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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
Synan sits in his back yard looking at
the sky. He then sees a comet-like object fall
into the atmosphere and stops in the clouds.
He doesn’t pay too much attention to it, though.
The next morning, Synan wakes up and eats
“Synan, will you go shopping for me
in town? Here’s $20.”
“But mom, I want to go check out that
“But it didn’t come down yet!”
“It probably did--you weren’t out there
long enough.”
“You can look at it on the way there.
Now go, Synan, or you’re grounded.”
“Oh, okay.”
Synan leaves the house and walks through
the fields toward Vatican City. The comet is still
in the clouds.
“Weird...” Synan says. Synan only knows
a few people in the neighborhood. A friend from
school, Zoe, has been missing for four days.
Synan enters the city. He goes to the
first shop. As he enters, a shady old man standing
behind a counter greets him.
“Hey Synan! Nice to see you!”
“Oh, hi. Do I know you?”
“Actually, no. I’m a friend of your mother’s.”
“Oh okay.”
“Well, I wanted you to check out my new
invention. I call it the ‘Warp Marble’. Why? You’ll
understand when I’m done.”
The old man leads Synan to the back room.
“Watch...” he says after a short pause. The
old man pulls out a red glass marble. In the center
of the marble is a white thousand-point star shape.
The old man throws the marble toward a
rat in the corner. It hits the rat and bounces off. A
white beam shoots out of the center and hits the rat.
The rat lights up white and shape-shifts to the rest
of the beam. The beam is sucked back into the marble.
The marble hits the ground and bounces back into
the old man’s hand.
“Now watch...” The old man says.
He then throws the marble back to the ground.
It bounces up and the process is reversed. The
marble hits the ground and bounces back into
his hand.
“You’re mother will love these! Here’s
ten of them.”
“Thanks.” Synan takes the ten marbles
and leaves the store. A crowd ahead runs through
the streets screaming, as if they’d seen a ghost.
Synan goes on to investigate. As he leaves the
city, the exit furthest from his home, a short
monkey-like creature approaches him. As Synan
looks down, the monster looks up at him. Its
head is half the monster’s height, and its eyes cover
its whole face. Its head is shaped like two balloons
merging. Frightened of it, Synan kicks it right in
the face as a reaction. The creature runs away
holding its face.
“Take that you ugly thing!”
Synan walks on. He soon sees a monster
about his size--the height of an eleven-year-old,
about 4’ 3”.
“You have been banished to The Land
of No Return, Synan, under orders of Lord
“What? Why?”
Before the monster can respond, a large
shadow appears over Synan. He looks up, and
sees that the comet is above him. Soon enough,
Synan is paralyzed and floating toward the island,
unable to speak or move. Is this what happened
to Zoe?
Synan awakes on land of purple soil.
He is in a small area with three walls and two
guard towers, complete with a guard wearing
dark purple uniform. Synan gets to his feet and
looks at the side without a wall--the edge of this
obviously floating island. Synan stares at the
world he left behind. The guard behind him speaks,
“Oh, so you’re awake.”
“Where am I?”
“I’m getting to that. Well, you have been
out a long time. Three days now.”
“Three days?”
“Welcome to The Land of No Return,
‘The Land of No Return?’ Synan thinks.
‘Maybe this is where Zoe vanished to. Obviously,
because, if you don’t return from here, that explains
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@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
“Welcome to The Land of No Return, Synan.”
The dark guard says.
“The Land of No Return?” Synan answers.
The guard ignores his question.
“Please remove any mirrors or throwable
“What for?”
“You’ll see. The monsters here HATE to
look at themselves, and the throwable objects
can be thrown at their large eyes.”
“I don’t have anything.”
“Good.” The guard opens the gates. Synan
walks through. “Hey, kid. Never look back, or
you shall join the monsters.” The guard warns.
“Okay, but how?”
The guard ignores Synan and closes the
gate. Synan stands on a three-way intersection.
The pathway on the dark purple island are light
purple. To the left is a large river of lava between
a small pillar of mountains on the edge of the island
and a large volcanic mountain, to which the entrance
is in front of Synan. And to the right, Synan sees a
small circular structure and a large forest a little
Synan decides to go to the right, toward
the forest. A voice behind him says, “Synan! Is
that you?”
Synan turns around and sees someone
from school. One of his worse enemies: Syrus.
Synan thinks Syrus is a poser wannabe. Synan’s
hair is dark and slightly messed up, mostly combed
forward, but Syrus has blond hair, messed up like
Syrus looks at Synan. “I see you have
some of those ‘Warp Marbles’ as well. We
both have ten open marbles now. Let’s have
a contest. Let’s see who can capture more monsters.
Our meeting place will be at the castle on the
other side.”
“I’ll take the right.” Synan says.
“I don’t think so, Synan. You’re taking
the left side, near Hell’s River.”
“No fair!”
“You want to make something of it?”
Synan sighs, “Left it is.”
“Good. I thought you’d see it my
Syrus begins walking down the
path on the right, toward the forest. Synan
thinks, ‘..or maybe I can cut right through
the island!’ Synan walks up to the red doors
of the volcanic mountain in front of him. They
are locked. Synan cuts through the field toward
the left path, so as to not look back toward the
monster following him.
Shortly after, Synan comes to the
river of lava. Crossing the lava is a long narrow
board that is nailed to another about halfway.
When Synan steps on it, it sags toward the lava.
Synan tries to take it slow going across.
Half way out there, Synan hears a
crack. He speeds up, hearing much more,
louder cracking. He’s about five feet away
from the other side when the entire bridge
collapses. Hanging from the left side of the
river, Synan is surely doomed, for there is
nothing within reach that Synan can hang on to.
A hand at the top grabs Synan’s
wrist. Another hand grabs the other one.
They feel like human hands. Synan is pulled
up the side of the river canyon. Synan turns
to look at his rescuer. It’s a girl Synan’s age.
It was Zoe.
“Zoe?” Synan says.
“Uhh...Thank you.”
“No problem.”
“So how did you get here?” Synan
“Some ‘Ico’ monster said I was
chosen to go to The Land of No Return.
I’ve only been walking around here a day
now. Haven’t gone too far, though.”
A voice comes from the distance,
“Who goes there?”
Synan and Zoe stand and look in
the direction the voice came from.
“Show yourself!” Synan yells.
A figure walks out of the shadows
by the volcanic mountain. He looks like
a half-monster half-human. He has a yellow
helmet with a red diamond-shaped ruby.
His head underneath is short, with long,
demonic eyes stretched across it.
The rest of his body seems normal.
“So. I see you two made it across
the Hell’s River, eh?” He says.
“Who are you?” Zoe asks.
“My name is James. And you must
be Zoe, here with Synan.”
“How do you know our names?”
Zoe asks.
“Everyone here does. We get
our sources from Veronica. She knows
“Veronica?” Synan asks.
“That’s what I said. But you
won’t ever meet her, because I’m here
to stop you two!”
Synan and Zoe prepare for
battle. James screams a while and then
a golden flame-like power field appears
around him, like his whole body is just
a flame.
“You’re outnumbered, James!”
Zoe yells.
“But I have more power than
fifty men. I am a mega-monster!”
“A mega-mo--?” Synan is
interrupted when James suddenly
attacks him. Synan is launched into
the side of the volcano. Zoe gets hit,
too, and thrown into the volcano.
“Ha. You kids are no challenge
at all to me.” James says. James is
about twelve, a year older than Synan
and Zoe. James flies over the volcano,
cutting through the middle of the island.
“Come on, Synan.” Zoe says
wearily, “I have a camp set up ahead.”
They go to a campground with
some other survivors, and sent to a small
medical lab.
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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Synan and Zoe are soon fully healed.
They hang out at the camp for a while later.
Soon, Synan says, “We need to get back out
into The Land of No Return. I’m in a competition
against Syrus to catch more monsters than he
does. So we need to get out and catch them.”
“I have ten marbles,” Zoe says, “But I
only have one monster.”
“You already have one? Cool. What one
is it?”
“It’s name is Clawz.” Zoe reaches into
her pocket and pulls out a red marble. She drops
it and it bounces off the ground, releasing a
lizard-like monster. This monster can stand on
its hind legs. It is all red with an orange belly
that goes between its legs and up the bottom
of its long tail. It has circles on the heels of its
feet which are also orange. The monster sits
on the ground cleaning itself.
“Nice monster!” Synan says, “Where’d
you find it?”
“Inside the volcano. Before the monsters
kicked me out.”
“We need to find more monsters. This
is the first one I’ve seen so far.”
“Okay. Let’s go.” Zoe says.
They leave the camp and get back to
where they were fighting James. Two dead monsters
are here--the ones that were following them. They
are brown and were carrying a purple eyeball
with spirals on it. Their eyes are in the front. Their
hands are on top of their head like antennas.
“Well, that battle got these monsters off
our back. I wonder where James is now...” Zoe
says. They walk on down the path toward the left.
James watches them from a rock on the volcanic
Synan and Zoe come to a dark blue mountain
near the edge of the island. They’re coordinates now
are 9:00. They started at 6:00, so they are about
one-fourth around the island. The door to the cave
is ice-blue. The door is locked. Next to it is a small
monster about one foot tall. It is round, with tiny
pointy legs. It’s eyes circle it like a belt. On it’s head
is a silver horn.
“What do you want, humans?” It says
threateningly. Clawz is still out of its marble.
“Can we enter the cave? We need to
capture monsters.” Synan says.
“Well too bad!”
“Let us in! Or we’ll kill you!”
“Wish I could let you into the cave, but
I don’t have the key to the Ice Barrier.”
“Ice Barrier?” Zoe says.
“Yes. There are seven barriers on this
island. The Fire Barrier opens the red door to
the volcano. The Ice Barrier opens the blue door
on this cave. The Earth Barrier opens the door
on the mountain ahead. The Star Barrier opens
the door to Wizeman’s Fortress. The Thunder
Barrier opens the door to the Lightning Palace
on a floating island. The Flower Barrier opens
a door to Monk’s Hidden Garden, and the
Warp Barrier can warp you clear way across
the island. That’s all I know. I think the Warp
Key can be used for some other things, though.”
“Well, where is the Ice Key?” Zoe asks.
“Last I knew, the Monks took it to their
Hidden Garden.”
“Where is that?” Synan questions.
“From here, its on the other side of the
volcano. The entrance goes into the volcano from
Monk’s Garden. The Ice Key is inside the Flower
Barrier. When they stole our key, we stole their
The monster holds out a silver key. It’s
handle is a colored metal flower. It’s pedals are
yellow, and the inside is a light orange. “Oh, I
almost forgot to mention my name. My name is
Prisem. Well, here’s the Garden Key. You better
bring the Ice Key back with you.”
“We will.” Synan says. They take the key
and go on.
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@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
Synan and Zoe walk on with the Garden
Key that Prisem gave to them. A little further
down the path, and the pathway splits into two:
Forward and to the left. To the left, there is a
large circular building. There is no roof, and the
top is lined with large arches. In each arch is
a music pedestal, with a book in each. Every
book is closed.
Synan and Zoe walk into the building.
In the center is a girl, about twelve years old.
She sits at a desk, writing. The girl notices them
come in, and slides a book to the end of the desk
closest to Synan and Zoe. Zoe takes the book.
The cover is brown leather. In gold, a title is
across the front. It reads “Book Temple”. Zoe
opens it.
“Here is where the second victim of
The Land of No Return, after James, writes
books of power for uses by Lord Wizeman.
This book temple was created as a studio for
Sarah, a twelve-year-old bookwriter. These
books of power vary from books that transport
you from place to place or world to world. They
can also summon demons from the other world
to wreak destruction among the Earth which we
are so powerfully taking over.”
Zoe turns the page.
“If anyone whosoever uses any of these
books for their own purpose, they’re misdeeds
will not go unpunished.”
That’s the end of the book. Zoe places
the book back on the desk. Synan is no longer
in the temple. Zoe talks to Sarah.
“Can you make us a book to warp to
Monk Garden?”
“Why not?”
“You read the book. You cannot use
these books for your own purposes.”
Synan comes into the room. “All right,
girlie. Get us a book to Monk Garden.”
“Like I just told your girlfriend, no.”
“My girlfriend?!”
“Either way. I don’t want you two to
get into trouble with Lord Wizeman.”
“But we’re stuck in this small quarter
of the island!” Synan yells.
“We are?” Zoe says.
“Yes. We can no longer cross Hell’s
River, and the Earth Barrier is all that’s ahead,
which is also locked.”
Sarah listens, “Okay. I’ll give you the
book. Link at your own risk.”
“Link?” Zoe asks.
“That’s another word for Warp. The
warp books link from your location to the
location you’re going, so we just say Link.”
Sarah opens a drawer in her desk
and pulls out a book with a purple leather
cover. In gold on the front says “Monk
Garden.” Synan takes the book and opens
it. On the first page is a small window. In
the window is a camera view circling around
a small clearing in the forest. There are black
doors on the side of the volcano.
“Touch the window to link.”
Synan touches the window and vanishes,
pixel-by-pixel it seems, but at a remarkable fast
rate. The book falls a little and lands in Zoe’s hand.
“Oh wait! Take this book with you. It’s
a book to return here.” Sarah gives Zoe another
purple book that reads, “Book Temple”. Zoe
holds it under her arm and uses her free hand to
press down on the picture of the Monk Garden book.
Zoe vanishes. To her, since she is transporting pixel-
by-pixel, half of her is at point one, half and point two.
Her vision is slowly transported to point two.
Zoe quickly joins Synan at the garden, holding
the purple Book Temple linking book. They went clear
across the island. There a many monks here. Zoe lets
Clawz out to battle them. Soon, they have a Monk
unconscious. Synan throws a marble and catches the
Monk. Another Monk says, “Hey! That’s an Ideya
Marble! How’d you get it?”
“So old guy on Earth.” Synan answers.
The monk notices the Flower Key in Zoe’s
pocket. “You brought the Flower Key! Hey guys!
The Flower Key is back!”
“It’s not for you! Not unless you give
us the Ice Key!”
“Oh. Give us the key and we’ll get you
the Ice Key!”
“I don’t trust you. Come on, Synan!”
Zoe walks up to the black door and
opens it. A few petrified Monks run out as the
door opens. “Oh, thank you for releasing me,
humans!” The say.
Zoe and Synan walk inside. The doors
close, but its not dark. There is a faint red glow
lighting up a beautiful underground garden.
They walk down a staircase and enter a small
room with a window looking out upon the lava
in the volcano. Sitting here is a Monk sweating
like a dog, using the Ice Key to cool himself
“Give us the key!” Synan yells.
“No way!” The Monk replies.
“Why you cotton-picking little--”
“Hold on.” Zoe interrupts.
“What?” Synan says.
“Anyway, Monk, give me the
key or suffer!” Synan says.
“By who? You? Wahahaha!”
“Yes!” Synan picks the Monk
up by its tail. It scratches Synan across
the face. In pain, Synan whips it out the
window into the lava. Zoe takes the key.
“Synan. It’s time to return to the
Book Temple.” Zoe says.
Zoe holds out the book. Synan warps.
Syrus comes up behind Zoe. “Zoe. Can I
warp back, too?”
“No way!”
“Well, too bad. You’ll drop the book
when you warp. Then I can pulverize Synan!”
Zoe holds the book above the lava to
warp. When she’s gone, the book falls into the
“Damn you!”
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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Synan and Zoe warped back into the
Book Temple.
“Synan! I saw Syrus!”
“What did he want?”
“He wanted to pulverize you!”
“Crap! So does he have the book now?”
“No. I let it fall into the lava.”
Sarah stands up. “You better not have!”
“Oops.” Zoe says.
“Oops is right! I spent a long time on that
book. It takes forever to get the things to work!”
“We’ll repair it.”
“Zoe, come on! Let’s get the Ice Key to
Prisem!” Synan yells.
“Okay. I’ll catch up.”
Synan runs out of the building. Zoe hears
a warping sound. Syrus appears.
“Zoe. Where is Synan now?”
“Umm...” Zoe signals to Sarah behind her.
Sarah hands Zoe a book.
“He went into this book!” Zoe holds the book
forward. The cover reads, “Monster Village”
“He’s cheating! He went there to capture
more monsters than me!”
Syrus steals the book and links.
“Sarah, where did that book go anyway?”
“To the entrance of the island. It was a trick.”
“Now I need to get that book back that you
almost left in the lava. I shall be gone a few days.”
“So I’m gonna have you leave.”
Zoe leaves the temple. Large gates close
behind her. Sarah picks up the trap book and sets
it on her desk. Then she picks the Garden Book off
the floor and links. Zoe runs to catch up with Synan.
At the blue cave, Zoe unlocks the door. They
walk inside. The walls are lined with diamond-shaped
monsters. They are like glass, full of small eyeballs.
Prisem says, “Those are called Crystal.”
“Cool!” Synan throws an Ideya and catches
one. “Now I surely have more monsters than Syrus!”
Synan and Zoe walk deeper into the cave and
go underground on a ramp. They get into a small clearing
with three exits: One leads to Crystal Cave, one to the
north and one on the right. A voice comes from
behind them. James.
“You violated the rules of the book temple.”
“Oh well!” Synan says.
“And so now you are going to pay.”
“Not this time!” Zoe yells.
Zoe realeases Clawz, and Synan releases
Monk and Crystal. James and the monsters fight
each other. Monk and Clawz use Crystal as a
shield when James does missile attacks. Clawz
uses Fireball as his missile attack, and Monk only
does melee attacks. Soon, James loses the battle.
“Yes!!” Zoe yells.
The monsters’ levels increased from defeating
a mega-monster. Prisem soon arrives. “Thank you
for getting me the key. I’d like to join your team.”
“You get this one, Zoe.” Synan says.
“Okay. You’re on the team from now on.”
“Cool! I like you!”
“Do you know your way around here?”
Synan asks Prisem.
“Yes. North leads to the basement of the
Book Temple, the left goes to Emerald’s Crater,
in the volcano.”
“Let’s go to Emerald’s Crater. Maybe
we can get even more monsters!” Synan yells.
Zoe, Monk, Crystal, Clawz, and
Prisem agree.
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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Zoe and Synan walk with Prisem down
a dark hallway. Prisem is sure it leads to the
volcano. After a short while, the pass a locked
wooden door.
“That door goes up to Skyber’s Fortress.”
Prisem says.
“What is a Skyber?” Zoe asks.
“A thunderbird.”
“Is the Thunder Barrier up there?” Synan
“Yes. Now let’s get moving.”
They walk on a little further and the dark
hallways light up red. Soon, they are in a room of
unbearable heat. In the center is a large rock
hanging by four powerful chains. On the rock are
monsters that look like combinations of Prisem and
“This must be Emerald’s Crater.” Zoe says.
“Yeah. It is, and those things out there are
In Emerald, Crystal is on top, held by
Prisem’s electricity. They walk along the pathway
around the side to a bridge that goes to the
rock. They slowly cross the bridge and talk to the
Emeralds. One Emerald decides to join Synan.
Now Synan has Monk, Crystal, and Emerald,
and Zoe has Clawz and Prisem.
A shadow covers the rock. Synan and
Zoe look up through the opening of the volcano.
A large floating island hovers slowly across the
“Prisem. What is that?” Zoe asks.
“That’s called Sky Island. The Lightning
Palace is on it, where you will need the Thunder
“Cool...” Zoe says looking at it.
In the dark shadow, James swoops
down from the sky. He lands in front of them.
“All right, kids. This time, you will NOT
“You and who’s army?” Zoe says.
“Ico is here with me.”
“Ico?” Synan asks.
“That’s the monster who warped us here.”
Zoe whispers.
Up in the sky, the monster that warped
Synan to The Land of No Return falls and lands
next to James. Ico is all blue. His head is a sideways
