* Add a distinctly colored title and background for DM threads apart
from the public channels
* On the Who List, the profile picture is clickable to open profile
* Fix auto-scrolling issues: it won't autoscroll if the new message was
in a different channel, and when toggling between channels always
scroll back to the bottom of that channel
* The who list now sorts alphabetically instead of random
* New user controls when they share video:
* Require users to also be sharing before they open ours
* We auto-open a viewer's video when they open ours
* Users can now boot viewers off their camera. From the viewer's POV the
booter has just turned off their camera and it will remain "off" for
the remainder of the booter's session.
* Users can now mute one another: if you mute a user, you will no longer
see that user's messages or DMs; and the muted user will never see
your video as being active (like a boot but revokable if you unmute
* Track the window focus/blur events. Leaving the tab while in a channel
now means you may still hear sound effects in that channel.
* Add a CORS JSON API /v1/statistics to get details from the server
about who is online. The CORSHosts whitelist in the settings.toml
limits domain access to the endpoint.