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2013-12-02 20:16:44 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Perl CyanChat Client 3.0 - A complete rewrite from PCCC 1.x
# (C) 2006-07 Casey Kirsle
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
# Spawn a dedicated hyperlink-launching thread so we don't
# freeze up the MainWindow while a webpage loads.
our @HYPERLINKLIST : shared;
our $HTTPBROWSER : shared;
our $linkthread = threads->create (sub {
print "LinkerThread activated.\n";
while (1) {
select (undef,undef,undef,0.01);
my $next = shift @HYPERLINKLIST;
print "Hyperlink: $next\n";
if ($next eq "+shutdown") {
# Shut things down.
print "shutting down link thread\n";
system ("$HTTPBROWSER $next");
# Spawn a dedicated sound effect playing thread.
our @PLAYSOUNDS : shared;
our $MEDIAPLAYER : shared;
our $mediathread = threads->create (sub {
print "MediaThread activated.\n";
# If this is on Windows, create the media player.
my $win32mplayer = undef;
if ($^O =~ /win(32|64)/i) {
require Win32::MediaPlayer;
while (1) {
select (undef,undef,undef,0.01);
my $next = shift @PLAYSOUNDS;
print "MPlayer: $next\n";
if ($next eq "+shutdown") {
# Shut this thread down.
print "shutting down media player\n";
# If the play command is undef, we might be on Windows.
if (not defined $MEDIAPLAYER) {
# To see for sure we're on Windows,
# win32mplayer should have a value.
$win32mplayer = new Win32::MediaPlayer;
$win32mplayer->load ("./sfx/$next");
else {
# Send this directly to the play command.
system ("$MEDIAPLAYER ./sfx/$next");
use lib "./lib";
use Net::CyanChat;
use Tk;
use Tk::ROText;
use Tk::NoteBook;
use Tk::LabFrame;
use Tk::Pane;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::BrowseEntry;
use Tk::HyperText;
our $MODIFIED = '21 June 2007';
our $VERSION = '3.0'; # Program Version
our $mw = undef; # MainWindow Object
our %IMAGE = (); # Image Objects
our %menu = (); # Menu Items
our %config = (); # Configuration Data
our $homedir = '.'; # Home directory
our $FONT = []; # Reusable font definitions.
our $chat = undef; # Chat Dialog Object
our $wholist = undef; # WhoList Object
our $adminlist = undef; # Cyan Staff & Guests WhoList
our $connected = 0; # Not Connected
our $loggedin = 0; # Not Logged In
our $mutesfx = 0; # Temporarily mute all sounds
our $netcc = undef; # Net::CyanChat object.
our %online = (); # Online Users List
our %ignore = (); # Ignore List
our %windows = (); # Keep track of child windows.
our %private = (); # Private text widgets.
our %pmsg = (); # Private message variables.
our %pfocus = (); # focus status on private msg windows
our @xhtml = (); # keeps xhtml version for logging
our $dbgtext = undef; # Debug messages text widget
our $tipper = undef; # Tooltip balloon object
our %user = ( # Personal user stuff.
nick => '',
msg => '',
our $pOnlineList = undef; # Preferences/Ignore - online users
our $pIgnoreList = undef; # Preferences/Ignore - ignored users
our $hyperlink = 0; # Hyperlink ID incrementer
our $notification = [ # Window notification animation
[ '>', '<' ],
[ '>>', '<<' ],
[ '>>>', '<<<' ],
[ '', '' ],
#[ '==>', '<==' ],
#[ '===', '===' ],
#[ '>==', '==<' ],
#[ '=>=', '=<=' ],
#[ '>=>', '<=<' ],
#[ '=>=', '=<=' ],
our $winanim = {}; # Window animation phases.
our $autologid = 0; # ID to stick with for autologging.
our $htmlhelp = undef; # Help page HTML widget
our @helphistory = (); # Help page history
our $helpPage = "index.html";
our $controlFrame = undef;
our $mainFrame = undef;
our $rightFrame = undef;
our $btnFrame = undef;
our $whoFrame = undef;
our $chatFrame = undef;
our $msgboxFrame = undef;
our $dialogFrame = undef;
## Initialization ##
sub init {
# Detect operating systems.
# Load configuration.
# Draw the GUI.
# Run the main loop.
sub initOS {
# Find our operating system.
my $os = $^O;
print "Detecting your OS... $os\n";
my $homename = '.pccc';
if ($os =~ /win(32|64)/i) { # Microsoft Windows
# HTTP Browser command = `start` by default.
# MediaPlayer = undef (use Win32::MediaPlayer instead)
$HTTPBROWSER = "start";
$homename = "PCCC";
elsif ($os =~ /linux/i || $os =~ /unix/i) { # Linux, probably
# HTTP Browser command = `htmlview` by default.
# MediaPlayer = `play` by default.
$HTTPBROWSER = "htmlview";
$MEDIAPLAYER = "play";
$homename = ".pccc";
else {
# Unknown OS (possibly Mac), use the same defaults as Linux.
$HTTPBROWSER = "htmlview";
$MEDIAPLAYER = "play";
$homename = ".pccc";
# Detect our home directory.
my $home = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{HOMEDIR} || $ENV{USERPROFILE} || '';
$home =~ s~\\~/~g; # Fix Win32 paths.
print "Detecting your home directory... $home\n";
# If we have one...
if (length $home) {
# See if PCCC has a folder.
if (!-d "$home/$homename") {
# No. Make it.
print "Making home directory $home/$homename\n";
mkdir ("$home/$homename") or warn "Can't create config directory at "
. "$home/$homename: $!";
# Now if it does...
if (-d "$home/$homename") {
# Set this as our home directory.
print "Setting home directory to $home/$homename\n";
$homedir = "$home/$homename";
sub initGUI {
# Create a Tk MainWindow.
our $mw = MainWindow->new (
-title => "Perl CyanChat Client",
$mw->geometry ('640x480');
$mw->optionAdd ('*tearOff','false');
$mw->optionAdd ('*highlightThickness','0');
$mw->protocol ('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', \&shutdown);
# Load application icons.
foreach (qw(worlds web balloon)) {
$IMAGE{$_} = $mw->Photo (-file => "./$_\.gif", -format => 'GIF', -width => 32, -height => 32);
# Set the appicon.
$mw->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{worlds});
# Create the tooltip object.
$tipper = $mw->Balloon (
-balloonposition => 'mouse',
-foreground => '#000000',
-background => '#FFFFCC',
# Setup the notification animation states.
$winanim->{__mainwindow__} = {
title => 'Perl CyanChat Client',
focused => -1,
animating => 0,
phase => 0,
proceed => 0,
$mw->bind ('<FocusIn>', sub {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused} = 1;
$mw->bind ('<FocusOut>', sub {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused} = 0;
# Create the debugging window (which shows all packets)
$windows{__debug__} = $mw->Toplevel (
-title => 'Debug Window',
$windows{__debug__}->geometry ('320x240');
$windows{__debug__}->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{web});
$windows{__debug__}->protocol ('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub {
return 0;
my $dbgBtm = $windows{__debug__}->Frame->pack (-fill => 'x', -side => 'bottom');
my $dbgTop = $windows{__debug__}->Frame->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1, -side => 'top');
# Create the debug window's text viewer.
$dbgtext = $dbgTop->Scrolled ('ROText',
-scrollbars => 'e',
-foreground => '#000000',
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-wrap => 'word',
-font => [
-family => 'Courier New',
-size => 10,
)->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
$dbgtext->tagConfigure ("server", -foreground => '#0000FF');
$dbgtext->tagConfigure ("client", -foreground => '#FF0000');
my $realtext = $dbgtext->Subwidget ('rotext');
# Create the debug window buttons.
$dbgBtm->Button (
-text => 'Dismiss',
-command => sub {
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -padx => 10, -pady => 2);
$dbgBtm->Button (
-text => 'Clear',
-command => sub {
$dbgtext->delete ('0.0','end');
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 0, -padx => 10, -pady => 2);
# Create the menu bar.
$menu{master} = $mw->Menu (
-type => 'menubar',
$mw->configure (-menu => $menu{master});
$menu{filemenu} = $menu{master}->cascade (
-label => '~File',
$menu{filemenu}->command (-label => '~Save Transcript', -accelerator => 'Ctrl+S', -command => sub {
#print "xhtml\n" . join ("\n",@xhtml);
my $file = $mw->getSaveFile (
-initialdir => '.',
-defaultextension => '.html',
-filetypes => [
[ 'HTML Document', '*.html' ],
[ 'Text Document', '*.txt' ],
[ 'All Files', '*.*' ],
return unless defined $file;
if ($file =~ /\.txt$/i) {
# Save as plain text.
open (SAVE, ">$file");
print SAVE $chat->get('1.0','end');
close (SAVE);
else {
# Save as HTML.
&saveHTML ($file);
$menu{filemenu}->command (-label => '~Clear Chat', -command => sub {
# Do autologging first.
# Reset our autolog ID (start a new session)
$autologid = 0;
