopPropagation
func (s *Supervisor) Loop(ev *event.State) error {
var (
XY = render.Point{
X: ev.CursorX,
Y: ev.CursorY,
// See if we are hovering over any widgets.
hovering, outside := s.Hovering(XY)
// If we are dragging something around, do not trigger any mouse events
// to other widgets but DO notify any widget we dropped on top of!
if s.dd.IsDragging() {
if !ev.Button1 && !ev.Button3 {
// The mouse has been released. TODO: make mouse button important?
for _, child := range hovering {
child.widget.Event(Drop, EventData{
Point: XY,
} else {
// If we have a target widget being dragged, send it mouse events.
if target := s.dd.Widget(); target != nil {
target.Event(DragMove, EventData{
Point: XY,
return ErrStopPropagation
// Check if the top focused window has been closed and auto-focus the next.
if s.winFocus != nil && s.winFocus.window.Hidden() {
next := s.winFocus.next
for next != nil {
if !next.window.Hidden() {
next = next.next
// Run events in managed windows first, from top to bottom.
// Widgets in unmanaged windows will be handled next.
// err := s.runWindowEvents(XY, ev, hovering, outside)
// Only run if there is no active modal (modals have top priority)
if len(s.modals) == 0 {
handled, err := s.runWidgetEvents(XY, ev, hovering, outside, true)
if err == ErrStopPropagation || handled {
// A widget in the active window has accepted an event. Do not pass
// the event also to lower widgets.
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return ErrStopPropagation
// Run events for the other widgets not in a managed window.
// (Modal event priority is handled in runWidgetEvents)
s.runWidgetEvents(XY, ev, hovering, outside, false)
return nil
// Hovering returns all of the widgets managed by Supervisor that are under
// the mouse cursor. Returns the set of widgets below the cursor and the set
// of widgets not below the cursor.
func (s *Supervisor) Hovering(cursor render.Point) (hovering, outside []WidgetSlot) {
var XY = cursor // for shorthand
hovering = []WidgetSlot{}
outside = []WidgetSlot{}
// Check all the widgets under our care.
for child := range s.Widgets() {
var (
w = child.widget
P = AbsolutePosition(w)
S = w.Size()
P2 = render.Point{
X: P.X + S.W,
Y: P.Y + S.H,
if XY.X >= P.X && XY.X < P2.X && XY.Y >= P.Y && XY.Y < P2.Y {
// Cursor intersects the widget.
hovering = append(hovering, child)
} else {
outside = append(outside, child)
return hovering, outside
// runWindowEvents is a subroutine of Supervisor.Loop().
// After determining the widgets below the cursor (hovering) and outside the
// cursor, transmit mouse events to the widgets.
// This function has two use cases:
// - In runWindowEvents where we run events for the top-most focused window of
// the window manager.
// - In Supervisor.Loop() for the widgets that are NOT owned by a managed
// window, so that these widgets always get events.
// Parameters:
// XY (Point): mouse cursor position as calculated in Loop()
// ev, hovering, outside: values from Loop(), self explanatory.
// behavior: indicates how this method is being used.
// behavior options:
// 0: widgets NOT part of a managed window. On this pass, if a widget IS
// a part of a window, it gets no events triggered.
// 1: widgets are part of the active focused window.
func (s *Supervisor) runWidgetEvents(XY render.Point, ev *event.State,
hovering, outside []WidgetSlot, toFocusedWindow bool) (bool, error) {
// Do we run any events?
var (
stopPropagation bool
ranEvents bool
// Do we have active modals? Modal widgets have top event priority given
// only to the top-most modal.
var modal Widget
if len(s.modals) > 0 {
modal = s.modals[len(s.modals)-1]
// If we're running this method in "Phase 2" (to widgets NOT in the focused
// window), only send mouse events to widgets if the cursor is NOT inside
// the bounding box of the active focused window. Prevents clicking "thru"
// the window and activating widgets/other windows behind it.
var cursorInsideFocusedWindow bool
2020-07-10 02:29:44 +00:00
if !toFocusedWindow && s.winFocus != nil && !s.winFocus.window.Hidden() {
// Get the bounding box of the focused window.
if XY.Inside(AbsoluteRect(s.winFocus.window)) {
cursorInsideFocusedWindow = true
// Handler for an Event response errors.
handle := func(err error) {
// Did any event handler run?
if err != ErrNoEventHandler {
ranEvents = true
// Are we stopping propagation?
if err == ErrStopPropagation {
stopPropagation = true
for _, child := range hovering {
if stopPropagation {
// If the cursor is inside the box of the focused window, don't trigger
// active (hovering) mouse events. MouseOut type events, below, can still
// trigger.
// Does not apply when a modal widget is active.
if cursorInsideFocusedWindow && modal == nil {
var (
id = child.id
w = child.widget
if w.Hidden() {
// TODO: somehow the Supervisor wasn't triggering hidden widgets
// anyway, but I don't know why. Adding this check for safety.