oval, divided down the horizontal middle. On the
bottom of the divide is a cyclops eye. On Ico’s
breastplates are black stars. Ico’s arms and legs
are blue, with gray diamond-shaped elbowpads
and kneepads. On its belly is a red W shape
stretched across the front and back. Ico’s shorts
a also gray.
“Synan. Wizeman sees how long you
and Zoe are lasting here. Much longer than
expected. So I was commanded to defeat
you.” Ico says.
“Not a chance!”
Synan’s Monk, Crystal, and Emerald
with Zoe’s Clawz and Prisem, and all the
Emeralds here team up to defeat James and
Ico. Ico gets nearly defeated and flies away.
James cowers out and follows.
Afterward, Synan and Zoe leave the rock
and go through a different tunnel away from the
crater. They soon get to an underground village.
There are lots of red cyclops monsters here.
There is a space around their eyeball
in the middle. They are shaped like an oval outline.
On the upper-left and right sides sprout wings. Its
feet are along the bottom. They have a horn at
the very center-top of their heads.
“Welcome to Mr. I Village!” Prisem says,
mocking a tour guide.
“So. I’m assuming these things are called
Mr. I.” Zoe says. In the roof of this underground
village is a small hole where the sky can be seen.
A Mr. I approaches them.
“So. I take it you two took the hard way
to get here. Take this key to get here more
easily next time.”
Mr. I gives Synan the Fire Key. Zoe
still has the Garden Key and Ice Key. The Fire
Key is red metal with a three-pointed flame
symbol on the end. Now that they notice, the
Ice Key is blue metal with a symbol at the
end too. Its symbol is a small circle with lines
extending from each end.
“Well, now we have two of the elemental
keys. Two to go!” Prisem says.
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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
Synan and Zoe leave Mr. I’s village.
In the crater, Sky Island finally passed over.
Prisem leads Synan and Zoe back through
the tunnel to Crystal Cave. So far, Synan and
Zoe have the Garden Key, as well as two
of the four elemental keys: Fire and Ice.
Soon, they get back to the “crossroads”
of the cave--Where you can go to the basement
of the Book Temple, or go to the volcano, or
go to Crystal Cave.
“Let’s get back to the Book Temple!”
Zoe says. Another Prisem runs down the stairs
from Crystal Cave. “The Book Temple is still
locked up.”
“Oh. Then let’s get in through the
“That might work.” Synan says.
They go down the path to the basement of
the Book Temple. Shortly after, they are there. The
basement is full of little mechanisms. One looks like
an ink producer. It must make the magic ink. Another
machine makes the books and pages. Zoe and Synan
climb up a ladder under a trap door. They got into
the Book Temple.
“We’re here. Where’d she go?” Zoe says.
“I believe her name was Sarah.” Prisem says.
“Whatever. She’s not here though.”
“Then let’s use the books!” Synan says.
Zoe opens a drawer in Sarah’s desk. It is full of books.
All the books are of purple leather, and golden words
on the cover. One catches Zoe’s eye: Skyber Fortress.
In the picture, Zoe sees Lightning Palace on Sky Island.
“Synan! Let’s use this one!”
Zoe and Synan gather up their monsters. Synan
goes in first, then Zoe follows.
They are soon standing on a tall stone tower,
like a plateau. There are many birds flying around. From
a bird perched ahead of them, they can be described.
The birds are all brown. They have long beaks,
from which their eyes stretch away from. They have black
diamond shapes on their foreheads, and three feathers
sticking up on top of their heads. Since there are no other
monsters here, they must be the Skybers, the birds of
lightning. There are many other plateaus around here, all
linked with bridges. This area is on top of the volcano,
closer to Crystal Cave. On the right side, the
entrance to Emerald’s Crater is visible. Synan
and Zoe go into one of the structures, one that
looks like a castle. Inside is a tougher looking
Skyber. It is wearing a crown and a black
bandanna around its neck. The Skyber speaks,
“Let me guess. You came here for the
Lightning Key.”
“How’d you know?” Zoe wonders.
“Let me see all the monsters you have
Synan and Zoe release their monsters.
“Good. Now I know you are not on
the side of evil..” Skyber finally says after looking
at Zoe’s Clawz and Prisem, and Synan’s Monk,
Crystal, and Emerald.
“Well. Here’s the Lightning Key.” Skyber
gives Synan a key of yellow metal. Its end has a
jagged lightning bolt symbol.
“I’ll have some Skybers fly you up to
Sky Island.”
Synan and Zoe leave and some Skybers
grab them and carry them off the ground. They land
on the floating island. All that’s here is a stone
temple. Synan unlocks the door and enters. In the
center is a green pyramid-like crystal. When they
approach and look through it, the side in the ground
mirrors the side above. Along the walls are all kinds
of writing. Zoe reads them aloud.
“The Land of No Return: A small anti-world
that originated from The World of No Return, a
planet just outside Pluto’s orbit, the planet that humans
call ‘Planet X’. The Land of No Return’s purpose was
to capture those simple minded humans so that one of
our most trusted monsters, Twilite, could morph them
into more monsters, only the common ones, like Monk
or Prisem.”
Zoe continues reading.
“The most powerful monsters on our island are
Veronica, the ‘queen of the rock’, at level 1,000. Then
there is the rare Myst, at level 5,000. The most powerful
monster is yet to come. He was a boy from Earth, being
genetically-engineered in Wizeman’s Fortress. This human
is weak, but he has the power to become Deity, the most
powerful being in the universe at level 1,000,000.”
Zoe tries to read more, but the words are blurred.
“Well, Synan. We’ve learned a lot here. There’s
nothing more to do. Let’s go now.”
“Oh okay. Right. We need to get the Earth Key
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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Synan and Zoe get a transport from Sky
Island with help from the Skybers. Back on the
center plateau on Skyber Fortress, Zoe notices
that Sarah is back in the Book Temple. Synan notices, too.
Synan walks into the throne room of the king of the Skybers.
“Uhh, excuse me. Can Zoe and I get a ride back to the book temple?”
“No.” The king replies.
“What? Why not?”
“Because I have a Linking Book to get you back there.”
“Oh okay. Can we use that?”
“Of course. Go find Zoe first.”
Synan leaves and shortly returns with Zoe. They
Link into the book and are back in the book temple.
“Welcome back.” Sarah greets them.
“Hi Sarah!” Zoe says.
“So...” Synan says.
“Oh yeah. Sarah, is there a book to get inside the
Earth Barrier?” Zoe asks.
“No. The ‘Earth Barrier’ is the green door. You mean,
a book to get inside Illusion Cave, right?”
“Umm... yeah, I guess.” Zoe says.
“But, I don’t have a book like that. If you want,
I can make one. It won’t take any later than a month.”
“A month?!” Synan and Zoe say together.
“We can’t wait that long!” Zoe yells.
“Chill. I have the Earth Key here.” Sarah tells them.
“......... You mean you had that key the entire time?!” Synan questions.
“No. I got it from those Monks. They seem to collect these keys.
They wouldn’t give me the Warp Key, though.”
“You mean those Monks also have the Warp Key?!?!” Synan asks.
“So... can you give us the Earth Key?” Zoe asks.
“Sure.” Sarah gives them the Earth Key.
“Okay! Time to get to that cave!” Synan yells.
“See ya later, Sarah!” Zoe and Synan leave.
They soon come to the cave, Illusion Cave. A lime-
green door is bolted to one side. Synan fits the key into
its hole. The door slowly opens. The blackness inside--It is
so black, that the light shining in from outside is sucked too
far in for effect.
“Whoa. I wonder what could be in there...” Zoe asks.
“Let’s find out.”
Synan and Zoe take a few steps into the blackness.
The green doors slam and lock behind them, leaving them
in complete blackness.
“What if we get lost in here?” Synan
wonders, worrily.
“I know!” Zoe yells. Her voice echoes
through the dark hallways.
Zoe appears to be throwing something.
Soon, a bright flash shows what she threw: an
Ideya Marble. The flash becomes a--Skyber!
In the dark, the Skyber’s black crystal glows
a lightning-yellow. It lights up the hallways.
“Good idea, but, where did you get
that Skyber?” Synan says.
“I got it while you were talking to the
king of the Skybers.”
They walk on down the hallway.
At several places, there are intersections that
split off into different directions, most lead to
dead ends. They pass by one intersection and
Zoe looks down the hall to the left, Skyber
perched on her shoulder.
“Synan...look at this...”
Synan and Zoe look down the tunnel.
Along one wall there is a little girl curled up in
a ball. She is about six or seven years old.
Zoe goes in to help.
“Hi, my name is Zoe. What’s yours?”
“Okay. What are you doing in a place
like this?”
“I got lost. My family is probably worried
about me.”
“Which way did your family go?”
The little girl points down the hallway.
“Well. We’ll help you find them.”
Elsie stands up. The three begin walking
down the hallway. Elsie jumps on Synan’s back.
“Give me a piggy-back ride!!”
“Umm okay.” Synan says. Zoe smiles
mockingly at Synan.
They walk down millions upon millions
of twisting, turning tunnels. They turn down one.
Synan and Zoe look at eachother for a second,
not paying attention to the hall ahead of them.
Elsie covers her eyes.
“What?” Zoe says quietly. Zoe and
Synan look forward. There is a little ghostlike
monster about eight feet ahead of them.
It’s head is shaped almost like a
hornet’s. The top of its head is round with
tiny, catlike ears. It has large eyes. In its misty
form, they almost appear blue. Its body is
almost like a cat’s, except it has larger claws
on its hands, but none on its feet. None in
appearance, anyway. Its tail is about as long
as it is tall.
It makes a high-pitched sound and
turns to fly away. It is soon gone in the
“What the h--?” Zoe covers Synan’s
mouth before he can finish. Zoe whispers,
“Don’t swear around the kid!”
“What was that thing?” Elsie asks.
“I’m not sure. It looked like a ghost.”
“I hate ghosts!” Elsie cries on the
thought of being lost in a haunted maze.
“Great going, Synan!!” Zoe smacks
the back of his head, “You made the kid cry!”
“Oh boy.”
“Well, try to shut her up!” Zoe yells.
“You’re the only one who knows how
girls act! You shut her up!”
“Well I didn’t make her cry!”
Zoe and Synan keep fighting.
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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
Zoe and Synan eventually quit fighting.
Elsie is sitting against a wall, still crying.
“Elsie. I’m sure it wasn’t a ghost we
saw. I bet it was just another monster.”
“I hate monsters too!”
Elsie is getting worse.
“Oh, did I say monster? I meant
Animal. It was probably Skyber’s stone
that made the monster appear clear.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Synan
says. Elsie finally stops crying.
“Did we make her stop?” Synan
“Uhh, no. She fell asleep.” Zoe
“Oh great. Now we need to carry
a sleeping kid around with us.” Synan asks.
“Looks like it.”
“Can’t we just use an Ideya?”
“No! You don’t capture humans in
those things!”
“Uhh, oh yeah.”
Synan ends up having to carry the
sleeping body around the tunnels. “Man,
this sucks.”
Over Synan’s shoulder, Elsie opens
her eyes and winks at Zoe, then closes them
again. Zoe slightly laughs.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing...”
Synan and Zoe come to a lit up room.
Inside, there are large piles of gold everywhere.
Zoe notices an odd metal device dangling from
the ceiling. Elsie suddenly springs to life and
runs through the piles of gold.
“Ohh, I get it. Elsie was faking.” Synan
Synan goes through a pile of gold.
He sees a weird golden knife.
“Zoe, look at this.”
No answer.
Synan turns to where Zoe was. She’s
not there.
Elsie is behind Synan on the pile of golden
“Where did Zoe go?”
“How am I supposed to know? I’m only
“Age has nothing to do with that question!”
“Sure it does.”
Synan looks across the room for Zoe. He
turns back to talk to Elsie. She is gone, too.
“What’s going on here?”
“Nothing is. Why, do you think this is, how
shall I put it, weird?” A voice says.
“What?!” Synan turns to the voice. Nothing
is there.
“So, Synan. I was assuming you were the
most powerful of the group. What were you doing
hanging around a bunch of girls anyway?”
“They’re my friends.”
“Oh sure they are.”
“You want to fight me?”
“With honor.”
Synan gets punched in the face, flying back
into the pile of gold. Synan grabs a golden cylinder
and throws it in the direction the punch came from.
“Ahhhhh!!” It screams.
Synan gets up and punches. He misses. He
is then elbowed from behind.
“What are you?!” Synan asks.
“Another human like yourself.”
“That can’t be true!”
“Oh, but it is. I am a master of illusion. Watch
Synan is engulfed in flames. Synan doesn’t
feel any pain whatsoever.
A giant axe on a chain appears about thirty
feet from Synan. It swings on the chain. Synan can’t
tell if its real or not, so he ducks. The axe passes him,
then swings off its chain and slices through Synan.
Synan looks down, and there is a giant slit on his
stomach. Blood is gushing out of it. Synan crouches
in pain.
“Ha ha ha. I thought you were stronger than
“Show yourself!” Synan screams.
A figure of a person appears. It is clear,
bending the light, almost like molded glass.
The glass turns into mirror-like material,
reflecting everything. The mirrors fade and the
person standing in front of Synan is--Zoe.
“You weak minded child. It is also a
Zoe lights completely white and and when
the light fades, it is the most horrible sight Synan
had ever seen. It looks like a demon. Its skin is
all read, its got bat-like eyes, wings, and webbing
between its fingers.
Synan covers his eyes. When he looks
again, nothing is there.
“Once again, that was a hologram.”
“You coward!”
“A coward I am not. Perhaps I’ll let you
get a little stronger before you fight me again.”
A door appears in front of Synan. Something
pushes Synan through it, and then the door closes.
Synan is outside. Here with him is Zoe and Elsie.
“What happened?!” Zoe yells. Synan looks
like he got beat up. The cut in his stomach: gone.
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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
Zoe, Synan, and Elsie walk down the
fuchsia pathway that leads away from the
cave’s exit.
“So, Synan, what really went on in
that room?”
“Some invisible guy pulverized me.”
“Was it Syrus?” Zoe laughs.
“No. I don’t know who it was.”
Elsie is riding on Synan’s back again.
Skyber is back in its ideya.
So far, Zoe’s monsters are Clawz,
Prisem, and Skyber, and Synan’s are
Monk, Crystal, and Emerald.
Elsie looks back. “Look!”
Zoe and Synan look back. On top
of the cave is the mist-like monster they
saw in the cave.
Zoe looks forward. “Synan, look!”
Synan looks forward. Ahead of them
is a large castle surrounded by a lava moat.
Elsie gasps and jumps off Synan’s
back. Elsie runs toward the side of the volcano,
to a small camp site. There are two people
already there, a man and a woman. They must
be Elsie’s parents.
“Thank you, Synan and Zoe, for
bringing me back to my parents.”
Elsie’s parents walk over to meet
Synan and Zoe.
“Hi. My name is Logan, and my wife’s
name is Alisha.” The father says.
“We’re Synan and--” Synan says. Zoe
interrupts, “And Zoe.”
“Nice to meet you.” The mother says.
“Here, Elsie. Take this book. If you
touch its picture, it will bring us to you, whenever
you want.” Zoe says.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Well, its been nice meeting all of you,
but we gotta go now.” Synan says.
Synan and Zoe get back on the path
and continue toward the castle. When they arrive,
they see a familiar face sitting on a nearby rock
playing GameBoy.
“Syrus!” Zoe says.
“It’s about time you got here, Synan.”
“What?” Synan says.
“I’ve been waiting for quite some time
for you to arrive.”
“Yeah, well, we had to help Elsie get
un-lost.” Zoe says.
“Zoe. I’m not talking to you, am I?”
“So anyway, Synan. What monsters
do you got?”
Synan releases all his monsters. Monk,
Crystal, and Emerald.
“Ha, ha, ha. Those have to be the
weakest monsters!”
Zoe releases her Clawz, Prisem, and
“Oh, so you got a Clawz. That’s a
rare one-of-a-kind monster.” Syrus mocks.
“But look at MY monsters!”
Syrus throws TEN Ideya Marbles.
Out of each one comes a monster. Ten
monsters: Monk, Blue Orb, Wizeman,
Jr. Ico, Emerald, Mr. I, Skyber, Octa,
Octo, and Jelly-Fly.
Synan’s mouth drops open.
“And look. Ever seen one of
these?” Syrus holds out what appears
to be an Ideya but its blue instead of red.
“These things will capture any monster
without fail!”
“So, Synan. Ready to battle? You
can use Zoe’s monsters too, if you think it
will help. All my monster are level 58/100.”
“Forget it, Syrus.”
“Why, are your monsters at level
3. Oh, no, that was too harsh. I meant to
say negative 3.”
“Hey Syrus! Close your eyes and
press this little square down.” Zoe holds
open a linking book. Syrus falls for it and
links all the way back to the guard towers.
“Sucker.” Zoe says.
“So, this must be the castle of Lord
Wizeman.” Synan says.
“Yep. Must be.”
Zoe releases Skyber and it
carries Synan and Zoe over the wall of
Wizeman’s Fortress. Inside the courtyard,
they hear a linking sound from outside. Syrus’
voice yells “Where did you go you brats?!”
Zoe and Synan try to stop laughing.
“Looks like he also had some linking
books.” Zoe says.
“That’s odd. Syrus has been to every
place on the island, but we never saw him anywhere.”
Synan says.
“Yeah. It is weird, isn’t it.”
Zoe and Synan walk to the center tower.
They walk up the winding staircase to the top floor:
Wizeman’s Keep. Zoe slightly opens the door to peek
in. She hears a conversation going on so closes the door
so that it is just open enough to hear what they are saying.
The voices inside sound like Ico, Sarah, James, and the
last one must be Wizeman himself.
“What is Sarah doing all the way here?” Zoe asks.
“I don’t know, but it looks like we’re going to find
out.” Synan says.
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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
Zoe and Synan continue eavesdropping on
Wizeman’s meeting. Wizeman speaks.
“Sarah. You’ve been to all the briefings. I
specifically told all of you to destroy Synan, Zoe, and
Syrus. Yet, they somehow escaped. At least James
put in an effort to follow his orders. You, on the other
hand, gave them access to your books.”
“Yeah, Sarah!” James comments.
“Seal it, James!”
“So anyway, Sarah. Your misdeeds will not
go unpunished!”
“Yes sir.” Sarah replies.
“We are going to link you into the Cage of Doom.
You know, the black cage dangling over the lava in the
Sarah is silent.
Zoe notices a book fell from its pedestal next
to the door. Zoe opens it. It shows a black cage over
the lava. Zoe hides the book and puts a different book
in its place.
Wizeman comes over to the book. Synan
and Zoe scrunch against the wall. Wizeman picks up
the book and walks back to the table.
“Now, Sarah, Link into the book.”
Sarah notices its a different book. Sarah warps.
She warped to the Book Temple. She knows it was
Synan and Zoe that helped her.
The meeting is soon over. Everyone walks to
the door. Synan and Zoe put one of their hands together.
Between the other hands, they have an ideya marble.
They but their other hands together and get warped
inside. Soon, they hear the silence in the halls. They
decide to return.
They warp back, Zoe sitting on Synan.
Zoe thinks for a second.
“Ewe!!” Zoe jumps off Synan.
Synan is clueless. Wizeman heard Zoe scream.
Wizeman pulls the door open. Synan is against one wall
and Zoe on the other, still appearing to be disgusted.
It was obvious that Zoe was faking her disgustedness, but
Synan was silent.
Wizeman pulls the two into the Keep.
“So. You two are the ones I was trying to annihilate,
huh?” Wizeman is a combination of a few of the monsters.
His head looks like an upside-down Monk head,
with the wings and horn of Mr. I. Under Monk’s
head is the top half of Prisem, upside-down though.
The lightning beam from Prisem is connecting to
Crystal, and lining the beam are four eyeballs with
spikes on each side like an X-Y axis. They are the
defense of Spyke. There is a purple stone with a
black star on Wizeman’s forehead.
“So, it looks like I’ll have to finish you two
Wizeman prepares for battle. A dark blur
flies out of Wizeman’s purple stone. The black
star is now gone, and in another place getting
larger. It soon takes the form of a monster.
It’s head is rounded and its body is like
a human’s, with claws on its hands and feet. It
has a thick, lizard-like tail.
The blackness of this monster turns into
a thirteen-year-old girl. She has dark hair and
a purple T-shirt and shorts.
“Wizeman! You have no time to battle
these weaklings!”
“What do you mean, Veronica?”
