
793 lines
22 KiB

#include <ultra64.h>
#include "sm64.h"
#include "audio/external.h"
#include "game/display.h"
#include "game/game.h"
#include "geo_layout.h"
#include "graph_node.h"
#include "level_script.h"
#include "game/mario.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "game/memory.h"
#include "game/object_helpers.h"
#include "game/object_list_processor.h"
#include "game/area.h"
#include "game/save_file.h"
#include "game/sound_init.h"
#include "surface_collision.h"
#include "surface_load.h"
#include "goddard/renderer.h"
#include "game/profiler.h"
#define CMD_GET(type, offset) (*(type *) (offset + (u8 *) sCurrentCmd))
// These are equal
#define CMD_NEXT ((struct LevelCommand *) ((u8 *) sCurrentCmd + sCurrentCmd->size))
#define NEXT_CMD ((struct LevelCommand *) (sCurrentCmd->size + (u8 *) sCurrentCmd))
struct LevelCommand {
/*00*/ u8 type;
/*01*/ u8 size;
/*02*/ // variable sized argument data
enum ScriptStatus { SCRIPT_RUNNING = 1, SCRIPT_PAUSED = 0, SCRIPT_PAUSED2 = -1 };
static u32 sStack[32];
static struct AllocOnlyPool *sLevelPool = NULL;
static u16 sDelayFrames = 0;
static u16 sDelayFrames2 = 0;
static s16 sCurrAreaIndex = -1;
static u32 *sStackTop = sStack;
static u32 *sStackBase = NULL;
static s16 sScriptStatus;
static s32 sRegister;
static struct LevelCommand *sCurrentCmd;
static s32 eval_script_op(s8 op, s32 arg) {
s32 result = 0;
switch (op) {
case 0:
result = sRegister & arg;
case 1:
result = !(sRegister & arg);
case 2:
result = sRegister == arg;
case 3:
result = sRegister != arg;
case 4:
result = sRegister < arg;
case 5:
result = sRegister <= arg;
case 6:
result = sRegister > arg;
case 7:
result = sRegister >= arg;
return result;
static void level_cmd_load_and_execute(void) {
load_segment(CMD_GET(s16, 2), CMD_GET(void *, 4), CMD_GET(void *, 8), MEMORY_POOL_LEFT);
*sStackTop++ = (u32) NEXT_CMD;
*sStackTop++ = (u32) sStackBase;
sStackBase = sStackTop;
sCurrentCmd = segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 12));
static void level_cmd_exit_and_execute(void) {
void *targetAddr = CMD_GET(void *, 12);
load_segment(CMD_GET(s16, 2), CMD_GET(void *, 4), CMD_GET(void *, 8), MEMORY_POOL_LEFT);
sStackTop = sStackBase;
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) segmented_to_virtual(targetAddr);
static void level_cmd_exit(void) {
sStackTop = sStackBase;
sStackBase = (u32 *) *(--sStackTop);
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) *(--sStackTop);
static void level_cmd_sleep(void) {
sScriptStatus = SCRIPT_PAUSED;
if (sDelayFrames == 0) {
sDelayFrames = CMD_GET(s16, 2);
} else if (--sDelayFrames == 0) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
sScriptStatus = SCRIPT_RUNNING;
static void level_cmd_sleep2(void) {
sScriptStatus = SCRIPT_PAUSED2;
if (sDelayFrames2 == 0) {
sDelayFrames2 = CMD_GET(s16, 2);
} else if (--sDelayFrames2 == 0) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
sScriptStatus = SCRIPT_RUNNING;
static void level_cmd_jump(void) {
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 4));
static void level_cmd_jump_and_link(void) {
*sStackTop++ = (u32) NEXT_CMD;
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 4));
static void level_cmd_return(void) {
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) *(--sStackTop);
static void level_cmd_jump_and_link_push_arg(void) {
*sStackTop++ = (u32) NEXT_CMD;
*sStackTop++ = CMD_GET(s16, 2);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_jump_repeat(void) {
s32 val = *(sStackTop - 1);
if (val == 0) {
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) *(sStackTop - 2);
} else if (--val != 0) {
*(sStackTop - 1) = val;
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) *(sStackTop - 2);
} else {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
sStackTop -= 2;
static void level_cmd_loop_begin(void) {
*sStackTop++ = (u32) NEXT_CMD;
*sStackTop++ = 0;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_loop_until(void) {
if (eval_script_op(CMD_GET(u8, 2), CMD_GET(s32, 4)) != 0) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
sStackTop -= 2;
} else {
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) *(sStackTop - 2);
static void level_cmd_jump_if(void) {
if (eval_script_op(CMD_GET(u8, 2), CMD_GET(s32, 4)) != 0) {
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 8));
} else {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_jump_and_link_if(void) {
if (eval_script_op(CMD_GET(u8, 2), CMD_GET(s32, 4)) != 0) {
*sStackTop++ = (u32) NEXT_CMD;
