2021-07-11 15:05:25 -07:00

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# Register Your Game
_Sketchy Maze_ is 100% free to play as a shareware game, but purchasing the
full version will unlock additional features.
As of [release v0.7.0](/posts/release-v0.7.0/), registering for the full version
of the game adds the following features:
* **Publish your custom levels, doodads included!** If you are using some custom
doodads to design your levels, the Publish feature allows you to _easily_ share
your level with others: all custom doodads will be _attached_ directly into
the .level file, so you can send your level to your friend and it will
"just play" on her computer, as all of its custom content is included!
* **Play custom levels which have attached doodads:** the full version of the
game is needed to _play_ such levels which were published with their custom
doodads attached to the level file.
## Status: Coming Soon!
Options are currently being explored in terms of payment provider to begin
selling full versions of this game. Until then, friends & family get free
license keys.
## Buy once, free updates forever
The way this is going to work is that you buy the game just **one** time and
get free updates to the game for as long as I find it interesting to develop.
The early releases will be inexpensive and will go up as the game gains more
features and popularity, so early adopters can get in on the later updates for
a lower price!
## No DRM
Upon registering for the full version of the game, you will receive a
"License Key file" which you select in-game to activate it. This process is
100% off-line, no network connection required, I want to make sure the game still
functions even if I get hit by a bus.
Future releases of the game will honor license keys generated for prior versions,
except if your key is discovered leaked onto piracy websites; in which case,
future releases of the game would stop accepting that license but older versions
will still work.