Zoe and Synan remember reading that
Veronica was the third most powerful being in
the universe.
“Sage is ready. Give him the command
to destroy Earth, or he’ll get restless and destroy
the entire universe!”
“Synan,” Zoe whispers, “remember, Sage
can turn into Deity, with a power level of one
“I know.” Synan whispers back.
“So, Wizeman. Give Sage his orders quickly.”
“But I have to fight these kids first!”
“I hope you know what you’re doing, Wizeman.”
“You better. I know what I’m doing.”
Veronica turns into a shadow again and sinks
through the floor.
“So, kids. You want to die now, or get your
planet blown up?”
“Uhh....” Synan is speechless.
“Too bad! You’re gonna die now!”
Wizeman is about to attack and then the castle
starts to rumble. Wizeman steps back. The floor under
Wizeman cracks, and a large beam flies out of the
floor, defeating Wizeman. The beam goes through the ceiling.
“Synan! We better get out of here!”
“Let’s go!”
Synan and Zoe run down the crackling staircase.
The stairs shatter and they fall down to the staircase below
them. They finally escape the collapsing castle.
Up in the air is a kid, about fifteen years old. The
sky is dark.
Veronica, in the human form, appears next to Synan.
“Looks like Wizeman made the wrong decision. Our
universe is at stake now.” Veronica says.
“I’m assuming that is not a good thing.” Zoe says.
“No. Sage will morph into Deity and destroy the
entire universe.”
Synan and Zoe are silent.
Sage is wearing a long red cape, covering his
body to his feet. His hair is brown. His clothes underneath
the cape are black.
Sage begins the transformation process.
“This looks like the end.” Zoe says.
“It’s been real nice knowing you this well, Zoe.”
Synan says.
Zoe looks at Synan. “What?” Zoe replies.
Synan is silent as he watches Sage transform.
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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
Synan, Zoe, and Veronica stand near the
volcano in front of the collapsed castle, watching
Sage’s transformation.
“I suggest you run, kids! Run while you
still can! I’m assuming your death will be less
painful if you’re further away from Deity.”
Veronica warns.
Synan and Zoe run back the way they
came. They run to Logan’s campground.
Elsie greets them.
“What’s happening?” Elsie asks.
“Sage over there will soon transform
into Deity, and then the universe is doomed!”
Synan says.
“What’s the safest way out?” Elsie
“The safest way, would probably be
the half of the island we are familiar with.
We’ll have to go back through Illusion Cave.”
Zoe says.
“What about the books?”
“We lost the books. The last book
we had is inside the castle. The castle is gone
now.” Synan says.
“As I can see.” Elsie adds.
Elsie and her parents, Synan, and
Zoe run for the exit to Illusion Cave.
They get to the exit and run inside.
The first room they enter is the Gold Room.
A voice greets them.
“Welcome back, Synan!”
“Who are you?!”
“My name is Joseph. Want to know
what I look like?”
“Well too bad! So, have you returned
to fight me again?”
“No. The island, no, the universe is
in danger.”
“Well, duh!”
“So, we’re trying to escape.”
“You cannot escape the universe.”
Joseph laughs.
“Whatever!” The group runs past
where Joseph assumedly is. They run through
the winding corridors toward the other side
of the cave.
They run further down, toward the
Book Temple. They all enter. Sarah is not
here. On the desk, there is a book with a
note taped to it. The note reads,
“I left this universe in a retreat to
the other world. If you are wise, you should
follow. I entered this black book.”
Synan picks up the book. The picture
is very dark, and hard to see anything.
“Should we go, or stay to stop Deity?”
Zoe asks.
“I have a plan.” Synan says. The island
is rumbling.
“Elsie. You and your family, enter this
“Okay.” Elsie and her parents enter the
book. Synan looks through the desk for a book
to Earth. He soon finds it.
“Zoe. Are you staying or going?”
“I’ll stay.”
“Alright, then. Enter this book to Earth.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll follow.”
Zoe warps. Synan picks up the black
book and then warps into the Earth book.
Earth is rumbling when Synan arrives.
They run through the city getting everyone into
the other world. When the city is empty, Zoe
warps. Synan soon follows.
They all meet up in a dark cave in the
other world.
“Synan. I think this was really the
Netherworld!” Zoe says.
“Shh! You’re going to scare Elsie!”
Synan whispers, “and besides, I brought
the book to get back.”
James appears in a hallway. He walks
toward the large group of people.
“So, I guess you two made it alive
after all.” James says to Synan and Zoe.
“James. You can help us save the
universe!” Synan says.
“Oh really. How would that be?”
“Sage has not yet transformed. He is
still human. You can use your mega-monster
powers to stop him before it’s too late!”
“...You got a point.” James says.
“Then will you help us?”
“Sure. Include me in the group.”
“Alright. Let’s get back to the island!”
Sarah walks in. She has a linking book
back to the island.
“Okay, everyone. Use this linking book
to get back to Earth.” Synan tells the Earth people.
“Warp back when the sky lightens up
Zoe, Synan, James, and Sarah warp
back to The Land of No Return.
They run to the site where Sage was
seen last.
“Now!!” Synan yells.
James fires a laser beam up at the
transforming Sage.
“No! Don’t!” Veronica yells.
The beam hits Sage.
“What?” Zoe asks.
“You’re just going to piss him off! If
that happens, he’ll get worse and attack the
refuge world!”
“Uh-oh.” James says.
“Look! He’s about to finish! Run
for your lives!!” Veronica yells.
“I hope we didn’t piss him off too
much!” Zoe says.
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@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
Synan and Zoe run from the site where
Sage is about to finish his transformation into
Deity. Zoe summons Skyber to fly them over
Illusion Cave. Synan sees the mystical monster
from inside the cave slowly following them,
keeping it’s distance. Skyber drops Zoe and
Synan in the Book Temple. Sarah and James
are already there.
“How did you get here so fast?” Zoe
“It’s called a linking book!”
“Oh yeah, right.”
“We need to get away from this world
before Deity destroys it!” Synan says.
“Synan. I know how to stop Deity.”
Sarah says.
“In the other dimension, there is a
powerful rock called the Star Stone. If each
piece of the stone is united, you will have
more power than Deity, and you will be
granted one wish.”
“Really...” Synan says, skeptically.
“Really. Use this book to enter the
Warp Room inside the volcano. The warp
will get you to the other side.” Sarah says,
and gives them a purple book.
The title reads “Warp Chamber”
Synan and Zoe warp. They soon
enter a dark and gloomy room. A small
square-shaped hole in the top allows red
light from Emerald’s Crater above. A
book to get to the Book Temple lies on
a pedestal behind them. Ahead of them is
a large circular stone structure with a silvery
film-like material.
Sarah warps into the room behind them.
“I forgot to tell you something!”
“What is it?” Zoe asks.
“When you get to the other side, you
will meet an undead monster. He is Unamed.”
“Unnamed?” Synan asks.
“No, his name is Unamed.”
“So anyway, he’ll guide you to the
other dimension.” Sarah mumbles under her
breath “I hope...”
“What do you mean ‘guide’”? Synan
“You don’t just instantly get warped to
the other side. You have to go through the Gap.
It’s a complex maze. The maze is called the
Eternal Corridor.”
“Eternal?” Zoe asks.
The ground in the room rumbles and the
book to Book Temple falls off it’s pedestal.
“I must return now. Please help us stop
Deity. Find the Star Stone and get back here
immediately!” Sarah says.
“Alright. We will.” Synan says, almost
too confidently.
Sarah picks up the fallen book and warps
“Okay, Zoe.” Synan says.
“You go in first.”
“No, you go in first!”
“I told you to first!”
“Well, you’re the girl so you go in!”
“Well, if you’re brave enough, you’ll go
in first.”
“Alright. We both go at the same time.”
Synan and Zoe hold hands and walk into
the silvery water.
They are soon standing in a large twisting
tunnel. The floor is moving up toward the ceiling
and the ceiling is moving toward the floor. They
slip on the spinning tube.
Synan gets up and starts pacing on the
middle of the tunnel. Zoe is still slipping around
on the tunnel’s wall.
The entire area is multicolored and constantly
changing. Synan looks up and down the tunnel,
but sees nobody.
“Are we the only one’s in here?” Zoe asks.
“I think so.”
“Umm... maybe you should think again.” Zoe
looks down the tunnel. An odd squid-like monster
comes flying toward them. They run away from the
monster. They come to a room. The walls are lined
with more spinning tunnels. They just came out
from one of six in the room. On the floor and
ceiling are also some spinning tunnels that go vertically.
The monster is still after them.
It’s head is round, but pointy on the bottom
and goes to a sharp point on the top. It has six long
thick tails with three red stripes spread across each
one. The end of it’s tail is like a metal spike.
Zoe and Synan decide to turn down another
tunnel. Two more monsters are coming from it. They
are soon surrounded. Zoe steps back and slips down
into the tunnel on the floor. Synan tries to help her get
up, but the spinning wall of the tunnel pulls him down,
too. They fall down the tunnel and soon enter another
room identical to the one they were in, but less squids.
They continue falling through millions of the same room.
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
Synan and Zoe continue falling into the
endless expanse. Somebody catches them and
brings them into one of the rooms. Synan and
Zoe look at their rescuer, and aren’t too
delighted with what they see--a dead person.
Synan and Zoe scream and almost fall
back down the tunnel, but the thing pulls them
back. It is wearing dark purple, torn up clothes.
It’s arms look like a dead person’s. Under it’s
hood in the darkness glows two red eyes. It
is holding a dimly lit lantern.
“H-h-hi...” Synan says, frightened of
the thing.
“Hello, I am Unamed. I have been dead
here now for fifty seven years, fourteen months,
and twenty-two days. Oh, and as of,
three hours, forty-six minutes and thirty seconds.”
Zoe and Synan have a look of dread on
their faces.
“So anyway, did Melissa send you?”
“Melissa? Who’s that?” Synan asks.
“Duh! She’s the book writer from
The Land of No Return!”
“Uhh, I believe that would be Sarah.” Zoe
“Oh, that’s right. Melissa was the book
writer from the good old golden days. Why when
I was your age...”
“Please. We don’t need another old timer
story. Just guide us to the other side.” Zoe says.
“No, no, no. You have to hear my story.”
Synan and Zoe have an evil look in their
“I had to walk twenty miles to school
through ten feet of snow up hill both ways.”
“Yes, yes, yes. We heard ALL the stories
of the ancient Aztecs.”
“Fine. Be rude. You can find your own
way to the other side.”
“No! We were just kidding!” Zoe says.
“Oh, alright. I’ll get you to the other side.”
Unamed guides them through millions of
winding tunnels.
“Where are all those squid things at?” Zoe
“Squids? Oh, I know what you’re talking
about. Well, I’ve been here a number of times. I
know their normal patrolling pattern. You shouldn’t
have to worry about them.”
“Okay, good.”
They continue down more tunnels. The
guide turns them down one tunnel and a large squid
monster is there to greet them.
“Uh-oh.” Synan says.
“Let me fight this thing!!” Zoe throws an ideya
“No, don’t!” The guide yells.
Clawz appears out of the marble and does
a flame-thrower attack on the beast.
“What?” Zoe says.
“In each one of those tails is a powerful poison.
The poison contains every single disease and virus known
to your dimension and Jackal’s dimension!”
“Jackal’s?” Synan asks.
“Yes. The other dimension has been taken over
by Jackal.”
Synan is silent.
“Who is Jackal?” Zoe asks.
“I don’t know. He’s more powerful than the monster
you know as Deity.”
“Really?!” Synan says.
“Yes. This squid here is more powerful than Deity.
This squid has a power level of 9,999,999.”
“Wow!” Zoe says.
“It’s elemental types are, from main power to least
power, Water, Psychic, Earth, and Fire.”
“Wicked!” Synan says.
“So, anyway. I don’t think this thing here is going
to kill us. Let’s move on.”
As Unamed is about to move, the squid whips
a tail forward and pierces him. The other five tails follow.
Zoe covers her eyes. One tail stops and stabs
Clawz. After Unamed is assumedly dead, the monster
stabs Clawz over and over.
Clawz drops to the ground, lifeless. Zoe opens her
The squid seems quite satisfied and moves on.
Unamed gets back up. Clawz slips down into
the spinning tunnel in the floor. Zoe watches in
horror as her first monster ever plummets deeper
and deeper in this eternal abyss.
Zoe turns to Synan and mourns for the
dead Clawz. Unamed looks down the spinning
tunnel at the lifeless corpse of Clawz.
“We have to go, Synan and Zoe.” Unamed
“Okay.” Synan answers. “Zoe?”
Zoe is asleep.
“Alright, Zoe. I figured out when Elsie was
faking it. It’s not going to work for you!”
“Synan... she really is asleep.”
Synan sighs. Unamed begins walking. Synan
ends up carrying Zoe like he did Elsie in Illusion
“The portal to the other side should be right
ahead.” Unamed says.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
Synan, Zoe, and Unamed continue
walking through the Gap. After the brutal
death of Clawz, Zoe is very quiet.
“The exit should be right up ahead,
guys.” Unamed says. They turn and walk
down another tunnel.
“There’s the exit!” Unamed says.
“But, nothing’s there.” Synan says.
“Exactly. The exits are always hidden.”
“Come on. Walk through and get
to the other side.”
Synan and Zoe walk down the hall
and soon vanish. They appear in the same room
that they left. The book to get back sits on
it’s pedestal ahead of them.
“I don’t get it. We’re back where we
started.” Synan says.
Zoe just shrugs and picks up the book and
warps. Synan follows.
They both meet up in the Book Temple
“Sarah!” Zoe says her first word in quite
some time.
“Zoe, I thought you and Synan were captured
by Jackal.”
“Who the hell?” Synan says.
“You know, Jackal! The one who defeated
Deity and took over the island!”
“Jackal?” Zoe says.
“Yes. So, how’d you escape?”
“Well, we’re from the other dimension which
Deity is about to destroy.” Zoe says.
“And we need the Star Stone that only exists
in this dimension.” Synan adds.
“The Star Stone? I thought that was in your
dimension.” Sarah says.
“Our dimension??” Zoe says.
A dark shadow appears at the gate to the temple.
The shadow takes the form of Veronica.
“Alright, Synan and Zoe. You thought you were
going to get the Star Stone, right? Ha, you can’t fool me.
I know everything!”
“Then what happened to my Clawz?” Zoe says.
“Your claws? What, did they break? Hahaha...”
“You don’t know anything!!” Synan says.
“Oh, okay. Three of the Star Stone halves are
in your dimension. One is with me. The last one is with
“Take us to Jackal!” Synan says.
“I don’t know, Synan. If Jackal defeated Deity,
it might not be too wise...” Zoe says.
Sarah throws a book at Synan’s face. “There!”
Synan opens a book. Inside is what appears to
be the location of Wizeman’s Fortress, but there is a
giant crater that goes out to where the lava moat was and
in the center floats an island. Sky Island. But the Lightning
Temple is now a small Castle.
Syrus warps into the Book Temple.
“Hey Synan!”
“What are you doing here?!”
“Do you think I could miss an adventure like this?
No way!”
“Why did you follow us?”
“Because I could. I captured a really powerful
monster back there in the Gap! Beat that, Synan! I bet
you couldn’t even fight one!”
“What monster is it?!” Synan yells.
“I ain’t telling you!”
“You better tell us!” Zoe yells.
“Hey Zoe. Could you mind NOT entering our
conversations uninvited?”
Syrus takes out a purple book and warps.
“Ha!” Sarah says, “That book must’ve been
from your dimension. He just warped his little ass back
Synan and Zoe enter the book to Jackal’s Castle.
They arrive next to the large crater.
“Synan, I don’t think this is a very good idea.” Zoe
“We’re going to have to fight Jackal eventually to
get that stone. Might as well be now.”
“Okay. I hope you’re right.”
“ too.” Synan says. Zoe summons Skyber.
Skyber flies them over the castle wall and into the
“Looks like this is the place...” Synan says.
“Hey, look over there! In the corner!” Zoe yells.
In the corner sets a pile of golden treasures and jewels.
“Wow!” Synan’s eyes get real big as he dives into
the pile.
“Synan, wait!”
“Come on, Zoe! It’s fu--” Synan chokes
on one of the jewels. He manages to recover it.
It is a small purple stone, about the shape of a
cube. It’s edges and corners are rounded.
“Cool!” Synan says as he pockets the
jewel. Zoe pulls Synan out of the gold. They
both stand at the entrance to the tower. Synan
slowly opens the creaky door. Rust particles break
off the old hinges as the door makes its way open.
Inside is a familiar object: The green crystals that kept
Sky Island floating.
Along the walls are all the writings from the
Lightning Temple. A locked gate prevents them from
going higher in the tower, so they decide to go lower
instead. They soon get to a small underground cavern.
Steel bars are placed in the ground covering smaller
“Hey! Over here! Get us out!!” A voice says.
Synan and Zoe go to the cage. The people inside look
exactly like Synan, Zoe, and James.
“James?” Synan says.
“How do you know my name? Oh wait, everyone
does! I was a real famous villain here. For a time, at least.”
“Where is the key?” Zoe whispers to the Synan
inside the cage.
“I don’t know. Maybe Jackal has it.”
“Jackal again. How powerful is Jackal?” Zoe asks.
“More powerful than Deity, that’s all I know.”
Synan notices that the Synan inside the cage has
a necklace on. It’s a purple stone almost identical to Synan’s,
but there is black leather holding it in place.
“What is that purple stone?” Synan asks.
“Hello! It’s called a Dark Stone! James has one. It
gives you mega-monster powers. I still can’t figure it out,
“Dark Stone... Isn’t that what Wizeman had?” Zoe
“Wizeman had one. That’s how Jackal escaped into
the world.” James says.
“Well, we’ll try to get you out of there!” Zoe says,
“Come on, Synan. We need to find Jackal.”
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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
Synan and Zoe leave the dungeon and go
upstairs. They soon get back to the main lobby.
They continue walking. They pass many rooms
that’s purpose is unknown. The stairway comes to
an end.
“What happened?” Zoe asks.
“I don’t know. The staircase just ended.”
“Hey, look!”
In the darkness, a small green glowing
object shows in one of the shadows. Synan
touches the green light. It presses into the wall.
The entire wall opens into the ceiling
quickly. Synan and Zoe run through and it
slams behind them.
Synan and Zoe look forward into the
room. It seems to go on forever. All the terrain
is red and black, like a checkerboard.
There are millions of steep pointy hills
everywhere. A pitch black street navigates through
the unknown land. They black pathway soon
fades into the ungodly ground around it.
“What is with this place?” Synan says.
“Really. I didn’t think the castle tower
was wide enough to hold such a landscape.”
“Hey, what’s that?” Synan points toward
one of the hills ahead of them.
This hill is unlike the rest of them. This
hill has a less pointy top, like a plateau. Atop the
hill is a golden chair, like the throne of a king.
Three floating objects circle the chair.
They are like golden pots, but are filled with
fire. Blue fire.
“Uhh, hello!!” Synan yells.
No answer from the mountain.
“I don’t think they’re up there...” Zoe
An evil jester-like laugh echoes through
the area. Zoe and Synan glance back and forth,
fully alert.
“Synan! Up in the air!” Zoe yells.
Synan looks up. In the sky above the
throne is a head above a cape. The head has
a purple face, and a red jester hat with four
spikes. Three black stripes stretch down each
spike. Golden bells dangle at the ends.
The monster drops his cape, but it still
hovers around his body. He doesn’t have a
body. Purple hands and feet also float around.
“Who are you?!?!” Synan yells.
“I... am Jackal!” The monster responds.
“So, you’re Jackal.” Zoe says.
“But, what are you?” Synan asks.
“The Evil Trickster from Beyond!”
“What the hell?” Synan says.
“Oh, I’m sorry. What part of that don’t
you understand?”
“Uhh...” Synan pauses.
“Now, I assume you want a demonstration
of my power. I have as much power over this world
as a human has over their dreams. If they’re lucky
to control it that well, anyway.”
Synan is silent.
“You’re bluffing!” Zoe yells.
“Bluffing, am I? I am the creature that
disrupts your games, exposes your schemes, and
spoils your dream pleasure.”
“Liar!” A voice says, “You just described
The Shadow! Not The Trickster!”
