Noah Petherbridge 386e0b2b0c Brighten Patterns + Update Default Palettes
* The pattern textures for level palettes have been brightened and work
  better with bright colors.
* The three default palettes for new levels now have patterns applied to
  each of their colors.
* Bugfix around resetting keybind states for Zoom In/Out, Scroll to
  Origin and Reset Zoom Level bindings.
2021-06-20 10:42:51 -07:00

255 lines
12 KiB

# Changes
## v0.7.0 (TBD)
This is the first release of the game where the "free version" drifts meaningfully
away from the "full version". Free versions of the game will show the label
"(shareware)" next to the game version numbers and will not support embedding
doodads inside of level files -- for creating them or playing them.
Check the website for how you can register the full version of the game.
This release brings several improvements to the game:
* **Brush Patterns** for your level palette. Instead of your colors drawing on as
plain, solid pixels, a color swatch can _sample_ with a Pattern to create a
textured appearance when plotted on your level. Several patterns are built in
including Noise, Marker, Ink, and others. The idea is that your brush strokes can
look as though they were drawn in pencil graphite or similar.
* **Title Screen:** the demo level shown on the title screen will leisurely scroll
around the page. The arrow keys may still manually scroll the level any direction.
* **Attach Doodads to Level Files:** this is the first release that supports _truly_
portable custom levels! By attaching your custom doodads _with_ your custom level
file, it will "just play" on someone else's computer, and they don't need to copy
all your custom doodads for it to work! But, free versions of the game will not
get to enjoy this feature.
* **Settings UI**: a "Settings" button on the home screen (or the Edit->Settings
menu in the editor) will open a settings window. Check it out!
* **Horizontal Toolbars option:** if enabled in the Settings window, the toolbar
and palette in the Editor will be horizontal instead of vertical, along the top
and bottom of the screen. This may be better optimized for smartphone-sized
screens like the Pinephone. If the program is started with `-w mobile` the first
time, it will use horizontal toolbars by default.
Some small bits of polish in the game's user interface:
* Some buttons are more colorful! The "Ok" button in alert boxes is blue and pressing
Enter will select the blue button.
* When opening a drawing to play or edit, a blue **Browse...** button is
added so you can more easily find downloaded custom levels and play them.
* In the Level Editor, the "Level -> **Attached Files**" menu will let you see
and manage files attached to your level, such as its custom wallpaper image or
any custom doodads that were published with the level.
* The keyboard shortcut to open the developer console is now the tilde/grave key
(`) instead of Enter.
Bugs fixed:
* The WASD keys to move the player character (as an alternative to the arrow keys)
now works more reliably. Previously, they were affected by key-repeat so Boy would
do a quick hop followed by a longer one when pressing W to jump. Also, his
animation would not update correctly when moving via the WASD keys. Both bugs
are fixed in this release.
* Shortcut keys advertised in the menu, such as Ctrl-N and Ctrl-S, now actually work.
## v0.6.0-alpha (June 6 2021)
This release brings less jank and some new features.
The new features:
* **Choice of Default Palette for New Levels:** when creating a new level, a
"Palette:" option appears which allows you to set the default colors to start
your level with. The options include:
* Default: the classic default 4 colors (black, grey, red, blue).
* Colored Pencil: a set with more earthy tones for outdoorsy levels
(grass, dirt, stone, fire, water)
* Blueprint: the classic Blueprint wallpaper theme, a bright version of Default
for dark level backgrounds.
* **Custom Wallpapers:** unhappy with the default, paper-themed level background
images? You can now use your own! They attach to your level data for easy
transport when sharing your level with others.
* **More Wallpapers:** a couple of new default wallpapers are added: Graph paper
and Dotted paper. They are both on light white paper and offer a light
alternative to Blueprint.
Some bugs fixed:
* **Collision fixes:** you should be able to walk up gentle slopes to the left
without jumping, as easily as you could to the right.
* **Debugging:** the F4 key to show collision hitboxes around all doodads in
Play Mode now functions again, and draws boxes around _all_ doodads, not just the
player character.
* **Hitboxes are tighter:** a doodad's declared hitbox size (from their JavaScript)
is used when a doodad collides against level geometry or other doodads. Meaning:
Boy, who has a narrow body but a square sprite size, now collides closer with
objects on his right side.
* **Physics are tweaked:** Boy now moves and accelerates slightly faster.
## v0.5.0-alpha (Mar 31 2021)
Project: Doodle is renamed to Sketchy Maze in this release.
New Features:
* **New Tutorial Levels:** the bundled levels demonstrate the built-in doodads
and how they interact and shows off several game features.
* **Level Editor:** you can now set the Title and Author of the level you're
editing by using the Level->Page Settings window.
* The **Inventory HUD** in Play Mode now shows a small number indicator for items
which have quantity, such as the Small Key. Colored Keys do not have quantity
and don't show a number: those are permanent collectibles.
* **Fire Pixels:** when the player character dies by touching a "Fire" pixel
during gameplay, the death message uses the **name** of the color instead
of calling it "fire." For example, if you name a color "spikes" and give
it the Fire attribute, it will say "Watch out for spikes!" if the player
dies by touching it.
* New cheat code: `give all keys` gives all four colored keys and 99x Small Keys
to the player character. The `drop all items` cheat clears your inventory.
New Doodads:
* **Warp Doors** allow the player character to fast travel to another location
on the map. Drag two Warp Doors into your level and use the Link Tool to
connect them together. Doors without an exit link will be "locked" and don't
* **Small Key Doors** are locked doors which consume the Small Keys when unlocked,
unlike the colored doors where the key is multi-use. The player character can
hold many small keys at once and only unlock as many doors as he has keys.