# Clear the chat and XHTML buffer.
$chat->see ('0.0');
$chat->delete ('0.0','end');
@xhtml = ();
$menu{forcequit} = $menu{filemenu}->command (-label => '~Force Quit', -accelerator => 'Ctrl+Alt+Q',
-state => 'disabled', -command => sub {
$menu{filemenu}->command (-label => '~Exit', -accelerator => 'Alt+F4', -command => sub {
$menu{editmenu} = $menu{master}->cascade (
-label => '~Edit',
$menu{editmenu}->command (-label => '~Copy', -accelerator => 'Ctrl+C', -command => sub {
$chat->Column_Copy_or_Cut (0);
$menu{editmenu}->command (-label => '~Find...', -accelerator => 'Ctrl+F', -command => sub {
$chat->findandreplacepopup (1);
$menu{editmenu}->command (-label => '~Select All', -accelerator => 'Ctrl+A', -command => sub {
$menu{editmenu}->command (-label => '~Unselect All', -command => sub {
$menu{chatmenu} = $menu{master}->cascade (
-label => '~Chat',
$menu{connect} = $menu{chatmenu}->command (-label => '~Connect', -command => sub {
$menu{disconnect} = $menu{chatmenu}->command (-label => '~Disconnect', -state => 'disabled', -command => sub {
$menu{details} = $menu{chatmenu}->command (-label => 'Connection Detail~s', -state => 'disabled', -command => sub {
if (exists $windows{__condetails__}) {
else {
$windows{__condetails__} = $mw->Toplevel (
-title => 'Connection Details',
$windows{__condetails__}->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{web});
$windows{__condetails__}->bind ('<Destroy>', sub {
delete $windows{__condetails__};
my $serv = '(Custom)';
my $port = '(Custom)';
if ($config{chathost} eq 'cho.cyan.com') {
$serv = '(Cyan Worlds)';
if ($config{chatport} == 1812) {
$port = '(Default)';
elsif ($config{chatport} == 1813) {
$port = '(Testing)';
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-text => 'Chat Server:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'e');
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-textvariable => \$config{chathost},
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w');
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-textvariable => \$serv,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 2, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w');
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-text => 'Chat Port:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'e');
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-textvariable => \$config{chatport},
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-textvariable => \$port,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 2, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-text => 'Status:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => 'e');
$windows{__condetails__}->Label (
-text => 'Connected.',
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => 'w');
$windows{__condetails__}->Button (
-text => 'Close',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
-command => sub {
)->grid (-column => 0, -columnspan => 3, -row => 3, -sticky => 'n');
$menu{chatmenu}->command (-label => '~Open Console', -command => sub {
$dbgtext->see ('end');
$menu{rawmenu} = $menu{chatmenu}->command (-label => '~Send Raw Command', -state => 'disabled', -command => sub {
my $win = $mw->Toplevel (
-title => 'Send Raw Command',
$win->geometry ('400x100');
$win->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{web});
$win->Label (
-text => "Use this tool to send a raw command directly to CyanChat.\n"
. "Only use this if you know what you're doing. If you get banned\n"
. "from CyanChat for sending a bad command, it's not my fault.",
my $packet = '';
$win->Entry (
-textvariable => \$packet,
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $frame = $win->Frame->pack (-fill => 'x');
$frame->Button (
-text => 'Spawn Debug Window',
-command => sub {
$dbgtext->see ('end');
)->pack (-side => 'left');
$frame->Button (
-text => 'Send Command',
-command => sub {
$netcc->send ($packet);
$packet = '';
)->pack (-side => 'left');
$frame->Button (
-text => 'Close',
-command => sub {
)->pack (-side => 'left');
$menu{chatmenu}->command (-label => '~Preferences', -accelerator => 'F3', -command => sub {
$menu{chatmenu}->checkbutton (
-label => '~Mute Sounds',
-variable => \$mutesfx,
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
$menu{helpmenu} = $menu{master}->cascade (
-label => '~Help',
$menu{helpmenu}->command (-label => '~About PCCC', -command => sub {
$menu{helpmenu}->command (-label => '~Contents', -accelerator => 'F1', -command => sub {
$menu{linkmenu} = $menu{helpmenu}->cascade (
-label => '~Links',
$menu{linkmenu}->command (-label => '~PCCC Homepage', -command => sub {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "http://www.cuvou.com/?module=pccc");
$menu{linkmenu}->command (-label => '~SourceForge Project Page', -command => sub {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/perlccc");
$menu{linkmenu}->command (-label => '~Cuvou.com', -command => sub {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "http://www.cuvou.com/");
$menu{linkmenu}->command (-label => 'CyanChat ~Homepage', -command => sub {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "http://cho.cyan.com/chat/");
$menu{linkmenu}->command (-label => 'CC P~rogrammers', -command => sub {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "http://cho.cyan.com/chat/programmers.html");
$menu{linkmenu}->command (-label => 'Cyan ~Worlds', -command => sub {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "http://www.cyanworlds.com/");
$menu{linkmenu}->command (-label => 'CC ~Quote Database', -command => sub {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "http://cyanchat.dnijazzclub.com/");
# Create the layout Frames.
$controlFrame = $mw->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
$mainFrame = $mw->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
$rightFrame = $mainFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
$btnFrame = $rightFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
$whoFrame = $rightFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
$chatFrame = $mainFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'right', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
my $msgSide = $config{orientation} || 'top';
$msgSide = 'top' unless $msgSide eq 'bottom';
if ($msgSide eq 'top') {
$msgboxFrame = $chatFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
$dialogFrame = $chatFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
else {
$msgboxFrame = $chatFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
$dialogFrame = $chatFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
# Control Frame #
$controlFrame->Label (
-image => $IMAGE{worlds},
-border => 2,
-relief => 'raised',
)->pack (-side => 'left', -pady => 0, -padx => 0);
$menu{loginlabel} = $controlFrame->Label (
-text => "Name:",
-foreground => $config{windowfg},
-background => $config{windowbg},
-font => $FONT,
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 2);
$menu{logintext} = $controlFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$user{nick},
-foreground => $config{inputfg},
-background => $config{inputbg},
-disabledforeground => $config{windowfg},
-disabledbackground => $config{windowbg},
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 2);
$menu{loginbttn} = $controlFrame->Button (
-text => 'Join Chat',
-foreground => $config{buttonfg},
-background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg},
-activebackground => $config{buttonbg},
-disabledforeground => $config{disabledfg},
-state => 'disabled',
-font => $FONT,
-command => \&enterChat,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 2);
$menu{constatus} = $controlFrame->Label (
-text => 'Not connected to CyanChat.',
-foreground => $config{clientcolor},
-background => $config{windowbg},
-font => $FONT,
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 2);
# Who Frame #
my $autobttnFrame = $btnFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
$menu{autobttn} = $autobttnFrame->Checkbutton (
-text => 'Autoscroll',
-foreground => $config{buttonfg},
-background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg},
-activebackground => $config{buttonbg},
-font => $FONT,
-variable => \$config{autoscroll},
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -padx => 2, -pady => 1);
my $tsFrame = $btnFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
$menu{timebttn} = $tsFrame->Checkbutton (
-text => 'Time stamps',
-foreground => $config{buttonfg},
-background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg},
-activebackground => $config{buttonbg},
-font => $FONT,
-variable => \$config{timestamps},
-highlightthickness => 0,
-command => sub {
my @opts = (
-foreground => $config{background},
-elide => 1,
if ($config{timestamps} == 1) {
@opts = (
-foreground => $config{servercolor},
-elide => 0,
$chat->tagConfigure ("timestamp",
-font => [
-size => 8,
)->pack (-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -padx => 2, -pady => 1);
$menu{privatebttn} = $btnFrame->Button (
-text => 'Send Private',
-foreground => $config{buttonfg},
-background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg},
-activebackground => $config{buttonbg},
-disabledforeground => $config{disabledfg},
-state => 'disabled',
-font => $FONT,
-command => \&sendPrivate,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-fill => 'x', -padx => 2, -pady => 1);
$menu{ignorebttn} = $btnFrame->Button (
-text => 'Ignore',
-foreground => $config{buttonfg},
-background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg},
-activebackground => $config{buttonbg},
-disabledforeground => $config{disabledfg},
-state => 'disabled',
-font => $FONT,
-command => \&ignoreUser,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-fill => 'x', -padx => 2, -pady => 1);
my $admnFrame = $whoFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
$admnFrame->Label (
-text => 'Cyan & Guests:',
-foreground => $config{windowfg},
-background => $config{windowbg},
-font => $FONT,
)->pack (-side => 'top', -anchor => 'w');
$adminlist = $admnFrame->Scrolled ('Listbox',
-foreground => $config{foreground},
-background => $config{whobg},
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
-height => 5,
-font => $FONT,
-selectforeground => '#000000',
-selectbackground => '#CCCCFF',
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
my $wholistFrame = $whoFrame->Frame (
-background => $config{windowbg},
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
$menu{wholabel} = $wholistFrame->Label (
-text => 'Who is online:',
-foreground => $config{windowfg},
-background => $config{windowbg},
-font => $FONT,
)->pack (-side => 'top', -anchor => 'w');
$wholist = $wholistFrame->Scrolled ('Listbox',
-foreground => $config{foreground},
-background => $config{whobg},
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
-font => $FONT,
-selectforeground => '#000000',
-selectbackground => '#CCCCFF',
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
# Bind the Who List for right-clicking and middle-clicking.
$wholist->bind ('<ButtonRelease-3>', \&wholistRightClick);
$wholist->bind ('<Button-2>', \&wholistMiddleClick);
$wholist->bind ('<Double-1>', \&sendIM);
# Bind the special Who List too.
$adminlist->bind ('<ButtonRelease-3>', [\&wholistRightClick,"admin"]);
$adminlist->bind ('<Button-2>', \&wholistMiddleClick);
$adminlist->bind ('<Double-1>', \&adminlistSendIM);
$menu{msgbox} = $msgboxFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$user{msg},
-foreground => $config{inputfg},
-background => $config{inputbg},
-disabledforeground => $config{windowfg},
-disabledbackground => $config{windowbg},
-state => 'disabled',
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-fill => 'x', -expand => 1);
