
796 lines
28 KiB

#include <ultra64.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include "synthesis.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "load.h"
#include "seqplayer.h"
#include "external.h"
#define aSetLoadBufferPair(pkt, c, off) \
aSetBuffer(pkt, 0, c + 0x740, 0, 0x140 - c); \
aLoadBuffer(pkt, FIX(&D_802211B0.unk14.unk00[off])); \
aSetBuffer(pkt, 0, c + 0x880, 0, 0x140 - c); \
aLoadBuffer(pkt, FIX(&D_802211B0.unk14.unk04[off]));
#define aSetSaveBufferPair(pkt, c, d, off) \
aSetBuffer(pkt, 0, 0, c + 0x740, d); \
aSaveBuffer(pkt, FIX(&D_802211B0.unk14.unk00[off])); \
aSetBuffer(pkt, 0, 0, c + 0x880, d); \
aSaveBuffer(pkt, FIX(&D_802211B0.unk14.unk04[off]));
#define ALIGN(val, amnt) (((val) + (1 << amnt) - 1) & ~((1 << amnt) - 1))
#define FIX(a) (u16 *) ((u8 *) (a) + 0x80000000U)
struct Struct802211B0 D_802211B0;
u8 sAudioSynthesisPad[0x20];
struct VolumeChange {
u16 sourceLeft;
u16 sourceRight;
u16 targetLeft;
u16 targetRight;
u64 *func_80313E54(u16 *aiBuf, s32 bufLen, u64 *cmd, u32 updateIndex);
u64 *func_80314480(u16 *aiBuf, s32 arg1, u64 *cmd);
u64 *func_80314F08(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2);
u64 *func_80314FD4(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, u16 arg3, u16 arg4, u32 arg5);
u64 *func_80315030(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, u16 arg3, s32 arg4, u32 arg5);
u64 *func_80315094(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, u16 arg3, s32 arg4, struct VolumeChange *vol);
u64 *func_803155F4(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, s32 arg3, s32 arg4);
void func_80313920(s32 arg0, u32 updateIndex) {
struct struct_3920_sp1c *sp1c;
s32 a1;
s32 v1;
s32 v0;
s32 v1_2;
s32 a0;
if (D_802212A2 != 1) {
if (D_802211B0.unk2 == 0) {
sp1c = &D_802211B0.unk2C[D_802211B0.unk3][updateIndex];
osInvalDCache(sp1c->unk4, 0x280);
for (a1 = 0, v1 = 0; v1 < sp1c->unk10[0] / 2; a1 += D_802212A2, v1++) {
D_802211B0.unk14.unk00[v1 + sp1c->unkC] = sp1c->unk4[a1];
D_802211B0.unk14.unk04[v1 + sp1c->unkC] = sp1c->unk8[a1];
for (v1 = 0; v1 < sp1c->unk10[1] / 2; a1 += D_802212A2, v1++) {
D_802211B0.unk14.unk00[v1] = sp1c->unk4[a1];
D_802211B0.unk14.unk04[v1] = sp1c->unk8[a1];
sp1c = &D_802211B0.unk2C[D_802211B0.unk3][updateIndex];
v1_2 = v0 = arg0 / D_802212A2;
if (((v0 + D_802211B0.unk8) - D_802211B0.unk10) < 0) {
sp1c->unk10[0] = v0 * 2;
sp1c->unk10[1] = 0;
sp1c->unkC = (s32) D_802211B0.unk8;
D_802211B0.unk8 += v0;
} else {
a0 = (v0 + D_802211B0.unk8) - D_802211B0.unk10;
v0 = v1_2 - a0;
sp1c->unk10[0] = v0 * 2;
sp1c->unk10[1] = a0 * 2;
sp1c->unkC = D_802211B0.unk8;
D_802211B0.unk8 = a0;
sp1c->unk00 = v1_2;
sp1c->chunkLen = arg0;
s32 get_volume_ramping(u16 sourceVol, u16 targetVol, s32 arg2) {
// This roughly computes 2^16 * (targetVol / sourceVol) ^ (8 / arg2),
// but with discretizations of targetVol, sourceVol and arg2.
