LNR Universe

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Chat Abbreviations
LNR Staff Members
Chat Commands

Chat Abbreviations
Here are some chat room abbreviations:
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
LMAO - Laugh My A** Off
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
BRB - Be Right Back
AFK - Away From Keyboard
BOV - The Book of Veronica
LNR - The Land of No Return, LNR Universe
IB - I'm Back
WB - Welcome Back

LNR Staff Members
LNR Staff Members will enter the room with an "L"-shaped symbol in front of their nick name.

Chat Commands
/a -Macro for /action
/action verb or action -Perform an action
/beepall -Beep on all messages
/clign -Clear Ignore List
/clrurl -Clear URL List
/cls -Clear Screen
/create [subroom] [password] -Create Subroom
/i -Macro for /ignore
/ignore -Show Ignore List
/ignore [username] -Ignore User
/info -SigmaChat Info
/join [subroom] [password] -Join Subroom
/leave -Leave Subroom
/listen [username] -Do Not Ignore User
/m -Macro for /msg
/mm -Macro for /mmsg
/n -Macro for /nick
/mmsg [message] -Send Multiple Private Messages
/msg [username] [message] -Send Private Message
/nick [alias] [password] -Change Alias/Handle (Password Optional)
/p -Macro for /msg
/visual -Toggle Visual Notifications
/whereis [username] -What Room is [username] in?
/whoami -Who Are You?