Synan and Zoe cannot identify where it
came from.
Jackal holds his hand flat. A clearish rectangle
appears in front of it. The translucent object becomes
solid and looks like a card. The Ace of Hearts. The
card leaves Jackal’s hand and flies over the landscape.
Synan and Zoe soon see who it was.
He looks like a ten-year-old boy. He is
standing on a hilltop. A Dark Stone is around his
neck on a leather necklace. A golden flickering
flame soon appears around the strange kid. He
holds out his hand and catches the razor-sharp card
with ease.
“Who do you think you are?” Jackal asks.
“My name is Kail. I have come from the
“Why? Have I really taken that much power
over the world?”
“No. Sage’s current condition here is fatal.”
Zoe whispers to Synan.
“Fatal? Jackal must have alot of power after
Synan nods.
“Sage is also from the future. Forced to
the past, he was enslaved by Wizeman. Passed
by as a ‘science experiment’.”
“There is nothing you can do here,
Veronica appears in human form next
to Kail.
“Jackal. This intruder has entered our
world from the future. I am sorry I could not
terminate him immediately, but his power level
surpases mine by twenty-five fold.”
“Ahh, so this kid has spunk, eh?”
“A little too much if you ask me.” Veronica
“Let’s take care of him then.”
Synan notices something about Kail.
Through a rip in Kail’s shirt from a battle before,
there is a mark under Kail’s shoulder.
“That mark...” Synan says.
“What about it?” Zoe asks. Jackal flings
four cards at Kail. He deflects each one.
Synan lifts up his right sleeve. Zoe sees
an identical mark on Synan as the one on Kail.
“What’s with the marks?” Zoe asks.
“Everyone in my family has the mark.
It’s something in the DNA.”
“So, what are you suggesting?”
“I’m not sure...”
Kail finally gets slit with a card. Right
across the cheek.
“Kail.....” Synan says quietly.
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@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
Kail finally gets slit with one of
Jackal’s cards.
“I’ve had enough of you humans!
Prepare to suffer!” Jackal yells.
The entire terrain gets a bluish tint
to it. Veronica warps away, and everyone
begins to float off the ground. Synan looks
up and sees a faint shimmering glow from
above. They are underwater. Zoe, Synan,
and Kail swim upward toward to the surface.
The surface only gets further and further away
from them.
Synan finally runs out of air. He
soon realizes that he can breathe under the
water. Zoe and Kail soon realize too. They
can also speak perfectly under the water.
“Let’s get to the exit!” Zoe yells.
“This way!” Synan says. Zoe, Synan,
and Kail swim along the dark path under the
water. The path just comes to an end, nothing
ahead but more odd-shaped mountains.
“The exit isn’t here!” Zoe yells. Kail
swims over to Synan.
“Synan. I know how to use the Dark
Stone. Since we both have one, we should
stand a pretty good chance against Jackal.”
“How do you use it?”
Kail touches Synan’s forehead. Synan
soon gets a golden flame around him.
“Wow... how did you do that?”
“I made you power up to a mega-monster.”
“You are not meant to learn how to do
it yourself yet.”
“How do you know that?” Synan asks.
Kail powers up and flies through the
water back toward Jackal. Synan follows.
“Okay, then I guess I’ll wait here then...”
Zoe says.
Synan and Kail begin fighting Jackal.
Synan notices that Kail has the same fighting pattern
as him.
A portal opens up behind Zoe. Two hands
pull her through. A dark flash flies out of the portal
and abducts Synan and Kail. The portal closes.
Veronica stands with Zoe, Synan, and
“Great job you little jerks! You just
pissed off Jackal!” Veronica says.
“Is that a bad thing?” Zoe says.
“You bet it is! Listen, I don’t want any
of you to get hurt. Kail: Go back to the future.
You were not meant to be here. Synan and
Zoe: Go back to your own dimension.”
“But we need the Star Stone! We
cannot go back untill we have it under our
posession!” Synan says.
“Screw the Star Stone!”
Synan and Zoe float up into the air and
soon vanish. They appear in the Warp Room.
“She can’t do that to us!” Synan yells.
“The book! We can get back!” Zoe says.
Zoe runs to the book pedestal. Nothing is there.
The cave begins to rumble. Small drops
of lava drip down the small hole in the ceiling.
“We have no choice, Zoe. We have to
go through the portal.”
The silvery vortex flickers on and off
for a while and then stays on for a little longer.
“The portal is closing. We have to go
now!” Synan yells.
Zoe and Synan jump into the portal
just before it shuts down for good. They soon
arrive back in the Gap.
Unamed is here waiting for them.
“Unamed! I’m glad to see you!” Zoe
“You better be. I haven’t seen any of
you at all.”
“What do you mean? You guided us
yesterday.” Zoe says.
“Oh, no. That must’ve been another
“So, will you guide us back?” Synan
Synan and Zoe are silent.
“I will be the guide on your way,
But coming back, I won’t play.
If to the other side you wish to go,
Then follow me and don’t be slow!”
Unamed begins to hover away from
them. Zoe and Synan follow closely. As they
walk down one twisting tunnel, Zoe looks back
and sees the squid-like monster. Probably the
same one that annihilated Clawz.
“Synan...” Zoe tugs on his shirt.
The monster flies past them and stabs
Zoe, then continues flying.
“Ahhhhh!!!” Zoe screams in pain. She
was stabbed in the left shoulder. Unamed just
continues flying forward.
“We have to get going before we get
lost!” Synan yells. Zoe slides down the side
of the tunnel.
“I can’t get up. I’m paralyzed.”
Synan picks up Zoe and runs to
catch up with Unamed. They soon reach the
other side of the Gap.
Sarah greets them in the Warp Room.
“Welcome back! Veronica told me
you were returning.” Sarah says. James stands
in a cold shadowy corner and watches.
“Zoe got stabbed by a squid!” Synan
“Oh... the squid... It’s name is Snip.”
“Yeah, I bet. We have to help her
“This way!” Sarah takes Zoe and
warps through the book. Synan watches as
James vanishes into a cloud of dust. Synan
follows them through the book.
“Will she be okay?” Synan asks.
“I cannot be sure...” Sarah replies.
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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
Synan sits on the hard stone floor next
to Zoe.
“I have an idea. It’s an Ideya, actually.”
Sarah says as she drops an Ideya marble onto
the floor. Out of the bright whiteness comes a
pink jelly-fish flying in mid-air.
“Jelly-Fly, heal Zoe.”
Jelly-Fly flies over to Zoe’s lifeless
body and sprinkles pink powder over her.
Synan looks up into the sky. The
stars a visible. Stars?!
“Sarah... what happened to the sky?
I can see the stars again.” Synan asks.
“Oh, Deity has been stopped without
the use of a Star Stone. I am not sure how,
exactly, but... just seconds after you and Zoe
left the sky returned to normal and the island
was stable again.”
Synan gets a ticked look on his face.
“You had us enter a portal to the
unknown, follow a dead guy, have a severe
death of Zoe’s monster, have to face a trickster
from beyond, and then have to follow a poet
back, and then Zoe gets poisoned by Snip!
And just seconds after we left, everything was
just peachy again!”
“Umm, well, yeah. Pretty much.” Sarah
“Alright, then make yourself useful.
Send me to where Veronica is.”
“Okay, use this book then.” Sarah hands
Synan a purple book. Inside is a picture of the
wasted castle. Synan warps.
Standing near the ruins, Synan sees
Veronica. Veronica is in the human form sitting
next to Sage.
“Veronica... how did Deity get stopped.”
“I stopped him.”
“You did not!”
“Did too.”
“But Deity is way more powerful than
you are.” Synan says.
“Well, I still beat him.”
Synan walks over to Sage’s body.
Synan opens Sage’s cape and pulls up the
black sleeve underneath. As Synan suspected,
Sage has the same mark as Synan and Kail.
“What do you know about Sage?” Synan
“Well, Sage was captured from the future
and then Kail came back to rescue him.”
“I saw Kail in the other dimension.”
“Well he’s here on this island right now.”
“He is? Where is he?”
“I last saw him near Emerald’s Crater.
I told him that you were in the Warp Room near
“Alright.” Synan says as he finds a book
from the rubble and links to the Book Temple.
“Sarah. Get me a book to Emerald’s
Crater.” Synan says. Zoe sits up.
“Synan...” Zoe says.
“I saw Kail... he took the crater book
and... left...”
“That’s true,” Sarah says, “Kail stole
the book to Emerald’s Crater. I don’t know
where it is.”
“Who’s side is he on?” Synan asks.
“I am not sure.” Sarah replies.
“Then I guess I have to take the long
way to Emerald’s Crater.” Synan says.
“I’m coming too!” Zoe says, trying
to stand.
“No, Zoe. You need to heal some
more. Let Synan go alone.” Sarah says.
Synan leaves and runs toward Crystal
Cave. The doors are wide open.
“That’s odd... These doors are
supposed to stay shut.”
Synan runs in and goes down through
the underground tunnel. Synan takes a right
toward Emerald’s Crater.
Synan soon arrives in Emerald’s Crater.
Nobody here but a bunch of Emerald monsters
on the rock chained to the center. Synan sees
the entrance to Mr. I’s village. The gates are
closed. On the other side of the ridge a hole
has been busted through the wall. Synan walks
He is now inside Monk’s Secret Garden.
Nothing here but a bunch of monkeys. A small
Monk approaches Synan.
“Hi, what are you doing here?”
“I’m looking for Kail. Have you seen
“Kail? I’m not sure. But a human just
busted in here a while ago.”
“Where did he go?”
The Monk points toward to Flower
Barrior. Synan walks out. Monk follows.
“He ran down that path way.”
Synan walks down the pathway into
the forest. The path splits up into six different
“I lost him!”
Sarah comes up behind Synan.
“I finally found you.. You gotta come
back with me... now!!” Sarah says.
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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
Synan links back to the Book Temple
with Sarah.
“Zoe’s gone!” Sarah yells.
“Where did she go?!”
“I don’t know. I just came back from
the castle and Zoe wasn’t here.”
“Zoe!” Synan calls.
No reply.
“Hey, look!” Synan goes through the
blanket Zoe was sitting on. A purple book is
found. In the window is a small temple in the
forest. “Maybe she went into here!”
Synan links. A small temple surrounds
him now. Synan goes through the exit and down
a long pathway.
“Zoe!” Synan calls through the forest.
No answer.
Synan follows the pathway farther.
It splits into six again.
Synan turns and sees Syrus.
“I just got another really rare monster.
It was in poor condition but I fixed him up
with my Jelly-Fly.”
“Can I see your new monster?” Synan
“No way! It’s real powerful to survive
the attack it went through.”
“Can you at least tell me what it’s
name was?”
“Uhh, I think it started with a...NO!”
“Freak.” Synan says.
“Well, I have to get going. I’m searching for the elemental barrier keys.”
“Oh, look all you want. I have all of them.”
“Give me the keys!” Syrus yells.
“Give me your new monster!”
“No! Give me the keys!”
“You’ll only get them if you give me your monster.”
“Forget about it then.”
“Good. Have you seen Zoe?”
“Zoe? Yeah, she was with Veronica a while ago.” Syrus replies.
“Veronica? Where did they go?”
Syrus points. “That way.”
“Okay.” Synan walks down the pathway
that Syrus pointed to. The pathway goes right into
the side of the volcano and ends.
“What the...?”
Synan looks for any secret switches or
anything. A person walks up behind Synan.
“Hey, Synan!”
Synan turns around. The person he is
looking at is... Kail.
“That’s right.”
“How do you know my name?”
“Somebody told me.”
“Who?” Synan asks.
“I don’t know.”
“Okay.” Synan looks at the mark on
Kail’s shoulder. Synan points to it.
“What’s that?”
“That’s my birth mark-- I mean, burn
Synan lifts up his sleeve to reveal the
same mark. “That’s funny, I have the same
mark. I don’t recall ever being burned.”
“Oh, umm, well, you see....”
“Who are you? Tell me the truth.”
“That is not important now. You’ll
find out some day.”
“Kail! Tell me!”
“I said no! Now if you’ll excuse me,
I have to get back to my time machine.”
“Time machine?” Synan asks.
Kail pulls a rock from the mountain.
A hidden passageway opens. Kail walks
inside. Synan follows. They soon come to
a lit-up room. Around a stone cylinder stand
Zoe and Veronica.
“Zoe!” Synan runs to Zoe. Kail is
Syrus walks into the room.
“Hey, Syrus!” Veronica greets.
Zoe notices Kail standing in the shadows.
“Synan, why is Kail here?”
“He led me in. He said his time machine
was in here.”
Veronica turns to Kail. “Oh yeah, Kail.
About your time machine: The Monks pulverized
your time machine.”
“Damn those things!!” Kail yells.
“Watch your mouth!” Zoe says.
“I can warp you back to the future if you
want, Kail. I’m sure your parents miss you.” Veronica
“But I can’t return without Sage.”
“Synan and Zoe will understand.”
“What?!” Synan and Zoe say together.
“They are Kail’s parents... oh wait...”
Kail punches Veronica in the arm.
“Great going!” he yells.
“All right. I’ll brainwash these two, and send
them and Syrus back. I’ll send you to the future,
James appears.
“...and free James.”
“Alright!!” James yells.
“Prepare yourselves, guys.” Veronica says.
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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Synan, Zoe, James, Syrus, Veronica, and
Kail stand around the cylinder, hands joined.
“I will now send Synan, Zoe, James, and
Syrus to Earth. I will return Kail to the future.”
Veronica says. Before anyone realizes what happened,
Synan, Zoe, James, and Syrus sit in a grassy field
back on Earth.
“We’re back!” Zoe yells.
“Yes! We survived!!” Synan adds.
“I haven’t been on Earth for years.” James says.
“Kids...” Syrus says.
They walk to the city. The place is much more
lively this time of day. What time is it?
Zoe and Synan walk into the Ideya Shop.
“Hey, kids! Welcome back!”
“Umm, hi.” Zoe says.
“Hello.” Synan says.
“So, did my Warp Marbles help you at all?”
“You have no idea.” Synan and Zoe say
“Well, I’m sure I do have some idea.”
“Nope. None.” Synan says.
“What do you mean?” The old man says.
Zoe points out the window. The old man
looks out.
“Oh, that’s The Land of No Return. I’ve been
there before. What, do you think I invented those
“You acted like it.” Synan says.
“Hey, look at all this.” Zoe says, standing by
a newspaper rack. All the head lines are covered in
stuff about The Land of No Return.
“Floating island puzzles investigators”
“Strange monsters beam down and attack
“The entire thing is a hoax -Vatican Police”
Synan picks one up. It reads “Three missing
kids are reported to have been beamed to the
floating object.”
“Looks like people will believe our story
after all.” Zoe says.
“You bet they will.” A girl walks into the
shop. She has blond hair and blue eyes.
“I’m Sarah Croft, bookwriter of Vatican
City.” She shakes Synan’s hand.
“Sarah....” Zoe says.
“I have written a story based on you two.
I have all the descriptive facts about you.”
Zoe gets a worried look on her face.
‘Does she know that I like Synan?’ Zoe thinks.
“Yes, she does, Zoe.” A thirteen-year-old
girl walks up behind Zoe.
“What? Can you read my thoughts?” Zoe
asks. The girl replies.
“Yes, Zoe. I know you like Synan. I’ve always
known. You liked him since first grade.”
“Zoe?” Synan asks.
“No! Stop it! It’s not true!” Zoe yells.
“Please, Zoe. Stop it.” She says.
“Make me then.”
“Ahem... allow me to introduce myself. My
name is Veronica. I know everything there is to know
about everything, including your little secrets about
Zoe’s face is beet red.
“Hehehe!” Synan says.
“Oh my. I gotta go, a future boy is returning
again. He’s after Sage.” Veronica says.
“Kail, right?” Synan asks.
“How did you... oh wait, I forgot to brainwash
you. Well, I really gotta go!” Veronica vanishes in a
flick of light.
Synan and Zoe go back to the neighborhood.
Synan and Zoe first go to Zoe’s house. Zoe’s mom
greets them.
“Zoe!” The mother says, “Where were you??
You have been gone for days!”
“The Land of No Return.” Zoe answers.
“The what of what?”
“The Land of No Return. We have a professional
book writer making a story about our quest.”
“Oh. And is this the boy you always talked about?”
The mother says, looking at Synan.
“Mom......” Zoe gets red again.
“He’s cuter than you said he was.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll be back.” Zoe says.
“You promise?” Her mom says.
Synan and Zoe leave the house. They walk over
to Synan’s house.
“Hey, Synan. I thought you were going
to go shopping for me.” Synan’s mom says.
“Yeah, well. I didn’t.”
“Then you better go and finish shopping.”
“Okay. Whatever.” Synan and Zoe go
“I don’t feel like shopping. How horrible.”
Synan says.
“Awe....” Zoe says.
Synan looks evilishly at Zoe.
“Then let’s go somewhere.” Zoe says.
“Like where?”
“Follow me.” Synan follows Zoe. They
stop by some boulder just outside the city. Synan
looks at The Land of No Return. A helicopter flies
to it.
“Will you...umm...”
“Go out with me?”
Zoe seems relieved.
“Okay. Good. I was too embarrased
today, so I thought I should go and ask.”
Zoe sees a group of Monks throwing
helicopter parts over the edge of the island.
“Take that you dirty humans!” a Monk
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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
Syrus lives in an apartment building in Vatican
City. He spends all his time walking around town
with his friends.
Syrus walks by a small building. The name of
the building is a strange word: “IDEYA.” As Syrus
walks by, a voice comes from inside the building.
“Syrus, come here!”
Syrus walks into the shadowy building. A
dark, shady old man in a black tunic is inside.
The old man speaks.
“Have you seen Synan lately? He wants me
to keep him up-to-date on my newest inventions.”
“No, I haven’t seen him. Sorry.”
Just after Syrus finishes talking, a girl from
school enters the room. She is just one year younger
than Syrus. She has brown hair and brown eyes.
Her name is Zoe.
“Actually, Synan is on vacation,” Zoe says,
“He’ll be back in about four days.”
“And you would care because...?” Syrus
“It’s none of your business why I would
care where he’s at.”
“Yeah, okay. You fifth graders are weird.”
Syrus walks toward the door. The old man stops
“Syrus, before you leave, do you want to
see my new invention?” The dark figure says.
Syrus folds his arms as he listens.
“I call it the Ideya Marble.” The mysterious
old man pulls a Red and Shining object from the
pocket on his tunic. “These will absorb the atomic
makeup of an object it touches. The object will
then be returned when the marble hits the floor
again. I’ll give you ten of them.”
The old man gives Syrus ten of the red
marbles. He also gives ten of them to Zoe. Syrus
leaves the building. Zoe also leaves. As Syrus
walks down the sidewalk for a little while, he
hears a scream from behind him. Zoe screamed.
Syrus turns around and runs toward the
sound. He gets to the edge of the city and sees
Zoe and some kind of blue alien. Zoe is being
lifted off the ground and toward the sky.
Syrus jumps at the blue monster but
instead gets caught in the trap that Zoe is in.
As they float to the sky, Syrus loses
consciousness. He regains sight after what
seems to be not very long at all. He is looking
straight up at a starry sky.
Syrus sits up and looks around. He is
in a fenced-in area. The ground is all purple,
and on one side with no fence is the edge of
a floating island. Syrus crawls over and looks
off the edge. They are miles away from the
Earth. Syrus stands up.
There are two guard towers. Syrus
sees Zoe leave just as the gates close behind
her. Syrus runs toward the gates.
A shadowy guard stops him. “Please
remove any mirrors, slingshots, or throwable
“Why do you need a mirror? Do you
want to break it??” Syrus comments.
“Just do it or die you little punk!!”
“Screw you! What kind of law are
you under her?”
“Wizeman’s law. Now give me the
requested objects.”
“Never.” Syrus brushes the purple
dirt off his jeans.
“Then you shall feel the wrath of
The Land of No Return!” The guard pulls
out a small radio reciever and begins
speaking into it.
“We have a 24-14 crisis here.
Spyke-012334 requesting backup.”
Syrus gives the guard the finger.
Before he can put it back down he is
blasted fifteen feet away. A figure slowly
hovers toward the ground. Suddenly a
slight scream occurs as a golden-yellow
flame appears, lighting up the person.
He looks like he’s 12, maybe 13. He’s
wearing a white T-shirt and blue shorts.
On the shirt is a stretched “W” in red.
He has a short head under a
yellow helmet. His evil eyes are
stretched along the bottom of the
“Syrus, I presume? I am James.
Having trouble already, are we?” James
says, his shirt rustling as the golden
energy blows by him.
“How do you know my name?”
Syrus asks, climbing back to his feet.
“Believe me, I have my
sources.” James’ energy field vanishes.
James walks over to Syrus and searches
him, revealing ten ideya marbles.
“He’s clean.” James gives the
marbles back. The gates open and James
