Convert the Chunker size to a uint8 so chunk sizes are limited to 255px. This means that inside of a chunk, uint8's can track the relative pixel coordinates and result in a great memory savings since all of these uint8's are currently 64-bits wide apiece. WIP on rectangular shaped doodads: * You can create such a doodad in the editor and draw it normally. * It doesn't draw the right size when dragged into your level however: - In uix.Actor.Size() it gets a rect of the doodad's square Chunker size, instead of getting the proper doodad.Size rect. - If you give it the doodad.Size rect, it draws the Canvas size correctly instead of a square - the full drawing appears and in gameplay its hitbox (assuming the same large rectangle size) works correctly in-game. - But, the doodad has scrolling issues when it gets to the top or left edge of the screen! This old gnarly bug has come back. For some reason square canvas doodads draw correctly but rectangular ones have the drawing scroll just a bit - how far it scrolls is proportional to how big the doodad is, with the Start Flag only scrolling a few pixels before it stops.
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package commands
import (
// EditLevel allows writing level metadata.
var EditLevel *cli.Command
func init() {
EditLevel = &cli.Command{
Name: "edit-level",
Usage: "update metadata for a Level file",
ArgsUsage: "<filename.level>",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "quiet",
Aliases: []string{"q"},
Usage: "limit output (don't show doodad data at the end)",
Name: "output",
Aliases: []string{"o"},
Usage: "write to a different output file than the input (especially for --resize)",
Name: "title",
Usage: "set the level title",
Name: "author",
Usage: "set the level author",
Name: "password",
Usage: "set the level password",
Name: "type",
Usage: "set the page type. One of: Unbounded, Bounded, NoNegativeSpace, Bordered",
Name: "max-size",
Usage: "set the bounded level page max size (WxH format, like 2550x3300)",
Name: "resize",
Usage: "change the chunk size, and re-encode the whole level into chunks of the new size",
Name: "wallpaper",
Usage: "set the wallpaper filename",
Name: "lock",
Usage: "write-lock the level file",
Name: "unlock",
Usage: "remove the write-lock on the level file",
Name: "remove-actor",
Usage: "Remove all instances of the actor from the level. Value is their filename or UUID.",
Name: "touch",
Usage: "simply load and re-save the level, to migrate it to a zipfile",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.NArg() < 1 {
return cli.Exit(
"Usage: doodad edit-level <filename.level>",
var filenames = c.Args().Slice()
for _, filename := range filenames {
if err := editLevel(c, filename); err != nil {
log.Error("%s: %s", filename, err)
return nil
func editLevel(c *cli.Context, filename string) error {
var modified bool
lvl, err := level.LoadJSON(filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to load %s: %s", filename, err)
log.Info("File: %s", filename)
// Migrating it to a different chunk size?
if c.Int("resize") > 0 {
return rechunkLevel(c, filename, lvl)
* Update level properties *
if c.Bool("touch") {
log.Info("Just touching and resaving the file")
modified = true
if c.String("title") != "" {
lvl.Title = c.String("title")
log.Info("Set title: %s", lvl.Title)
modified = true
if c.String("author") != "" {
lvl.Author = c.String("author")
log.Info("Set author: %s", lvl.Author)
modified = true
if c.String("password") != "" {
lvl.Password = c.String("password")
log.Info("Updated level password")
modified = true
if c.String("max-size") != "" {
w, h, err := render.ParseResolution(c.String("max-size"))
if err != nil {
log.Error("-max-size: %s", err)
} else {
lvl.MaxWidth = int64(w)
lvl.MaxHeight = int64(h)
modified = true
if c.Bool("lock") {
lvl.Locked = true
log.Info("Write lock enabled.")
modified = true
} else if c.Bool("unlock") {
lvl.Locked = false
log.Info("Write lock disabled.")
modified = true
if c.String("type") != "" {
if pageType, ok := level.PageTypeFromString(c.String("type")); ok {
lvl.PageType = pageType
log.Info("Page Type set to %s", pageType)
modified = true
} else {
log.Error("Invalid -type value. Should be like Unbounded, Bounded, NoNegativeSpace, Bordered")
if c.String("wallpaper") != "" {
lvl.Wallpaper = c.String("wallpaper")
log.Info("Set wallpaper: %s", c.String("wallpaper"))
modified = true
if c.String("remove-actor") != "" {
var (
match = c.String("remove-actor")
removeIDs = []string{}
for id, actor := range lvl.Actors {
if id == match || actor.Filename == match {
removeIDs = append(removeIDs, id)
if len(removeIDs) > 0 {
for _, id := range removeIDs {
delete(lvl.Actors, id)
log.Info("Removed %d instances of actor %s from the level.", len(removeIDs), match)
modified = true
} else {
log.Error("Did not find any actors like %s in the level.", match)
* Save level changes to disk *
if modified {
if err := lvl.WriteFile(filename); err != nil {
return cli.Exit(fmt.Sprintf("Write error: %s", err), 1)
} else {
log.Warn("Note: No changes made to level")
if c.Bool("quiet") {
return nil
return showLevel(c, filename)
// doodad edit-level --resize CHUNK_SIZE
// Handles the deep operation of re-copying the old level into a new level
// at the new chunk size.
func rechunkLevel(c *cli.Context, filename string, lvl *level.Level) error {
var chunkSize = balance.ChunkSize
if v := c.Int("resize"); v != 0 {
if v > 255 {
return errors.New("chunk size must be a uint8 <= 255")
chunkSize = uint8(v)
log.Info("Resizing the level's chunk size.")
log.Info("Current chunk size: %d", lvl.Chunker.Size)
log.Info("Target chunk size: %d", chunkSize)
if output := c.String("output"); output != "" {
filename = output
log.Info("Output file will be: %s", filename)
if chunkSize == lvl.Chunker.Size {
return errors.New("the level already has the target chunk size")
// Keep the level's current Chunker, and set a new one.
var oldChunker = lvl.Chunker
lvl.Chunker = level.NewChunker(chunkSize)
// Iterate all the Pixels of the old chunker.
log.Info("Copying pixels from old chunker into new chunker (this may take a while)...")
for pixel := range oldChunker.IterPixels() {
log.Info("Writing new data to filename: %s", filename)
if err := lvl.WriteFile(filename); err != nil {
return showLevel(c, filename)
return nil