f32 ret;
switch (arg2) {
ret = gVolRampingLhs136[targetVol >> 8] * gVolRampingRhs136[sourceVol >> 8];
case 128:
ret = gVolRampingLhs128[targetVol >> 8] * gVolRampingRhs128[sourceVol >> 8];
case 136:
ret = gVolRampingLhs136[targetVol >> 8] * gVolRampingRhs136[sourceVol >> 8];
case 144:
ret = gVolRampingLhs144[targetVol >> 8] * gVolRampingRhs144[sourceVol >> 8];
return ret;
// bufLen will be divisible by 16
u64 *func_80313CD4(u64 *cmdBuf, s32 *writtenCmds, u16 *aiBuf, s32 bufLen) {
s32 chunkLen;
s32 i;
s32 remaining = bufLen;
u32 *aiBufPtr = (u32 *) aiBuf;
u64 *cmd = cmdBuf;
s32 v0;
aSegment(cmd++, 0, 0);
for (i = gAudioUpdatesPerFrame; i > 0; i--) {
if (i == 1) {
// 'remaining' will automatically be divisible by 8, no need to round
chunkLen = remaining;
} else {
v0 = remaining / i;
// chunkLen = v0 rounded to nearest multiple of 8
chunkLen = v0 - (v0 & 7);
if ((v0 & 7) >= 4)
chunkLen += 8;
process_sequences(i - 1);
if (D_802211B0.unk1 != 0) {
func_80313920(chunkLen, gAudioUpdatesPerFrame - i);
cmd = func_80313E54((u16 *) aiBufPtr, chunkLen, cmd, gAudioUpdatesPerFrame - i);
remaining -= chunkLen;
aiBufPtr += chunkLen;
if (D_802211B0.unk2 != 0)
D_802211B0.unk3 ^= 1;
*writtenCmds = cmd - cmdBuf;
return cmd;
u64 *func_80313E54(u16 *aiBuf, s32 bufLen, u64 *cmd, u32 updateIndex) {
UNUSED s32 pad1[1];
s16 ra;
s16 t4;
UNUSED s32 pad[2];
struct struct_3920_sp1c *v1;
UNUSED s32 pad2[2];
v1 = &D_802211B0.unk2C[D_802211B0.unk3][updateIndex];
if (D_802211B0.unk1 == 0) {
aClearBuffer(cmd++, 0x4c0, 0x280);
cmd = func_80314480(aiBuf, bufLen, cmd);
} else {
if (D_802212A2 == 1) {
aSetLoadBufferPair(cmd++, 0, v1->unkC);
if (v1->unk10[1] != 0) {
aSetLoadBufferPair(cmd++, v1->unk10[0], 0);
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0x740, 0x4c0, 0x280);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, 0x280);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ D_802211B0.unk4 + 0x8000, /*in*/ 0x740, /*out*/ 0x740);
} else {
t4 = (v1->unkC & 7) * 2;
ra = ALIGN(v1->unk10[0] + t4, 4);
aSetLoadBufferPair(cmd++, 0, v1->unkC - t4 / 2);
if (v1->unk10[1] != 0) {
aSetLoadBufferPair(cmd++, ra, 0);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, t4 + 0x740, 0x4c0, bufLen << 1);
aResample(cmd++, D_802211B0.unk0, (u16) D_802211B0.unk6, FIX(D_802211B0.unk1C));
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, t4 + 0x880, 0x600, bufLen << 1);
aResample(cmd++, D_802211B0.unk0, (u16) D_802211B0.unk6, FIX(D_802211B0.unk20));
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, 0x280);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ D_802211B0.unk4 + 32768, /*in*/ 0x4c0, /*out*/ 0x4c0);
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0x4c0, 0x740, 0x280);
cmd = func_80314480(aiBuf, bufLen, cmd);
if (D_802212A2 == 1) {
aSetSaveBufferPair(cmd++, 0, v1->unk10[0], v1->unkC);
if (v1->unk10[1] != 0) {
aSetSaveBufferPair(cmd++, v1->unk10[0], v1->unk10[1], 0);
} else {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0x740, 0x280);
aSaveBuffer(cmd++, FIX(D_802211B0.unk2C[D_802211B0.unk3][updateIndex].unk4));
D_802211B0.unk0 = 0;
return cmd;
u64 *func_80314480(u16 *aiBuf, s32 bufLen, u64 *cmd) {
s32 sp174;
struct Note *s7;
struct AudioBankSample *sp164;
struct AdpcmLoop *sp160;
s16 *sp15C;
s32 t2; // 150
s32 t3; // 14c
s32 sp148; // audio flags?