shoves Syrus through. James slowly lifts
off the ground mumbling “Man, you’d
think his three-day nap would be helpful.”
“Three days?!” Syrus yells, almost
too loudly. James continues floating away,
as if he didn’t hear Syrus at all.
Syrus hears the guard speaking,
“Please remove all slingshots, mirrors, or
throwable objects.” He then hears a
familiar voice “I don’t have any.” It’s Synan!
Syrus decides to wait here for
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Syrus decides to take a look around at
his surroundings. He is standing on a four-way
intersection. On the dark purple soil are light
purple, almost magenta, pathways. One
pathway leads to the left, where Syrus can see
a lava river coming from the mountain in the
center of the island.
To the right, the pathway leads into
a dense forest. To the north, the pathway
goes into the mountain, to a large bright
red door. The door appears to be locked.
Finally, down the southern pathway,
is the guard house area, where Synan is
walking towards Syrus. Synan dosen’t seem
to notice Syrus at all, and cuts through the
field going towards the right.
“Synan! Is that you?” Syrus shouts.
Synan has dark, messy hair. Syrus’s is
blond, kinda messy from sleeping for three
days on it.
“I see you have some of those ‘Warp
Marbles’ as well. We both have ten open
marbles now. Let’s have a contest. Let’s see
who can capture more monsters. Our meeting
place will be at the castle on the other side.”
Syrus says, confindently.
“I’ll take the right.” Synan says.
“I don’t think so, Synan. You’re taking
the left, near Hell’s River.”
“No fair!”
“You want to make something of it?”
Synan sighs, “Left it is.”
“Good. I thought you’d see it my way.”
Syrus begins walking down the pathway
to the right. As he nears the forest, he sees a
small tower-shaped building. Syrus steps inside.
The doors close behind him. A sharp,
computerized voice comes on the speakers.
“Warp Stone, please.”
Syrus dosen’t have a ‘Warp Stone’.
He remembers his Ideya Capture, how old
man Shady had his name for them, Warp Marbles.
Syrus puts an Ideya Marble in the
bowl-shaped slot. The voice comes on again.
“Insufficient amount of Warp Stone. Please
make sure that you have a valid source of the
ore, and that the stone is not currupted.”
The doors open and let Syrus out.
Synan is already long gone. Syrus looks
over toward the lava river. Synan and Zoe
are sitting on the other side. Syrus continues
on walking toward the forest.
Syrus enters the forest. ‘Synan took
the easy way! He probably already has his
first monster! I need to find one!’ Syrus thinks
to himself.
Syrus looks around the forest. Unlike
the rest of the island, the pathway here is
brown, normal dirt. There is also a lot of grass
growing around here. The trees and bushes are
so densely packed together. It was getting late
now, and the forest is so dark. Syrus sees
a faint glimmer of light, reflecting off the moon.
Syrus takes a close look at the light.
It is a monkey-like monster with oversized
eyeballs. A monster! Syrus throws an ideya
marble at it before it knows what happened.
The marble bounces off as a blinding
light exits from it. The light engulfs the monster
into a large ball of light. The light then returns
to the Ideya Capture.
“These things really work!” Syrus
Syrus decides he should probably
make camp for the night, but he can’t stop
finding monsters to capture. He continues on
down into the forest.
After a while of walking, Syrus gets
into such a deep section of the forest. The
leaves overhead are covering up all the
moon light. Syrus is left in complete darkness.
Syrus continues on. He comes to
a four-way intersection. He turns to the left.
This pathway seems to go back in the opposite
direction he was coming from. It goes straight
into a solid wall of the mountain.
A child is standing here at the end of
the path. He is about ten years old. He looks
suspiciously like Synan.
“Hey! Thought you’d cheat and
follow me, did you? Nice try!”
The boy answers, “Who are you? You
obviously are mistaking me for someone else.
My name is Kail.”
“Kail, huh? What are you doing out
“I am searching for my brother Sage.
Have you seen him?”
“Sage? No, I haven’t seen him.” Syrus
“Oh, okay. Do you know Synan?”
Kail asks.
“Synan? Yeah, he’s here on this island.”
“Oh, that’s not good. This is all wrong.
Synan isn’t supposed to be here!”
“Why? What’s wrong with Synan?”
Kail ignores Syrus and runs down the
pathway and disappears into the darkness.
Syrus chases after him. “Wait!
Kail, come back!”
Syrus runs into the four-way intersection
and crashes into somebody, knocking both
of them down. Syrus gets up quickly.
“Kail! What made you stop?”
“Kail? What do you want with Kail?!”
The person stands up. In the faint moonlight
Syrus sees that this person is a girl. She is
around 12 or 13.
Syrus obviously just mobbed the
wrong person.
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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
Syrus just knocked down the wrong
person. It obviously wasn’t Kail! The person
gets up to their feet. In the gloomy moonlight,
Syrus can barely make out who it is. The person
is a girl, a little taller than Syrus is. She has
brown hair, maybe black, but he can’t really
tell in the dark. The girl speaks.
“You should watch where you’re going!”
“Sorry. Did you see a boy run past
just now.”
“I don’t know. Who are you looking for?”
“Oh, yeah, he just went by here. My name
is Veronica Creel. What’s yours?”
“Creel? Are you related to Synan?”
“Oh, so you know Synan. You’re Syrus,
“So Synan is here. Kail is probably afraid
Synan will ruin his plan.”
“What is his plan?”
“Kail came to find Sage. Did he tell you
“I don’t remember.”
“Anyway, he’s heading to the castle.”
“Oh really.”
“Yep. Well, I’d like to stay and talk, but
I have things to do. See you later, Syrus!”
Veronica turns and runs down a pathway.
“Wait!” Syrus runs after her. After a short
while of walking, the trail ends at a small stone temple.
Syrus walks inside. There is a purple book here. Syrus
opens the book. Inside is a small panel where Syrus
sees a rotational view of a circular golden building.
Syrus’s hand is attracted to the picture,
drawn to it. When his hand almost touches, tiny golden
sparkles appear in the space between his hand and the
picture. Startled, Syrus jumps back. The book vibrates
and slams shut. Syrus turns and runs out the door.
He is back in the intersection in the forest.
To his left is the entrance where he entered the
forest. Ahead is the dead-end at the mountain where he
met Kail. To the right is another pathway.
Syrus walks down the pathway to the right. He
walks for a few minutes in the darkened forest. He can
hardly see a thing!
Syrus comes to a smaller intersection. He
can go straight forward or go down a pathway to
the left. To the left, Syrus sees a faint light and some
voices and quiet music. Syrus decides to walk down
that pathway.
As he continues down the path, the light and
music grows louder. He shortly arrives in a small clearing
next to the mountain. Syrus takes a look around.
At the top of the mountain, there is reddish
smoke exiting from the volcano. He is in a small clearing
in the forest. On the side of the mountain is a black
doorway with a large keyhole. In the middle of the
clearing is a bonfire with Monks gathered around it.
“Wow, a garden full of Monks!” Syrus says.
A Monk notices him.
“Halt! Who goes there?”
“We don’t know any Syrus! Send him to the
“No, wait!”
“Wait? Why?”
Syrus drops an Ideya Capture. The monk he
captured earlier appears.
“Oh, you’ve returned one of our Monks! I
guess you can stay here for as long as you want. The
specific monster you captured always wanted to explore
the island. He might want to stay with you when you decide
to leave.”
“Okay, cool.”
Syrus wanders around the clearing. There’s not a
whole lot of interest around here. Up in the trees surrounding
the clearing are millions of wooden bridges and treeforts.
Syrus assumes that’s where the Monks live.
Syrus spots a rope ladder. He goes over to the
ladder and climbs up. He climbs to a wooden platform about
twelve feet from the ground. He begins to crawl across one of
the bridges to make sure it’s safe. To his surprise, these
bridges are sturdier than he expected! He stands and crosses
the bridge. He comes to one of the treeforts. The doorway is
very small! Syrus begins to crawl into it.
“Hey!” A Monk yells from below, “Syrus, that hut
is empty. You can stay in it tonight.”
After Syrus is inside, he realizes he couldn’t sleep
in something so tiny. He’s practically curled in a
ball next to a small window. These huts are so
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
Syrus couldn’t get any form of sleep
inside those small Monk cabins. Drowsy,
Syrus wakes up. It’s a little chilly outside in
the morning. It’s just after dawn.
Syrus crawls out of the hut. His back
and neck are sore. Syrus joins the Monks
down at the garden. The Monks are very
talkative in the morning. They are speaking a
strange foreign language. A word commonly
used when a Monk joins them is the word
Syrus slides in closer to the Monks.
They are gathered around a barely lit fire
eating strange exotic fruits and berries. A
Monk looks up at Syrus.
“Shorah! Thoe kenem?”
“Oh, sorry. You’re not from around
these parts, are you? We are speaking in
the Veronican language. Some of us call it
the Monsterish language, but it’s the main
language around here.”
“Yep. I’ll teach you the basics. The
word ‘Shorah’ means ‘Hello.’ Thoe kenem
is ‘How are you?’”
“Okay. Shorah, Monk! Thoe kenem?”
“Good. You’re catching on.”
“Heh, okay.”
“If you want something to eat, go into
the forest and pick some berries.”
“Okay.” Syrus gets up from the group
and walks into the forest. He picks a few berries
and fruits. Syrus hears a strange sound come
from the garden. He can’t explain what it
sounds like.
Syrus goes slowly to the garden. He
hides behind some bushes and watches. He
sees two humans in the garden. Synan and Zoe!
Zoe is holding a purple book, like the
one Syrus saw in the temple. Zoe is also carrying
a key.
Zoe uses the key to unlock the door
in the volcano. After Synan and Zoe vanish into
the darkness of the mountain, Syrus moves in.
As he enters, a few, maybe three or four, Monks
run out.
Syrus sneaks inside. The garden inside the
volcano looks even better than the one outside.
Syrus hears Synan’s and Zoe’s voices. Soon, he
hears the strange sound again. He begins to run,
and sees Zoe holding the purple book. Synan is
gone. Syrus walks up to Zoe.
“Zoe. Can I warp back, too?”
“No way!” Zoe yells.
“Well, too bad. You’ll drop the book
when you warp, then I can pulverize Synan!”
Zoe holds the book out over the lava.
Zoe glances mockingly at Syrus. Zoe looks
back at the book and puts her hand on the
animated panel. Soon, she vanishes and the
book falls into the lava.
“Damn you!” Syrus runs toward where
Zoe was standing. He looks through the odd-shaped
hole where Zoe dropped the book.
“There!” Syrus sees the purple book.
It’s closed. It is balancing on a small ledge. One
wrong move and it will fall into the lava. Syrus
looks around through the hole on the wall. Above
him in the crater-shaped area he sees a giant massive
rock held in the center by chains.
There is a rope bridge connecting the rock
to the platforms around the side. On the bottom of
the rock is a pure black cage.
Syrus is startled when he hears the flapping
of wings. Shortly after, a strange gray monster
flies down to the other side of the river. It has an
oddly-shaped head with a horn in the middle. It
has wings extending from it’s shoulders, flapping
softly to keep the monster in the air.
It looks at Syrus for a few seconds,
studying him. It then flies lower. It’s wings flap
a gust of air, knocking the book off of the
ledge. Another one of these peculiar monsters
flies down swiftly and grabs the book with it’s
It flies up to the window. Syrus attempts
to communicate with them.
“Excuse me. Can you hand me that
“This book? Well, it did fall into the
volcano, you know. We’re the guardians
of the volcano. This book is our property.”
“Then, who are you?”
“We’re of the Koda species. We
know more about the volcano than Mr. I
“Oh, I guess you haven’t met Mr.
I yet, have you? Oh well.”
“Just give me the book!”
“Why should I?”
“Because... It’s mine.”
“Oh? Then why did you let it fall
into the volcano?”
“A, umm... a Monk kicked me
and I accidentally dropped the book into
the volcano.”
The two Kodas glance at eachother.
They then look back at Syrus.
“Okay then. Here, kid. You can
have it then, if it’s yours.” The Koda hands
Syrus the book. In golden text, the book
title reads “Book Temple.”
“Thank you, Koda.”
“Yeah, don’t mention it. Now get
away! This volcano is my territory!”
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@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
The Kodas fly away. Syrus has the purple
book now. The golden text reads “Book Temple.”
Syrus opens the book up. On the first page is a small
panel where Syrus sees a rotational view of a
circular temple.
Syrus holds his hand over the panel. Soon,
small golden sparkles appear between the panel
and his hand. He is suddenly warped to the center
of the building he saw in the book. In front of him is
a girl seated at a desk. She has long blonde hair.
Also in the room is Zoe. Syrus looks at Zoe.
“Zoe. Where is Synan now?”
“Umm...” Zoe makes a signal to the girl
behind her at the desk. The girl hands Zoe a
book. “He went into this book!”
Syrus takes the book. The title reads
“Monster Village”
“He’s cheating! He went there to
capture more monsters than me!”
Syrus steals the book and links
through it. He appears at the entrance to The
Land of No Return.
“Damn kids.” Syrus says. He rubs his
eyes and looks around. He sees the bright
lava-red doors on the mountain. One of them
is open, and closing slowly. Syrus runs for the
doorway and makes it inside just before it closes
and locks behind him.
He is in a small cave. There are lots of
smaller caves carved around the walls of this
place. There is also a most unusual monster here.
It’s body is mostly an oval. The oval
is hollow, but holds a small eyeball inside. Syrus
can’t explain how that works. Unlike Koda,
this monster is red and doesn’t have any arms.
Syrus walks up to one of them.
“Hello. Who are you?”
“Mr. I. We’re expert volcanologists.”
“What about Koda?”
“Well, they’re the only things smarter
than us, but you get the idea.”
Syrus takes out an Ideya Marble. He
tosses it at Mr. I’s red skin. It bounces off and
falls to the floor.
“What?” Syrus says.
“It appears that your Ideya Capture
is already in use. Did you capture another
monster in it?”
“Yeah, I captured a Monk...”
The red marble glows white. A bright
beam exits the marble and flies away. It flies
down a passageway to a room that’s glowing
red. After a few minutes, the beam returns.
Syrus picks up the marble and drops
it. A Monk appears.
“Oh, so since this marble was used
and it’s monster was away, it sent a beam
out to hunt down that monster.”
“Yeah.” Mr. I says.
Syrus takes out a different marble.
He captures Mr. I with it, and then returns
Monk to it’s own marble.
Syrus walks down the tunnel that
the beam followed. Soon, he’s in a large
cave that’s lit-up red. He suddenly
recognizes this place. It’s the room he saw
earlier, when he looked out the window.
He is in this room, but he’s on
the ledge that he saw earlier. He quickly
spots the rope ladder and crosses it.
The island drops a couple of
millimeters as Syrus steps onto it. The
strange micro-island is held up by large
black chains.
Scattered across the rock are
strange monsters, or combinations of
monsters. On the bottom is a red,
circular-shaped monster. Connected
by a beam of electricity is another
monster, shaped like a three-dimensional
diamond. The diamond appears hollow,
but it’s filled with millions of eyeballs.
Syrus takes out an Ideya
Capture and throws it towards one
of them.
“Man, this island is just full
of these monsters!”
The monster is captured and
the Ideya comes back to Syrus.
A Koda comes up behind Syrus.
“In case you didn’t know, that was
an Emerald that you just captured. Is that
your first monster?”
“No way! It’s my third! I’m not
as naive as you think!”
“Oh, okay, kid. Your third then.”
“Shut up, Koda!”
Syrus takes out an Ideya Capture
and whips it at Koda. Koda holds his
hands together at the wrists and launches
a fireball. The force of the fire launches the
Ideya back at Syrus. Syrus catches the
“We’re not so easy, Syrus. Not
every monster is as easy to catch as the
ones you have. Let me guess: your three
monsters include Monk, Mr. I, and
Emerald, right? Ha! They’re probably
the easiest to catch.
“Oh yeah? I guess I should try
to capture harder monsters then, huh?”
Syrus says.
“Ha! Don’t make me laugh!
Somebody like you can’t hardly even
catch a cold!” Koda flies away,
laughing mockingly.
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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Syrus stares as Koda flies away. A
dark shadow suddenly covers the rock beneath
Syrus’s feet. Syrus looks up and sees an island
hovering by itself, much like The Land of No
“That island has to have some kind of
rare monster on it!”
Syrus throws an Ideya at the floor,
releasing Mr. I.
“Mr. I, fly me up to that island!”
Mr. I takes flight. Syrus grabs his
feet and Mr. I flied him up to the island.
As they fly out of the volcano, Syrus
looks back down. He is at a dangerous height.
He sees Synan and Zoe being led by the
bottom half of an Emerald.
“Hey, that Emerald is only the bottom
half! What’s up with that?”
“Emerald is made up of Prisem and
Crystal. That monster is Prisem.” Mr. I answers.
Soon, the heated fog from the volcano
covers Syrus’s view of them.
Mr. I drops Syrus onto the island. Syrus
is disappointed. All that was on the island was
a small temple. Syrus decides to go in and
have a look. When Syrus tries to open the
yellow doors, he fails.
“The doors are locked!” Syrus yells.
“They would be. You need the Lightning
Key. The Skybers might have it.”
“Yeah. Their fortress is right over there.”
Syrus goes to look. On top of the volcano,
next to the mouth, are lots of tall, narrow towers.
There are lots of birds flying around.
“Skyber,” Mr. I says, “is a lightning bird.
If you ever enter Illusion Cave over there, you’ll
need a lightning monster. That cave is so dark,
you can’t see a lit match even if it’s touching you
face. Only lightning is bright enough to light the
way, although it would still be pretty dark and
“Oh. I should get one.” Syrus says. Mr. I
flies up into the air. Syrus grabs onto Mr. I’s feet
and they fly down to one of the towers.
They land, and Syrus looks around
at the monsters. They look a lot like small
wood ducks. But, the Skybers have a
black diamond on their heads.
“This is awesome!” Syrus throws
up an Ideya Capture and hits one of the
Skybers. The bird is captured and the
marble falls to the ground. The bright
glow still hasn’t faded. The bird then
escapes from the marble.
“Koda was right.”
Mr. I comments, “You may
have to fight the Skyber to weaken it.”
Mr. I does a fireball attack
and hits the Skyber. The bird falls down,
injured. Syrus tries capturing it again,
and this time he’s successful.
“Yes! I have a Skyber!”
Syrus wanders around the fortress.
All these towers are connected by bridges.
Syrus gets to the center. The building on this
tower looks more significant than the rest.
Syrus enters.
Inside are a few Skybers, and
in the center is another one wearing a
golden crown.
“Hello there, stranger! I am the
king of the Skybers!”
“Oh, hi. Have you seen the
Lightning Key?”
“Lightning Key? No, I think I
misplaced it somewhere.”
“Oh, okay.” Syrus says, disappointed.
Syrus and Mr. I leave. Syrus looks at the
“Hey, look!” Syrus sees James
fly into the mouth of the volcano. Ico is
following him.
Mr. I walks over to Syrus. “Looks
like James has someone to take out down
there. I guess Ico wanted to help.”
“How do you know?”
“I was watching over the island just
a while before you found me. I saw two kids,
Synan and Zoe. I noticed them enter the volcano
as we were leaving, so I’m assuming James is
after them.”
“Ha! Synan gets to meet James!”
“No, Syrus. He met James earlier.
He and Zoe were fighting James just after they
crossed Hell’s River.”
“Yeah, okay. Hey, look!” Syrus runs
to the other side of the tower. He notices a small
group of humans walking into a cave with Green
“Yeah, I know them. The little girl is
Elsie. The other two are her parents, Logan and
The green doors close behind them, and
they disappear into the darkness inside.
“And that is the Earth Barrier,” Mr. I says,
“but I don’t know how they got it opened. Sarah
has the key.”
“Who’s Sarah?”
“She stays in the Book Temple down there.”
“Oh, yeah. I saw her when I followed Zoe
through that Linking Book.”
“Yep. That’s her.”
“Hey, Syrus. You’ve seen the Linking Books,
but have you ever seen a Mystery Book?”
