288 lines
8.1 KiB
288 lines
8.1 KiB
#include "libultra_internal.h"
#include <macros.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "printf.h"
#define BUFF_LEN 0x20
static s16 _Ldunscale(s16 *, printf_struct *);
static void _Genld(printf_struct *, u8, u8 *, s16, s16);
const double D_80338670[] = { 10e0L, 10e1L, 10e3L, 10e7L, 10e15L, 10e31L, 10e63L, 10e127L, 10e255L };
/* float properties */
#define _D0 0
#define _DBIAS 0x3ff
#define _DLONG 1
#define _DOFF 4
#define _FBIAS 0x7e
#define _FOFF 7
#define _FRND 1
#define _LBIAS 0x3ffe
#define _LOFF 15
/* integer properties */
#define _C2 1
#define _CSIGN 1
#define _ILONG 0
#define _MBMAX 8
#define NAN 2
#define INF 1
#define FINITE -1
#define _DFRAC ((1 << _DOFF) - 1)
#define _DMASK (0x7fff & ~_DFRAC)
#define _DMAX ((1 << (15 - _DOFF)) - 1)
#define _DNAN (0x8000 | _DMAX << _DOFF | 1 << (_DOFF - 1))
#define _DSIGN 0x8000
#if _D0 == 3
#define _D1 2 /* little-endian order */
#define _D2 1
#define _D3 0
#define _D1 1 /* big-endian order */
#define _D2 2
#define _D3 3
void _Ldtob(printf_struct *args, u8 type) {
u8 buff[BUFF_LEN];
u8 *ptr;
UNUSED u32 sp70;
f64 val;
/* maybe struct? */
s16 err;
s16 nsig;
s16 exp;
s32 i;
s32 n;
f64 factor;
s32 gen;
s32 j;
s32 lo;
ldiv_t qr;
u8 drop;
s32 n2;
/* */
UNUSED u8 unused[0x4];
ptr = buff;
val = args->value.f64;
if (args->precision < 0) {
args->precision = 6;
} else {
if (args->precision == 0 && (type == 'g' || type == 'G')) {
args->precision = 1;
err = _Ldunscale(&exp, args);
if (err > 0) {
memcpy(args->buff, err == 2 ? "NaN" : "Inf", args->part2_len = 3);
if (err == 0) {
nsig = 0;
exp = 0;
} else {
if (val < 0) {
val = -val;
exp = exp * 30103 / 0x000186A0 - 4;
if (exp < 0) {
n = (3 - exp) & ~3;
exp = -n;
for (i = 0; n > 0; n >>= 1, i++) {
if ((n & 1) != 0) {
val *= D_80338670[i];
} else {
if (exp > 0) {
factor = 1;
exp &= ~3;
for (n = exp, i = 0; n > 0; n >>= 1, i++) {
if ((n & 1) != 0) {
factor *= D_80338670[i];
val /= factor;
gen = ((type == 'f') ? exp + 10 : 6) + args->precision;
if (gen > 0x13) {
gen = 0x13;
*ptr++ = '0';
while (gen > 0 && 0 < val) {
lo = val;
if ((gen -= 8) > 0) {
val = (val - lo) * 1.0e8;
ptr = ptr + 8;
for (j = 8; lo > 0 && --j >= 0;) {
qr = ldiv(lo, 10);
*--ptr = qr.rem + '0';
lo = qr.quot;
while (--j >= 0) {
*ptr = '0';
ptr += 8;
gen = ptr - &buff[1];
for (ptr = &buff[1], exp += 7; *ptr == '0'; ptr++) {
--gen, --exp;
nsig = ((type == 'f') ? exp + 1 : ((type == 'e' || type == 'E') ? 1 : 0)) + args->precision;
if (gen < nsig) {
nsig = gen;
if (nsig > 0) {
if (nsig < gen && ptr[nsig] > '4') {
drop = '9';
} else {
drop = '0';
for (n2 = nsig; ptr[--n2] == drop;) {
if (drop == '9') {
if (n2 < 0) {
--ptr, ++nsig, ++exp;
_Genld(args, type, ptr, nsig, exp);
static s16 _Ldunscale(s16 *pex, printf_struct *px) {
unsigned short *ps = (unsigned short *) px;
short xchar = (ps[_D0] & _DMASK) >> _DOFF;
if (xchar == _DMAX) { /* NaN or INF */
*pex = 0;
return (s16)(ps[_D0] & _DFRAC || ps[_D1] || ps[_D2] || ps[_D3] ? NAN : INF);