UNUSED u8 pad8[0x14];
s32 sp130;
UNUSED u8 pad7[0xC];
u8 *sp120;
u32 t5; // 108, definitely unsigned
// UNUSED u8 pad6[4];
s32 sp110;
s32 a0; // 10c
// UNUSED u8 pad5[0x10c - 0xe8 - 4];
s32 spE8;
s32 spE4;
u32 fp; // probably unsigned
s32 t0;
s32 spD8;
u16 spD6;
// sp6c is a temporary!
u16 sp5c;
s32 sp58;
s32 sp54;
s32 s6;
s32 s6_2;
s32 s2;
s32 s0;
s32 s3;
s32 s5;
// s32 v0;
u32 v1_1;
s32 v1_2;
u32 a3;
s32 t9;
u8 *v0_2;
f32 f12;
UNUSED s32 temp;
for (sp174 = 0, sp15C = NULL; sp174 < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; sp174++) {
s7 = &gNotes[sp174];
if (IS_BANK_LOAD_COMPLETE(s7->bankId) == FALSE) {
gAudioErrorFlags = (s7->bankId << 8) + sp174 + 0x1000000;
} else if (s7->enabled) {
// This matches much much better if enabled is volatile... but that
// breaks other functions (e.g. note_enable). Can we achieve the
// volatile effect in some other way?
sp148 = 0;
if (s7->unk0b40 == TRUE) {
sp148 = 1;
s7->unk14 = 0;
s7->unk20 = 0;
if (s7->frequency < US_FLOAT(2.0)) {
spE8 = 1;
if (s7->frequency > US_FLOAT(1.99996)) {
s7->frequency = US_FLOAT(1.99996);
f12 = s7->frequency;
} else {
spE8 = 2;
if (s7->frequency >= US_FLOAT(3.99993)) {
s7->frequency = US_FLOAT(3.99993);
f12 = s7->frequency * US_FLOAT(.5);
sp5c = (u16)(s32)(f12 * 32768.0f);
v1_1 = s7->unk20 + (sp5c * bufLen) * 2;
s7->unk20 = v1_1; // 16-bit store, can't reuse
if (s7->sound == NULL) {
// v1_1 >> 0x10 stored in s0
cmd = func_80314F08(cmd, s7, v1_1 >> 0x10);
spD6 = s7->unk14 * 2 + 0x180;
s7->unk14 += (v1_1 >> 0x10);
sp148 = 0;
} else {
sp164 = s7->sound->sample;
// sp58 is a low-numbered register, so possibly a temporary.
// Should it be used for v1_1 >> 0x10 above as well? But then
// the asm matches worse. This variable seems to highly involved
// in causing this function not to match...
sp58 = v1_1 >> 0x10; // v0
sp160 = sp164->loop;
sp110 = sp160->end;
sp120 = sp164->sampleAddr;
sp54 = (spE8 == 1);
spD8 = 0;
for (spE4 = 0; spE4 < spE8; spE4++) {
fp = 0;
s5 = 0;
// This whole if-else if chain is weird. First it uses sp54
// instead of spE8 == 1, and it needs a weird if to not
// induce non-matchings all over the rest of the function.