Syrus walks closer to Mr. I, who is holding
what looks like a linking book.
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@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
Syrus walks closer to the book Mr. I
holds in his hands. It looks in every way like a
normal Linking Book, except... the letters on its
cover are written in silver, not gold. The title says
“Mystery Book.”
“So what is a mystery book?” Syrus asks.
“A Mystery Book? You never know what
they’re gonna do. They could warp you to any
location, they could bring evil demons into the world.
You never really know.”
“Cool!” Syrus snatches the book and opens
it. The image inside is fuzzy and you can’t make out
anything in it. Syrus puts his hand on the picture and
links away. He appears in a forest. He’s not quite
sure where he is. Syrus looks around. It is a dark,
thick forest. A fog is blowing through. Syrus walks
through the woods for a little while and soon comes
to a place where the path splits into four.
To the left and straight ahead is just more
forest. Syrus looks to the right and sees the end of
the forest. Syrus decides to go to the right. Soon
enough, he is out of the woods.
When he gets out, he looks around. He sees
the edge of the Volcano of No Return. He finally
made it to the other side of Monk Forest! Syrus
takes out an Ideya Capture and drops it. Mr. I
quickly returns to him.
“Okay, Mr. I. Where am I now?”
“You’re in the intersection between Monk
Forest and Orb Lake. Hey, what’s that??” Mr. I
points to a small bush just at the edge of the forest.
Syrus goes over to investigate. The monster looks
just like a tiny Ico.
“Hey there little guy!” Syrus says. The tiny
creature gets up and runs for its life. Syrus whips
an Ideya Capture at it and knocks it unconsious.
The monster is then sucked into the marble.
“Yeah! I got an Ico!”
Syrus releases Ico from its Ideya Capture.
“Hey Ico! What’s up?”
Ico is being really quiet.
Mr. I suggests, “Maybe Ico is really
scared of something. He’ll eventually get over
“Okay, good.” Syrus puts Ico back in
his Ideya Capture and continues walking down
the fuchsia pathway.
Shortly, they arrive at a large lake of
crystal clear water. There is a long rope-bridge
stretched across the lake. Syrus walks about
half way across the bridge and stops to look
around. It appears there are many life forms in
the water, travelling around. Syrus looks closer.
Syrus spots a monster that looks very
much like a large tadpole. Orbiting the lake,
hovering above the water, are millions of little
glass balls full of a yellow electricity.
“What are all these things?” Syrus asks.
“The tadpole one,” says Mr. I, “is called
Octa. And it’s evolved form,” Mr. I points to a
large rock sticking out of the water, “the octopus-
like one, is Octo.”
Syrus looks at Octo. Octo looks like a
strange four-tentacled octopus. It has two long
eyes and a unibrow-like thing, and a small red
circular crystal on its forehead.
Mr. I continues, “Those monsters that
are orbiting the lake are called Orbs. And look
at that one!” Mr. I points out an Orb that is
colored blue instead of yellow. “That is a very
rare monster, called the Blue Orb. Only one of
them is born every 100 years.”
“Born? How in the he--?”
“Shh! No questions!”
Mr. I continues, “And that pink jelly-fish
thing flying through the air is named Jelly-Fly. It
has the greatest healing powers of anything on
Earth, or in space, or anywhere, really.”
“Sweet! I gotta catch one!” Syrus whips
an Ideya Capture into the water. It captures an
Octa and returns to his hand. He takes out another
Ideya and whips it into the water. It dosen’t capture
anything and returns to his hand.
Syrus then throws an Ideya Capture at
an Octo and captures it. Syrus then spots the
Blue Orb. He wants to make sure he gets it, so
he’s very slowly calculating when and where he
should throw the Ideya. Soon, he throws it and
he captures the Blue Orb!
Syrus then tries to capture the Jelly-Fly
hovering around them. He whips an Ideya up at
the Jelly-Fly. The monster swerves to avoid the
The Ideya Capture then starts to fall from
the sky, hitting Jelly-Fly on its way down.
“Good job, Syrus!” Mr. I says. “You’ve
used up nine of your ten Ideya Captures already!”
“Yeah, and it’s only my second day too!”
Syrus looks ahead and sees Wizeman’s
“And it looks like I’m going to win the little
bet I made with Synan, also!”
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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Syrus and Mr. I start to walk the
rest of the way down the bridge over Orb
Lake. Syrus looks to his left, at the volcano. He
sees a cliff up there with a circular building.
“Mr. I, what’s that?” Syrus asks.
“Did you see the teleport chamber on
your way into the island? Well, it teleports you
up to that cliff there. Then you jump off into the
“That reminds me, is this water safe for
“You bet it is!” Mr. I says.
“Great! Let’s go swimming!”
“Umm, sorry Syrus, but I kinda have a
thing against water.”
“Oh, that’s right, you’re a fire type, aren’t
“Hehe, yeah.”
“No problem.” Syrus says. “What is a
problem is that I don’t have a swim suit.”
“So what are you going to do about that?”
Mr. I asks.
“I’ll just swim in my clothes.” Syrus releases
all his water monsters as he jumps off the bridge into
the lake. Syrus swims around for a while and then
attempts to open his eyes under the water. Unlike
most water, this water is so clear that seeing underwater
is just as clear as seeing above water!
Syrus swims around under the water and
spots a Blue and Shining Object. Syrus swims over to
it. It is wedged between two rocks. Syrus tries to get
it loose for a while and then swims up to the
“Octo! Give me a hand down here!”
Octo jumps into the water and swims to
Syrus. Syrus dives down to the blue stone again,
Octo following him.
“Oh, is that what you need help for?” Octo
says. Syrus can’t talk underwater, so he just nods.
Octo uses his strong tentacles to pull the two rocks
apart. Syrus grabs the blue stone and swims up to
the surface.
“Hey Mr. I! Look what I found!” Syrus yells.
“Let me see that!” Syrus throws the stone
up to Mr. I. It hits Mr. I and falls onto the bridge.
A large white beam flies out of the strange
rock and a monster appears. Syrus quickly
climbs out of the water by hanging onto Blue
Orb as it flew up.
“What is that thing?!”
The strange new monster standing
in front of Syrus is like nothing he’s ever
seen before. It looks like a combination of
several monsters. Its head is similar to a
Monk’s head, but upside-down. Out of the
head are large red wings, like Mr. I’s.
Below the head is what looks like an
upside-down Prisem. Connected by a lightning
beam from Prisem is Crystal. Orbiting the
lightning are four eyeballs with spikes in them.
“Lord Wizeman!” Mr. I says, bowing.
“Wizeman, huh? Then what was he
doing CAPTURED at the bottom of the lake?”
Wizeman tries to speak, “Yes, I am
not Lord Wizeman. I am just an ordinary
Wizeman. You can make Wizeman monsters
by just owning each of the monsters that
makes me.”
“Okay, Wizeman. How’d you like
to come with us?”
“Beats being captured.”
“Okay. I’m going to transfer you over
to a red Ideya marble.”
Syrus captures Wizeman in the red
Ideya Capture.
“So, Mr. I. What exactly was that
blue stone anyway?”
Mr. I answers, “Well, if you actually
take time to look at it, it’s an Ideya Marble,
except it’s blue colored. The blue Ideya isn’t
an Ideya Capture, it’s called a Greater Ideya.
Unlike the Capture, the Greater Ideya has a
lesser chance of failing to capture a monster.
A very useful item, but it’s kinda rare.”
“Cool! What untill Synan sees this!”
“You’re really into beating Synan at
everything, aren’t you?”
“You know it!”
Syrus and Mr. I finish walking down
the bridge. When they get close to the end,
a voice yells to them. “Halt!”
Syrus looks and sees the guard he
met when he first arrived on the island.
The guard speaks,
“Where do you think you’re
going, Syrus? You’re not allowed to see
Lord Wizeman! Now turn around and go
back where you came from!”
Syrus gets an idea, and releases
Wizeman from the Ideya Capture.
“Lord Wizeman! Please forgive
“But I am not Lord--” Wizeman
tries to say, but Syrus elbows him to make
him stop.
The guard glows all white and then
seperates into five circles, all the same size
except one is a bit larger. The glow goes
away and Syrus sees a strange monster. It
is just one large eyeball surrounded by four
smaller eyeballs, each with four spikes in
“Spyke,” Wizeman says, “You’re
supposed to be guarding the island, not
guarding my castle,” Wizeman says, starting
to play along.
“Yes, Wizeman!” Spyke floats away
down the path.
“Now, where were we?” Wizeman
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
Syrus, Wizeman, and Mr. I continue
walking toward Wizeman’s Castle. It is about
a quarter-mile away from them. The castle is
really large. It appears that it is night time out
now. The ground is such a dark purple, and a
very dark shadow is cast all over the island.
Everything is so quiet out here. The only sounds
are those that come from Syrus and his monsters
scuffing their feet along the light purple pathway.
The only light on the island is coming
from the stars and from Earth’s moon. There is
a faint red glow from the volcano, and the glow
of the lava moat around Wizeman’s Castle up
ahead. They finally arrive at the castle.
“Well, we’re here.” Syrus says, breaking
the dreadful silence. “Let’s break in.”
“Syrus, it’s very late. Maybe we should
camp here untill the morning.” Mr. I suggests.
“Okay, but what if Synan catches up?”
“You already beat him to the castle.
What are you worried about?” Wizeman asks.
“Good point.” Syrus says as he slowly
sinks to his knees in the soft purple dirt. Syrus
lays down, and before long, he is asleep.
Suddenly a voice says his name, “Syrus!”
Syrus quickly sits up. Mr. I and Wizeman are
asleep on the ground around him. Syrus looks
around to see who said his name. In front of him
is the shadow of a human. The figure steps into
the light of the lava at Wizeman’s Castle. It’s
“Zoe?” Syrus says, sleepily. “What are
you doing here?” It is still really dark out, maybe
even darker than it was when he fell asleep.
“Come with me.” Zoe starts to walk
away. Syrus jumps to his feet and follows her
into the darkness. Zoe walks into the shadows
of the volcano, toward another human.
“Watch this, Syrus.” Zoe says. Soon,
the other human quickly lights up in a golden
flame. It’s Synan!
“Synan! You’re... you’re...”
“A mega-monster.”
“No way! How??”
A creaky, leathery finger lands on Syrus’
shoulder. Syrus quickly turns around to see
the most ugly thing ever! It looks like it’s dead,
wrapped in a torn purple cloak, carrying a
lantern. Syrus can’t see his face, but his arms
are so scrawny and leathery.
Syrus screams and backs into Synan.
In an instant Syrus is in a very bright room.
A tunnel, actually. The tunnel is circular and
spinning. The dead monster stands taller.
“I’ll be your guide on your way,
But coming back I won’t play. If to the other
side you wish to go, than follow me and don’t
be slow.” The dead creature says as he begins
to float away. Synan seems to have lost his
mega-monster power suddenly and he and Zoe
run off after the monster. Syrus gets up and runs
after them.
The three of them suddenly stop but
Syrus keeps running. He didn’t stop in time.
Suddenly Syrus falls into the floor through another
spinning tunnel, only vertical and not horizontal.
Syrus screams his lungs out as he falls deeper
and deeper. He can’t tell when he’ll ever stop
Syrus keeps falling through millions of the
same room. Square rooms, with a horizontal
spinning tunnel on each wall, as well as vertical
tunnels in the ceiling and floor, those of which
Syrus is falling through.
Syrus falls through a room where he sees
Zoe hugging Synan, crying into his shoulder, as
the dead monster watches. Syrus falls through a
few more rooms and sees another dead monster.
This monster looks like Clawz. Mr. I was talking
about Clawz as Syrus was falling asleep.
Clawz looks dead and rotting. Syrus
gives a louder scream as he falls even faster than
the monster’s dead corpse. Suddenly Syrus falls
through the last room and sees The Land of No
Return below him.
He hits really hard at the exact point he
fell asleep.
“Syrus, wake up!” Syrus gets up, frightened.
“It was just a dream.” Syrus says, relieved.
Then, the dead corpse of Clawz crashes right in
front of him. Syrus screams as he wakes up.
“Syrus, are you okay?” Wizeman
“I’m fine.” Syrus feels around the
ground for any sign of a dead Clawz.
“I just had the worst nightmare.”
Syrus says.
“Yeah, we noticed. You were
screaming in your sleep.” Mr. I says.
It is now morning. The island is
bright. Syrus looks over to where Zoe and
Synan were standing. Nobody is there.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Mr.
I asks.
“I’ll be fine.” Syrus gets up and looks
at the castle. “Let’s not break in quite yet.
I have a feeling we’ll be meeting Synan and
Zoe really soon.”
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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
Syrus is sitting quietly on a rock
near the castle, thinking over what he
dreamt about. Syrus takes out his
Gameboy Color out of his pocket and
turns it on. As he begins playing, he
senses Wizeman and Mr. I over his
shoulder watching.
“You guys got a problem?”
They quickly go and act like
they weren’t watching. As Syrus continues
to play, they come back. Syrus takes out
two Ideya Marbles and drops them. The
monsters are sucked in.
“Takes care of them.”
Syrus begins playing his Gameboy
in peace. The MystSages logo appears on
the screen. The logo disappears and then a
Vortex logo appears. Then the text “presents”
Just as Syrus was about to actually
PLAY the game, a voice speaks to him.
It’s Zoe. Synan is with her, too.
“It’s about time you got here, Synan.”
“What?” Synan asks.
“I’ve been waiting here for quite some
time for you to arrive.”
Zoe says, “Yeah, well, we had to help
Elsie get un-lost.”
“Zoe. I’m not talking to you, am I?”
“So anyway, Synan. What monsters
do you got?”
Synan releases all his monsters: Monk,
Crystal, and Emerald.
“Ha ha ha! Those have to be the
weakest monsters!”
Zoe releases her Clawz, Prisem, and
Skyber. A chill goes through Syrus as he
remembers that dream about Zoe and the
dead Clawz.
“Oh, so you got a Clawz. That’s a
rare one-of-a-kind monster.” Syrus mocks,
hiding his fear. “But look at MY monsters!”
Syrus releases all ten of his monsters.
Monk, Blue Orb, Wizeman, Jr. Ico, Emerald,
Mr. I, Skyber, Octa, Octo, and Jelly-Fly.
Synan’s mouth drops open.
“And look. Ever seen one of
these?” Syrus holds out the Greater
“These things will capture ANY
monster without fail.”
“So, Synan. Ready to battle? You
can use Zoe’s monsters, too, if you think
it will help. All my monsters are level 58/100.”
“Forget it, Syrus.”
“Why? Are your monsters at
level 3? Oh, no. That was too harsh. I meant
to say negetive 3.”
“Hey Syrus! Close your eyes and
press this little square down.” Syrus does
it and soon is linked to another location.
Syrus appears back at the entrance to the
island. In anger, he whips his Ideya Marbles
into the ground, returning all his monster.
“Wait a minute.” Syrus releases
Mr. I. “Fly me back to the castle.”
Mr. I says, “I can’t do that. It’s
just too far for me to fly. Sorry.”
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@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
Syrus stands near the gates of the
mysterious island. Mr. I begins flapping his
wings and takes flight. Syrus hangs onto
Mr. I’s feet and he lifts off of the ground.
Mr. I and Syrus slowly ascend from the island
and rise over the volcano. Through the red, foggy
smoke, Syrus can see Wizeman’s Castle.
“Go!” Syrus says. Mr. I begins to soar
over the mountain. Syrus looks down and notices
that the ground is shaking.
“Mr. I, what’s going on?” Syrus says.
“I’m not sure... wait! It must be
“Sage? You mean that person that Kail
was looking for?”
“Yes. Kail didn’t tell you much about
Sage. Or Veronica, even.” Mr. I says.
“Yeah. The only thing I’ve noticed is that
they all have Synan’s last name.” Syrus says.
“There is much more than that, but I
can’t explain it now.”
They are now floating directly over the
crater in the volcano. Syrus looks ahead and sees
that the castle is shaking more violently than the
rest of the island. The walls of the castle crack
and begin to collapse.
Syrus looks closer at the castle. Suddenly,
a huge beam of light shoots up through the center
of the castle. The castle begins to explode from
the top out. Bricks and debris are flying away from
the castle. Soon, the center tower in the castle
is completely annihilated. The four guard towers
are also badly deteriorated.
The rocks from the castle are flying away
at an amazing speed. Mr. I and Syrus dodge most
of them. One rock is flying straight toward Mr. I.
Mr. I is almost bashed in the face by it. Syrus takes
out Mr. I’s Ideya Capture and returns him to it,
leaving Syrus falling toward the mountain below.
Syrus hits the rocks on the volcano hard,
and begins to roll and tumble down the mountain.
A big rock petruding from the mountain’s surface
saves Syrus’s fall. Syrus has an almost-perfect view
of the castle from here.
Syrus looks around, towards the castle.
In front of the castle, Syrus sees Synan and Zoe.
Another girl is with them. Veronica!
Veronica looks up at the mountain, at
Syrus. How did she know he was there?
Syrus looks up into the beam of light. A
boy, maybe 15, is hovering up there. He is wearing
a blood-red cape. His hair is brown, and the clothes
under his cape are black.
“So, this is Sage.” Syrus says. He moves
closer to where Synan and Zoe are, so that he
can hear them.
Zoe says, “I’m assuming that is not a good
“No,” Veronica answers, “Sage will morph
into Deity and destroy the entire universe.”
Syrus listens to that statement. ‘Sage will...
morph? Into Deity?’ Syrus could already sense the
strength and evil in Sage. But that’s not even his
full form.
Syrus looks up at the evil man in the sky.
‘How can he be human?’ Syrus thinks, ‘I have
never seen any human with that kind of power.
Well, James is an exception, but he probably
isn’t human either.’
Syrus hears footsteps behind him. Syrus
sits up and looks. Kail is standing there. Kail
crouches down behind the rock with Syrus and
“...What?” Kail responds, after a short
“Is that what you were searching for?”
“Yes. I was hoping to rescue him before
Veronica could give him that kind of power.”
“Veronica made him what he is?” Syrus
asks, skeptically.
“Yes. They used several magic stones
on him.”
“Magic stones?” Syrus asks.
“Yes. There are several kinds of magic
stones on this island. They all do different things.”
“Go on.” Syrus says.
“Well, the Dark Stone gives a human
or monster the mega-monster power. James has
one. Have you met James?”
“Yeah.” Syrus answers.
“Well, James has a Dark Stone. That’s
what makes him have a yellow flame and give
him his power. They trained Sage with the
Dark Stone, so that he could move up to the
Ultra-Monster level. That is where Veronica is.”
“Veronica is Sage’s brother. My sister.
Since Sage is older than her, she decided to
put Sage through even more training. Sage
eventually graduated to a Hyper-Monster.
That’s even more powerful than Veronica.”
“At the hyper-monster level, Veronica
decided that Sage could stand the power of
the Light Stone. The Light Stone has so much
power that a normal human would most likely
spontaneously combust if they tried to use it.”
Syrus comments, “You know, for a
ten-year-old, you sure have a big vocabulary.”
“Yeah, well. No interruptions. So
anyway, with the Light Stone, Sage got even
more power. He then went beyond the level
of a hyper-monster. At that point he had
enough power to destroy several universes.”
“Veronica then gave Sage the magical
stone of Deity. At Sage’s power level, he
could easily stand the stone’s extreme powers.
And that’s where we are now.”
“Where are we?” Syrus asks.
“Watching Sage transform into a
being too powerful for even him to control.”
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
Synan and Kail continue to watch up
on the mountain. Syrus hears Veronica.
“I suggest you run, kids! Run while you
still can! I’m assuming your death will be less
painful if you’re further away from Deity.”
Syrus observes Synan and Zoe run
back the way they came. Veronica looks up
at the volcano. Kail ducks down out of view.
“Syrus and Kail! You’d better run
“Dang, she caught me!” Kail yells.
“You knew I would,” Veronica says,
“Now get going. Now!”
Syrus and Kail jump down the
mountain and land at the bottom. They start
running after Synan and Zoe. Syrus and Kail
run around the curve of the mountain and see
Synan and Zoe. Synan and Zoe are now with
three other people. They are the people that
Mr. I told Syrus about: Logan, Alisha, and
“Wait up!” Syrus yells. They don’t
hear him. Syrus and Kail keep running after
them. Synan’s group runs through a lime
