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2021-04-16 00:26:34 +00:00
<title>News :: LNR Universe</title>
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<center><font size="6"><font color="#FF00FF">L</font><font color="#EE00EE">N</font><font color="#DD00DD">R</font> <font color="#CC00CC">U</font><font color="#BB00BB">n</font><font color="#AA00AA">i</font><font color="#BB00BB">v</font><font color="#CC00CC">e</font><font color="#DD00DD">r</font><font color="#EE00EE">se</font><font color="#FF00FF"></font></font><br>
<font color="lime" face="Courier New,Courier,Fixedsys">:: LNR UNIVERSE NEWS ::</font></center>
<b><font color="cyan">Azulian World Online</font></b><br>
Cerone Kircle's <i>Azulian World</i> (<a href="http://www.azulian.cjb.net/">www.azulian.cjb.net</a>)
is going to be made into an online world.<br><br>
Azulians are small creatures, about 5 and a half inches tall, that travel in groups of about
a hundred and they mob down humans and eat them alive. In Azulian World Online, you get to be
one such creature.<br><br>
When you sign up for Azulian World Online, you answer a few questions and then you are put into
an Azulian clan. There are 20 clans, four for each of the elements: Water, fire, earth, air, and
lightning. Each clan has a limit to 100 Azulians, so a total of 20,000 members can be signed up
at once!<br><br>
The first person to sign up for an uninhabited clan is automatically the clan's leader, and
then they decide which of the other clans are their allies, and which clans are their enemies.<br><br>
The battles will take place on the overworld and be animated, using Flash and Perl to get the
coordinates of every player every 0.5 seconds.<br><br>
To upgrade to the Super Azulian (red), Mega Azulian (white), Hyper Azulian (purple), and
Ultimate Azulian (black), you need to gain things called Magi Points. Your amount of Magi
Points are the number of battles you won times the number of days you were in the clan.<br><br>
<input type="checkbox" checked disabled>Main Flash layout complete<br>
<input type="checkbox" disabled>Battle Flash file<br>
<input type="checkbox" disabled>Create AIM buddy icons<br>
<input type="checkbox" disabled>Program all the Perl files