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2013-12-02 20:16:44 +00:00
| Perl CyanChat Client 2.x |
3.0 Jun 21 2007
- Made some changes to the Debug Window:
- The output filehandles (STDOUT; STDERR) are no longer bound to this window; they're
sent to the terminal (if present) like default.
- Only CC packets are displayed in the Debug Window. Server packets are in blue text,
and client packets are in red.
- Changed the default Special Guest color back to orange, and the action color back
to yellow.
- Built in support for "profiles." Your configuration, ignore lists, and chat logs
are now saved in your home directory instead of in PCCC's directory. So on Linux
this means /home/username/.pccc, and WinXP is C:/Documents and Settings/user/PCCC
- Made a minor edit to the Net::CyanChat library, so that it can detect when the
server has banned you from the room.
- Added support for sound effects. It uses the Win32::MediaPlayer module on Windows,
or the system command `play` on Linux.
- Added a "Force Quit" command under the File Menu. It's disabled by default. When
you attempt at least once to exit the program properly, and it for whatever reason
fails to exit, the Force Quit option becomes enabled. Alternatively, the keyboard
shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Q will kill the program.
- Moved the configuration options for MutualIgnore, LoudIgnore, and SendIgnore to
the bottom of the "Ignored Users" tab.
- Created a "Sounds" tab, with configurable options for:
- Enable sounds -- disable this, and all sounds are disabled.
- Play sounds on certain events...
- When a user joins the room
- When a user exits the room
- When a public message is received
- When a private message is received
- Added a "Mute sounds" option to the bottom of the Chat menu. This option will
temporarily disable sounds, but not permanently save this state to your config
- Changed how action messages ("/me") and typo messages appear. The new style is:
Action Messages: ** Nickname performs an action **
Typo Messages: [Nickname] *their typo correction
All the text is in the action text color except for the nickname, and in the case
of typo messages, the brackets around the nick. In typo corrections, the user's exact
message is shown as usual, just in yellow text instead of silver.
- Reprogrammed the entire help system. It now uses Tk::HyperText and renders HTML
documents from the "docs" folder. Also, added an "About" menu option to the Help menu,
which opens the appropriate page in the Help Viewer. Also, "Help" buttons on the
Preferences window will load the appropriate page in the Help Viewer too.
- Bug fix: when copying/pasting text from an outside source (e.g. from a web page)
into the typing space, the newline characters would be preserved when they shouldn't
be. Sending the message would result in getting banned from Cho. This has been fixed
now, as the characters \x0d (Cr) and \x0a (Lf) are filtered out of your message.
- Bug fix: got rid of the right-click context menus on the Who List. For Windows users,
right-clicking and bringing up this menu would pause the main program loop, effectively
preventing PCCC from polling the server for new events. The GUI would still work just fine,
but the loop wouldn't work anymore.
2.8 Jun 1 2007
- Removed the "highlight borders" on the widgets, so that Linux and Mac users don't
have to see those ugly borders around i.e. the "Autoscroll" check box, as well as
buttons and text boxes.
- Redesigned the preferences window.
- Added the option of *not* showing private messages in new IM windows. When the
option is disabled, private messages only show up in IM windows if an IM window
already exists, and the only way to create an IM window is to double-click a name
in the Who List.
- Added right-click context menus to the Who List. Right-clicking a user displays a
context menu along the lines of:
Send private message
Ignore user
... or "Unignore user" if you already ignored them.
- Added an "Ignored Users" tab to the Preferences window, where you can view your
ignore list, adding or removing users if necessary.
- Added "Notifications" -- when a new message arrives (in public chat or private
message windows), and the window is out of focus or minimized, the window title
will animate to get your attention.
- Added an "Auto-logging" option, which will automatically log all messages received
in chat. It saves them into "./logs/yyyy-mm-dd/yyyymmdd-x.html", where yyyymmdd is a
date stamp, and x is a session number starting from 1, which increments each time PCCC
is run.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the "disappearing name" bug (where you'd log in to chat, open the Preferences
window, hit Cancel, and your nick in the Name: box would revert to the "default nick"
from the preferences, which is blank by default).
