Noah Petherbridge ed492a4451 Progress on the Zoom In/Out Feature
* Got the level chunks AND the wallpaper to both scale UP and DOWN
  consistently together.
* Trying to draw new pixels while zoomed in/out ends up offsetting the
  pixels by 2X still. Still seems an issue between screen coordinates
  and world coordinates. Zoom in 2X and try and draw a line 64px from
  the corners of the screen? The committed line appropriately lands at
  the 64px coord on the level data but, zoomed in, it appears 2X to the
  right on the screen from where I dropped the cursor!
* When zooming OUT, the limit on number of chunks the viewport will try
  and render is not increased, leaving dead space in the screen; more
  chunks should render when there's room.
2021-07-11 21:54:28 -07:00

230 lines
6.5 KiB

package uix
import (
// Present the canvas.
func (w *Canvas) Present(e render.Engine, p render.Point) {
var (
S = w.Size()
Viewport = w.Viewport()
// Bezel = render.NewRect(
// p.X+w.Scroll.X+w.BoxThickness(1),
// p.Y+w.Scroll.Y+w.BoxThickness(1),
// )
// zoomMultiplier = int(w.GetZoomMultiplier())
// w.MoveTo(p) // TODO: when uncommented the canvas will creep down the Workspace frame in EditorMode
w.DrawBox(e, p)
e.DrawBox(w.Background(), render.Rect{
X: p.X + w.BoxThickness(1),
Y: p.Y + w.BoxThickness(1),
W: S.W - w.BoxThickness(2),
H: S.H - w.BoxThickness(2),
// Draw the wallpaper.
if w.wallpaper.Valid() {
err := w.PresentWallpaper(e, p)
if err != nil {
// Get the chunks in the viewport and cache their textures.
for coord := range w.chunks.IterViewportChunks(Viewport) {
if chunk, ok := w.chunks.GetChunk(coord); ok {
var tex render.Texturer
if w.MaskColor != render.Invisible {
tex = chunk.TextureMasked(e, w.MaskColor)
} else {
tex = chunk.Texture(e)
// Zoom in the texture.
var (
texSize = tex.Size()
texSizeOrig = tex.Size()
if w.Zoom != 0 {
texSize.W = w.ZoomMultiply(texSize.W)
texSize.H = w.ZoomMultiply(texSize.H)
src := render.Rect{
W: texSize.W,
H: texSize.H,
// If the source bitmap is already bigger than the Canvas widget
// into which it will render, cap the source width and height.
// This is especially useful for Doodad buttons because the drawing
// is bigger than the button.
if src.W > S.W {
src.W = S.W
if src.H > S.H {
src.H = S.H
dst := render.Rect{
X: p.X + w.Scroll.X + w.BoxThickness(1) + w.ZoomMultiply(coord.X*chunk.Size),
Y: p.Y + w.Scroll.Y + w.BoxThickness(1) + w.ZoomMultiply(coord.Y*chunk.Size),
// src.W and src.H will be AT MOST the full width and height of
// a Canvas widget. Subtract the scroll offset to keep it bounded
// visually on its right and bottom sides.
W: src.W,
H: src.H,
// TODO: all this shit is in TrimBox(), make it DRY
// If the destination width will cause it to overflow the widget
// box, trim off the right edge of the destination rect.
// Keep in mind we're dealing with chunks here, and a chunk is
// a small part of the image. Example:
// - Canvas is 800x600 (S.W=800 S.H=600)
// - Chunk wants to render at 790,0 width 100,100 or whatever
// dst={790, 0, 100, 100}
// - Chunk box would exceed 800px width (X=790 + W=100 == 890)
// - Find the delta how much it exceeds as negative (800 - 890 == -90)
// - Lower the Source and Dest rects by that delta size so they
// stay proportional and don't scale or anything dumb.
if dst.X+src.W > p.X+S.W {
// NOTE: delta is a negative number,
// so it will subtract from the width.
delta := (p.X + S.W - w.BoxThickness(1)) - (dst.W + dst.X)
src.W += delta
dst.W += delta
if dst.Y+src.H > p.Y+S.H {
// NOTE: delta is a negative number
delta := (p.Y + S.H - w.BoxThickness(1)) - (dst.H + dst.Y)
src.H += delta
dst.H += delta
// The same for the top left edge, so the drawings don't overlap
// menu bars or left side toolbars.
// - Canvas was placed 80px from the left of the screen.
// Canvas.MoveTo(80, 0)
// - A texture wants to draw at 60, 0 which would cause it to
// overlap 20 pixels into the left toolbar. It needs to be cropped.
// - The delta is: p.X=80 - dst.X=60 == 20
// - Set destination X to p.X to constrain it there: 20
// - Subtract the delta from destination W so we don't scale it.
// - Add 20 to X of the source: the left edge of source is not visible
if dst.X < p.X {
// NOTE: delta is a positive number,
// so it will add to the destination coordinates.
delta := p.X - dst.X
dst.X = p.X + w.BoxThickness(1)
dst.W -= delta
src.X += delta
if dst.Y < p.Y {
delta := p.Y - dst.Y
dst.Y = p.Y + w.BoxThickness(1)
dst.H -= delta
src.Y += delta
// Trim the destination width so it doesn't overlap the Canvas border.
if dst.W >= S.W-w.BoxThickness(1) {
dst.W = S.W - w.BoxThickness(1)
if w.Zoom < 0 {
log.Warn("dst: %+v", dst)
// When zooming OUT, make sure the source rect is at least the
// full size of the chunk texture; otherwise the ZoomMultiplies
// above do correctly scale e.g. 128x128 to 64x64, but it only
// samples the top-left 64x64 then and not the full texture so
// it more crops it than scales it, but does fit it neatly with
// its neighbors.
if w.Zoom < 0 {
src.W = texSizeOrig.W
src.H = texSizeOrig.H
e.Copy(tex, src, dst)
w.drawActors(e, p)
// Custom label in the canvas corner? (e.g. for Inventory item counts)
if w.CornerLabel != "" {
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: w.CornerLabel,
Font: render.Text{
FontFilename: balance.ShellFontFilename,
Size: balance.ShellFontSizeSmall,
Color: render.White,
label.SetBackground(render.RGBA(0, 0, 50, 150))
label.Present(e, render.Point{
X: p.X + S.W - label.Size().W - w.BoxThickness(1),
Y: p.Y + S.H - label.Size().H - w.BoxThickness(1),
// XXX: Debug, show label in canvas corner.
if balance.DebugCanvasLabel {
rows := []string{
// XXX: debug options, uncomment for more details
// Size of the canvas
// fmt.Sprintf("S=%d,%d", S.W, S.H),
// Viewport of the canvas
// fmt.Sprintf("V=%d,%d:%d,%d",
// Viewport.X, Viewport.Y,
// Viewport.W, Viewport.H,
// ),
// Draw the actor's position details.
// LP = Level Position, where the Actor starts at in the level data
// WP = World Position, the Actor's current position in the level
if != nil {
rows = append(rows,
label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{
Text: strings.Join(rows, "\n"),
Font: render.Text{
FontFilename: balance.ShellFontFilename,
Size: balance.ShellFontSizeSmall,
Color: render.White,
label.SetBackground(render.RGBA(0, 0, 50, 150))
label.Present(e, render.Point{
X: p.X + S.W - label.Size().W - w.BoxThickness(1),
Y: p.Y + w.BoxThickness(1),