Noah Petherbridge ecffcc223d Initial WebAssembly Build Target
* Initial WebAssembly build target for Doodle in the wasm/ folder.
* Add a new render.Engine implementation, lib/render/canvas that uses
  the HTML 5 Canvas API instead of SDL2 for the WebAssembly target.
  * Ported the basic DrawLine(), DrawBox() etc. functions from SDL2 to
    Canvas context2d API.
  * Fonts are handled with CSS embedded fonts named after the font
    filename and defined in wasm/index.html
* `make wasm` builds the WASM program, and `make wasm-serve` runs a dev
  Go server that hosts the WASM file for development. The server also
  watches the dev tree for *.go files and rebuilds the WASM binary
  automatically on change.
* This build "basically" runs the game. UI and fonts all work and mouse
  movements and clicks are detected. No wallpaper support yet or texture
  caching (which will crash the game as soon as you click and draw a
  pixel in your map!)
2019-06-26 18:40:40 -07:00

260 lines
5.4 KiB

package render
import (
var (
// Regexps to parse hex color codes. Three formats are supported:
// * reHexColor3 uses only 3 hex characters, like #F90
// * reHexColor6 uses standard 6 characters, like #FF9900
// * reHexColor8 is the standard 6 plus alpha channel, like #FF9900FF
reHexColor3 = regexp.MustCompile(`^([A-Fa-f0-9])([A-Fa-f0-9])([A-Fa-f0-9])$`)
reHexColor6 = regexp.MustCompile(`^([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})$`)
reHexColor8 = regexp.MustCompile(`^([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})$`)
// Color holds an RGBA color value.
type Color struct {
Red uint8
Green uint8
Blue uint8
Alpha uint8
// RGBA creates a new Color.
func RGBA(r, g, b, a uint8) Color {
return Color{
Red: r,
Green: g,
Blue: b,
Alpha: a,
// FromColor creates a render.Color from a Go color.Color
func FromColor(from color.Color) Color {
// downscale a 16-bit color value to 8-bit. input range 0x0000..0xffff
downscale := func(in uint32) uint8 {
var scale = float64(in) / 0xffff
return uint8(scale * 0xff)
r, g, b, a := from.RGBA()
return RGBA(
// MustHexColor parses a color from hex code or panics.
func MustHexColor(hex string) Color {
color, err := HexColor(hex)
if err != nil {
return color
// HexColor parses a color from hexadecimal code.
func HexColor(hex string) (Color, error) {
c := Black // default color
if len(hex) > 0 && hex[0] == '#' {
hex = hex[1:]
var m []string
if len(hex) == 3 {
m = reHexColor3.FindStringSubmatch(hex)
} else if len(hex) == 6 {
m = reHexColor6.FindStringSubmatch(hex)
} else if len(hex) == 8 {
m = reHexColor8.FindStringSubmatch(hex)
} else {
return c, errors.New("not a valid length for color code; only 3, 6 and 8 supported")
// Any luck?
if m == nil {
return c, errors.New("not a valid hex color code")
// Parse the color values. 16=base, 8=bit size
red, _ := strconv.ParseUint(m[1], 16, 8)
green, _ := strconv.ParseUint(m[2], 16, 8)
blue, _ := strconv.ParseUint(m[3], 16, 8)
// Alpha channel available?
var alpha uint64 = 255
if len(m) == 5 {
alpha, _ = strconv.ParseUint(m[4], 16, 8)
c.Red = uint8(red)
c.Green = uint8(green)
c.Blue = uint8(blue)
c.Alpha = uint8(alpha)
return c, nil
func (c Color) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue, c.Alpha,
// ToHex converts a render.Color to standard #RRGGBB hexadecimal format.
func (c Color) ToHex() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue,
// ToColor converts a render.Color into a Go standard color.Color
func (c Color) ToColor() color.RGBA {
return color.RGBA{
R: c.Red,
G: c.Green,
B: c.Blue,
A: c.Alpha,
// Transparent returns whether the alpha channel is zeroed out and the pixel
// won't appear as anything when rendered.
func (c Color) Transparent() bool {
return c.Alpha == 0x00
// MarshalJSON serializes the Color for JSON.
func (c Color) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue,
)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON reloads the Color from JSON.
func (c *Color) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var hex string
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &hex)
if err != nil {
return err
parsed, err := HexColor(hex)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Red = parsed.Red
c.Blue = parsed.Blue
c.Green = parsed.Green
c.Alpha = parsed.Alpha
return nil
func (c Color) EncodeMsgpack(enc *msgpack.Encoder) error {
return enc.EncodeString(fmt.Sprintf(
c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue,
func (c Color) DecodeMsgpack(dec *msgpack.Decoder) error {
hex, err := dec.DecodeString()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Color.DecodeMsgpack: %s", err)
parsed, err := HexColor(hex)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Color.DecodeMsgpack: HexColor: %s", err)
c.Red = parsed.Red
c.Blue = parsed.Blue
c.Green = parsed.Green
c.Alpha = parsed.Alpha
return nil
// // MarshalMsgpack serializes the Color for msgpack.
// func (c Color) MarshalMsgpack() ([]byte, error) {
// data := []uint8{
// c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue, c.Alpha,
// }
// return msgpack.Marshal(data)
// }
// // UnmarshalMsgpack decodes a Color from msgpack format.
// func (c *Color) UnmarshalMsgpack(b []byte) error {
// var data []uint8
// if err := msgpack.Unmarshal(data, b); err != nil {
// return err
// }
// c.Red = 255
// c.Green = data[1]
// c.Blue = data[2]
// c.Alpha = data[3]
// return nil
// }
// Add a relative color value to the color.
func (c Color) Add(r, g, b, a int) Color {
var (
R = int(c.Red) + r
G = int(c.Green) + g
B = int(c.Blue) + b
A = int(c.Alpha) + a
cap8 := func(v int) uint8 {
if v > 255 {
v = 255
} else if v < 0 {
v = 0
return uint8(v)
return Color{
Red: cap8(R),
Green: cap8(G),
Blue: cap8(B),
Alpha: cap8(A),
// Lighten a color value.
func (c Color) Lighten(v int) Color {
return c.Add(v, v, v, 0)
// Darken a color value.
func (c Color) Darken(v int) Color {
return c.Add(-v, -v, -v, 0)
// Transparentize adjusts the alpha value.
func (c Color) Transparentize(v int) Color {
return c.Add(0, 0, 0, v)
// SetAlpha sets the alpha value to a specific setting.
func (c Color) SetAlpha(v uint8) Color {
c.Alpha = v
return c