// Then it induces a bunch of stack-relative loads that
// shouldn't be there. Finally, it relates to sp58, which
// behaves very oddly...
if (sp54) // spE8 == 1
if (1) // shouldn't be here, but it makes things line up better...
t5 = sp58;
} else if (sp58 & 1) {
t5 = (sp58 & ~1) + (spE4 * 2);
} else {
t5 = sp58;
if (sp15C != sp164->book->book) {
u32 v1;
sp15C = sp164->book->book;
v1 = sp164->book->order * sp164->book->npredictors;
aLoadADPCM(cmd++, v1 * 16, FIX(sp15C));
while (fp != t5) {
s32 v1;
s32 s0;
// sp58 = sp58; here, doesn't happen
t2 = 0;
t3 = 0;
a0 = t5 - fp;
s2 = s7->unk14 & 0xf;
v1 = sp110 - s7->unk14;
if (s2 == 0 && !s7->unk0b20) {
s2 = 16;
s6 = 16 - s2; // a1
if (a0 < v1) {
t0 = (a0 - s6 + 0xf) / 16;
s0 = t0 * 16;
s3 = s6 + s0 - a0;
} else {
s0 = v1 + s2 - 0x10;
s3 = 0;
if (s0 <= 0) {
s0 = 0;
s6 = v1;
t0 = (s0 + 0xf) / 16;
if (sp160->count != 0) {
t3 = 1;
} else {
t2 = 1;
// Improve regalloc for saved registers. Probably
// shouldn't be here, but it gives nicer diffs for now.
s6_2 = s6;
if (t0 != 0) {
// maybe keep a var for t0 * 9?
v0_2 = dma_sample_data(sp120 + (s7->unk14 - s2 + 0x10) / 16 * 9, t0 * 9,
sp148, &s7->sampleDmaIndex);
a3 = (u32) v0_2 & 0xf;
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0x3f0, 0, t0 * 9 + a3);
aLoadBuffer(cmd++, FIX(v0_2 - a3));
} else {
s0 = 0;
a3 = 0;
if (s7->unk0b20 != 0) {
aSetLoop(cmd++, FIX(sp164->loop->state));
sp148 = A_LOOP; // = 2
s7->unk0b20 = 0;
if (fp == 0) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, a3 + 0x3f0, 0x180, s0 * 2);
aADPCMdec(cmd++, sp148, FIX(s7->unk34->unk00));
sp130 = s2 * 2;
} else {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, a3 + 0x3f0, ALIGN(s5, 5) + 0x180, s0 * 2);
aADPCMdec(cmd++, sp148, FIX(s7->unk34->unk00));
aDMEMMove(cmd++, ALIGN(s5, 5) + (s2 * 2) + 0x180, s5 + 0x180,
(s0 + s6_2 - s3) * 2);
fp = fp + s0 + s6_2 - s3;
v1_2 = s0 + s6_2 - s3;
switch (sp148) {
case 1: // A_INIT?
sp130 = 0;
s5 += s0 * 2;
case A_LOOP: // = 2
s5 += v1_2 * 2;
if (s5 != 0) {
s5 += v1_2 * 2;
} else {
s5 = (v1_2 + s2) * 2;
sp148 = 0;
if (t2) {
aClearBuffer(cmd++, s5 + 0x180, (t5 - fp) * 2);
s7->unk14 = 0;
s7->unk0b10 = 1;
s7->enabled = 0;
break; // goto? doesn't matter, though
if (t3) {
s7->unk0b20 = 1;
s7->unk14 = sp160->start;
} else {
s7->unk14 += a0;
switch (spE8) {
case 1:
spD6 = sp130 + 0x180;
case 2:
switch (spE4) {
case 0:
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, sp130 + 0x180, 0x20, t5 + 4);
aResample(cmd++, 0x1, 0xff60, FIX(s7->unk34->unkF0));
spD8 = t5 + 4;
spD6 = 36;
if (s7->unk0b10 != 0) {
aClearBuffer(cmd++, t5 + 0x24, t5 + 0x10);
case 1:
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, sp130 + 0x180, 0x160, t5 + 8);
aResample(cmd++, 0x1, 0xff60, FIX(s7->unk34->unkF0));
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0x164, spD8 + 0x20, t5 + 4);
if (s7->unk0b10 != 0) {
// ("break;" doesn't match)
sp148 = 0;
goto out;
sp148 = 0;
if (s7->unk0b40 == TRUE) {
sp148 = 1;
s7->unk0b40 = FALSE;
cmd = func_80314FD4(cmd, s7, bufLen * 2, sp5c, spD6, sp148);
if (s7->headsetPanRight != 0 || s7->prevHeadsetPanRight != 0) {
s0 = 1;
} else if (s7->headsetPanLeft != 0 || s7->prevHeadsetPanLeft != 0) {
s0 = 2;
} else {
s0 = 0;
