
1.2 KiB



As a rough idea of the milestones needed for this game to work:

SDL Paint Program

  • Create a basic SDL window that you can click on to color pixels.
    • Connect the pixels while the mouse is down to cover gaps.
  • Implement a "screenshot" button that translates the canvas to a PNG image on disk.
    • F12 key to take a screenshot of your drawing.
    • It reproduces a PNG image using its in-memory knowledge of the pixels you have drawn, not by reading the SDL canvas. This will be important for making the custom level format later.
    • The PNG I draw looks slightly different to what you see on the SDL canvas; maybe difference between Renderer.DrawLine() and my own algorithm or the anti-aliasing.
  • Create a custom map file format (protobufs maybe) and "screenshot" the canvas into this custom file format.
  • Make the program able to read this file format and reproduce the same pixels on the canvas.


  • Start implementing a platformer that uses the custom map format for its rendering and collision detection.
  • ???


Fedora dependencies:

$ sudo dnf install SDL2-devel SDL2_ttf-devel