sCurrentCmd = (struct LevelCommand *) segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 8));
} else {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_skip_if(void) {
if (eval_script_op(CMD_GET(u8, 2), CMD_GET(s32, 4)) == 0) {
do {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
} while (sCurrentCmd->type == 0x0F || sCurrentCmd->type == 0x10);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_skip(void) {
do {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
} while (sCurrentCmd->type == 0x10);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_skippable_nop(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
// Converting data pointer to function pointer
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
static void level_cmd_call(void) {
s32 (*func)(s16, s32) = CMD_GET(void *, 4);
sRegister = func(CMD_GET(s16, 2), sRegister);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_call_loop(void) {
s32 (*func)(s16, s32) = CMD_GET(void *, 4);
sRegister = func(CMD_GET(s16, 2), sRegister);
if (sRegister == 0) {
sScriptStatus = SCRIPT_PAUSED;
} else {
sScriptStatus = SCRIPT_RUNNING;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
static void level_cmd_set_register(void) {
sRegister = CMD_GET(s16, 2);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_push_pool_state(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_pop_pool_state(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_load_to_fixed_address(void) {
load_to_fixed_pool_addr(CMD_GET(void *, 4), CMD_GET(void *, 8), CMD_GET(void *, 12));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_load_segment(void) {
load_segment(CMD_GET(s16, 2), CMD_GET(void *, 4), CMD_GET(void *, 8), MEMORY_POOL_LEFT);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_load_compressed_segment(void) {
load_segment_decompress(CMD_GET(s16, 2), CMD_GET(void *, 4), CMD_GET(void *, 8));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_19(void) {
// TODO: Fix these hardcoded sizes
void *addr = main_pool_alloc(0xE1000, MEMORY_POOL_LEFT);
if (addr != NULL) {
gdm_init(addr, 0xE1000);
gd_add_to_heap(gZBuffer, 0x25800);
gd_add_to_heap(gFrameBuffer0, 0x70800);
gdm_maketestdl(CMD_GET(s16, 2));
} else {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_1A(void) {
func_80278304(CMD_GET(s16, 2), CMD_GET(void *, 4), CMD_GET(void *, 8));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_init_level(void) {
init_graph_node_start(NULL, (struct GraphNodeStart *) &gObjParentGraphNode);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_clear_level(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_alloc_level_pool(void) {
if (sLevelPool == NULL) {
sLevelPool = alloc_only_pool_init(main_pool_available() - sizeof(struct AllocOnlyPool),
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_free_level_pool(void) {
s32 i;
alloc_only_pool_resize(sLevelPool, sLevelPool->usedSpace);
sLevelPool = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (gAreaData[i].terrainData != NULL) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_begin_area(void) {
u8 areaIndex = CMD_GET(u8, 2);
void *geoLayoutAddr = CMD_GET(void *, 4);
if (areaIndex < 8) {
struct GraphNodeRoot *screenArea =
(struct GraphNodeRoot *) process_geo_layout(sLevelPool, geoLayoutAddr);
struct GraphNodeCamera *node = (struct GraphNodeCamera *) screenArea->views[0];
sCurrAreaIndex = areaIndex;
screenArea->areaIndex = areaIndex;
gAreas[areaIndex].unk04 = (struct GraphNode *) screenArea;
if (node != NULL)
gAreas[areaIndex].camera = (struct LevelCamera *) node->config.levelCamera;
gAreas[areaIndex].camera = NULL;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_end_area(void) {
sCurrAreaIndex = -1;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_21(void) {
s16 val1 = CMD_GET(s16, 2) & 0x0FFF;
s16 val2 = CMD_GET(u16, 2) >> 12;
void *val3 = CMD_GET(void *, 4);
if (val1 < 256)
gLoadedGraphNodes[val1] =
(struct GraphNode *) init_graph_node_display_list(sLevelPool, 0, val2, val3);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_22(void) {
s16 arg0 = CMD_GET(s16, 2);
void *arg1 = CMD_GET(void *, 4);
if (arg0 < 256)
gLoadedGraphNodes[arg0] = process_geo_layout(sLevelPool, arg1);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_23(void) {
union {
s32 i;
f32 f;
} arg2;
s16 model = CMD_GET(s16, 2) & 0x0FFF;
s16 arg0H = CMD_GET(u16, 2) >> 12;
void *arg1 = CMD_GET(void *, 4);
arg2.i = CMD_GET(s32, 8); // store the raw word as a union s32. this allows is to reinterpret the
// contents as a f32 without the value being converted implicitly.
if (model < 256)
// GraphNodeScale has a GraphNode at the top. This
// is being stored to the array, so cast the pointer.
gLoadedGraphNodes[model] =
(struct GraphNode *) init_graph_node_scale(sLevelPool, 0, arg0H, arg1, arg2.f);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_init_mario(void) {
vec3s_set(gMarioSpawnInfo->startPos, 0, 0, 0);
vec3s_set(gMarioSpawnInfo->startAngle, 0, 0, 0);
gMarioSpawnInfo->activeAreaIndex = -1;
gMarioSpawnInfo->areaIndex = 0;
gMarioSpawnInfo->behaviorArg = CMD_GET(u32, 4);
gMarioSpawnInfo->behaviorScript = CMD_GET(void *, 8);
gMarioSpawnInfo->unk18 = gLoadedGraphNodes[CMD_GET(u8, 3)];
gMarioSpawnInfo->next = NULL;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_place_object(void) {
u8 val7 = 1 << (gCurrActNum - 1);
u16 model;
struct SpawnInfo *spawnInfo;
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1 && ((CMD_GET(u8, 2) & val7) || CMD_GET(u8, 2) == 0x1F)) {
model = CMD_GET(u8, 3);
spawnInfo = alloc_only_pool_alloc(sLevelPool, sizeof(struct SpawnInfo));
spawnInfo->startPos[0] = CMD_GET(s16, 4);
spawnInfo->startPos[1] = CMD_GET(s16, 6);
spawnInfo->startPos[2] = CMD_GET(s16, 8);
spawnInfo->startAngle[0] = CMD_GET(s16, 10) * 0x8000 / 180;
spawnInfo->startAngle[1] = CMD_GET(s16, 12) * 0x8000 / 180;
spawnInfo->startAngle[2] = CMD_GET(s16, 14) * 0x8000 / 180;
spawnInfo->areaIndex = sCurrAreaIndex;
spawnInfo->activeAreaIndex = sCurrAreaIndex;
spawnInfo->behaviorArg = CMD_GET(u32, 16);
spawnInfo->behaviorScript = CMD_GET(void *, 20);
spawnInfo->unk18 = gLoadedGraphNodes[model];
spawnInfo->next = gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].objectSpawnInfos;
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].objectSpawnInfos = spawnInfo;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_create_warp_node(void) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1) {
struct ObjectWarpNode *warpNode =
alloc_only_pool_alloc(sLevelPool, sizeof(struct ObjectWarpNode));
warpNode-> = CMD_GET(u8, 2);
warpNode->node.destLevel = CMD_GET(u8, 3) + CMD_GET(u8, 6);
warpNode->node.destArea = CMD_GET(u8, 4);
warpNode->node.destNode = CMD_GET(u8, 5);
warpNode->object = NULL;
warpNode->next = gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].warpNodes;
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].warpNodes = warpNode;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_create_instant_warp(void) {
s32 i;
struct InstantWarp *warp;
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1) {
if (gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].instantWarps == NULL) {
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].instantWarps =
alloc_only_pool_alloc(sLevelPool, 4 * sizeof(struct InstantWarp));
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].instantWarps[i].id = 0;
warp = gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].instantWarps + CMD_GET(u8, 2);
warp[0].id = 1;
warp[0].area = CMD_GET(u8, 3);
warp[0].displacement[0] = CMD_GET(s16, 4);
warp[0].displacement[1] = CMD_GET(s16, 6);
warp[0].displacement[2] = CMD_GET(s16, 8);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_terrain_type(void) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1)
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].terrainType |= CMD_GET(s16, 2);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_create_painting_warp_node(void) {
s32 i;
struct WarpNode *node;
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1) {
if (gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].paintingWarpNodes == NULL) {
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].paintingWarpNodes =
alloc_only_pool_alloc(sLevelPool, 45 * sizeof(struct WarpNode));
for (i = 0; i < 45; i++)
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].paintingWarpNodes[i].id = 0;
node = &gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].paintingWarpNodes[CMD_GET(u8, 2)];
node->id = 1;
node->destLevel = CMD_GET(u8, 3) + CMD_GET(u8, 6);
node->destArea = CMD_GET(u8, 4);
node->destNode = CMD_GET(u8, 5);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_3A(void) {
struct UnusedArea28 *val4;
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1) {
if ((val4 = gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].unused28) == NULL)
val4 = gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].unused28 =
alloc_only_pool_alloc(sLevelPool, sizeof(struct UnusedArea28));
val4->unk00 = CMD_GET(s16, 2);
val4->unk02 = CMD_GET(s16, 4);
val4->unk04 = CMD_GET(s16, 6);
val4->unk06 = CMD_GET(s16, 8);
val4->unk08 = CMD_GET(s16, 10);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_create_whirlpool(void) {
struct Whirlpool *whirlpool;
s32 index = CMD_GET(u8, 2);
s32 beatBowser2 =
(save_file_get_flags() & (SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_KEY_2 | SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_UPSTAIRS_DOOR)) != 0;
if (CMD_GET(u8, 3) == 0 || (CMD_GET(u8, 3) == 1 && !beatBowser2)
|| (CMD_GET(u8, 3) == 2 && beatBowser2) || (CMD_GET(u8, 3) == 3 && gCurrActNum >= 2)) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1 && index < 2) {
if ((whirlpool = gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].whirlpools[index]) == NULL) {
whirlpool = alloc_only_pool_alloc(sLevelPool, sizeof(struct Whirlpool));
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].whirlpools[index] = whirlpool;
vec3s_set(whirlpool->pos, CMD_GET(s16, 4), CMD_GET(s16, 6), CMD_GET(s16, 8));
whirlpool->strength = CMD_GET(s16, 10);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_blackout(void) {
osViBlack(CMD_GET(u8, 2));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_gamma(void) {
osViSetSpecialFeatures(CMD_GET(u8, 2) == 0 ? OS_VI_GAMMA_OFF : OS_VI_GAMMA_ON);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_terrain_data(void) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1)
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].terrainData = segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 4));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_rooms(void) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1)
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].surfaceRooms = segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 4));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_39(void) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1)
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].macroObjects = segmented_to_virtual(CMD_GET(void *, 4));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_load_area(void) {
s16 areaIndex = CMD_GET(u8, 2);
UNUSED void *unused = (u8 *) sCurrentCmd + 4;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_2A(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_mario_start_pos(void) {
gMarioSpawnInfo->areaIndex = CMD_GET(u8, 2);
vec3s_copy(gMarioSpawnInfo->startPos, CMD_GET(Vec3s, 6));
vec3s_set(gMarioSpawnInfo->startAngle, 0, CMD_GET(s16, 4) * 0x8000 / 180, 0);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_2C(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_2D(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_transition(void) {
if (gCurrentArea != NULL)
play_transition(CMD_GET(u8, 2), CMD_GET(u8, 3), CMD_GET(u8, 4), CMD_GET(u8, 5), CMD_GET(u8, 6));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_nop(void) {
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_30(void) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1) {
if (CMD_GET(u8, 2) < 2)
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].dialog[CMD_GET(u8, 2)] = CMD_GET(u8, 3);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_music(void) {
if (sCurrAreaIndex != -1) {
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].musicParam = CMD_GET(s16, 2);
gAreas[sCurrAreaIndex].musicParam2 = CMD_GET(s16, 4);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_set_menu_music(void) {
set_background_music(0, CMD_GET(s16, 2), 0);
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_38(void) {
func_802491FC(CMD_GET(s16, 2));
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void level_cmd_get_or_set_var(void) {
if (CMD_GET(u8, 2) == 0) {
switch (CMD_GET(u8, 3)) {
case 0:
gCurrSaveFileNum = sRegister;
case 1:
gCurrCourseNum = sRegister;
case 2:
gCurrActNum = sRegister;
case 3:
gCurrLevelNum = sRegister;
case 4:
gCurrAreaIndex = sRegister;
} else {
switch (CMD_GET(u8, 3)) {
case 0:
sRegister = gCurrSaveFileNum;
case 1:
sRegister = gCurrCourseNum;
case 2:
sRegister = gCurrActNum;
case 3:
sRegister = gCurrLevelNum;
case 4:
sRegister = gCurrAreaIndex;
sCurrentCmd = CMD_NEXT;
static void (*LevelScriptJumpTable[])(void) = {
/*00*/ level_cmd_load_and_execute,
/*01*/ level_cmd_exit_and_execute,
/*02*/ level_cmd_exit,
/*03*/ level_cmd_sleep,
/*04*/ level_cmd_sleep2,
/*05*/ level_cmd_jump,
/*06*/ level_cmd_jump_and_link,
/*07*/ level_cmd_return,
/*08*/ level_cmd_jump_and_link_push_arg,
/*09*/ level_cmd_jump_repeat,
/*0A*/ level_cmd_loop_begin,
/*0B*/ level_cmd_loop_until,
/*0C*/ level_cmd_jump_if,
/*0D*/ level_cmd_jump_and_link_if,
/*0E*/ level_cmd_skip_if,
/*0F*/ level_cmd_skip,
/*10*/ level_cmd_skippable_nop,
/*11*/ level_cmd_call,
/*12*/ level_cmd_call_loop,
/*13*/ level_cmd_set_register,
/*14*/ level_cmd_push_pool_state,
/*15*/ level_cmd_pop_pool_state,
/*16*/ level_cmd_load_to_fixed_address,
/*17*/ level_cmd_load_segment,
/*18*/ level_cmd_load_compressed_segment,
/*19*/ level_cmd_19,
/*1A*/ level_cmd_1A,
/*1B*/ level_cmd_init_level,
/*1C*/ level_cmd_clear_level,
/*1D*/ level_cmd_alloc_level_pool,
/*1E*/ level_cmd_free_level_pool,
/*1F*/ level_cmd_begin_area,
/*20*/ level_cmd_end_area,
/*21*/ level_cmd_21,
/*22*/ level_cmd_22,
/*23*/ level_cmd_23,
/*24*/ level_cmd_place_object,
/*25*/ level_cmd_init_mario,
/*26*/ level_cmd_create_warp_node,
/*27*/ level_cmd_create_painting_warp_node,
/*28*/ level_cmd_create_instant_warp,
/*29*/ level_cmd_load_area,
/*2A*/ level_cmd_2A,
/*2B*/ level_cmd_set_mario_start_pos,
/*2C*/ level_cmd_2C,
/*2D*/ level_cmd_2D,
/*2E*/ level_cmd_set_terrain_data,
/*2F*/ level_cmd_set_rooms,
/*30*/ level_cmd_30,
/*31*/ level_cmd_set_terrain_type,
/*32*/ level_cmd_nop,
/*33*/ level_cmd_set_transition,
/*34*/ level_cmd_set_blackout,
/*35*/ level_cmd_set_gamma,
/*36*/ level_cmd_set_music,
/*37*/ level_cmd_set_menu_music,
/*38*/ level_cmd_38,
/*39*/ level_cmd_39,
/*3A*/ level_cmd_3A,
/*3B*/ level_cmd_create_whirlpool,
/*3C*/ level_cmd_get_or_set_var,
struct LevelCommand *level_script_execute(struct LevelCommand *cmd) {
sScriptStatus = SCRIPT_RUNNING;
sCurrentCmd = cmd;
while (sScriptStatus == SCRIPT_RUNNING)
return sCurrentCmd;