$chat = $dialogFrame->Scrolled ('ROText',
-foreground => $config{foreground},
-background => $config{background},
-scrollbars => 'ose',
-wrap => 'word',
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
# Bind all the tags.
# Add some introductory messages.
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Welcome to Perl CyanChat Client v. $VERSION!");
# Key Bindings #
$mw->bind ('<Return>', \&bind_return);
$mw->bind ('<Control-s>', sub {
my $file = $mw->getSaveFile (
-initialdir => '.',
-defaultextension => '.html',
-filetypes => [
[ 'HTML Document', '*.html' ],
[ 'Text Document', '*.txt' ],
[ 'All Files', '*.*' ],
return unless defined $file;
if ($file =~ /\.txt$/i) {
# Save as plain text.
open (SAVE, ">$file");
print SAVE $chat->get('1.0','end');
close (SAVE);
else {
# Save as HTML.
&saveHTML ($file);
$mw->bind ('<Alt-F4>', \&shutdown);
$mw->bind ('<Control-f>', sub {
$chat->findandreplacepopup (1);
$mw->bind ('<Control-a>', sub {
$mw->bind ('<F1>', sub {
$mw->bind ('<F3>', \&prefs);
$mw->bind ('<Control-Alt-q>', sub { exit(0); });
if ($config{autoconnect} == 1) {
sub initConfig {
my $skip = shift || 'no';
# Specify the default settings in case there is no config file present.
%config = (
chathost => 'cho.cyan.com', # ChatHost = the CyanChat server hostname
chatport => 1812, # ChatPort = the CyanChat server port
autoconnect => 0, # AutoConnect = automatically connect on startup
reconnect => 1, # ReConnect = automatically reconnect on disconnect
dialogfont => 'Arial', # DialogFont = the font for the CyanChat dialog widgets
reversechat => 1, # ReverseChat = new messages on top (default)
fontsize => 10, # FontSize = font size
autoscroll => 1, # AutoScroll = automatically scroll on new messages
nickname => '', # Nickname = a default value for nick
autojoin => 0, # AutoJoin = automatically join the chat (if length Nickname)
blockserver => 0, # BlockServer = ignore ChatServer's messages
ignoreback => 1, # IgnoreBack = perform mutual ignore
loudignore => 1, # LoudIgnore = show messages when people ignore you
sendignore => 1, # SendIgnore = send the ignore command when ignoring
autoact => 1, # AutoAct = *..* messages are /me equivalents
loudtypo => 1, # LoudTypo = show notifications about typo's
browser => $HTTPBROWSER, # Browser = console command to link URLs
orientation => 'top', # Orientation = input box's position
timestamps => 0, # TimeStamps = show timestamps on messages
imwindows => 1, # IMWindows = show "IM" style windows for private messages
stickyignore => 0, # StickyIgnore = remember who I ignored
notifyanimate => 1, # NotifyAnimate = animate the window titles for notifications
autologging => 0, # Autologging = automatically log chat dialog
mediaplayer => "play", # MediaPlayer = MPlayer program (not applicable to Windows)
playsounds => 1, # PlaySounds = global sound playing switch
playjoin => 1, # PlayJoin = play sound when user joins
playleave => 1, # PlayLeave = play sound when user leaves
playpublic => 0, # PlayPublic = play sound on public message
playprivate => 1, # PlayPrivate = play sound on private message
joinsound => "link.wav", # JoinSound = sound effect when user enters the room
leavesound => "link.wav", # LeaveSound = sound effect when user leaves the room
publicsound => "ding.wav", # PublicSound = sound effect to play on public message
privatesound => "message.wav", # PrivateSound = sound effect to play on private message
windowbg => '#000000', # WindowBG = the BG color for MainWindow
windowfg => '#CCCCCC', # WindowFG = the FG color for MainWindow
buttonbg => '#000000', # ButtonBG = the BG color for buttons
buttonfg => '#CCCCCC', # ButtonFG = the FG color for buttons
whobg => '#000000', # WhoBG = the BG color for Who List
background => '#000000', # Background = the BG color for CyanChat
foreground => '#CCCCCC', # Foreground = the FG color
inputbg => '#FFFFFF', # InputBG = text box input BG
inputfg => '#000000', # InputFG = text box input FG
disabledfg => '#999999', # DisabledFG = foreground for disabled buttons
linkcolor => '#0099FF', # LinkColor = hyperlink colors
usercolor => '#FFFFFF', # UserColor = white
echocolor => '#FFFFFF', # EchoColor = white
admincolor => '#00FFFF', # AdminColor = cyan
guestcolor => '#FF9900', # GuestColor = yellow
servercolor => '#00FF00', # ServerColor = lime
clientcolor => '#FF0000', # ClientColor = red
privatecolor => '#FF99FF', # PrivateColor = pink (magenta on black = ugly)
actioncolor => '#FFFF00', # ActionColor = orange
if ($skip ne 'skip' && -f "$homedir/config.txt") {
print "Reading configuration from $homedir/config.txt\n";
open (CFG, "$homedir/config.txt");
my @cfg = <CFG>;
close (CFG);
chomp @cfg;
foreach my $line (@cfg) {
next unless defined $line;
next if $line eq '';
next unless length $line > 0;
my ($label,$data) = split(/\s+/, $line, 2);
$label = lc($label);
$config{$label} = $data;
$FONT = [
-family => $config{dialogfont},
-size => $config{fontsize},
if ($skip ne 'cancel') {
$user{nick} = $config{nickname};
$HTTPBROWSER = $config{browser};
# Reload our saved ignore lists?
if (-f "$homedir/ignore.txt") {
print "Reading saved ignore list from $homedir/ignore.txt\n";
open (READ, "$homedir/ignore.txt");
my @read = <READ>;
close (READ);
chomp @read;
foreach my $line (@read) {
print "$line\n";
$ignore{$line} = 1;
## Main Methods ##
sub bindChatTags {
foreach (qw(user admin guest server client private action echo)) {
my $var = $_ . "color";
$chat->tagConfigure ($_, -foreground => $config{$var});
my @opts = (
-foreground => $config{background},
-elide => 1,
if ($config{timestamps} == 1) {
@opts = (
-foreground => $config{servercolor},
-elide => 0,
$chat->tagConfigure ("timestamp",
-font => [
-size => 8,
$chat->configure (-foreground => $config{foreground}, -background => $config{background});
# (Re)color the window.
$controlFrame->configure (-background => $config{windowbg});
$mainFrame->configure (-background => $config{windowbg});
$rightFrame->configure (-background => $config{windowbg});
$btnFrame->configure (-background => $config{windowbg});
$whoFrame->configure (-background => $config{windowbg});
$chatFrame->configure (-background => $config{windowbg});
$menu{loginlabel}->configure (-foreground => $config{windowfg}, -background => $config{windowbg});
$menu{logintext}->configure (-disabledforeground => $config{windowfg}, -disabledbackground => $config{windowbg},
-foreground => $config{inputfg}, -background => $config{inputbg});
$menu{loginbttn}->configure (-foreground => $config{buttonfg}, -background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg}, -activebackground => $config{buttonbg}, -disabledforeground => $config{disabledfg});
$menu{constatus}->configure (-background => $config{windowbg});
$menu{privatebttn}->configure (-foreground => $config{buttonfg}, -background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg}, -activebackground => $config{buttonbg}, -disabledforeground => $config{disabledfg});
$menu{ignorebttn}->configure (-foreground => $config{buttonfg}, -background => $config{buttonbg},
-activeforeground => $config{buttonfg}, -activebackground => $config{buttonbg}, -disabledforeground => $config{disabledfg});
$menu{wholabel}->configure (-foreground => $config{windowfg}, -background => $config{windowbg});
$wholist->configure (-foreground => $config{foreground}, -background => $config{whobg});
$menu{msgbox}->configure (-disabledforeground => $config{windowfg}, -disabledbackground => $config{windowbg},
-foreground => $config{inputfg}, -background => $config{inputbg});
# Refresh the Who List.
# Update the connection status label.
if ($connected) {
$menu{constatus}->configure (-foreground => $config{servercolor});
else {
$menu{constatus}->configure (-foreground => $config{clientcolor});
sub sendMsgLine {
my ($where,$str,$deftag) = @_; # where = '0.0' or 'end'
$deftag = '' unless defined $deftag;
#print "sendMsgLine ($where,$str)\n";
# This is a universal subroutine for sending the "message" part of a user's message
# to a chat or private message window. This allows the hyperlinking function to be
# easy and universal.
# Isolate the hyperlinks.
$str =~ s~(\s*)((http|https|ftp)://[^\s]+)(\s*)~$1<pccchttp::httphyperlink>$2<pccchttp::httpendhyperlink>$4~ig;
# Split the message at hyperlinks.
my @parts = split(/<pccchttp::/, $str);
if ($where eq '0.0') {
$chat->insert ($where,"\n");
@parts = reverse(@parts);
# Go through each one.
foreach my $part (@parts) {
#print "part: $part\n";
# If this part is to a hyperlink...
if ($part =~ /^httphyperlink>/) {
# Cut off the PCCC Hyperlink tag.
$part =~ s/^httphyperlink>//i;
#print ":: Found a hyperlink: $part\n";
# Create a unique hyperlink tag.
my $tag = "hyperlink" . $hyperlink++;
$chat->tagConfigure ($tag, -underline => 1, -foreground => $config{linkcolor});
# Bind this tag to an anonymous function.
$chat->tagBind ($tag, "<Button-1>", [
sub {
my $link = $_[1];
#print "link clicked: $link\n";
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, $link);
$chat->tagBind ($tag,"<Any-Enter>", sub {
$chat->configure (-cursor => 'hand2');
$chat->tagBind ($tag,"<Any-Leave>", sub {
$chat->configure (-cursor => 'xterm');