cmd = func_80315030(cmd, s7, bufLen, 0, s0, sp148);
if (s7->usesStereo) {
cmd = func_803155F4(cmd, s7, bufLen * 2, sp148, s0);
t9 = bufLen * 2;
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, t9);
aInterleave(cmd++, 0x4c0, 0x600);
t9 *= 2;
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, t9);
aSaveBuffer(cmd++, FIX(aiBuf));
return cmd;
#elif defined(VERSION_JP)
u64 *func_80314F08(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2) {
s32 a3;
s32 i;
aSetBuffer(cmd++, /*flags*/ 0, /*dmemin*/ 0x180, /*dmemout*/ 0,
/*count*/ sizeof(note->unk34->samples)); // interesting that it's 128...
aLoadBuffer(cmd++, FIX(note->unk34->samples));
note->unk14 = (note->sampleCount - 1) & note->unk14;
a3 = 64 - note->unk14;
if (a3 < arg2) {
for (i = 0; i <= (arg2 - a3 + 63) / 64 - 1; i++) {
/*dmemin*/ 0x180,
/*dmemout*/ 512 + i * sizeof(note->unk34->samples),
/*count*/ sizeof(note->unk34->samples))
return cmd;
u64 *func_80314FD4(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, u16 arg3, u16 arg4, u32 arg5) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, arg4, 0, arg2);
aResample(cmd++, arg5, arg3, FIX(note->unk34->unk20));
return cmd;
u64 *func_80315030(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, u16 arg3, s32 arg4, UNUSED u32 arg5) {
UNUSED u8 pad[16];
struct VolumeChange vol;
vol.sourceLeft = note->curVolLeft;
vol.sourceRight = note->curVolRight;
vol.targetLeft = note->targetVolLeft;
vol.targetRight = note->targetVolRight;
note->curVolLeft = vol.targetLeft;
note->curVolRight = vol.targetRight;
return func_80315094(cmd, note, arg2, arg3, arg4, &vol);
u64 *func_80315094(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, u16 arg3, s32 arg4,
struct VolumeChange *vol) {
UNUSED u8 pad[3];
u8 mixerFlags;
UNUSED u8 pad2[8];
s32 rampLeft, rampRight;
if (note->usesStereo) {
aClearBuffer(cmd++, 0x200, 0x140);
switch (arg4) {
case 1:
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, arg3, 0x200, arg2 * 2);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 8, 0x600, 0x740, 0x880);
case 2:
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, arg3, 0x4c0, arg2 * 2);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 8, 0x200, 0x740, 0x880);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, arg3, 0x4c0, arg2 * 2);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 8, 0x600, 0x740, 0x880);
} else {
if (note->stereoStrongRight) {
aClearBuffer(cmd++, 0x200, 0x280);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, arg3, 0x200, arg2 * 2);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 8, 0x600, 0x340, 0x880);
} else if (note->stereoStrongLeft) {
aClearBuffer(cmd++, 0x200, 0x280);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, arg3, 0x4c0, arg2 * 2);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 8, 0x200, 0x740, 0x340);
} else {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, arg3, 0x4c0, arg2 * 2);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 8, 0x600, 0x740, 0x880);
if (vol->sourceLeft == vol->targetLeft && vol->sourceRight == vol->targetRight && !note->unk0b8) {
mixerFlags = A_CONTINUE;
} else {
mixerFlags = A_INIT;
rampLeft = get_volume_ramping(vol->sourceLeft, vol->targetLeft, arg2);
