2021-04-15 17:26:34 -07:00

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<title>Contact LNR Universe!</title>
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<center><font size="6"><font color="#FF00FF">L</font><font color="#EE00EE">N</font><font color="#DD00DD">R</font> <font color="#CC00CC">U</font><font color="#BB00BB">n</font><font color="#AA00AA">i</font><font color="#BB00BB">v</font><font color="#CC00CC">e</font><font color="#DD00DD">r</font><font color="#EE00EE">se</font><font color="#FF00FF"></font></font><br>
<font color="lime" face="Courier New,Courier,Fixedsys">:: CONTACT LNR UNIVERSE ::</font></center>
All Contact Information<br><br>
<b>Contact the Author of LNR</b><br>
Name: Cerone Kirsle<br>
AIM: <a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=Kirsle">Kirsle</a><br>
E-Mail: <script language="JavaScript" src="script/email.js"></script><br>
MSN: <script language="JavaScript" src="script/msn.js"></script><br>
Yahoo!: <a href="ymsgr:sendim?kirsle">Kirsle</a><br>
Website: <a href="http://www.kirsle.cjb.net/" target="_blank">www.kirsle.cjb.net</a><br><br>
<b>LNR Universe - Zoe Aidenn Robot Project</b><br>
Name: Zoe Aidenn<br>
AIM: <a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=PrincessZoe2k2">PrincessZoe2k2</a><br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:zoe@lnr.cjb.net">zoe@lnr.cjb.net</a><br>
MSN: zoeaidenn@hotmail.com<br>
Yahoo!: <font color="red">no</font><br>
Website: <a href="http://www.princesszoe2k2.cjb.net/" target="_blank">www.PrincessZoe2k2.cjb.net</a><br><br>
<b>Other LNR Universe Staff Members</b><br>
Name: "Retnuh"<br>
AIM: <a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=Lucky4679">Lucky4679</a><br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:retnuh@lnr.cjb.net">Retnuh@lnr.cjb.net</a><br>
MSN: <font color="red">no</font><br>
Yahoo!: <font color="red">no</font><br>
Website: <font color="red">no</font><br><br>
<b>LNR Content</b><br>
If you have any questions/comments/concerns for the images, music, LNR games, or other content
based on LNR Universe, OR would like to submit a game that you have created for LNR, send e-mail
to the address listed below:<br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:content@lnr.cjb.net?subject=CjK LNR Universe Content">content@lnr.cjb.net</a><br><br>
<b>LNR Errors</b><br>
If you discover any errors in any of LNR Universe's content, website, or games, send e-mail to
the address below. You will only recieve e-mail from error@lnr.cjb.net if there was an error in
getting your e-mail through. :-)<br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:error@lnr.cjb.net?subject=CjK LNR Error">error@lnr.cjb.net</a><br><br>
This is the e-mail address for the LNR Universe newsletter. If the "Newsletter" link at the left
doesn't work, or you are otherwise unable to register for the newsletter, send e-mail to the
address below with text "Add me" in the body of the message.<br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:newsletter@lnr.cjb.net?subject=CjK LNR Newsletter&body=Add me">newsletter@lnr.cjb.net</a><br><br>
<b>LNR Universe Vortex</b><br>
If you want to send e-mail concerning the LNR Universe Vortex, or if you are a Perl programmer
willing to help in it's production, send e-mail to the address below:<br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:vortex@lnr.cjb.net?subject=CjK LNR Vortex">vortex@lnr.cjb.net</a><br><br>
<b>Zoe Aidenn Robot Project</b><br>
If you want to send e-mail concerning the ZAR Project, send e-mail to the address below:<br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:zoe@lnr.cjb.net?subject=CjK ZAR Project">zoe@lnr.cjb.net</a>