
924 B

Debug Notes

Entering Debug Mode

Command line argument:

% doodle -debug

# running the dev build uses debug mode by default
% make run

In the developer console:

> boolProp Debug true
> boolProp D true

Debug Options

The boolProp command can also be used to toggle on and off different debug options while the game is running.

  Toggles the main debug text overlay with FPS counter.

  Toggles the collision detection bounding box lines.

JavaScript Shell

The developer console can parse JavaScript commands for more access to the game's internal objects.

The following global variables are available to the shell:

  • d is the master Doodle struct.
  • log is the master logger object for logging messages to the terminal.
  • RGBA() is the render.RGBA() function for creating a Color value.
  • Point(x, y) to create a render.Point