# Insert this.
$chat->insert ($where,$part,$tag);
else {
$part =~ s/^httpendhyperlink>//i;
$chat->insert ($where,$part,$deftag);
if ($where eq 'end') {
$chat->insert ($where,"\n");
sub sendLine {
my (%data) = @_;
if ($data{from} eq $user{nick}) {
$data{color} = 'echo';
my $stamp = &timestamp;
push (@xhtml, "<div class=\"message\">"
. "<span class=\"timestamp\">$stamp</span> <span class=\"$data{color}\">[$data{from}]</span> "
. &htmlEscape($data{message}) . "</div>");
#print "sendLine (" . each(%data) . ")\n";
if ($config{reversechat} == 1) {
&sendMsgLine ('0.0',$data{message});
$chat->insert ('0.0', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$stamp ","timestamp");
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('0.0');
else {
$chat->insert ('end', "$stamp ","timestamp");
$chat->insert ('end', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
&sendMsgLine ('end',$data{message});
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('end');
if ($config{notifyanimate} == 1 && $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused} == 0) {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{animating} = 1;
sub sendBlankLine {
push (@xhtml, "<div class=\"message\">&nbsp;</div>");
if ($config{reversechat} == 1) {
$chat->insert ('0.0', "\n");
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('0.0');
else {
$chat->insert ('end',"\n");
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('end');
if ($config{notifyanimate} == 1 && $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused} == 0) {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{animating} = 1;
sub sendMoveLine {
my (%data) = @_;
if ($data{from} eq $user{nick}) {
$data{color} = 'echo';
my $escape = &htmlEscape($data{message});
my $stamp = &timestamp;
push (@xhtml, "<div class=\"message\"><span class=\"timestamp\">$stamp</span> "
. "<span class=\"server\">$data{prefix}</span>"
. "<span class=\"$data{color}\">[$data{from}]</span> $escape"
. "<span class=\"server\">$data{suffix}</span></div>");
if ($config{reversechat} == 1) {
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$data{suffix}\n",'server');
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$data{message}");
$chat->insert ('0.0', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$data{prefix}",'server');
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$stamp ",'timestamp');
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('0.0');
else {
$chat->insert ('end', "$stamp ",'timestamp');
$chat->insert ('end', "$data{prefix}",'server');
$chat->insert ('end', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
$chat->insert ('end', "$data{message}");
$chat->insert ('end', "$data{suffix}\n",'server');
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('end');
if ($config{notifyanimate} == 1 && $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused} == 0) {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{animating} = 1;
sub sendActionLine {
my (%data) = @_;
my ($typo) = (exists $data{typo} && $data{typo} eq "true") ? "true" : "false";
if ($data{from} eq $user{nick}) {
$data{color} = 'echo';
my $stamp = &timestamp;
push (@xhtml, "<div class=\"message\"><span class=\"timestamp\">$stamp</span> "
. "<span class=\"$data{color}\">[$data{from}]</span> "
. "<span class=\"action\">"
. &htmlEscape($data{message}) . "</span></div>");
if ($config{reversechat} == 1) {
if ($typo eq "true") {
&sendMsgLine ('0.0',$data{message},'action');
$chat->insert ('0.0', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
else {
&sendMsgLine ('0.0',"$data{message} **",'action');
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$data{from} ",$data{color});
$chat->insert ('0.0', "** ",'action');
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$stamp ",'timestamp');
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('0.0');
else {
$chat->insert ('end', "$stamp ",'timestamp');
if ($typo eq "true") {
$chat->insert ('end', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
&sendMsgLine ('end',$data{message},'action');
else {
$chat->insert ('end', "** ",'action');
$chat->insert ('end', "$data{from} ",$data{color});
&sendMsgLine ('end',"$data{message} **",'action');
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('end');
if ($config{notifyanimate} == 1 && $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused} == 0) {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{animating} = 1;
sub sendPrivLine {
my (%data) = @_;
my $stamp = &timestamp;
if ($data{from} eq $user{nick}) {
$data{color} = 'echo';
my $popupImWindow = 0;
if ($config{imwindows} == 1) {
$popupImWindow = 1;
elsif (exists $data{popup} && $data{popup} == 1) {
$popupImWindow = 1;
if ($popupImWindow == 1 && not exists $windows{$data{from}}) {
# Set us up for window animating.
$winanim->{$data{from}} = {
title => "$data{from} | CyanChat",
focused => -1,
animating => 0,
phase => 0,
proceed => 0,
$windows{$data{from}} = $mw->Toplevel (
-title => "$data{from} | CyanChat",
$windows{$data{from}}->geometry ('320x240');
$windows{$data{from}}->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{balloon});
$windows{$data{from}}->bind ('<Destroy>', [ sub {
my $id = $_[1];
delete $winanim->{$id};
delete $windows{$id};
}, $data{from}]);
$windows{$data{from}}->bind ('<FocusIn>', [ sub {
$windows{$data{from}}->configure (-title => "$_[1] | CyanChat");
$pfocus{$_[1]} = 1;
$winanim->{$_[1]}->{focused} = 1;
}, $data{from}]);
$windows{$data{from}}->bind ('<FocusOut>', [ sub {
$pfocus{$_[1]} = 0;
$winanim->{$_[1]}->{focused} = 0;
}, $data{from}]);
my $Frame = $windows{$data{from}}->Frame (
-background => $config{background},
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
my $inputFrame = $Frame->Frame (
-background => $config{background},
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
my $dlgFrame = $Frame->Frame (
-background => $config{background},
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
$inputFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$pmsg{$data{from}},
-foreground => $config{inputfg},
-background => $config{inputbg},
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-fill => 'x', -expand => 1)->focusForce;
$private{$data{from}} = $dlgFrame->Scrolled ('ROText',
-foreground => $config{foreground},
-background => $config{background},
-scrollbars => 'ose',
-wrap => 'word',
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
$private{$data{from}}->tagConfigure ('user', -foreground => $config{usercolor});
$private{$data{from}}->tagConfigure ('private', -foreground => $config{privatecolor});
if (defined $data{default}) {
$private{$data{from}}->insert ('end', "[$user{nick}] ",'user');
$private{$data{from}}->insert ('end', "$data{default}\n");
$private{$data{from}}->see ('end');
$pfocus{$data{from}} = 1;
$windows{$data{from}}->bind ('<Return>', [ sub {
my $user = $_[1];
if (length $pmsg{$user}) {
$private{$data{from}}->insert ('end', "[$user{nick}] ",'user');
$private{$data{from}}->insert ('end', "$pmsg{$user}\n");
$private{$data{from}}->see ('end');
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Private message sent to: [$user] $pmsg{$user}");
$netcc->sendPrivate ($user,$pmsg{$user});
$pmsg{$user} = '';
}, $data{from} ]);
return unless length $data{message};
if (exists $windows{$data{from}}) {
$private{$data{from}}->insert ('end', "[$data{from}] ",'private');
$private{$data{from}}->insert ('end', "$data{message}\n");
if ($pfocus{$data{from}} == 0) {
$windows{$data{from}}->configure (-title => ">>> $data{from} | CyanChat <<<");
$private{$data{from}}->see ('end');
if ($config{notifyanimate} == 1 && $winanim->{$data{from}}->{focused} == 0) {
$winanim->{$data{from}}->{animating} = 1;
push (@xhtml, "<div class=\"message\"><span class=\"timestamp\">$stamp</span> "
. "<span class=\"private\">Private message from</span> "
. "<span class=\"$data{color}\">[$data{from}]</span> "
. &htmlEscape($data{message}) . "</div>");
if ($config{reversechat} == 1) {
&sendMsgLine ('0.0',$data{message});
$chat->insert ('0.0', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
$chat->insert ('0.0', "Private message from ",'private');
$chat->insert ('0.0', "$stamp ",'timestamp');
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('0.0');
else {
$chat->insert ('end', "$stamp ",'timestamp');
$chat->insert ('end', "Private message from ",'private');
$chat->insert ('end', "[$data{from}] ",$data{color});
&sendMsgLine ('end',$data{message});
if ($config{autoscroll} == 1) {
$chat->see ('end');
if ($config{notifyanimate} == 1 && $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused} == 0) {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{animating} = 1;
sub connect {
# Create a new Net::CyanChat object.
$netcc = new Net::CyanChat (
host => $config{chathost},
port => $config{chatport},
proto => 1,
debug => 1,
# Set handlers.
$netcc->setHandler (Connected => \&on_connected);
$netcc->setHandler (Disconnected => \&on_disconnected);
$netcc->setHandler (Welcome => \&on_welcome);
$netcc->setHandler (Message => \&on_message);
$netcc->setHandler (Private => \&on_private);
$netcc->setHandler (Chat_Buddy_In => \&on_enter);
$netcc->setHandler (Chat_Buddy_Out => \&on_exit);
#$netcc->setHandler (Chat_Buddy_Here => \&on_here);
$netcc->setHandler (WhoList => \&on_wholist);
$netcc->setHandler (Name_Accepted => \&on_name_accepted);
$netcc->setHandler (Ignored => \&on_ignored);
$netcc->setHandler (Packet => \&on_packet);
$netcc->setHandler (Error => \&on_error);
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Connecting to CyanChat...");