rampRight = get_volume_ramping(vol->sourceRight, vol->targetRight, arg2);
aSetVolume(cmd++, A_VOL | A_LEFT, vol->sourceLeft, 0, 0);
aSetVolume(cmd++, A_VOL | A_RIGHT, vol->sourceRight, 0, 0);
aSetVolume32(cmd++, A_RATE | A_LEFT, vol->targetLeft, rampLeft);
aSetVolume32(cmd++, A_RATE | A_RIGHT, vol->targetRight, rampRight);
aSetVolume(cmd++, A_AUX, D_802212A0, 0, note->reverbVol);
if (D_802211B0.unk1 && note->reverb) {
aEnvMixer(cmd++, mixerFlags | A_AUX, FIX(note->unk34->unk40));
if (note->stereoStrongRight) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, arg2 * 2);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ 0x8000, /*in*/ 0x200, /*out*/ 0x4c0);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ 0x8000, /*in*/ 0x340, /*out*/ 0x740);
} else if (note->stereoStrongLeft) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, arg2 * 2);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ 0x8000, /*in*/ 0x200, /*out*/ 0x600);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ 0x8000, /*in*/ 0x340, /*out*/ 0x880);
} else {
aEnvMixer(cmd++, mixerFlags, FIX(note->unk34->unk40));
if (note->stereoStrongRight) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, arg2 * 2);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ 0x8000, /*in*/ 0x200, /*out*/ 0x4c0);
} else if (note->stereoStrongLeft) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, arg2 * 2);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ 0x8000, /*in*/ 0x200, /*out*/ 0x600);
return cmd;
u64 *func_803155F4(u64 *cmd, struct Note *note, s32 arg2, s32 arg3, s32 leftRight) {
u16 t0;
u16 prevPanVolume;
u16 panVolume;
u16 pitch; // t2
UNUSED s32 padding[11];
switch (leftRight) {
case 1:
t0 = 0x4c0;
note->prevHeadsetPanLeft = 0;
panVolume = note->headsetPanRight;
prevPanVolume = note->prevHeadsetPanRight;
note->prevHeadsetPanRight = panVolume;
case 2:
t0 = 0x600;
note->prevHeadsetPanRight = 0;
panVolume = note->headsetPanLeft;
prevPanVolume = note->prevHeadsetPanLeft;
note->prevHeadsetPanLeft = panVolume;
return cmd;
if (arg3 != 1) // A_INIT?
if (prevPanVolume == 0) {
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0x200, 0, 8);
aClearBuffer(cmd++, 8, 8);
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0x200, 0x10, 0x10);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, 32);
aSaveBuffer(cmd++, FIX(note->unk34->unk90));
pitch = (arg2 << 0xf) / (panVolume + arg2 - prevPanVolume + 8);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0x208, 0, panVolume + arg2 - prevPanVolume);
aResample(cmd++, 0, pitch, FIX(note->unk34->unk90));
} else {
pitch = (panVolume == 0) ? (arg2 << 0xf) / (arg2 - prevPanVolume - 4)
: (arg2 << 0xf) / (arg2 + panVolume - prevPanVolume);
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0x200, 0, panVolume + arg2 - prevPanVolume);
aResample(cmd++, 0, pitch, FIX(note->unk34->unk90));
if (prevPanVolume != 0) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0x200, 0, prevPanVolume);
aLoadBuffer(cmd++, FIX(note->unk34->unkB0));
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0, prevPanVolume + 0x200, panVolume + arg2 - prevPanVolume);
} else {
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0, 0x200, panVolume + arg2 - prevPanVolume);