- Added configuration options:
- TimeStamps: show time stamps on all messages.
- IMWindows: show private messages in new "IM" windows
2.7 May 23 2007
- The client now assumes "htmlview" as the default "Browser Command" when you're not
on Windows and there is no config file yet. Otherwise, the default is "start"
2.6 Apr 14 2007
- Added the "Browser Command" option, to specify the console command used to open your
web browser. Windows users can just leave this as "start", but Linux users will have
to specify "firefox", "mozilla", or another command.
- Added a "Reverse Orientation" option. Users that are familiar with most traditional
chat programs, in which the message typing space is below the conversation space,
will want to enable this option (in conjunction with unchecking "Reverse chat dialog").
- Made the Preferences and Enter Raw Command windows a little bit bigger. The "Ok"
button was being squished on Linux, and the Enter Raw Command's buttons weren't even
visible before.
- Updated the help file with information about the new options added.
2.5 Mar 1 2007
- Two more Frame widgets added to the user interface. Now the window "scales" better
(when you maximize the window, the input box stays at the top and the dialog window
stretches to fill all the remaining space; previously, the dialog window and input
box would fight for the new space, causing a lot of unnecessary padding above and below
the input box).
- Added hyperlinking support for the main chat dialog window (but not yet for private
message windows).
2.4 Jan 29 2007
- Added a checkbutton to enable/disable the automatic scrolling of the chat window when
new messages are received.
- The "Disconnect" menu option is disabled from the start if you are not connected yet,
like it should've been.
- The Who List gets wiped clean when you disconnect from the server. The lack of doing this
used to cause problems where people in the Who List weren't actually in the chat room,
so clearing the list fixes this problem.
- Made sure I don't forget to include the latest version of Net::CyanChat in the source
distribution this time. ;)
2.3 Nov 7 2006
- Minor bug fixes.
2.2 Oct 30 2006
- Added more color variables: the main window background/foreground and the button
background/foreground is now configurable separate from the rest of the screen.
The WhoList can have a different background than the dialog window.
- The "Save Transcript" now saves the conversation as XHTML, keeping the colors of the chat.
If you save it to a text file, it ignores the formatting (the old behavior of PCCC).
- Action messages have changed display formats:
Old Way: *** [username] action ***
New Way: [username] action in yellow ("action") text color
- Outgoing private messages are echoed in the chat dialog window, even if you sent them in
a separate PM window.
- Added some new configuration options:
- AutoAct: when a message starts and ends with *'s, it will be treated like a /me action.
- LoudTypo: when a message starts with a * (typically for typo corrections), a notification
will be shown about the typo being corrected.
- Added a full documentation system. Click "Help -> Contents"
- Bug fixes:
- Private message windows now auto-scroll.
2.1 Oct 24 2006
- Added new configuration options:
- AutoJoin: automatically join the room on connect (if Nickname has a length)
- BlockServer: ignore private messages from ChatServer (when on debug port 1813)
- LoudIgnore: show a notification when somebody blocks you
- SendIgnore: send the ignore command to the server when you ignore somebody
- IgnoreBack: perform a mutual ignore when ignored (ignore the one ingoring you)
- Added the ability to reset the configuration to the defaults.
- The entire window now recolors itself when you change color settings (rather than just
the conversation window)
- A disconnect handler has been added so the client knows when you've been disconnected
from the chat server.
- Added the ability to automatically reconnect on disconnect. This functionality is limited
though. It won't keep trying. But this will solve the quick temporary disconnects experienced
on wireless Internet connections.
- A few bugs have been fixed:
- The Preferences window now has a fixed default width and height. Previously, it
was leaving it up to the window contents to automatically adjust its size, but this
didn't work on *nix platforms and the window was too small.
- The "Connection Details" window has a fixed default width and height too, for same reasons.
- Private Message windows will come back now. Previously, if you opened a private message
window with somebody, then closed that window, you couldn't reopen it (unless the other
person sent you a message to open the window).
2.0 Oct 1 2006
- Initial release.