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// rophako-import: import the JSON DB from the Rophako CMS to the format
// used by the Go blog.
package main
import (
2017-12-24 18:24:42 +00:00
2018-02-10 02:46:58 +00:00
var (
inPath string
outPath string
log *golog.Logger
inDB *jsondb.DB
outDB *jsondb.DB
urlSafe = regexp.MustCompile(`[^A-Za-z0-9/]`)
wikiLink = regexp.MustCompile(`\[\[(.+?)\]\]`)
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&inPath, "in", "", "Input path: your Rophako JsonDB root")
flag.StringVar(&outPath, "out", "", "Output path: your Blog web root")
log = golog.GetLogger("rophako-import")
Theme: golog.DarkTheme,
Colors: golog.ExtendedColor,
Level: golog.DebugLevel,
func main() {
if inPath == "" || outPath == "" {
log.Error("Usage: rophako-import -in /opt/rophako/db -out /path/to/blog/root")
} else if strings.Contains(outPath, "/.private") {
log.Error("Do not provide the /.private suffix to -out, only the parent web root")
inDB = jsondb.New(inPath)
outDB = jsondb.New(strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Join(outPath, ".private"), "/"))
"Importing Rophako DB from: %s\n"+
"Writing output JsonDB to: %s\n"+
"OK to continue? [yN] ",
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
answer, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(answer), "y") {
// Migrate everything over.
func migrateBlog() {
log.Warn("Migrating blog entries...")
log.Info("Note: all entries will be owned by the admin user (UID 1)")
posts.DB = outDB
entries, err := inDB.List("blog/entries")
if err != nil {
log.Error("No blog entries found: %s", err.Error())
for _, doc := range entries {
parts := strings.Split(doc, "/")
id, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[len(parts)-1])
if err != nil {
log.Error("Blog ID not a number? %s", doc)
legacy := legacyBlog{}
err = inDB.Get(doc, &legacy)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error reading legacy blog %s: %s", doc, err)
// Convert unix times to proper times.
time := time.Unix(int64(legacy.Time), 0)
new := &posts.Post{
ID: id,
Title: legacy.Subject,
Fragment: legacy.FriendlyID,
ContentType: "html",
AuthorID: 1,
Body: legacy.Body,
Privacy: legacy.Privacy,
Sticky: legacy.Sticky,
EnableComments: legacy.Comments,
Tags: legacy.Categories,
Created: time,
Updated: time,
if legacy.Format == "markdown" {
new.ContentType = "markdown"
log.Debug("Convert post %d: %s", new.ID, new.Title)
err = new.Save()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Save error: %s", err.Error())
func migrateComments() {
log.Warn("Migrating comments...")
comments.DB = outDB
// Load the mailing list
list := comments.LoadMailingList()
threads, err := inDB.List("comments/threads")
if err != nil {
log.Error("No comments found: %s", err.Error())
for _, doc := range threads {
parts := strings.Split(doc, "/")
id := parts[len(parts)-1]
// Convert blog-# to post-#
if strings.HasPrefix(id, "blog-") {
id = strings.Replace(id, "blog-", "post-", 1)
legacyThread := legacyThread{}
err = inDB.Get(doc, &legacyThread)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error reading legacy thread %s: %s", doc, err)
log.Debug("Converting comment thread: %s", id)
t, err := comments.Load(id)
if err != nil {
t = comments.New(id)
// Convert the legacy comments into new-style ones.
var newComments []*comments.Comment
for commentID, legacy := range legacyThread {
// Convert unix times to proper times.
time := time.Unix(int64(legacy.Time), 0)
new := &comments.Comment{
ID: commentID,
UserID: legacy.UserID,
Name: legacy.Name,
Avatar: legacy.Image,
Body: legacy.Message,
EditToken: legacy.Token,
DeleteToken: uuid.New().String(),
Created: time,
Updated: time,
new.LoadAvatar() // in case it has none
newComments = append(newComments, new)
// Re-sort the comments by date and post them in order.
2017-12-24 18:24:42 +00:00
for _, c := range newComments {
log.Debug("Comment by %s on thread %s", c.Name, id)
2017-12-24 18:24:42 +00:00
// Check for subscribers
subs := legacySubscribers{}
err = inDB.Get(fmt.Sprintf("comments/subscribers/%s", id), &subs)
if err == nil {
for email := range subs {
log.Debug("Subscribe %s to thread %s", email, id)
list.Subscribe(id, email)
func migrateWiki() {
log.Warn("Migrating wiki...")
threads, err := inDB.List("wiki/pages")
if err != nil {
log.Error("No pages found: %s", err.Error())
// Prepare the output directory.
wikiPath := filepath.Join(outPath, "wiki")
if _, err = os.Stat(wikiPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = os.Mkdir(wikiPath, 0755)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Can't create wiki root %s: %s", wikiPath, err)
for _, doc := range threads {
parts := strings.Split(doc, "/")
title := parts[len(parts)-1]
// File name is the title but with hyphens, to match the URL version.
filename := makeURLSafe(title)
page := &legacyWiki{}
err = inDB.Get(doc, &page)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error reading wiki DB %s: %s", doc, err)
// Take the highest revision as the current version to use.
var highest *legacyRevision
for _, rev := range page.Revisions {
if highest == nil || rev.Time > highest.Time {
highest = &rev
if highest == nil {
log.Error("Wiki page %s has no revisions?", doc)
// Insert the title as the first <h1> in the Markdown.
markdown := fmt.Sprintf("# %s\n\n%s", title, highest.Body)
// Find and replace inter-wiki links with normal URIs.
links := wikiLink.FindAllStringSubmatch(markdown, -1)
for _, match := range links {
href, label := match[1], match[1]
if strings.Contains(label, "|") {
parts := strings.SplitN(label, "|", 2)
label, href = parts[0], parts[1]
href = "/wiki/" + makeURLSafe(href)
markdown = strings.Replace(
fmt.Sprintf("[%s](%s)", label, href),
// Write the body into Markdown files.
path := filepath.Join(wikiPath, fmt.Sprintf("", filename))
log.Debug("Writing page '%s' to: %s", title, path)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(markdown), 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error writing: %s", err)
func makeURLSafe(input string) string {
return strings.Trim(
urlSafe.ReplaceAllString(input, "-"),
func commit(document string, v interface{}) {
err := outDB.Commit(document, v)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Commit error: %s: %s", document, err.Error())
type legacyBlog struct {
Author int `json:"author"`
Body string `json:"body"`
Format string `json:"format"`
Categories []string `json:"categories"`
Comments bool `json:"comments"`
FriendlyID string `json:"fid"`
Privacy string `json:"privacy"`
Sticky bool `json:"sticky"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
Time float64 `json:"time"`
type legacyComment struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
Token string `json:"token"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Image string `json:"image"`
Time float64 `json:"time"`
UserID int `json:"uid"`
type legacyThread map[string]legacyComment
type legacySubscribers map[string]float64
type legacyWiki struct {
Revisions []legacyRevision `json:"revisions"`
type legacyRevision struct {
Body string `json:"body"`
Author int `json:"author"`
Time float64 `json:"time"`
Note string `json:"note"`
ID string `json:"id"`