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2021-04-16 00:26:34 +00:00
<title>LNR Universe: Welcome to our world!</title>
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<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function Claim() {
if (window.document.form.name.value == "") {
window.alert("You have failed to enter your Display Name. Do so now.");
if (window.document.form.name.value != "") {
window.location="mailto:cjkircle@hotmail.com?subject=LNR Worlds Skysen Pass&body='Special Guest Skysen Pass. Displayed name of recipient: " + window.document.form.name.value + ".'";
window.alert("The process has been completed. Thank you for your time.");
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<center><font size="6"><font color="#FF00FF">L</font><font color="#EE00EE">N</font><font color="#DD00DD">R</font> <font color="#CC00CC">U</font><font color="#BB00BB">n</font><font color="#AA00AA">i</font><font color="#BB00BB">v</font><font color="#CC00CC">e</font><font color="#DD00DD">r</font><font color="#EE00EE">se</font><font color="#FF00FF"></font></font><br>
<font color="lime" face="Courier New,Courier,Fixedsys">:: LNR WORLDS ::</font></center>
<table background="../../images/burnt1.gif" width="376" height="303" bgcolor="black"
<font size="6" color="black"><b>Congratulations!</b></font><br><br>
<textarea cols="40" rows="10" class="text" readonly>LNR WORLDS
Congratulations! You have obtained the Special Guest Card from LNR Worlds!
To recieve your Special Guest Card, click the link that appears below this text field. It will send an e-mail to cjkircle@hotmail.com and you will later recieve your Guest Pass.</textarea>
<form name="form">
<b>What is your name as you would like it to be displayed on the card?</b><br>
<input type="text" size="40" name="name" class="text"><br>
<input type="button" value="Click Here to get Your Card!" onClick="Claim()" class="bttn">