} else if (0 < xchar) {
ps[_D0] = (ps[_D0] & ~_DMASK) | (_DBIAS << _DOFF);
*pex = xchar - (_DBIAS - 1);
return (FINITE);
if (0 > xchar) {
return NAN;
} else {
*pex = 0;
return (0);
static void _Genld(printf_struct *px, u8 code, u8 *p, s16 nsig, s16 xexp) {
u8 point = '.';
if (nsig <= 0) {
nsig = 1,
p = (u8 *) "0";
if (code == 'f'
|| ((code == 'g' || code == 'G') && (-4 <= xexp) && (xexp < px->precision))) { /* 'f' format */
++xexp; /* change to leading digit count */
if (code != 'f') { /* fixup for 'g' */
if (!(px->flags & FLAGS_HASH) && nsig < px->precision) {
px->precision = nsig;
if ((px->precision -= xexp) < 0) {
px->precision = 0;
if (xexp <= 0) { /* digits only to right of point */
px->buff[px->part2_len++] = '0';
if (0 < px->precision || px->flags & FLAGS_HASH) {
px->buff[px->part2_len++] = point;
if (px->precision < -xexp) {
xexp = -px->precision;
px->num_mid_zeros = -xexp;
px->precision += xexp;
if (px->precision < nsig) {
nsig = px->precision;
memcpy(&px->buff[px->part2_len], p, px->part3_len = nsig);
px->num_trailing_zeros = px->precision - nsig;
} else if (nsig < xexp) { /* zeros before point */
memcpy(&px->buff[px->part2_len], p, nsig);
px->part2_len += nsig;
px->num_mid_zeros = xexp - nsig;
if (0 < px->precision || px->flags & FLAGS_HASH) {
px->buff[px->part2_len] = point, ++px->part3_len;
px->num_trailing_zeros = px->precision;
} else { /* enough digits before point */
memcpy(&px->buff[px->part2_len], p, xexp);
px->part2_len += xexp;
nsig -= xexp;
if (0 < px->precision || px->flags & FLAGS_HASH) {
px->buff[px->part2_len++] = point;
if (px->precision < nsig) {
nsig = px->precision;
memcpy(&px->buff[px->part2_len], p + xexp, nsig);
px->part2_len += nsig;
px->num_mid_zeros = px->precision - nsig;
} else { /* 'e' format */
if (code == 'g' || code == 'G') { /* fixup for 'g' */
if (nsig < px->precision) {
px->precision = nsig;
if (--px->precision < 0) {
px->precision = 0;
code = code == 'g' ? 'e' : 'E';
px->buff[px->part2_len++] = *p++;
if (0 < px->precision || px->flags & FLAGS_HASH) {
px->buff[px->part2_len++] = point;
if (0 < px->precision) { /* put fraction digits */
if (px->precision < --nsig) {
nsig = px->precision;
memcpy(&px->buff[px->part2_len], p, nsig);
px->part2_len += nsig;
px->num_mid_zeros = px->precision - nsig;
p = (u8 *) &px->buff[px->part2_len]; /* put exponent */
*p++ = code;
if (0 <= xexp) {
*p++ = '+';
} else { /* negative exponent */
*p++ = '-';
xexp = -xexp;
if (100 <= xexp) { /* put oversize exponent */
if (1000 <= xexp) {
*p++ = xexp / 1000 + '0', xexp %= 1000;
*p++ = xexp / 100 + '0', xexp %= 100;
*p++ = xexp / 10 + '0', xexp %= 10;
*p++ = xexp + '0';
px->part3_len = p - (u8 *) &px->buff[px->part2_len];
if ((px->flags & (FLAGS_ZERO | FLAGS_MINUS)) == FLAGS_ZERO) { /* pad with leading zeros */
int n =
px->part1_len + px->part2_len + px->num_mid_zeros + px->part3_len + px->num_trailing_zeros;
if (n < px->width) {
px->num_leading_zeros = px->width - n;