} else {
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0x200, 0, arg2);
aDMEMMove(cmd++, 0, panVolume + 0x200, arg2);
aClearBuffer(cmd++, 0x200, panVolume);
if (panVolume) {
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, arg2 + 0x200, panVolume);
aSaveBuffer(cmd++, FIX(note->unk34->unkB0));
aSetBuffer(cmd++, 0, 0, 0, arg2);
aMix(cmd++, 0, /*gain*/ 0x7fff, /*in*/ 0x200, /*out*/ t0);
return cmd;
void note_init_volume(struct Note *note) {
note->targetVolLeft = 0;
note->targetVolRight = 0;
note->reverb = 0;
note->reverbVol = 0;
note->unused2 = 0;
note->curVolLeft = 1;
note->curVolRight = 1;
note->frequency = 0.0f;
void note_set_vel_pan_reverb(struct Note *note, f32 velocity, f32 pan, u8 reverb) {
s32 panIndex;
f32 volLeft;
f32 volRight;
panIndex = MIN((s32)(pan * 127.5), 127);
panIndex = (s32)(pan * 127.5f) & 127;
if (note->stereoHeadsetEffects && gSoundMode == SOUND_MODE_HEADSET) {
s8 smallPanIndex;
smallPanIndex = MIN((s8)(pan * 10.0f), 9);
note->headsetPanLeft = gHeadsetPanQuantization[smallPanIndex];
note->headsetPanRight = gHeadsetPanQuantization[9 - smallPanIndex];
note->stereoStrongRight = FALSE;
note->stereoStrongLeft = FALSE;
note->usesStereo = TRUE;
volLeft = gHeadsetPanVolume[panIndex];
volRight = gHeadsetPanVolume[127 - panIndex];
} else if (note->stereoHeadsetEffects && gSoundMode == SOUND_MODE_STEREO) {
u8 strongLeft = FALSE;
u8 strongRight = FALSE;
note->headsetPanLeft = 0;
note->headsetPanRight = 0;
note->usesStereo = FALSE;
volLeft = gStereoPanVolume[panIndex];
volRight = gStereoPanVolume[127 - panIndex];
if (panIndex < 0x20) {
strongLeft = TRUE;
} else if (panIndex > 0x60) {
strongRight = TRUE;
note->stereoStrongRight = strongRight;
note->stereoStrongLeft = strongLeft;
} else if (gSoundMode == SOUND_MODE_MONO) {
volLeft = .707f;
volRight = .707f;
} else {
volLeft = gDefaultPanVolume[panIndex];
volRight = gDefaultPanVolume[127 - panIndex];
velocity = MAX(velocity, 0);
note->targetVolLeft = (u16)(velocity * volLeft) & ~0x80FF; // 0x7F00, but that doesn't match
note->targetVolRight = (u16)(velocity * volRight) & ~0x80FF;
note->targetVolLeft = (u16)(s32)(velocity * volLeft) & ~0x80FF;
note->targetVolRight = (u16)(s32)(velocity * volRight) & ~0x80FF;
if (note->targetVolLeft == 0) {
if (note->targetVolRight == 0) {
if (note->reverb != reverb) {
note->reverb = reverb;
note->reverbVol = reverb << 8;
note->unk0b8 = TRUE;
if (note->unk0b40) {
note->unk0b8 = TRUE;
} else {
note->unk0b8 = FALSE;
void note_set_frequency(struct Note *note, f32 frequency) {
note->frequency = frequency;
void note_enable(struct Note *note) {
note->enabled = TRUE;
note->unk0b40 = TRUE;
note->unk0b20 = FALSE;
note->unk0b10 = FALSE;
note->stereoStrongRight = FALSE;
note->stereoStrongLeft = FALSE;
note->usesStereo = FALSE;
note->headsetPanLeft = 0;
note->headsetPanRight = 0;
note->prevHeadsetPanRight = 0;
note->prevHeadsetPanLeft = 0;
void note_disable(struct Note *note) {
if (note->unk0b40 == TRUE) {
note->unk0b40 = FALSE;
} else {
note_set_vel_pan_reverb(note, 0, .5, 0);
note->priority = NOTE_PRIORITY_DISABLED;
note->enabled = FALSE;
note->unk0b10 = FALSE;
note->parentLayer = NO_LAYER;
note->prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER;