2020-02-03 00:51:26 -05:00

32 lines
1.3 KiB

#include "libultra_internal.h"
extern u32 D_8030208C;
void func_802F7140(u32 a0) {
register u32 s0;
s0 = __osDisableInt();
D_8030208C &= ~(-0x402 & a0);
/ 0B6940 802F7140 27BDFFD8 / addiu $sp, $sp, -0x28
/ 0B6944 802F7144 AFBF001C / sw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
/ 0B6948 802F7148 AFA40028 / sw $a0, 0x28($sp)
/ 0B694C 802F714C 0C0BD400 / jal __osDisableInt
/ 0B6950 802F7150 AFB00018 / sw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/ 0B6954 802F7154 8FAF0028 / lw $t7, 0x28($sp)
/ 0B6958 802F7158 3C0E8030 / lui $t6, %hi(D_8030208C) # $t6, 0x8030
/ 0B695C 802F715C 8DCE208C / lw $t6, %lo(D_8030208C)($t6)
/ 0B6960 802F7160 2401FBFE / li $at, -1026
/ 0B6964 802F7164 01E1C024 / and $t8, $t7, $at
/ 0B6968 802F7168 0300C827 / not $t9, $t8
/ 0B696C 802F716C 00408025 / move $s0, $v0
/ 0B6970 802F7170 3C018030 / lui $at, %hi(D_8030208C) # $at, 0x8030
/ 0B6974 802F7174 01D94024 / and $t0, $t6, $t9
/ 0B6978 802F7178 AC28208C / sw $t0, %lo(D_8030208C)($at)
/ 0B697C 802F717C 0C0BD408 / jal __osRestoreInt
/ 0B6980 802F7180 02002025 / move $a0, $s0
/ 0B6984 802F7184 8FBF001C / lw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
/ 0B6988 802F7188 8FB00018 / lw $s0, 0x18($sp)
/ 0B698C 802F718C 27BD0028 / addiu $sp, $sp, 0x28
/ 0B6990 802F7190 03E00008 / jr $ra
/ 0B6994 802F7194 00000000 / nop */