Updated Doodads:
* **Several doodads** were increased in size to better match the player character:
Colored Locked Doors, Trapdoors, the Crumbly Floor and Electric Door, and the
blue and orange Boolean State Blocks.
* **Colored Doors** now have a visual locked vs. unlocked state: while locked, a
golden padlock hangs from the door, which goes away after it's been unlocked.
* **Switches** now interact differently with Electric Doors: the door will _always_
toggle its current state regardless of the 'power' setting of the Switch.
* **Buttons** which are linked to a **Sticky Button** will press and stay down
if the linked Sticky Button is pressed. Or in other words, the Sticky Button
makes all linked Buttons act sticky too and stay pressed while the Sticky
Button is pressed. If the Sticky Button is released later (e.g. by receiving
power from a Switch) it releases its linked Buttons as well.
## v0.4.0-alpha (Nov 21 2020)
This update brings improvements to the editor; you can now fully draw all the
graphics for a custom doodad using the in-app tools!
A key difference between a Level and a Doodad is that doodads have **Layers**
where they keep multiple frames of animation or state. The editor tool now
supports working with these extra layers.
Other new features:
* The **Guidebook** has been updated with tons of good info and screenshots of
the game's features. Press `F1` in-game to open the guidebook, or check it
online at
* **Layer Selection Window for Doodads:** when you're editing a Doodad drawing,
a "Lyr." button is added to the toolbar to access the Layers window.
* **Global UI popup modals:** when you're about to close a level with unsaved
changes, you get an Ok/Cancel prompt confirming if you want to do that.
Hitting the Escape key will ask you before just exiting the program. Alert
boxes are supported too, and an `alert` command added to the developer console.
## v0.3.0-alpha (Sept 19 2020)
This update introduces the player character to the game. He doesn't have a name;
the game just refers to him as Boy.
His sprite size is bigger (33x54) than the 32x32 size of the placeholder player
character from before. So, the three example levels shipped with previous versions
of Project: Doodle no longer work. This release comes with two replacement levels
which are better decorated, anyway.
Other new features:
* **Palette Editor:** you can add and modify the colors on your level
palette! Pick any colors you want, give a name to each swatch, and mark
whether they behave as Solid, Water or Fire. Without any of these
properties, colors are decorational-only by default.
* **Doodad Window:** when selecting the Actor or Link Tools in the editor,
the Doodads window pops up. Doodads can be dragged from this window onto your
level, instead of the Palette toolbar turning into a Doodad palette.
* The Palette toolbar on the Editor is now thinner and only shows colors.
Mouse-over tooltips show the name and properties of each swatch.
* Added a --window option to the Doodle program to set the default window size.
Options can be a resolution (e.g. 1024x768) or a special keyword
"desktop", "mobile", "landscape" or "maximized"
- Default size is desktop: 1024x768
- Mobile and landscape mimic a smartphone at 375x812 resolution.
## v0.2.0-alpha (June 7 2020)
This release brings Sound Effects and Menus to the game.
New features:
* Added some User Documentation to ship with the game which teaches you how to
create your own custom Doodads and program them with JavaScript. More
documentation to come with time.
* Sound effects! Several doodads have a first pass at sound effects using some
free sounds I found online. More doodads still need sounds and the existing
sounds are by no means final. Buttons, switches, doors and keys have sound
effects so far.
* The game now has a Menu Bar with pull-down menus in the Editor Mode instead
of just a top panel with New/Save/Open buttons.
## v0.1.0-alpha (Apr 13 2020)
New doodads:
* Start Flag: drag this into your level to set where the player character will
spawn. There should only be one per level.
* Crumbly Floor: a rocky floor that breaks and falls away after a couple
seconds when the player (or other mobile doodad) walks onto it.
* State Blocks: blue and orange blocks that toggle between solid and passable
when the corresponding ON/OFF button is touched.
New features:
* An inventory overlay now appears in Play Mode when the player character picks
up one of the colored keys.
* While editing a level, you can click the new "Options" button in the top menu
to open the level settings window (like the one you see when creating a new
level): to change the wallpaper image or the page type.
Other changes:
* Added better platforming physics to the player character: acceleration and
friction when walking.
* The colored Locked Door doodads have been re-designed to be shown in a
side-view perspective and have an open and closed state in either direction.
* Tooltips added to various buttons in the Editor to show names of doodads and
functions of various buttons.
## v0.0.10-alpha (July 18 2019)
New features:
* Added the **Eraser Tool** and support for **brush sizes**. Now you can clean
up your mistakes and draw shapes with thicker lines!
* Added the **Ellipse Tool** for drawing elliptical shapes.
* Added a third example to the game's built-in levels.
Bug fixes:
* The Undo command now restores the original color of a pixel instead of just
deleting it. Only works for thin lines so far.
* Improved collision detection algorithm to prevent players from clipping
through a solid doodad, regardless of speed. This change is invisible this
build, but opens the door to improvements in the 2D platforming physics and
making the player character move and fall faster.
* Fix mobile non-player doodads from sometimes being able to clip through a
solid doodad. For example, a Red Azulian could sometimes walk through a locked
door without interacting with it.
* Sometimes hitting Undo would leave a broken "chunk" in your level, if the
Undo operation deleted all pixels in that chunk. The broken chunk would show
as a solid black square (non-solid) in the level. This has been fixed: empty
chunks are now culled when the last pixel is deleted and existing level files
will be repaired on next save.
## v0.0.9-alpha (July 9 2019)
First alpha release.