
100 lines
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#include <ultra64.h>
* This define is needed because the original definitions in __osDequeueThread.c are declared
* seperately instead of part of a single struct, however some code alises over this memory
* assuming a unified structure. To fix this, we declare the full type here and then alias the
* symbol names to the correct members in AVOID_UB.
#ifdef AVOID_UB
typedef struct OSThread_ListHead_s
/*0x00*/ struct OSThread_s *next;
/*0x04*/ OSPri priority;
/*0x08*/ struct OSThread_s *queue;
/*0x0C*/ struct OSThread_s *tlnext;
/*0x10*/ struct OSThread_s *unk10;
/*0x14*/ u32 unk14;
} OSThread_ListHead;
// Now fix the symbols to the new one.
extern OSThread_ListHead D_80334890_fix;
#define D_80334890
#define D_80334894 D_80334890_fix.priority
#define D_80334898 D_80334890_fix.queue
#define D_8033489C D_80334890_fix.tlnext
#define D_803348A0 D_80334890_fix.unk10
// Fix for the EEPROM array.
extern u32 D_80365E00[16];
// alias the last array element correctly
#define D_80365E3C D_80365E00[15]
// Original OSThread_ListHead definitions
extern OSThread *D_80334890;
extern u32 D_80334894;
extern OSThread *D_80334898;
extern OSThread *D_8033489C;
extern OSThread *D_803348A0;
// Original EEPROM definitions
extern u32 D_80365E00[15];
extern u32 D_80365E3C;
typedef struct {
u32 initialized; // probably something like initialized?
OSThread *mgrThread;
OSMesgQueue *unk08;
OSMesgQueue *unk0c;
OSMesgQueue *unk10;
s32 (*dma_func)(s32, u32, void *, size_t);
s32 (*edma_func)(OSPiHandle*, s32, u32, void *, size_t);
u64 force_align;
} OSMgrArgs;
s32 __osDisableInt();
void __osRestoreInt(s32);
void __osEnqueueAndYield(OSThread **);
void __osDequeueThread(OSThread **, OSThread *);
void __osEnqueueThread(OSThread **, OSThread *);
OSThread *__osPopThread(OSThread **);
s32 __osSiRawStartDma(s32, void *);
void __osSiCreateAccessQueue();
void __osSiGetAccess();
void __osSiRelAccess();
u32 __osProbeTLB(void *);
void __osPiCreateAccessQueue();
void __osPiGetAccess();
void __osSetSR(u32);
u32 __osGetSR();
void __osSetFpcCsr(u32);
s32 __osSiRawReadIo(void *, u32 *);
s32 __osSiRawWriteIo(void *, u32);
s32 osPiRawReadIo(u32 a0, u32 *a1);
void __osSpSetStatus(u32);
u32 __osSpGetStatus();
s32 __osSpSetPc(void *);
s32 __osSpDeviceBusy();
s32 __osSiDeviceBusy();
s32 __osSpRawStartDma(u32 dir, void *sp_ptr, void *dram_ptr, size_t size);
void __osViInit();
OSViContext *__osViGetCurrentContext();
OSViContext *__osViGetCurrentContext2();
void __osViSwapContext();
void __osSetTimerIntr(u64);
u64 __osInsertTimer(OSTimer *);
void __osSetCompare(u32);
s32 __osAiDeviceBusy();
void __osDispatchThread();
u32 __osGetCause();
s32 __osAtomicDec(u32 *);