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CjK Commands
Here are the CjK Commands. Many of the commands can only be accessed if the user has CjK Commands enabled for their screen name.

CjK Enable -Send request to enable the commands.
CjK Enable|password -Instantly enable the commands. Password may change.
CjK Random Number -Zoe will reply with a random number. Example: "27814"
CjK Pokemon -Zoe will respond with "Are you a pokémon?" (This was to test use of ASCII codes)
CjK Copyright -Zoe will respond with copyright statement.
CjK Bad -Zoe will respond with "Either you entered an invalid command, OR you are not qualified to use the CjK Commands.
CjK Away message -Zoe will give you a link to set an away message. Contains glitches.
CjK Client -Zoe will respond with your Client ID. Example: "CjKircle_AIM"
CjK Confuse -Zoe will try to confuse you. Example: "What is the square root of a lightyear?"
CjK Chaos -Zoe will respond with a Chaos statement. Example: "^/(!\+!/+)"
CjK Name name -Zoe will set your name. It's to get by the old "I don't think that FakeName is a real name!"
CjK Gender male|female -The fastest way to get your gender set.