2018-04-11 18:59:30 -07:00

134 lines
3.2 KiB

package postctl
import (
// partialIndex renders and returns the blog index partial.
func partialIndex(r *http.Request, tag, privacy string) template.HTML {
// Get the recent blog entries, filtered by the tag/privacy settings.
pool := RecentPosts(r, tag, privacy)
if len(pool) == 0 {
return template.HTML("No blog posts were found.")
// Query parameters.
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("page"))
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
perPage := 10 // TODO: configurable
offset := (page - 1) * perPage
stop := offset + perPage
// Calculate page total.
var pages = int(len(pool) / perPage)
if pages == 0 {
pages = 1
// Handle pagination.
var previousPage, nextPage int
if page > 1 {
previousPage = page - 1
} else {
previousPage = 0
if offset+perPage < len(pool) {
nextPage = page + 1
} else {
nextPage = 0
var view []PostMeta
for i := offset; i < stop; i++ {
if i >= len(pool) {
post, err := posts.Load(pool[i].ID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("couldn't load full post data for ID %d (found in index.json)", pool[i].ID)
// Look up the author's information.
author, err := users.LoadReadonly(post.AuthorID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to look up post author ID %d (post %d): %v", post.AuthorID, post.ID, err)
author = users.DeletedUser()
// Count the comments on this post.
var numComments int
if thread, err := comments.Load(fmt.Sprintf("post-%d", post.ID)); err == nil {
numComments = len(thread.Comments)
view = append(view, PostMeta{
Post: post,
Author: author,
NumComments: numComments,
// Render the blog index partial.
var output bytes.Buffer
v := map[string]interface{}{
"PreviousPage": previousPage,
"NextPage": nextPage,
"Page": page,
"Pages": pages,
"View": view,
render.Template(&output, r, "blog/index.partial", v)
return template.HTML(output.String())
// indexHandler renders the main index page of the blog.
func indexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
commonIndexHandler(w, r, "", "")
// drafts renders an index view of only draft posts. Login required.
func drafts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
commonIndexHandler(w, r, "", types.DRAFT)
// privatePosts renders an index view of only private posts. Login required.
func privatePosts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
commonIndexHandler(w, r, "", types.PRIVATE)
// commonIndexHandler handles common logic for blog index views.
func commonIndexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, tag, privacy string) {
// Page title.
var title string
if privacy == types.DRAFT {
title = "Draft Posts"
} else if privacy == types.PRIVATE {
title = "Private Posts"
} else if tag != "" {
title = "Tagged as: " + tag
} else {
title = "Blog"
render.Template(w, r, "blog/index", map[string]interface{}{
"Title": title,
"Tag": tag,
"Privacy": privacy,