$menu{constatus}->configure (
-text => 'Connecting...',
-foreground => $config{clientcolor},
# Connect.
$connected = 1;
sub disconnect {
if ($loggedin) {
$netcc = undef;
$connected = 0;
$menu{constatus}->configure (
-text => 'Not connected.',
-foreground => $config{clientcolor},
$menu{connect}->configure (-state => 'normal');
$menu{disconnect}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{details}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{rawmenu}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{loginbttn}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{privatebttn}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{ignorebttn}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
# Clear the who list.
$wholist->delete (0,'end');
%online = ();
%ignore = ();
sub enterChat {
my $nick = $user{nick};
if (length $nick) {
if (length $nick > 20 || $nick =~ /\|/) {
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Your nickname must be less than 20 characters "
. "and cannot contain a pipe symbol (\"|\")");
else {
# It should be good.
$netcc->login ($nick);
else {
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Please enter a nickname before joining chat.");
sub exitChat {
$loggedin = 0;
$menu{loginbttn}->configure (
-text => 'Join Chat',
-command => \&enterChat,
$menu{logintext}->configure (
-state => 'normal',
$menu{msgbox}->configure (
-state => 'disabled',
sub sendMessage {
my $msg = $user{msg} || '';
# Filter line breaks from the message (they might've accidentally been pasted in).
$msg =~ s/\x0a//g;
$msg =~ s/\x0d//g;
if (length $msg > 0 && $loggedin == 1) {
# Run commands.
if ($msg =~ /^\/(?:whisper|w|msg) (.+?)$/i) {
my ($to,$what) = split(/\s+/, $1, 2);
if (length $to && length $what) {
if (not exists $private{$to}) {
&sendPrivLine (from => $to, color => 'server', message => '', default => $what);
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Private message sent to: [$to] $what");
$netcc->sendPrivate ($to,$what);
else {
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Usage: /whisper <username> <message>");
$user{msg} = '';
else {
$netcc->sendMessage ($msg);
$user{msg} = '';
sub sendPrivate {
# Get the selected user.
my $index = ($wholist->curselection)[0];
if (length $index) {
my $user = $wholist->get ($index);
my $msg = $user{msg} || '';
if (length $msg > 0 && length $user > 0 && $loggedin == 1) {
if (not exists $private{$user}) {
&sendPrivLine (from => $user, color => 'server', message => '', default => $user{msg});
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Private message sent to: [$user] $msg");
$netcc->sendPrivate ($user,$msg);
$user{msg} = '';
else {
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Select a user from the Who List and write a message.");
else {
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Select a user from the Who List and write a message.");
sub sendIM {
# Get the selected user.
my $name = $_[1] || undef;
my $user = undef;
if (not defined $name) {
my $index = ($wholist->curselection)[0];
$user = $wholist->get ($index);
else {
$user = $name;
my $msg = $user{msg} || '';
if (exists $windows{$user}) {
else {
&sendPrivLine (from => $user, color => 'server', message => '', popup => 1);
sub adminlistSendIM {
# Get the selected user.
my $index = ($adminlist->curselection)[0];
if (length $index) {
my $user = $adminlist->get ($index);
my $msg = $user{msg} || '';
if (exists $windows{$user}) {
else {
&sendPrivLine (from => $user, color => 'server', message => '', popup => 1);
sub ignoreUser {
my $name = $_[1] || undef;
#print "ignoreUser(@_)\n";
my $user = undef;
if (not defined $name) {
#print "name not defined\n";
my $index = ($wholist->curselection)[0];
if (length $index) {
$user = $wholist->get ($index);
else {
$user = $name;
return unless defined $user;
if (exists $ignore{$user}) {
if ($config{sendignore} == 1) {
$netcc->unignore ($user);
delete $ignore{$user};
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "No longer ignoring messages from $user.");
else {
if ($config{sendignore} == 1) {
$netcc->ignore ($user);
$ignore{$user} = 1;
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Now ingoring messages from $user.");
sub wholistRightClick {
my $listbox = shift;
my $admin = shift || '';
# Get the cursor position.
my $cursor = $Tk::event->y;
# Find out what name we're over.
my $name = $listbox->get ($listbox->nearest ($cursor));
# Select this user.
$listbox->selectionClear (0,'end');
$listbox->selectionSet ($listbox->nearest($cursor));
# Return if something went wrong.
return unless length $name;
# Get their address.
my ($level,$addr) = split(/\;/, $online{$name}, 2);
&sendLine (
from => 'ChatClient',
color => 'client',
message => "$name is chatting from the address $addr",
sub wholistMiddleClick {
my $listbox = shift;
# Get the cursor position.
my $cursor = $Tk::event->y;
# Find out what name we're over.
my $name = $listbox->get ($listbox->nearest ($cursor));
# Select this user.
$listbox->selectionClear (0,'end');
$listbox->selectionSet ($listbox->nearest($cursor));
# Return if something went wrong.
return unless length $name;
# Add their name to our message.
$user{msg} .= $name;
sub getColor {
my $code = shift;
if ($code == 0) {
return 'user';
elsif ($code == 1) {
return 'admin';
elsif ($code == 2) {
return 'server';
elsif ($code == 4) {
return 'guest';
return 'client';
sub savePrefs {
# Save preferences in a logical order.
my @order = (
$HTTPBROWSER = $config{browser};
my @lines = ();
#print "lines = @lines\n";
foreach (@order) {
my $var = lc($_);
$_ .= " " until length $_ == 15;
push (@lines, $_ . $config{$var});
open (SAVE, ">$homedir/config.txt");
print SAVE join ("\n",@lines);
close (SAVE);
sub shutdown {
$menu{forcequit}->configure (-state => 'normal');
# Save our ignore list.
if ($config{stickyignore} == 1) {
#print "Save ignore list:\n";
print Dumper(%ignore);
my @save = ();
foreach my $key (keys %ignore) {
push (@save,"$key");
#print join ("\n",@save);
open (IGNORE, ">$homedir/ignore.txt");
print IGNORE join ("\n",@save);
close (IGNORE);
else {
# We no longer want to save ignores, so delete the file.
if (-f "$homedir/ignore.txt") {
#print "Delete the ignore list\n";
unlink ("$homedir/ignore.txt");
# If we're connected...
if ($connected) {
my $dialog = $mw->Dialog (
-title => 'Exit PCCC?',
-text => "You are currently connected to CyanChat. Disconnect and exit?",
-buttons => [ 'Yes', 'No' ],
-default_button => 'Yes',
$dialog->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{worlds});
my $choice = $dialog->Show;
if ($choice =~ /yes/i) {
else {
# Send the link thread a signal to start wrapping things up.
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, "+shutdown");
push (@PLAYSOUNDS, "+shutdown");
# Join the child threads.
sub loop {
$| = 1;
while (1) {
select (undef,undef,undef,0.001);
if ($connected) {
# Animate all windows.
foreach my $winName (keys %{$winanim}) {
if ($winanim->{$winName}->{animating} == 1) {
&animStep ($winName);
sub animReset {
my $name = shift;
if ($name eq '__mainwindow__') {
#print "Reset animation for MW\n";
$mw->configure (-title => $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{title});
$winanim->{__mainwindow__} = {
title => $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{title},
focused => $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{focused},
phase => 0,
animating => 0,
proceed => 0,
else {
#print "Reset animation for $name\n";
$windows{$name}->configure (-title => $winanim->{$name}->{title});
$winanim->{$name} = {
title => $winanim->{$name}->{title},
focused => $winanim->{$name}->{focused},
phase => 0,
animating => 0,
proceed => 0,
sub animStep {
my $name = shift;
if ($name eq '__mainwindow__') {
if ($winanim->{$name}->{focused} == 1) {
if ($winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{proceed} <= 0) {
# Up the phase.
if ($winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{phase} >= scalar @{$notification}) {
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{phase} = 0;
my $suffix = $notification->[ $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{phase} ];
my ($left,$right) = @{$suffix};
#print "step: $left$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{title}$right\n";
$mw->configure (-title => $left . $winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{title} . $right);
$winanim->{__mainwindow__}->{proceed} = 200;
else {
if ($winanim->{$name}->{focused} == 1) {
if ($winanim->{$name}->{proceed} <= 0) {
# Up the phase.
if ($winanim->{$name}->{phase} >= scalar @{$notification}) {
$winanim->{$name}->{phase} = 0;
my $suffix = $notification->[ $winanim->{$name}->{phase} ];
my ($left,$right) = @{$suffix};
#print "step: $left$winanim->{$name}->{title}$right\n";
$windows{$name}->configure (-title => $left . $winanim->{$name}->{title} . $right);
$winanim->{$name}->{proceed} = 200;
## Keyboard Bindings and Events ##
sub bind_return {
if ($connected) {
if (not $loggedin) {
else {
## Handlers ##
sub on_connected {
my $cc = shift;
$menu{constatus}->configure (
-text => 'Connected to CyanChat.',
-foreground => $config{servercolor},
$menu{connect}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{disconnect}->configure (-state => 'normal');
$menu{details}->configure (-state => 'normal');
$menu{rawmenu}->configure (-state => 'normal');
$menu{loginbttn}->configure (-state => 'normal');
$menu{privatebttn}->configure (-state => 'normal');
$menu{ignorebttn}->configure (-state => 'normal');
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "Connection established!");
# If auto-login...
if ($config{autojoin} == 1) {
if (length $config{nickname}) {
$cc->login ($config{nickname});
sub on_disconnected {
my $cc = shift;
$connected = 0;
$menu{constatus}->configure (
-text => 'Not connected.',
-foreground => $config{clientcolor},
$menu{connect}->configure (-state => 'normal');
$menu{disconnect}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{details}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{rawmenu}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{loginbttn}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{privatebttn}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$menu{ignorebttn}->configure (-state => 'disabled');
$loggedin = 0;
$menu{loginbttn}->configure (
-text => 'Join Chat',
-command => \&enterChat,
$menu{logintext}->configure (
-state => 'normal',
$menu{msgbox}->configure (
-state => 'disabled',
&sendLine (from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "You have been disconnected from the server.");
# Clear the Who List.
$wholist->delete (0,'end');
if ($config{reconnect}) {
sub on_packet {
my ($cc,$source,$packet) = @_;
if ($source eq "incoming") {
$dbgtext->insert ('end',"$packet\n","server");
else {
$dbgtext->insert ('end',"$packet\n","client");
sub on_welcome {
my ($cc,$msg) = @_;
$msg =~ s/^\d//g;
$msg =~ s/\r//g;
&sendLine (from => 'ChatServer', color => 'server', message => $msg);
sub on_message {
my ($cc,$nick,$level,$addr,$msg) = @_;
$msg =~ s/\r//g;
if ($level == 2) {
# Ignoring server messages?
if ($config{blockserver} == 1) {
if (not exists $ignore{$nick}) {
&playSound ("public");
if ($msg =~ /^\/me (.+?)$/i) {
&sendActionLine (from => $nick, color => &getColor($level), message => $1);
elsif ($config{autoact} == 1 && $msg =~ /^\*(.+?)\*$/i) {
&sendActionLine (from => $nick, color => &getColor($level), message => $1);
elsif ($config{loudtypo} == 1 && $msg =~ /^\*([^\*]+?)$/i) {
&sendActionLine (from => $nick, color => &getColor($level), message => $msg, typo => 'true');
else {
&sendLine (time => time(), from => $nick, color => &getColor($level), message => $msg);
sub on_private {
my ($cc,$nick,$level,$addr,$msg) = @_;
$msg =~ s/\r//g;
if ($level == 2) {
# Ignoring server messages?
if ($config{blockserver} == 1) {
if (not exists $ignore{$nick}) {
&playSound ("private");
&sendPrivLine (from => $nick, color => &getColor($level), message => $msg);
sub on_enter {
my ($cc,$nick,$level,$addr,$msg) = @_;
&playSound ("join");
$msg =~ s/\r//g;
&sendMoveLine (from => $nick, color => &getColor($level), message => $msg, prefix => '\\\\\\\\\\', suffix => '/////');
$online{$nick} = join (";",$level,$addr);
# Play a SFX.
#push (@PLAYSOUNDS, "email.wav");
sub on_exit {
my ($cc,$nick,$level,$addr,$msg) = @_;
&playSound ("leave");
$msg =~ s/\r//g;
&sendMoveLine (from => $nick, color => &getColor($level), message => $msg, prefix => '/////', suffix => '\\\\\\\\\\');
delete $online{$nick};
sub on_here {
my ($cc,$nick,$level,$addr) = @_;
my $user = $nick;
if (exists $online{$user}) {
# Ignore.
else {
$online{$nick} = join (";",$level,$addr);
sub on_wholist {
my ($cc,@users) = @_;
#print "wholist: @users\n";
my %comp = ();
foreach my $name (@users) {
my ($nick,$addr) = split(/\,/, $name, 2);
my $user = $nick;
my ($level) = $user =~ /^(\d)/;
$user =~ s/^\d//;
#print "check newuser $user\n";
if (exists $online{$user}) {
# They're already here.
#print "\tuser already here\n";
else {
# They're new.
#print "\tthis is a new user!\n";
$online{$user} = join (";",$level,$addr);
$comp{$user} = 1;
# Look for missing users.
foreach my $nln (keys %online) {
#print "marked online user: $nln\n";
if (not exists $comp{$nln}) {
#print "not exists in comp\n";
# Delete them.
delete $online{$nln};
sub updateWhoList {
$wholist->delete (0,'end');
$adminlist->delete (0,'end');
foreach my $user (keys %online) {
my ($level,$addr) = split(/\;/, $online{$user}, 2);
my $color = &getColor($level);
my $type = join ('',$color,'color');
#print "Update wholists ($user; $level; $addr; $color; $type)\n";
if ($color eq 'admin' || $color eq 'guest') {
$adminlist->insert ('end',$user);
$adminlist->itemconfigure ('end', -foreground => $config{$type});
else {
$wholist->insert ('end',$user);
$wholist->itemconfigure ('end', -foreground => $config{$type});
sub on_name_accepted {
my ($cc) = @_;
$loggedin = 1;
# Our name was accepted!
$menu{loginbttn}->configure (
-text => 'Exit Chat',
-command => \&exitChat,
$menu{logintext}->configure (
-state => 'disabled',
$menu{msgbox}->configure (
-state => 'normal',
sub on_ignored {
my ($cc,$ignore,$user) = @_;
# Showing ignore notifications?
if ($config{loudignore} == 1) {
&sendLine (time => time(), from => 'ChatClient', color => 'client', message => "$user has ignored you.");
# Doing mutual ignores?
if ($config{ignoreback} == 1) {
$cc->ignore ($user);
sub on_error {
my ($cc,$code,$string) = @_;
&sendLine (from => 'ChatServer', color => 'server', message => $string);
sub htmlEscape {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$str =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$str =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
$str =~ s/\'/&apos;/g;
return $str;
sub timestamp {
# Generate the time stamp.
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time());
$hour = "0" . $hour until length $hour == 2;
$min = "0" . $min until length $min == 2;
return "$hour:$min";
sub doAutolog {
# Is autologging enabled?
if ($config{autologging} == 1) {
# Make log directories, if necessary.
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time());
$mon = "0" . $mon until length $mon == 2;
$day = "0" . $day until length $day == 2;
$year += 1900;
my $dir = join ("-",$year,$mon,$day);
if (!-d "$homedir/logs") {
print "mkdir $homedir/logs\n";
mkdir ("$homedir/logs") or warn "can't mkdir $homedir/logs: $!";
if (!-d "$homedir/logs/$dir") {
print "mkdir $homedir/logs/$dir\n";
mkdir ("$homedir/logs/$dir") or warn "can't mkdir $homedir/logs/$dir: $!";
# Does our filename already exist?
my $file = "error.html";
if ($autologid == 0) {
my $i = 1;
$file = join ("",$year,$mon,$day) . "-$i.html";
while (-f "$homedir/logs/$dir/$file") {
$file = join ("",$year,$mon,$day) . "-$i.html";
$autologid = $i;
else {
$file = join ("",$year,$mon,$day) . "-$autologid.html";
# Save the HTML.
&saveHTML ("$homedir/logs/$dir/$file");
sub saveHTML {
my $file = shift;
# Save as HTML.
my (@lines) = reverse(@xhtml);
open (SAVE, ">$file");
print SAVE "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" "
. "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n"
. "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" lang=\"EN\">\n"
. "<head>\n"
. "<title>Cyan Chat Transcript | Perl CyanChat Client $VERSION</title>\n"
. "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n"
. "<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Perl CyanChat Client $VERSION\" />\n"
. "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
. "body {\n"
. " background-color: $config{background};\n"
. " margin: 5px;\n"
. " font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;\n"
. " font-size: small;\n"
. " color: $config{foreground}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".message {\n"
. " display: block;\n"
. " color: $config{foreground}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".timestamp {\n"
. " color: $config{foreground};\n"
. " font-size: smaller\n"
. "}\n"
. ".user {\n"
. " color: $config{usercolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".echo {\n"
. " color: $config{echocolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".admin {\n"
. " color: $config{admincolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".guest {\n"
. " color: $config{guestcolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".server {\n"
. " color: $config{servercolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".client {\n"
. " color: $config{clientcolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".private {\n"
. " color: $config{privatecolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. ".action {\n"
. " color: $config{actioncolor}\n"
. "}\n"
. "</style>\n"
. "</head>\n"
. "<body>\n"
. "<div class=\"admin\"><b>Transcript saved on " . localtime(time()) . "</b></div>\n\n"
. (join ("\n\n",@lines) )
. "</body>\n"
. "</html>";
close (SAVE);
sub prefs {
if (exists $windows{__prefs__}) {
else {
$helpPage = "general.html"; # The help page if we click for help.
$windows{__prefs__} = $mw->Toplevel (
-title => 'Preferences',
$windows{__prefs__}->geometry ('580x400');
$windows{__prefs__}->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{worlds});
$windows{__prefs__}->bind ('<Destroy>', sub {
delete $windows{__prefs__};
# Create the button frame.
my $btnFrame = $windows{__prefs__}->Frame (
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
my $prefsFrame = $windows{__prefs__}->Frame (
)->pack (-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
# Draw the window buttons.
$btnFrame->Button (
-text => 'Help',
-command => sub {
&help ($helpPage);
)->pack (-side => 'right', -padx => 10, -pady => 5);
$btnFrame->Button (
-text => ' Apply ',
-command => sub {
# Save our configuration.
)->pack (-side => 'right', -padx => 15, -pady => 5);
$btnFrame->Button (
-text => ' Cancel ',
-command => sub {
# Cancel anything we may have changed.
)->pack (-side => 'right', -padx => 0, -pady => 5);
$btnFrame->Button (
-text => ' OK ',
-command => sub {
# Commit the changes.
)->pack (-side => 'right', -padx => 5, -pady => 5);
# Draw the tab frame.
my $tabFrame = $prefsFrame->NoteBook (
-font => $FONT,
)->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
## General ##
my $genTab = $tabFrame->add ("general",
-label => "General",
-raisecmd => sub {
$helpPage = "general.html";
my $apLabFrame = $genTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Appearance',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $apFrame = $apLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
my $labMainFont = $apFrame->Label (
-text => 'Main Font Face:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'ne');
$apFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$config{dialogfont},
-foreground => '#000000',
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labMainFont,
-msg => "The font family used on most buttons and "
. "text entry boxes in the entire program.",
my $labFontSize = $apFrame->Label (
-text => 'Font Size:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'ne');
$apFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$config{fontsize},
-foreground => '#000000',
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-width => 4,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labFontSize,
-msg => "The font size (in pixels) of most buttons "
. "and text boxes in this program.",
my $labDialogFlow = $apFrame->Label (
-text => 'Dialog Flow:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => 'ne');
my $labReverse = $apFrame->Radiobutton (
-variable => \$config{reversechat},
-text => 'New messages on top (default CC behavior)',
-value => 1,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => 'nw');
my $labNormal = $apFrame->Radiobutton (
-variable => \$config{reversechat},
-text => 'New messages on bottom',
-value => 0,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 3, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labDialogFlow,
-msg => "These options control where new messages appear "
. "in the dialog window.",
$tipper->attach ($labReverse,
-msg => "New messages will appear on top, which mimics "
. "the default CC behavior.",
$tipper->attach ($labNormal,
-msg => "New messages will appear on bottom, which mimics "
. "most traditional chat programs.",
my $labDisplayOpts = $apFrame->Label (
-text => 'Display Options:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 4, -sticky => 'ne');
my $labOrientation = $apFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{orientation},
-text => 'Reverse orientation (requires restart)',
-onvalue => 'bottom',
-offvalue => 'top',
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 4, -sticky => 'nw');
my $labNotify = $apFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{notifyanimate},
-text => 'Animate the window titles when new messages arrive',
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 5, -sticky => 'nw');
my $labAutolog = $apFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{autologging},
-text => 'Automatically log all transcripts',
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 6, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labDisplayOpts,
-msg => "Miscellaneous display options.",
$tipper->attach ($labOrientation,
-msg => "When enabled, the text-entry box will appear below "
. "the chat dialog window, instead of on top (this "
. "mimics traditional chat programs).",
$tipper->attach ($labNotify,
-msg => "When a new message arrives and PCCC is minimized, "
. "the title will animate to get your attention.",
$tipper->attach ($labAutolog,
-msg => "When checked, all messages get automatically logged to "
. "the \"logs\" folder,\n"
. "sorted by date (yyyy-mm-dd) format.",
my $loginLabFrame = $genTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Nickname Settings',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $loginFrame = $loginLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
my $labNickname = $loginFrame->Label (
-text => "Default Nickname:",
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'ne');
$loginFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$config{nickname},
-foreground => '#000000',
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labNickname,
-msg => "This nickname will be pre-entered in the Name: "
. "box on the chat window.",
my $labAutoJoin = $loginFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{autojoin},
-text => "Automatically join chat when connected",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labAutoJoin,
-msg => "When enabled, and when there's a Name entered, "
. "you will automatically join the chat when you "
. "connect.",
## Connection ##
my $connTab = $tabFrame->add ("conn",
-label => "Connection",
-raisecmd => sub {
$helpPage = "connection.html";
my $servLabFrame = $connTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Server Settings',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $servFrame = $servLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
my $labHost = $servFrame->Label (
-text => "CyanChat Host:",
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'ne',);
$servFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$config{chathost},
-foreground => '#000000',
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nw');
$servFrame->Label (
-text => "Default: cho.cyan.com",
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 2, -row => 0, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labHost,
-msg => "The server (host) name of a CyanChat server.",
my $labPort = $servFrame->Label (
-text => "Port:",
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'ne');
$servFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$config{chatport},
-foreground => '#000000',
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
-highlightthickness => 0,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => 'nw');
$servFrame->Label (
-text => "Default: 1812\n"
. "Testing: 1813",
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 2, -row => 1, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labPort,
-msg => "The port number that the CC server listens on.",
my $labAutoConnect = $servFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{autoconnect},
-text => "Automatically connect when PCCC starts",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 2, -columnspan => 3, -sticky => 'nw');
my $labReconnect = $servFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{reconnect},
-text => "Attempt to reconnect when disconnected",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 3, -columnspan => 3, -sticky => 'nw');
# Balloon Tooltips.
$tipper->attach ($labAutoConnect,
-msg => "When checked, PCCC will attempt to connect to CyanChat "
. "when it starts up.",
$tipper->attach ($labReconnect,
-msg => "When checked, PCCC will attempt once to reconnect to the "
. "server is the connection is interrupted.",
## Color Scheme ##
my $colorTab = $tabFrame->add ("colors",
-label => "Colors",
-raisecmd => sub {
$helpPage = "colors.html";
my $colLabFrame = $colorTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Chat Colors',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
my $colFrame = $colLabFrame->Scrolled ("Pane",
-scrollbars => 'e',
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, -pady => 2);
# Draw the colors.
my @types = (
"h::PCCC Interface",
"Window Background Color::windowbg",
"Window Text Color::windowfg",
"Button Background Color::buttonbg",
"Button Text Color::buttonfg",
"Textbox Background Color::inputbg",
"Textbox Text Color::inputfg",
"Disabled Text Color::disabledfg",
"h::Chat Colors",
"Dialog Window Background::background",
"Main Chat Text::foreground",
"Who List Background::whobg",
"Private Messages::privatecolor",
"Action Messages::actioncolor",
"h::Nickname Colors",
"Normal Nicknames::usercolor",
"My Nickname Echo::echocolor",
"Cyan Staff::admincolor",
"Special Guests::guestcolor",
my $colorRow = 0;
my %colorButtons = ();
foreach my $type (@types) {
my ($label,$var) = split(/::/, $type, 2);
# Headers?
if ($label eq "h") {
# Draw the header in a significant style.
$colFrame->Label (
-text => $var,
-relief => 'sunken',
-border => 2,
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => $colorRow,
-columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'ew', -ipady => 2);
else {
# Draw the label first.
$colFrame->Label (
-text => "$label:",
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => $colorRow, -sticky => 'e');
# Now draw the color preview.
$colorButtons{$var} = $colFrame->Button (
-text => "xxxxxx",
-font => $FONT,
-foreground => $config{$var},
-background => $config{$var},
-activeforeground => $config{$var},
-activebackground => $config{$var},
-command => [ sub {
my $var = shift;
my $new = $windows{__prefs__}->chooseColor (
-title => 'Choose Color',
-initialcolor => $config{$var},
return unless defined $new;
$config{$var} = $new;
$colorButtons{$var}->configure (
-foreground => $new,
-background => $new,
-activeforeground => $new,
-activebackground => $new,
}, $var ],
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => $colorRow, -sticky => 'nw');
## Ignored Users ##
my $ignoreTab = $tabFrame->add ("ignore",
-label => "Ignored Users",
-raisecmd => sub {
$helpPage = "ignorelist.html";
my $ignoreLabFrame = $ignoreTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Ignored Users',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $ignoreFrame = $ignoreLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
$ignoreFrame->Label (
-text => 'Use this window to modify your ignore list.',
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w');
my $labOnlineUsers = $ignoreFrame->Label (
-text => 'Online Users:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'n');
my $labIgnoredUsers = $ignoreFrame->Label (
-text => 'Ignored Users:',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => 'n');
$pOnlineList = $ignoreFrame->Scrolled ("Listbox",
-scrollbars => "e",
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-foreground => '#000000',
-highlightthickness => 0,
-selectbackground => '#FFFF00',
-selectforeground => '#000000',
-height => 6,
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => 'n');
$pIgnoreList = $ignoreFrame->Scrolled ("Listbox",
-scrollbars => "e",
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-foreground => '#000000',
-highlightthickness => 0,
-selectbackground => '#FFFF00',
-selectforeground => '#000000',
-height => 6,
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => 'n');
my $btnIgnore = $ignoreFrame->Button (
-text => 'Ignore Selected',
-font => $FONT,
-command => sub {
my $selected = $pOnlineList->get (
print "selected: $selected\n";
my ($name,$addr) = split(/:/, $selected, 2);
&ignoreUser (undef,$name);
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 3, -sticky => 'n');
my $btnUnignore = $ignoreFrame->Button (
-text => 'Unignore Selected',
-font => $FONT,
-command => sub {
my $selected = $pIgnoreList->get (
print "selected: $selected\n";
my ($name,$addr) = split(/:/, $selected, 2);
&ignoreUser (undef,$name);
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 3, -sticky => 'n');
my $btnRefresh = $ignoreFrame->Button (
-text => 'Refresh Lists',
-font => $FONT,
-command => \&refreshIgnoreLists,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 4, -sticky => 'w');
my $ignOpts = $ignoreFrame->Pane (
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 5, -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'nw');
my $labStickyIgnore = $ignOpts->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{stickyignore},
-text => 'Remember my ignore list.',
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
my $labMutualIgnores = $ignOpts->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{ignoreback},
-text => "Perform mutual ignores",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => 'w');
my $labLoudIgnore = $ignOpts->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{loudignore},
-text => "Tell me when somebody ignores me",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
my $labSendIgnore = $ignOpts->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{sendignore},
-text => "Send server ignore command when ignoring users",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 2, -sticky => 'w');
