
146 lines
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package core
import (
// Vars is an interface to implement by the templates to pass their own custom
// variables in. It auto-loads global template variables (site name, etc.)
// when the template is rendered.
type Vars struct {
// Global template variables.
SetupNeeded bool
Title string
Path string
LoggedIn bool
CurrentUser *users.User
CSRF string
Request *http.Request
// Common template variables.
Message string
Flashes []string
Error error
Data map[interface{}]interface{}
Form forms.Form
// NewVars initializes a Vars struct with the custom Data map initialized.
// You may pass in an initial value for this map if you want.
func NewVars(data[interface{}]interface{}) *Vars {
var value map[interface{}]interface{}
if len(data) > 0 {
value = data[0]
} else {
value = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
return &Vars{
Data: value,
// LoadDefaults combines template variables with default, globally available vars.
func (v *Vars) LoadDefaults(b *Blog, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Get the site settings.
s, err := settings.Load()
if err != nil {
s = settings.Defaults()
if s.Initialized == false && !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/initial-setup") {
v.SetupNeeded = true
v.Request = r
v.Title = s.Site.Title
v.Path = r.URL.Path
user, err := b.CurrentUser(r)
v.CurrentUser = user
v.LoggedIn = err == nil
// Add any flashed messages from the endpoint controllers.
session := b.Session(r)
if flashes := session.Flashes(); len(flashes) > 0 {
for _, flash := range flashes {
_ = flash
v.Flashes = append(v.Flashes, flash.(string))
session.Save(r, w)
v.CSRF = b.GenerateCSRFToken(w, r, session)
// TemplateVars is an interface that describes the template variable struct.
type TemplateVars interface {
LoadDefaults(*Blog, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
// RenderTemplate responds with an HTML template.
func (b *Blog) RenderTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, path string, vars TemplateVars) error {
// Get the layout template.
layout, err := b.ResolvePath(".layout")
if err != nil {
log.Error("RenderTemplate(%s): layout template not found", path)
return err
// And the template in question.
filepath, err := b.ResolvePath(path)
if err != nil {
log.Error("RenderTemplate(%s): file not found", path)
return err
// The comment entry partial.
commentEntry, err := b.ResolvePath("comments/entry.partial")
if err != nil {
log.Error("RenderTemplate(%s): comments/entry.partial not found")
return err
// Useful template functions.
t := template.New(filepath.Absolute).Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"StringsJoin": strings.Join,
"Now": time.Now,
"RenderPost": b.RenderPost,
"RenderComments": func(subject string, ids ...string) template.HTML {
session := b.Session(r)
csrf := b.GenerateCSRFToken(w, r, session)
return b.RenderComments(session, csrf, r.URL.Path, subject, ids...)
// Parse the template files. The layout comes first because it's the wrapper
// and allows the filepath template to set the page title.
t, err = t.ParseFiles(layout.Absolute, commentEntry.Absolute, filepath.Absolute)
if err != nil {
return err
// Inject globally available variables.
if vars == nil {
vars = &Vars{}
vars.LoadDefaults(b, w, r)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; encoding=UTF-8")
err = t.ExecuteTemplate(w, "layout", vars)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Template parsing error: %s", err)
return err
log.Debug("Parsed template")
return nil