green door. Syrus runs after them. They
follow Synan into a room filled with gold.
A voice says, “Welcome back, Synan.”
“Who are you?” Synan asks.
“I’m Joseph. Want to see what I
look like?”
“Well too bad! So, have you returned
to fight me again?”
Syrus dosen’t know where the
voice is coming from, or who said it.
“No. The island, no, the universe is
in danger.”
“Well, duh.”
“So, we’re trying to escape!”
“You cannot escape the universe!”
Joseph laughs.
“Whatever!” Synan yells. The group
runs past where Joseph assumedly was. Syrus
and Kail start running after them, too. The
group quickly escapes the maze and makes
their way to the Book Temple. The group runs
inside. Syrus and Kail watch them from outside.
Sarah is not at the temple. Synan picks
up a note off of the desk, and reads it aloud:
“I left this universe in a retreat to the
other world. If you are wise, you should follow.
I entered this black book.”
Synan picks up the book and opens it.
Syrus can’t see anything from outside the temple.
“Should we go, or stay to stop Deity?”
Zoe asks.
“I have a plan.” Synan says. The island
is rumbling.
“Elsie. You and your family, enter this
“Okay.” Elsie and her parents enter
the book.
“Zoe. Are you staying or going?”
“I’ll stay.”
“Alright, then. Enter this book to Earth.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll follow.”
Zoe links through the book. Synan follows.
Syrus and Kail run inside and they link through
the black book that Elsie went through. They
appear in a dark cave.
“Man, is this the netherworld?” Syrus
“Yes, it is.” A voice says. Syrus turns
around. It’s Sarah.
“Oh, Sarah. The keeper of the book
temple, right?”
“Why did you leave first? You’re
supposed to stay in the temple untill the last
possible time.”
“Whatever you say, Syrus.”
Lots of people begin linking into the
dark cave. Everyone that Syrus knows from
Earth is in here. Lastly, Synan and Zoe arrive.
“Synan, I think this was really the
Netherworld!” Zoe says.
“Shh! You’re going to scar Elsie.” Synan
whispers, “and besides, I brought the book to
get back.”
James appears in the hall way and walks
toward the group of people. James, Synan, and
Zoe start talking amongst themselves. Something
about James using his mega-monster power to
stop Sage before he transforms.
Sarah hands Synan a book. “Use this book
to get back to Earth,” Synan tells the Earth people.
“Warp back when the sky lightens up.”
“Okay.” They all reply.
Synan, Zoe, James, and Sarah link through
a book to The Land of No Return.
“I wonder what they’re up to.” Syrus says.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
Syrus and Kail pick up the book that
they used to link to The Land of No Return.
The image on the first page shows the Book
Temple. Synan, Zoe, James, and Sarah are
there. Sarah appears to be talking to Synan
and Zoe. Sarah hands Synan and Zoe a book.
They open it and disappear. Syrus then links
to the Book Temple. Kail follows.
“Sarah! Where did they go?” Syrus
“They went to the portal to the other
realm to retrieve the Star Stone, to defeat
Deity.” Sarah answers.
“Give me that book!” Syrus takes
it and warps. As he is warping, Sarah looks
up at the sky.
“Oh, look, it appears Deity has been
stopped.” Sarah says.
Syrus disappears through the book.
The sound of Linking has deafened Syrus,
so he didn’t hear Sarah.
Syrus appears in a dark and gloomy
room. Without time to look around, he
dashes for the portal. Syrus hears a voice
behind him.
“Hey!” It was Zoe’s voice. Syrus
runs into the portal. (Synan did not include
this event in his journal).
Syrus appears in a circular, spinning
tunnel. Syrus remembers this place. His
Syrus gets the chills and freezes.
His dream, nay, nightmare is coming true.
Syrus is tapped on the shoulder, like in
the dream. He jumps and looks behind him.
That undead creature from his dream is there.
“Hello. I am Unamed.”
“That’s.... nice....” Syrus says, scared
to death.
“Ahem...” Unamed clears his throat.
“I will be the guide on your way,
But coming back I won’t play,
If to the other side you wish to go,
Then follow me and don’t be slow!”
“Wow, a poet. Who’d have thought?”
Unamed begins to float away.
Syrus runs after him.
“Unamed, where are you
taking me?” Syrus asks.
“To the other world. That’s
my job, to lead people through the
Eternal Corridor.”
“Also, I’m keeping you away
from Snip. In the Eternal Corridor,
Snip has unlimited power. He’s very
difficult to capture, too. A level 5
Snip in one of the two worlds is equal
to a level 2,000 Snip in this world.”
“Wow, that’s powerful.”
“Yep. And using that analogy,
all the Snips in this world would be
level 200 in yours.” Unamed says.
“Let’s see... 200 divided by
5 times 1,500...” Syrus tries to work
it out in his head.
“80,000. Most of these
Snips are around level 80,000.”
Unamed says, without any effort.
“Wow, you’re smart.” Syrus
“Well, that’s what you do
when you’ve been dead for over a
“What?!” Syrus is filled with
“Now, moving on, we need
to get you to the other side.” Unamed
They turn down another
tunnel. What’s there to meet them?
Well, what else would you find in this
world, but Snip!
Snip is a large, gray, squid-like
monster. He has six gray tails, with three
red stripes on each, and steel points on
the tips.
“Unamed, I thought we weren’t
going to see any of these!”
“Hey, I can’t make promises,
but I know we’re expected to see less
of them in the outskirts of this place.”
“How can you call this area the
outskirts? If this place is bigger than our
universe, --”
“Much bigger.”
“Yeah, whatever, but you can’t
call it the edges like that. For all you
know we could be in the center!” Syrus
“Well, these Snips have regular
orbiting patterns.”
“Snip has six tails, as so. In each
one contains every poison known to
each dimension. That includes all the
incurable fatal viruses of your world.”
Snip stabs Unamed with one
tail. The other five attack too. The six
tails are attacking repeatedly. Satisfied,
Snip flies away. Unamed gets back up.
“I hate it when that happens!”
“I bet.” Syrus comments.
“Well, where were we?” Unamed
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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
Syrus and Unamed continue on.
They’ve encountered a couple of Snips
up to this point.
“So, Unamed, what kinds of
monsters are in the other world?” Syrus
“Mostly the same as in your
world, kid.”
“Okay. I only have one Ideya
Capture left.” Syrus says.
“Let me see that. That’s not
an Ideya Capture, it’s a Greater Ideya.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot.”
“How could you forget? Where
did you find it?”
“Under water.”
“Ha! Figures. Some unsuspecting
swimmer probably dropped it. Was
anything inside?” Unamed asks.
“Yes, Wizeman was inside.”
“Wizeman? Your Lord Wizeman
was inside?”
“No, not Lord Wizeman. Just
another Wizeman.”
“Oh.” Unamed says. Distracted
from talking, Syrus slipped into a hole in
the floor and started to fall. Syrus screams
for help. Syrus just keeps falling through
millions of the same room and tunnel. He
sees several Snips on his way down.
Syrus has gotten used to the fall
by now, so he stops screaming. Syrus
falls through a room and sees Zoe hugging
Synan, crying.
‘This is just like that dream.’ Syrus
thinks. Synan and Zoe don’t see Syrus.
They are facing away from him.
‘Then that means...’ Syrus looks
down and sees a pathetic clump of an
orange monster covered with blood and
a purplish poison. Syrus catches up with
the monster. He detects that it is still alive.
Syrus takes out his Greater Ideya
and captures Clawz. Shortly afterword,
Unamed catches Syrus out of mid air.
“Thanks, Unamed!” Syrus says.
Syrus releases the nearly-dead Clawz.
It’s breathing is pathetic. Syrus releases
“Jelly-Fly! Heal Clawz!” The
jellyfish flies over Clawz and sprinkles
some pink healing spores over Clawz.
Soon, Clawz gains his strength back.
“Hey, Clawz! It’s me, your
trainer!” Syrus says. Syrus dosen’t
expect Clawz to believe him, but
apparently Clawz suffered amnesia
from the attack.
Clawz gets up and runs to
“Heh, heh, heh. I got another
rare monster.”
Syrus returns Clawz to it’s
Greater Ideya.
“Syrus, I’m happy for you
catching your pathetic new monster,
but we really have to get going!”
“Okay. Wait, how did you
get down here so fast?”
“I have my ways. Now let’s
Syrus follows Unamed.
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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Syrus and Unamed have been walking
all night. It was all night according to Syrus’s
watch, anyway. Time doesn’t seem to fly by in
this place. Unamed faces Syrus down one last
“This is the exit, Syrus. Walk down
this tunnel.”
Syrus does what he’s told, and slowly
walks down the tunnel. Suddenly, a bright
flash comes over Syrus, and he appears back
in the dark room which he left.
“This is the other dimension!” This
time, Syrus actually takes time to look around
the room. There is a square-shaped hole in
the ceiling, allowing a faint red glow from
Emerald’s Crater to light up the room. On the
wall opposite the portal is a pedestal with a
book on top.
The book is opened. “Synan and Zoe
must have gotten here already.” Syrus puts
his hand on the picture and warps into the
Book Temple. The sky is back to normal. Syrus
can see stars again. This must mean that he
is in the other world, where Deity wasn’t wound
“Syrus!” Sarah is sitting at the desk.
“What are you doing here?”
“Err, umm...” Syrus clears his throat and
talks in his best voice. “My name is King Syrus.
I have come from the other dimension to rule
over this world!”
“Syrus, hello? You’re FROM our
“I can tell by looking at you. The humans
in this dimension have a slightly different look to
“What?? Unamed sent me back to where
I came from?”
“Oh, so you met Unamed. Yeah, I told
him to send you back here.”
“Damn incarnation!” Syrus curses.
“Swearing won’t help any, Syrus. I know
Synan and Zoe can completely handle whatever
happens to them.”
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
Synan has been sitting against a wall
in the Book Temple for a few hours. Sarah
has been sitting at her desk writing studiously.
“Sarah, can I get up now?” Syrus asks.
“No, you can not.” Sarah says.
“Why not?”
“You know why. Never swear in my
temple again.”
“Come on, Sarah.”
“No. Now just sit there and be quiet.”
Syrus is really bored. He’s been doing
nothing but complaining all this time. Syrus takes
out his Gameboy and starts playing. Sarah can’t
hear the sounds from the Gameboy.
Syrus is playing a game made by
MystSages, inc. The game is called Cain’s Quest.
It is about a kid who is mistakenly sent to a
strange island. Syrus hasn’t gotten very far into
the game yet.
As Syrus continues playing, he notices
some major similarities between this game and
real life. Sarah looks over at Syrus.
“Are you playing Cain’s Quest?”
“Yeah.” Syrus answers.
“Did you know that Veronica wrote
the plot for that game?” Sarah asks.
“She did not.”
“Okay, how did she?”
“She knows everything, remember. She
wrote that plot about what was going to happen
in the future. When you’re done with your quest
on The Land of No Return, you beat that game
and see for yourself.”
“Sarah, I swear you’ve lost it.”
“Hey! No swearing! Now you have to
stay there for ten more hours.”
“Don’t start with me!”
Syrus sits, quietly playing his game.
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
Syrus sits quietly playing his Gameboy.
Ten hours fly by quickly. Sarah looks over to
“Okay, Syrus. You can leave now.”
“Finally!” Syrus gets up and runs out
of the Book Temple. He turns back and looks
at Sarah.
Syrus starts swearing at Sarah.
“Shut up, Syrus.”
Syrus walks away from the Book Temple.
“Ah, now to explore this half of the
island.” Syrus starts walking down the purple
pathway in the opposite direction of the Illusion
Cave. Syrus soon arrives at an ice-blue cave
sticking out of the ground.
Syrus walks over to the blue doors on
the cave. A bunch of Prisems are standing here.
“Halt! What is the super-duper-extremely-
magical-password?” Prisem says, trying to sound
“How about,” Syrus says, “Let me in
before I punch the living hell out of you!”
“Fair enough.” Prisem says and unlocks
the door. Syrus walks inside. It is dark inside,
and the walls are lined with Crystals. They all
gaze at Syrus with their gigantic eyeballs. Syrus
gets the chills, and walks more slowly. Shortly,
Syrus loses it.
screams. His voice echoes off the walls. “WHAT
yells. Again, all he hears is his own echo. Syrus
is going crazy. “I HAVE TO GET OUT OF
HERE!!” Syrus turns around and tries to get
the door open. It is locked. Syrus screams.
Syrus is spinning around with insanity.
His foot slips on the stairs and he falls down.
Syrus tumbles down the stairs, into complete
darkness. Syrus gets up. Up the stairs he sees
the dull blue color of Crystal Cave. Down
another tunnel he sees a red glow.
Syrus gets up and runs down toward
the red glow. He’s still going crazy as he runs
toward the ‘light.’
Syrus shortly arrives at the source
of the red light. He is in Emerald’s Crater. He
sees a small hole on the other side of the platform
he’s on. He runs around the crater toward the
hole. He crawls in and finds himself in Monk’s
Hidden Garden. He runs through and sees the
black door.
Assuming it’s locked, Syrus kicks
the door. It easily flies opened, as well as two
Monks guarding from the other side fly into
the air. Syrus gets out to the Monk Garden.
His insanity soon leaves him.
“Ah, freedom!!”
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
Syrus is in Monk Garden, slowly
regaining his sanity. After his sanity comes
back, he decides to show off to the Monks.
“Hey, Monks! Remember me? I’m
“Nooo, we forgot!” One Monk says
“Well, remember how I was so
pathetically pathetic last time you saw me?
Well, look what monsters I have now!”
Syrus starts by releasing his Monk.
“Oh, a Monk? Big deal! We have
Syrus ignores the remark and then
releases another monster: Octa.
“Ooh, he made it to the lake! We
should congratulate him!”
Syrus releases Octo and Jelly-Fly.
“Like we said, he made it to the
lake.” the Monks comment.
Syrus releases Blue Orb. “Look
at this, guys!”
The Monks seem amazed for once.
Syrus continues and releases Ico and
Wizeman. The Monks are really impressed
now. Syrus lets Mr. I out, and then Skyber,
and then Emerald and Clawz.
The Monks are really awed at what
Syrus has captured.
The Monks comment, “And here
we thought you’d never make it as an
LNR trainer.”
“A what?” Syrus asks.
“We thought you wouldn’t know.
A trainer is a human who captures these
monsters and trains them, so that they
become powerful.” a Monk answers.
“And what else do these trainers
“The trainers compete in arenas.
We have one on this island. It is deep below
the ground. The only way to get to it is through
the Illusion Cave, or there’s a more dangrous
route through Emerald’s Crater.”
“Oh, really.”
“Yeah. A lot of the best trainers
in the world go there. You should go. Your
monsters are pretty strong, especially Clawz.
How did you make Clawz that strong?”
“Well, you see, umm, I don’t really
know.” Syrus says, knowing he didn’t raise
Clawz, and that he stole him.
“Oh, I see. He dosen’t want to give
away his secret! Smart choice, my man!” A
Monk pats him on the back. It’s kinda hard
to do that, considering the Monk has to climb
up on him first.
The king of the Monks approaches
Syrus. “Well done, Syrus. You certainly have
come a long way since that kid that we were
keeping at camp for a night. Great job, kid.
You’re in our Monk Confederation from now
“Thanks.” The King Monk leads
Syrus over to a small red flower by the edge
of the garden.
“Syrus, this is the Peculier Flower.
We have no idea what it does, but we know
it’s poisonous.” the Monk says. They are
obviously giving Syrus a tour of their garden.
Synan busts out of the black doors
and runs through the garden, into the woods.
“That’s funny, what’s Synan doing
here?” Syrus says.
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
Syrus runs into the forest after Synan.
Synan is gone. Syrus steps on a small purple
book in the ground. Syrus picks it up and looks
through the window. The picture is fuzzy. Soon,
it goes pure black.
“Huh, I must’ve torn the pages or
something.” Syrus throws the book into a nearby
bush. Syrus walks down one of the pathways.
He sees Synan run out ahead of him.
“Synan!” Syrus yells.
Synan looks at Syrus.
“I just got another really rare monster.
It was in poor condition but I fixed him up
with my Jelly-Fly.”
“Can I see your new monster?” Synan
“No way! It’s real powerful to survive
the attack it went through!”
“Can you at least tell me what its name
“Uhh, I think it started with a...NO!!”
“Freak.” Synan says.
“Well, I have to get going. I’m searching
for the elemental barrier keys.”
“Oh, look all you want. I have all of them.”
“Give me the keys!” Syrus says.
“You’ll only get them if you give me your
“Forget about it, then.”
“Good. Have you seen Zoe?”
“Zoe? Yeah, she was with Veronica a while ago.”
Syrus replies.
“Veronica? Where did they go?” Synan
asks. He’s falling for it!
“That way!” Syrus points.
“Okay.” Synan begins walking in that
direction. Syrus slowly follows him to see what
Syrus sees Synan. Kail walks up to Synan
and they start talking. Syrus is listening. The last
thing he hears is about a time machine.
Kail pulls a rock from the volcano and a
secret passage opens. Synan and Kail walk inside.
Syrus hears that Zoe and Veronica are inside.
So, Syrus was actually right about where
Zoe and Veronica went! Syrus runs inside
before the door closes. James appears. Syrus
joins the group.
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@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
Synan, Zoe, James, Veronica, Syrus, and
Kail stand around the cylinder in the center, hands
“I will now sent Synan, Zoe, James, and
Syrus to Earth. I will return Kail to the future.”
Before anyone knows what happens,
Synan, Zoe, James, and Syrus are in a grassy
field on Earth.
“We’re back!” Zoe yells.
“Yes! We survived!!” Synan adds.
“I haven’t been on Earth for years.” James says.
“Kids...” Syrus mocks.
They walk toward the city. The city is much
more lively this time of day. What time is it?
Synan and Zoe walk back into the Ideya Shop.
Syrus and James walk off on their own.
“Hey, James! Wanna come to my house?”
“Sure.” James replies.
James and Syrus go to Syrus’s apartment.
Syrus and his parents have a quick reunion and
then Syrus and James go to Syrus’s room to play
video games. Syrus has all the best video game
equipment. He has things that aren’t even out yet!
Systems more advanced than the
Playstation 2 or the Dreamcast. Syrus’s dad
works in the video game business.
Syrus and James are playing a fighting
game. A voice comes behind them.
“Welcome back, Syrus and James.”
They look back. There are two girls
standing here. One blonde, and one brunette.
The blonde speaks first. “Hi, I’m
Sarah Croft. I know all about your quest on
The Land of No Return, and I’m willing to
write a book about it.”
“And I’m Veronica Creel.”
Sarah continues, “So, Syrus. Did
you finish Cain’s Quest yet?”
“No, not yet.”
“Well, finish it. How much do you
want to bet that I’ll prove that Veronica
wrote that game’s script?”
“Maybe later.” Syrus says.
“Well, if you ever need to confess
your stupidity to me, I work in town now.
My Book Shop is at 3346 Fourth Street,
right here in Vatican City. Stop by if you
want to visit sometime, okay Syrus?”
Sarah and Veronica disappear
with a flick of light. James comments,
“I think Sarah likes you.”
Syrus gives James a long,
blank stare. “Grow up, James.”
“I know it, you know it.”
“James. Seriously, stop it!”
“No. Come on, ask her out!”
“Yes!” James pulls Syrus
off the floor and leads him out of the
apartment. James drags Syrus down
the street toward the address of 3346
Fourth Street. Sure enough, a Book Shop
is here.
The shop is entitled “Sarah’s
Book Temple.” They walk in.
“Hey, Sarah.” James says.
“Hi guys. What’s up?” Sarah
“Syrus here,” James shoves
Syrus forward, “has a little confession to
make to you.”
“H-h-hi, Sarah.” Syrus says,
“Hi, Syrus.” Sarah answers.
“Ahem... Sarah, umm, will
you go out with me?”
“Sure, Syrus. I’d like that.”
Syrus is suddenly relieved.
“Wow, Syrus, for being such a
tough guy, you almost choked back
“Heh, James: Leave!”
“Okay, hehe..” James quietly
leaves. A half-hour passes and then
Syrus comes out of the library.
“So, what happened?” James
“None of your business,
James!” Syrus says.
Syrus looks down the road and sees
Synan and Zoe walking toward them, holding
“Hey, Syrus! Guess what!” Zoe says.
“Let me guess, you and Synan are
going out now, right?” Syrus guesses.
“Uggh! How’d you know??” Zoe asks.
“It was pretty obvious, but guess what!”
“What?” Zoe asks.
“I’m going out with Sarah, the Book
Temple girl!”
“Good job Syrus!” Synan says, “Maybe
now you can get FREE shipments of Hooked
on Phonics!”
Syrus punches Synan really hard in the
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## 01-Monk.png