# Balloon Tooltips.
$tipper->attach ($labOnlineUsers,
-msg => "This listbox displays the current online users.",
$tipper->attach ($labIgnoredUsers,
-msg => "This listbox displays the users you're currently ignoring.",
$tipper->attach ($btnIgnore,
-msg => "Click this button to ignore the selected user.",
$tipper->attach ($btnUnignore,
-msg => "Click this button to remove the selected user from your "
. "ignore list.",
$tipper->attach ($btnRefresh,
-msg => "Click this button to refresh the lists on this page.",
$tipper->attach ($labStickyIgnore,
-msg => "Enable this option to save your Ignore List after you "
. "shut down PCCC.",
$tipper->attach ($labMutualIgnores,
-msg => "Automatically ignore everyone who ignores us.",
$tipper->attach ($labLoudIgnore,
-msg => "When enabled, show a message in chat when somebody "
. "ignores you.",
$tipper->attach ($labSendIgnore,
-msg => "When enabled, send the actual Ignore command to "
. "the CyanChat server (which can then notify the "
. "target that you are ignoring them).\n"
. "Server-side ignores can't be unignored without "
. "disconnecting from the server.",
## Sound Effects ##
my $sfxTab = $tabFrame->add ("sfx",
-label => "Sounds",
-raisecmd => sub {
$helpPage = "sounds.html";
my $sfxLabFrame = $sfxTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Sound Effects',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $sfxFrame = $sfxLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
my $labPlaySounds = $sfxFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{playsounds},
-text => "Enable Sound Effects",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w');
my $eventLabFrame = $sfxTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Events',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $eventFrame = $eventLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
my $labJoinSound = $eventFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{playjoin},
-text => "When a user joins the room...",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w');
my $labLeaveSound = $eventFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{playleave},
-text => "When a user exits the room...",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
my $labPublicSound = $eventFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{playpublic},
-text => "When a message is received...",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 2, -sticky => 'w');
my $labPrivateSound = $eventFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{playprivate},
-text => "When a private message is received...",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 3, -sticky => 'w');
for (my $i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$eventFrame->Label (
-text => "play",
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => $i, -sticky => 'e');
# Create a list of wav files from the sfx folder.
opendir (DIR, "./sfx");
my @wavs = sort(grep(/\.wav$/i, readdir(DIR)));
closedir (DIR);
my $i = 0;
foreach (qw(joinsound leavesound publicsound privatesound)) {
my $tmp = $eventFrame->BrowseEntry (
-variable => \$config{$_},
-font => $FONT,
-options => [
)->grid (-column => 2, -row => $i, -sticky => 'w');
$tmp->Subwidget("entry")->configure (
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-foreground => '#000000',
-font => $FONT,
-width => 10,
$eventFrame->Button (
-text => 'Play',
-font => $FONT,
-command => [ sub {
my $sound = shift;
if (length $config{$sound}) {
push (@PLAYSOUNDS,$config{$sound});
}, $_ ],
)->grid (-column => 3, -row => $i, -sticky => 'w');
## Miscellaneous ##
my $miscTab = $tabFrame->add ("misc",
-label => "Miscellaneous",
-raisecmd => sub {
$helpPage = "misc.html";
my $progLabFrame = $miscTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'External Programs',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $progFrame = $progLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
my $labBrowser = $progFrame->Label (
-text => "Web Browser Command:",
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'e');
my $labBrowserCmd = $progFrame->BrowseEntry (
-variable => \$config{browser},
-options => [
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w');
$labBrowserCmd->Subwidget("entry")->configure (
-background => '#FFFFFF',
-foreground => '#000000',
-font => $FONT,
-width => 20,
my $labMPlayer = $progFrame->Label (
-text => "Command-line Media Player:",
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'e');
# For Windows users, don't even show this option.
if ($^O =~ /win(32|64)/i) {
$progFrame->Label (
-text => "Win32::MediaPlayer",
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
else {
my $labMPlayerCmd = $progFrame->Entry (
-textvariable => \$config{mediaplayer},
-width => 20,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 1, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labBrowser,
-msg => "Type or select the command-line program for "
. "viewing web pages.\n"
. "Windows should use `start`\n"
. "Linux should use `htmlview`\n"
. "Mac should use `open`",
my $miscLabFrame = $miscTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Miscellaneous Options',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $miscFrame = $miscLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'left', -padx => 15);
my $labImWindows = $miscFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{imwindows},
-text => "Show private messages in new windows",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 0, -sticky => 'w');
my $labIgnoreServer = $miscFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{blockserver},
-text => "Ignore private messages from ChatServer",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 1, -sticky => 'w');
my $labAction = $miscFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{autoact},
-text => "Show *...* messsages as /me actions",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 5, -sticky => 'w');
my $labTypo = $miscFrame->Checkbutton (
-variable => \$config{loudtypo},
-text => "Highlight typo corrections",
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0,
-font => $FONT,
)->grid (-column => 0, -row => 6, -sticky => 'w');
# Balloon Tooltip.
$tipper->attach ($labIgnoreServer,
-msg => "Ignores private messages sent by [ChatServer] "
. "(useful when on debug port 1813)",
$tipper->attach ($labAction,
-msg => "Messages starting and ending with a * will get "
. "displayed as a \"/me\" style message.",
$tipper->attach ($labTypo,
-msg => "Messages starting with * will get displayed as a "
. "\"typo correction\" message.",
my $defLabFrame = $miscTab->LabFrame (
-labelside => 'acrosstop',
-label => 'Revert to Default Settings',
-font => [
-weight => 'bold',
)->pack (-fill => 'x');
my $defFrame = $defLabFrame->Pane (
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1, -padx => 15);
$defFrame->Label (
-text => "Click the button below to revert back to the "
. "default configuration:",
-font => $FONT,
$defFrame->Button (
-text => "Reset Configuration",
-font => $FONT,
-command => sub {
# Delete the config file.
if (-f "$homedir/config.txt") {
unlink ("$homedir/config.txt");
# Reload configuration.
# Destroy this window.
# Reload this window.
sub refreshIgnoreLists {
# Sort and populate the lists.
$pOnlineList->delete ('0','end');
$pIgnoreList->delete ('0','end');
my @lsonline = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %online;
my @lsignore = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %ignore;
# Populate the online users list, skip ignored users.
foreach my $nln (@lsonline) {
next if exists $ignore{$nln};
# Get the user's info.
my ($level,$addr) = split(/\;/, $online{$nln}, 2);
$pOnlineList->insert ('end',"$nln:$addr");
# Populate the ignore users list.
foreach my $nln (@lsignore) {
print "add ignore: $nln ($online{$nln})\n";
my ($level,$addr) = split(/\;/, $online{$nln}, 2);
$pIgnoreList->insert ('end',"$nln:$addr");
sub playSound {
my $option = shift;
my $sfx = join ("",$option,"sound");
my $check = join ("","play",$option);
# See if we're allowed to play this sound.
my $allowed = 1;
# If the global configuration is disabled, don't allow.
if ($config{playsounds} == 0) {
$allowed = 0;
# If we're muting the sounds temporarily, don't allow.
if ($mutesfx == 1) {
$allowed = 0;
# If this particular event is disabled, don't allow.
if ($config{$check} == 0) {
$allowed = 0;
# If the file doesn't exist, don't allow.
if (!-f "./sfx/$config{$sfx}") {
$allowed = 0;
# If allowed, play it.
if ($allowed) {
push (@PLAYSOUNDS,$config{$sfx});
return $allowed;
sub help {
my $page = shift || "index.html";
if (exists $windows{__help__}) {
&helpPage ($page);
else {
@helphistory = ();
$windows{__help__} = $mw->Toplevel (
-title => 'PCCC Help',
$windows{__help__}->geometry ('550x400');
$windows{__help__}->Icon (-image => $IMAGE{worlds});
$windows{__help__}->bind ('<Destroy>', sub {
$htmlhelp = undef;
delete $windows{__help__};
# Draw the toolbar frame.
my $tbFrame = $windows{__help__}->Frame (
-borderwidth => 2,
-relief => 'raised',
)->pack (-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');
# Toolbar buttons.
my $btnContents = $tbFrame->Button (
-text => "Contents",
-font => $FONT,
-command => sub {
&helpPage ("index.html");
)->pack (-side => 'left');
my $btnBack = $tbFrame->Button (
-text => "Back",
-font => $FONT,
-command => sub {
)->pack (-side => 'left');
my $btnExit = $tbFrame->Button (
-text => "Close",
-font => $FONT,
-command => sub {
)->pack (-side => 'left');
# Main frame.
my $mainFrame = $windows{__help__}->Frame (
)->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
# HTML widget.
$htmlhelp = $mainFrame->Scrolled ("HyperText",
-scrollbars => 'e',
-wrap => 'word',
-titlecommand => \&helpTitle,
-linkcommand => \&helpLink,
)->pack (-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
# Show the requested page.
&helpPage ($page);
sub helpPage {
my $page = shift;
my $nohistory = shift || 0;
if (!-f "./docs/$page") {
$page = "404.html";
open (PAGE, "./docs/$page");
my @html = <PAGE>;
close (PAGE);
chomp @html;
my $code = join ("\n",@html);
$code =~ s/%VERSION%/$VERSION/ig;
$code =~ s/%DATE%/$MODIFIED/ig;
$code =~ s/%CC%/$Net::CyanChat::VERSION/ig;
$code =~ s/%HTML%/$Tk::HyperText::VERSION/ig;
print "Load help document $page\n";
unless ($nohistory) {
push (@helphistory, $page);
shift(@helphistory) until scalar(@helphistory) <= 25;
if (defined $htmlhelp) {
$htmlhelp->insert ('end',$code);
sub helpBack {
if (scalar(@helphistory)) {
my $back = pop(@helphistory);
&helpPage ($back,1);
sub helpTitle {
my ($widget,$title) = @_;
if (defined $windows{__help__}) {
if (length $title) {
$windows{__help__}->title ("$title - PCCC Help");
else {
$windows{__help__}->title ("PCCC Help");
sub helpLink {
my ($widget,$href,$target) = @_;
if ($target eq "_blank") {
push (@HYPERLINKLIST, $href);
else {
&helpPage ($href);