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<h1>Hi, I'm <strong>Henry Jordan</strong>!</h1>
<p>I am a <strong>Computer Engineer</strong> living and working in <strong>Los Angeles</strong>.</p>
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<h2>My Skills</h2>
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<span class="icon featured fa-bolt"></span>
<h3>Hardware Design</h3>
<p>I have designed PCBs and worked on robotic systems, as well as written firmware for my hardware.</p>
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<span class="icon featured fa-code"></span>
<h3>Software Engineering</h3>
<p>I have written programs in Python, Javascript, C++, MATLAB, and Java. I have created web apps in Django, Flask, and Express.</p>
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<span class="icon featured fa-terminal"></span>
<h3>System Administration</h3>
<p>I am proficient in Windows, OSX, and Linux. I am most familiar with Gentoo and Ubuntu Linux.</p>
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<h2>My Resume</h2>
<p>For a better idea of my skillset, take a look below!</p>
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<h2>Contact Me</h2>
<p>Send me a message by either using the form below or emailing me at <a href="mailto:henryfjordan@gmail.com">henryfjordan@gmail.com</a></p>
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