## 02-Prisem.png

## 03-Crystal.png

## 04-Emerald.png

## 05-Mr-I.png

## 06-Spyke.png

## 07-Wizeman.png

## 08-Twilite.png

## 09-Ico.png

## 10-Clawz.png

## 11-Orb.png

## 12-Octa.png

## 13-Octo.png

## 14-Jelly-Fly.png

## 15-Skyber.png

## 16-Myst.png

## 17-Synan-Creel.png

## 18-Zoe-Aidenn.png

## 19-James-Seth.png

## 20-Sarah-Croft.png

## 21-Syrus-Kirsehn.png

## 22-Sage-Creel.png

## 23-Deity.png

## 24-Jackal.png

## 25-Veronica-Creel.png

## 27-Elsie-Korso.png

## 28-Logan-Korso.png

## 29-Alisha-Korso.png

## 30-Unamed.png

## 31-Snip.png

## 32-Koda.png

## 33-Skybree.png

## 34-Skysen.png

## Evolution.png

## Flash.png

## Types.png

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# The Land of No Return
* Stories
1. [The Book of Synan](Originals/Books/Synan) - chapters 1 to 20.
2. [The Book of Syrus](Originals/Books/Syrus) - chapters 21 to 40.
3. [The Book of Veronica](Originals/Books/Veronica)
* Images
* [Characters](Originals/Characters)
Original website viewable at: