Tobias Schottdorf b5d9eff767 add mode and modTime flags
In some situations, it is desired to have reproducible runs of `go-bindata`
from a fixed git repository commit. Since mtimes and file modes are not
generally versioned, the newly introduced flags aid in that quest by allowing
to completely replace those two pieces of data by something fixed.

//go:generate go-bindata -pkg resource -mode 0644 -modtime 1388530800 \
                         -o ./embedded.go ./ui/...
2015-03-10 19:17:17 +01:00

202 lines
6.5 KiB

// This work is subject to the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
// license. Its contents can be found at:
package bindata
import (
// InputConfig defines options on a asset directory to be convert.
type InputConfig struct {
// Path defines a directory containing asset files to be included
// in the generated output.
Path string
// Recusive defines whether subdirectories of Path
// should be recursively included in the conversion.
Recursive bool
// Config defines a set of options for the asset conversion.
type Config struct {
// Name of the package to use. Defaults to 'main'.
Package string
// Tags specify a set of optional build tags, which should be
// included in the generated output. The tags are appended to a
// `// +build` line in the beginning of the output file
// and must follow the build tags syntax specified by the go tool.
Tags string
// Input defines the directory path, containing all asset files as
// well as whether to recursively process assets in any sub directories.
Input []InputConfig
// Output defines the output file for the generated code.
// If left empty, this defaults to 'bindata.go' in the current
// working directory.
Output string
// Prefix defines a path prefix which should be stripped from all
// file names when generating the keys in the table of contents.
// For example, running without the `-prefix` flag, we get:
// $ go-bindata /path/to/templates
// go_bindata["/path/to/templates/foo.html"] = _path_to_templates_foo_html
// Running with the `-prefix` flag, we get:
// $ go-bindata -prefix "/path/to/" /path/to/templates/foo.html
// go_bindata["templates/foo.html"] = templates_foo_html
Prefix string
// NoMemCopy will alter the way the output file is generated.
// It will employ a hack that allows us to read the file data directly from
// the compiled program's `.rodata` section. This ensures that when we call
// call our generated function, we omit unnecessary mem copies.
// The downside of this, is that it requires dependencies on the `reflect` and
// `unsafe` packages. These may be restricted on platforms like AppEngine and
// thus prevent you from using this mode.
// Another disadvantage is that the byte slice we create, is strictly read-only.
// For most use-cases this is not a problem, but if you ever try to alter the
// returned byte slice, a runtime panic is thrown. Use this mode only on target
// platforms where memory constraints are an issue.
// The default behaviour is to use the old code generation method. This
// prevents the two previously mentioned issues, but will employ at least one
// extra memcopy and thus increase memory requirements.
// For instance, consider the following two examples:
// This would be the default mode, using an extra memcopy but gives a safe
// implementation without dependencies on `reflect` and `unsafe`:
// func myfile() []byte {
// return []byte{0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a}
// }
// Here is the same functionality, but uses the `.rodata` hack.
// The byte slice returned from this example can not be written to without
// generating a runtime error.
// var _myfile = "\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a"
// func myfile() []byte {
// var empty [0]byte
// sx := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&_myfile))
// b := empty[:]
// bx := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
// bx.Data = sx.Data
// bx.Len = len(_myfile)
// bx.Cap = bx.Len
// return b
// }
NoMemCopy bool
// NoCompress means the assets are /not/ GZIP compressed before being turned
// into Go code. The generated function will automatically unzip
// the file data when called. Defaults to false.
NoCompress bool
// Perform a debug build. This generates an asset file, which
// loads the asset contents directly from disk at their original
// location, instead of embedding the contents in the code.
// This is mostly useful if you anticipate that the assets are
// going to change during your development cycle. You will always
// want your code to access the latest version of the asset.
// Only in release mode, will the assets actually be embedded
// in the code. The default behaviour is Release mode.
Debug bool
// Perform a dev build, which is nearly identical to the debug option. The
// only difference is that instead of absolute file paths in generated code,
// it expects a variable, `rootDir`, to be set in the generated code's
// package (the author needs to do this manually), which it then prepends to
// an asset's name to construct the file path on disk.
// This is mainly so you can push the generated code file to a shared
// repository.
Dev bool
// When nonzero, use this as mode for all files.
Mode uint
// When nonzero, use this as unix timestamp for all files.
ModTime int64
// Ignores any filenames matching the regex pattern specified, e.g.
// path/to/file.ext will ignore only that file, or \\.gitignore
// will match any .gitignore file.
// This parameter can be provided multiple times.
Ignore []*regexp.Regexp
// NewConfig returns a default configuration struct.
func NewConfig() *Config {
c := new(Config)
c.Package = "main"
c.NoMemCopy = false
c.NoCompress = false
c.Debug = false
c.Output = "./bindata.go"
c.Ignore = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0)
return c
// validate ensures the config has sane values.
// Part of which means checking if certain file/directory paths exist.
func (c *Config) validate() error {
if len(c.Package) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Missing package name")
for _, input := range c.Input {
_, err := os.Lstat(input.Path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to stat input path '%s': %v", input.Path, err)
if len(c.Output) == 0 {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to determine current working directory.")
c.Output = filepath.Join(cwd, "bindata.go")
stat, err := os.Lstat(c.Output)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("Output path: %v", err)
// File does not exist. This is fine, just make
// sure the directory it is to be in exists.
dir, _ := filepath.Split(c.Output)
if dir != "" {
err = os.MkdirAll(dir, 0744)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Create output directory: %v", err)
if stat != nil && stat.IsDir() {
return fmt.Errorf("Output path is a directory.")
return nil