Noah Petherbridge af67b20d9b Initial WebAssembly Build Target
* Initial WebAssembly build target for Doodle in the wasm/ folder.
* Add a new render.Engine implementation, lib/render/canvas that uses
  the HTML 5 Canvas API instead of SDL2 for the WebAssembly target.
  * Ported the basic DrawLine(), DrawBox() etc. functions from SDL2 to
    Canvas context2d API.
  * Fonts are handled with CSS embedded fonts named after the font
    filename and defined in wasm/index.html
* `make wasm` builds the WASM program, and `make wasm-serve` runs a dev
  Go server that hosts the WASM file for development. The server also
  watches the dev tree for *.go files and rebuilds the WASM binary
  automatically on change.
* This build "basically" runs the game. UI and fonts all work and mouse
  movements and clicks are detected. No wallpaper support yet or texture
  caching (which will crash the game as soon as you click and draw a
  pixel in your map!)
2019-06-26 18:40:40 -07:00

89 lines
2.3 KiB

package canvas
// Text rendering functions using the HTML 5 canvas.
import (
// FontFilenameToName converts a FontFilename to its CSS font name.
// The CSS font name is set to the base of the filename, without the .ttf
// file extension. For example, "fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf" uses the CSS font
// family name "DejaVuSans" and that's what this function returns.
// Fonts must be defined in the index.html style sheet when serving the
// wasm build of Doodle.
// If filename is "", returns "serif" as a sensible default.
func FontFilenameToName(filename string) string {
if filename == "" {
return "DejaVuSans,serif"
return strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(filename), filepath.Ext(filename))
// DrawText draws text on the canvas.
func (e *Engine) DrawText(text render.Text, point render.Point) error {
font := FontFilenameToName(text.FontFilename)
fmt.Sprintf("%dpx %s,serif", text.Size, font),
e.canvas.ctx2d.Set("textBaseline", "top")
write := func(dx, dy int, color render.Color) {
e.canvas.ctx2d.Set("fillStyle", color.ToHex())
// Does the text have a stroke around it?
if text.Stroke != render.Invisible {
e.canvas.ctx2d.Set("fillStyle", text.Stroke.ToHex())
write(-1, -1, text.Stroke)
write(-1, 0, text.Stroke)
write(-1, 1, text.Stroke)
write(1, -1, text.Stroke)
write(1, 0, text.Stroke)
write(1, 1, text.Stroke)
write(0, -1, text.Stroke)
write(0, 1, text.Stroke)
// Does it have a drop shadow?
if text.Shadow != render.Invisible {
write(1, 1, text.Shadow)
// Draw the text itself.
write(0, 0, text.Color)
return nil
// ComputeTextRect computes and returns a Rect for how large the text would
// appear if rendered.
func (e *Engine) ComputeTextRect(text render.Text) (render.Rect, error) {
font := FontFilenameToName(text.FontFilename)
fmt.Sprintf("%dpx %s,serif", text.Size, font),
measure := e.canvas.ctx2d.Call("measureText", text.Text)
rect := render.Rect{
// TODO: the only TextMetrics widely supported in browsers is
// the width. For height, use the text size for now.
W: int32(measure.Get("width").Int()),
H: int32(text.Size),
return rect, nil