// If we have a modal active, validate this widget is a child of
// the modal widget.
if modal != nil {
if !HasParent(w, modal) {
// Check if the widget is part of a Window managed by Supervisor.
isManaged, isFocused := widgetInFocusedWindow(w)
// Are we sending events to it?
if toFocusedWindow {
// Only sending events to widgets owned by the focused window.
if !(isManaged && isFocused) {
} else {
// Sending only to widgets NOT managed by a window. This can include
// Window widgets themselves, so lower unfocused windows may be
// brought to foreground.
window, isWindow := w.(*Window)
if isManaged && !isWindow {
// It is a window, but can only be the non-focused window.
if isWindow && window.focused {
// Cursor has intersected the widget.
if _, ok := s.hovering[id]; !ok {
handle(w.Event(MouseOver, EventData{
Point: XY,
s.hovering[id] = nil
isClicked, _ := s.clicked[id]
if ev.Button1 {
if !isClicked {
err := w.Event(MouseDown, EventData{
Point: XY,
s.clicked[id] = true
} else if isClicked {
handle(w.Event(MouseUp, EventData{
Point: XY,
handle(w.Event(Click, EventData{
Point: XY,
delete(s.clicked, id)
for _, child := range outside {
var (
id = child.id
w = child.widget
// If we have a modal active, validate this widget is a child of
// the modal widget.
if modal != nil {
if !HasParent(w, modal) {
// Cursor is not intersecting the widget.
if _, ok := s.hovering[id]; ok {
handle(w.Event(MouseOut, EventData{
Point: XY,
delete(s.hovering, id)
if _, ok := s.clicked[id]; ok {
handle(w.Event(MouseUp, EventData{
Point: XY,
delete(s.clicked, id)
// If a modal is active and a click was registered outside the modal's
// bounding box, send the CloseModal event.
if modal != nil && !XY.Inside(AbsoluteRect(modal)) {
if ev.Button1 {
modal.Event(CloseModal, EventData{
Supervisor: s,
2020-06-05 04:58:45 +00:00
// If there was a modal, return stopPropagation (so callers that manage
// events externally of go/ui can see that a modal intercepted events)
if modal != nil {
return ranEvents, ErrStopPropagation
// If a stopPropagation was called, return it up the stack.
if stopPropagation {
return ranEvents, ErrStopPropagation
// If ANY event handler was called, return nil to signal
return ranEvents, nil
// Widgets returns a channel of widgets managed by the supervisor in the order
// they were added.
func (s *Supervisor) Widgets() <-chan WidgetSlot {
pipe := make(chan WidgetSlot)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < s.serial; i++ {
if w, ok := s.widgets[i]; ok {
pipe <- w
return pipe
// Present all widgets managed by the supervisor.
// NOTE: only the Window Manager feature uses this method, and this method
// will render the windows from bottom to top with the focused window on top.
// For other widgets, they should be added to a parent Frame that will call
// Present on them each time the parent Presents, or otherwise you need to
// manage the presentation of widgets outside the Supervisor.
func (s *Supervisor) Present(e render.Engine) {
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
// Render the window manager windows from bottom to top.
// Render the modals from bottom to top.
if len(s.modals) > 0 {
for _, modal := range s.modals {
modal.Present(e, modal.Point())
// Add a widget to be supervised. Has no effect if the widget is already
// under the supervisor's care.
func (s *Supervisor) Add(w Widget) {
// Check it's not already there.
for _, child := range s.widgets {
if child.widget == w {
// Add it.
s.widgets[s.serial] = WidgetSlot{
id: s.serial,
widget: w,
// PushModal sets the widget to be a "modal" for the Supervisor.
// Modal widgets have top-most event priority: mouse and click events go ONLY
// to the modal and its descendants. Modals work as a stack: the most recently
// pushed widget is the active modal, and popping the modal will make the
// next most-recent widget be the active modal.
// If a Click event registers OUTSIDE the bounds of the modal widget, the
// widget receives a CloseModal event.
// Returns the length of the modal stack.
func (s *Supervisor) PushModal(w Widget) int {
s.modals = append(s.modals, w)
return len(s.modals)
// PopModal attempts to pop the modal from the stack, but only if the modal
// is at the top of the stack.
// A widget may safely attempt to PopModal itself on a CloseModal event to
// close themselves when the user clicks outside their box. If there were a
// newer modal on the stack, this PopModal action would do nothing.
func (s *Supervisor) PopModal(w Widget) bool {
// only can pop if the topmost widget is the one being asked for
if len(s.modals) > 0 && s.modals[len(s.modals)-1] == w {
modal := s.modals[len(s.modals)-1]
// pop it off
s.modals = s.modals[:len(s.modals)-1]
return true
return false
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// GetModal returns the modal on the top of the stack, or nil if there is
// no modal on top.
func (s *Supervisor) GetModal() Widget {
if len(s.modals) == 0 {
return nil
return s.modals[len(s.modals)-1]