SDL: Support textures regenerating when flushed

* We store a Go image.Image copy of all textures in the SDL2 renderer.
* When the underlying SDL2 textures are freed, regenerate them when
  needed from the underlying Go Image.
Noah 2024-02-11 16:45:49 -08:00
parent 129a24300d
commit a8da853de0
1 changed files with 41 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -14,15 +14,21 @@ import (
func (r *Renderer) Copy(t render.Texturer, src, dst render.Rect) {
if tex, ok := t.(*Texture); ok {
var (
a = RectToSDL(src)
b = RectToSDL(dst)
a = RectToSDL(src)
b = RectToSDL(dst)
texture, err = tex.getTexture()
r.renderer.Copy(tex.tex, &a, &b)
if err == nil {
r.renderer.Copy(texture, &a, &b)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Renderer.Copy: texture %s could not be created: %s\n",, err)
// Texture can hold on to SDL textures for caching and optimization.
type Texture struct {
name string
render *Renderer // backref to free them up thoroughly
tex *sdl.Texture
image image.Image
@ -30,13 +36,16 @@ type Texture struct {
height int32
// StoreTexture caches an SDL texture from a bitmap.
func (r *Renderer) StoreTexture(name string, img image.Image) (render.Texturer, error) {
var (
fh = bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
// Render the SDL2 Texture from the base Image if the texture is not ready.
func (t *Texture) getTexture() (*sdl.Texture, error) {
if t.tex != nil {
return t.tex, nil
err := bmp.Encode(fh, img)
var (
fh = bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
err = bmp.Encode(fh, t.image)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewTexture: bmp.Encode: %s", err)
@ -57,19 +66,30 @@ func (r *Renderer) StoreTexture(name string, img image.Image) (render.Texturer,
key := sdl.MapRGB(surface.Format, 255, 255, 255)
surface.SetColorKey(true, key)
texture, err := r.renderer.CreateTextureFromSurface(surface)
texture, err := t.render.renderer.CreateTextureFromSurface(surface)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewBitmap: create texture: %s", err)
t.tex = texture
t.width = surface.W
t.height = surface.H
return t.tex, nil
// StoreTexture caches an SDL texture from a bitmap.
func (r *Renderer) StoreTexture(name string, img image.Image) (render.Texturer, error) {
tex := &Texture{
name: name,
render: r,
width: surface.W,
height: surface.H,
tex: texture,
image: img,
_, err := tex.getTexture()
if err != nil {
return tex, err
r.textures[name] = tex
@ -120,14 +140,6 @@ func (t *Texture) Free() error {
t.tex = nil
// Free up the cached texture too to garbage collect the image.Image cache etc.
for name, tex := range t.render.textures {
if tex == t {
delete(t.render.textures, name)
return err
@ -139,7 +151,10 @@ func (r *Renderer) LoadTexture(name string) (render.Texturer, error) {
if tex, ok := r.textures[name]; ok {
// If the SDL2 texture had been freed, recreate it.
if tex.tex == nil {
return r.StoreTexture(name, tex.image)
_, err := tex.getTexture()
if err != nil {
return tex, err
return tex, nil
@ -153,8 +168,11 @@ func (r *Renderer) FreeTextures() int {
var num = len(r.textures)
for name, tex := range r.textures {
if tex.tex != nil {
tex.tex = nil
delete(r.textures, name)
return num