Updated Database System (markdown)

Noah 2014-09-11 23:15:25 -07:00
parent 9e56fccbd4
commit fc2146d670
1 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
The Rophako CMS is the latest in many, many rewrites of a content management system I developed for Kirsle.net over the years. It's the first one written in Python; previously I always wrote my CMS's in Perl (as either basic CGI or run with `mod_fcgid`).
And I've never liked dealing with relational databases like MySQL. The overhead of needing to install the database software and configure it, manage databases and user permissions, and when it comes to making backups of my website, having to dump a MySQL database is an added step that I wouldn't like to do. These complaints also apply to some "NoSQL" databases such as MongoDB. But, in general I like the idea of NoSQL, because designing hard, rigid schemas using C style data type limitations isn't my idea of a fun time. And auto-incrementing primary keys? They drive my OCD up a wall. If I'm going to increment a primary key, I want it to be a manual, explicit process (I don't want to have user ID 4 just because the first 3 users were for testing; I want to have user ID 1 because I'm the Admin!)
And I've never liked dealing with relational databases like MySQL. The overhead of needing to install the database software and configure it, manage databases and user permissions, and when it comes to making backups of my website, having to dump a MySQL database is an added step that I wouldn't like to do. These complaints also apply to some "NoSQL" databases such as MongoDB.
But, in general I like the idea of NoSQL, because designing hard, rigid schemas using C style data type limitations isn't my idea of a fun time. And auto-incrementing primary keys? They drive my OCD up a wall. If I'm going to increment a primary key, I want it to be a manual, explicit process (I don't want to have user ID 4 just because the first 3 users were for testing; I want to have user ID 1 because I'm the Admin!)
Rants aside, Rophako uses a custom hand-rolled database system. It's one that I first started using a few Perl CMS's ago, and with every CMS rewrite I'd make a script to migrate data from the old CMS (for example, see [siikir-blog-migrate.py](https://github.com/kirsle/rophako/blob/master/scripts/siikir-blog-migrate.py)).