Noah 6af60f1128 Improve Collision Detection: More Active w/ Actors
* Improve the collision detection algorithm so that Actor OnCollide
  scripts get called more often WHILE an actor is moving, to prevent a
  fast-moving actor from zipping right through the "solid" hitbox and
  not giving the subject actor time to protest the movement.
* It's implemented by adding a `Settled` boolean to the OnCollide event
  object. When the game is testing out movement, Settled=false to give
  the actor a chance to say "I'm solid!" and have the moving party be
  stopped early.
* After all this is done, for any pair of actors still with overlapping
  hitboxes, OnCollide is called one last time with Settled=true. This is
  when the actor should run its actions (like publishing messages to
  other actors, changing state as in a trapdoor, etc.)
* The new collision detection algorithm works as follows:
  * Stage 1 is the same as before, all mobile actors are moved and
    tested against level geometry. They record their Original and New
    position during this phase.
  * Stage 2 is where we re-run that movement but ping actors being
    intersected each step of the way. We trace the steps between
    Original and New position, test OnCollide handler, and if it returns
    false we move the mobile actor to the Last Good Position along the
  * Stage 3 we run the final OnCollide(Settled=true) to let actors run
    actions they wanted to for their collide handler, WITHOUT spamming
    those actions during Stage 2.
* This should now allow for tweaking of gravity speed and player speed
  without breaking all actor collision checking.
2019-07-16 21:07:38 -07:00
.. Code Layout Refactor 2019-04-09 17:35:44 -07:00
boolprops.go Improve Collision Detection: More Active w/ Actors 2019-07-16 21:07:38 -07:00
debug.go Lemon-shaped Ellipse Tool (WIP) 2019-07-14 14:18:44 -07:00
flag_free.go Shareware Build Flags 2019-04-19 17:23:37 -07:00
flag_paid.go Shareware Build Flags 2019-04-19 17:23:37 -07:00
numbers.go Eraser Tool, Brush Sizes 2019-07-11 19:07:46 -07:00
shell.go Demo Running Level as Title Screen Wallpaper 2019-06-27 22:59:36 -07:00
theme.go Eraser Tool, Brush Sizes 2019-07-11 19:07:46 -07:00
workarounds.go WASM Event Queue 2019-06-26 20:33:24 -07:00


Constants and settings for the Doodle app.

Environment Variables

Some runtime settings can be configured in the environment. Here they are with their default values.

Most colors work with alpha channels; just provide an 8 hex character code, like #FF00FF99 for 153 ($99) on the alpha channel.

  • Application Windw Size (ints):
    • DOODLE_W=1024
    • DOODLE_H=768
  • Shell settings:
    • D_SHELL_BG=#001428C8: shell background color.
    • D_SHELL_FG=#0099FF: shell text color.
    • D_SHELL_PC=#FFFFFF: shell prompt color.
    • D_SHELL_LN=8: shell history line count (how tall the shell is in lines)
    • D_SHELL_FS=16: font size for both the shell and on-screen flashed messages.
  • Debug Colors and Hitboxes (default invisible=off):
    • DOODLE_DEBUG_ALL=false: turn on all debug colors and hitboxes to their default colors and settings.
    • DEBUG_CHUNK_COLOR=#FFFFFF: background color when caching a chunk to bitmap. Helps visualize where the chunks and caching are happening.
    • DEBUG_CANVAS_BORDER: draw a border color around every uix.Canvas widget. This effectively draws the bounds of every Doodad drawn on top of a level or inside a button and the bounds of the level space itself.
    • DEBUG_CANVAS_LABEL=false: draw a label in the corner of every Canvas with details about the Canvas.
  • Tuning constants (may not be available in production builds):
    • D_SCROLL_SPEED=8: Canvas scroll speed when using the keyboard arrows in the Editor Mode, in pixels per tick.
    • D_DOODAD_SIZE=100: Default size when creating a new Doodad.

Development booleans for unit tests (set to any non-empty value):

  • T_WALLPAPER_PNG for pkg/wallpaper to output PNG images.