2020-04-03 14:57:26 -04:00

159 lines
4.6 KiB

#include <ultra64.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include "gd_types.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "skin_movement.h"
#include "debug_utils.h"
#include "joints.h"
#include "skin.h"
#include "gd_math.h"
/* bss */
struct ObjWeight *sSkinNetCurWeight;
static Mat4f D_801B9EA8; // TODO: rename to sHead2Mtx?
static struct ObjJoint *D_801B9EE8;
/* @ 22FDB0 for 0x180 */
void Unknown801815E0(Mat4f *mtx) {
struct GdVec3f scratchVec;
scratchVec.x = (*mtx)[0][0];
scratchVec.y = (*mtx)[0][1];
scratchVec.z = (*mtx)[0][2];
(*mtx)[0][0] = scratchVec.x;
(*mtx)[0][1] = scratchVec.y;
(*mtx)[0][2] = scratchVec.z;
scratchVec.x = (*mtx)[1][0];
scratchVec.y = (*mtx)[1][1];
scratchVec.z = (*mtx)[1][2];
(*mtx)[1][0] = scratchVec.x;
(*mtx)[1][1] = scratchVec.y;
(*mtx)[1][2] = scratchVec.z;
scratchVec.x = (*mtx)[2][0];
scratchVec.y = (*mtx)[2][1];
scratchVec.z = (*mtx)[2][2];
(*mtx)[2][0] = scratchVec.x;
(*mtx)[2][1] = scratchVec.y;
(*mtx)[2][2] = scratchVec.z;
/* @ 22FF30 for 0xDC */
/* called with ObjNext->unk1A8 (variable obj ptr?) ->unk20 or ->unk24 ptr*/
// TODO: figure out the proper object type for a0
void func_80181760(struct ObjGroup *a0) {
register f32 sp1C;
register struct Links *link;
struct ObjVertex *vtx;
for (link = a0->link1C; link != NULL; link = link->next) {
vtx = (struct ObjVertex *) link->obj;
if ((sp1C = vtx->scaleFactor) != 0.0f) {
vtx->pos.x = vtx->initPos.x * sp1C;
vtx->pos.y = vtx->initPos.y * sp1C;
vtx->pos.z = vtx->initPos.z * sp1C;
} else {
vtx->pos.x = vtx->pos.y = vtx->pos.z = 0.0f;
/* @ 23000C for 0x58; orig name: func8018183C*/
void move_skin(struct ObjNet *net) {
UNUSED u8 pad1C[8];
if (net->unk1A8 != NULL) {
/* @ 230064 for 0x13C*/
void func_80181894(struct ObjJoint *joint) {
register struct ObjGroup *weightGroup; // baseGroup? weights Only?
struct GdVec3f stackVec;
register struct ObjWeight *curWeight;
register struct ObjVertex *connectedVtx;
register struct Links *link;
register f32 scaleFactor;
struct GdObj *linkedObj;
weightGroup = joint->unk1F4;
if (weightGroup != NULL) {
for (link = weightGroup->link1C; link != NULL; link = link->next) {
linkedObj = link->obj;
curWeight = (struct ObjWeight *) linkedObj;
if (curWeight->unk38 > 0.0) //? 0.0f
stackVec.x = curWeight->vec20.x;
stackVec.y = curWeight->vec20.y;
stackVec.z = curWeight->vec20.z;
gd_rotate_and_translate_vec3f(&stackVec, &joint->matE8);
connectedVtx = curWeight->unk3C;
scaleFactor = curWeight->unk38;
connectedVtx->pos.x += stackVec.x * scaleFactor;
connectedVtx->pos.y += stackVec.y * scaleFactor;
connectedVtx->pos.z += stackVec.z * scaleFactor;
/* @ 2301A0 for 0x110 */
void Unknown801819D0(struct ObjVertex *vtx) {
struct GdVec3f localVec;
UNUSED u8 pad24[0x10];
if (sTargetWeightID++ == sSkinNetCurWeight->id) {
sSkinNetCurWeight->unk3C = vtx;
localVec.x = vtx->pos.x;
localVec.y = vtx->pos.y;
localVec.z = vtx->pos.z;
gd_rotate_and_translate_vec3f(&localVec, &D_801B9EA8);
sSkinNetCurWeight->vec20.x = localVec.x;
sSkinNetCurWeight->vec20.y = localVec.y;
sSkinNetCurWeight->vec20.z = localVec.z;
vtx->scaleFactor -= sSkinNetCurWeight->unk38;
/* @ 2302B0 for 0xA8; orig name: Unknown80181AE0 */
void reset_weight(struct ObjWeight *weight) {
UNUSED u32 vtxCount;
UNUSED u32 pad20;
struct ObjGroup *skinGroup;
sSkinNetCurWeight = weight;
sTargetWeightID = 0;
if ((skinGroup = gGdSkinNet->skinGrp) != NULL) {
vtxCount =
apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_VERTICES, (applyproc_t) Unknown801819D0, skinGroup);
} else {
fatal_printf("reset_weight(): Skin net has no SkinGroup");
if (weight->unk3C == NULL) {
fatal_printf("reset_weight(): Skin vertex ID %d not found", weight->id);
/* @ 230358 for 0x78; rename to reset_joint_weight? */
void Unknown80181B88(struct ObjJoint *joint) {
struct ObjGroup *group;
gd_inverse_mat4f(&joint->matE8, &D_801B9EA8);
D_801B9EE8 = joint;
if ((group = joint->unk1F4) != NULL) {
apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_WEIGHTS, (applyproc_t) reset_weight, group);