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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Blog models."""
from flask import g
import time
import re
import glob
import config
import rophako.jsondb as JsonDB
from rophako.log import logger
def get_index():
"""Get the blog index.
The index is the cache of available blog posts. It has the format:
'post_id': {
fid: Friendly ID for the blog post (for URLs)
time: epoch time of the post
sticky: the stickiness of the post (shows first on global views)
author: the author user ID of the post
categories: [ list of categories ]
privacy: the privacy setting
subject: the post subject
# Index doesn't exist?
if not JsonDB.exists("blog/index"):
return {}
db = JsonDB.get("blog/index")
# Hide any private posts if we aren't logged in.
if not["session"]["login"]:
for post_id, data in db.iteritems():
if data["privacy"] == "private":
del db[post_id]
return db
def __get_categories():
"""Get the blog categories cache.
The category cache is in the following format:
'category_name': {
'post_id': 'friendly_id',
# Index doesn't exist?
if not JsonDB.exists("blog/tags"):
return {}
return JsonDB.get("blog/tags")
def get_entry(post_id):
"""Load a full blog entry."""
if not JsonDB.exists("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id)):
return None
db = JsonDB.get("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id))
# If no FID, set it to the ID.
if len(db["fid"]) == 0:
db["fid"] = str(post_id)
return db
def post_entry(post_id, fid, epoch, author, subject, avatar, categories,
privacy, ip, emoticons, comments, body):
"""Post (or update) a blog entry."""
# Fetch the index.
index = get_index()
# Editing an existing post?
if not post_id:
post_id = get_next_id(index)
logger.debug("Posting blog post ID {}".format(post_id))
# Get a unique friendly ID.
if not fid:
# The default friendly ID = the subject.
fid = subject.lower()
fid = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', '-', fid)
fid = re.sub(r'\-+', '-', fid)
fid = fid.strip("-")
logger.debug("Chosen friendly ID: {}".format(fid))
# Make sure the friendly ID is unique!
if len(fid):
test = fid
loop = 1
logger.debug("Verifying the friendly ID is unique: {}".format(fid))
while True:
collision = False
for k, v in index.iteritems():
# Skip the same post, for updates.
if k == post_id: continue
if v["fid"] == test:
# Not unique.
loop += 1
test = fid + "_" + unicode(loop)
collision = True
logger.debug("Collision with existing post {}: {}".format(k, v["fid"]))
# Was there a collision?
if collision:
continue # Try again.
# Nope!
fid = test
# Write the post.
JsonDB.commit("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id), dict(
fid = fid,
ip = ip,
time = epoch or int(time.time()),
categories = categories,
sticky = False, # TODO: implement sticky
comments = comments,
emoticons = emoticons,
avatar = avatar,
privacy = privacy or "public",
author = author,
subject = subject,
body = body,
# Update the index cache.
index[post_id] = dict(
fid = fid,
time = epoch or int(time.time()),
categories = categories,
sticky = False, # TODO
author = author,
privacy = privacy or "public",
subject = subject,
JsonDB.commit("blog/index", index)
return post_id, fid
def delete_entry(post_id):
"""Remove a blog entry."""
# Fetch the blog information.
index = get_index()
post = get_entry(post_id)
if post is None:
logger.warning("Can't delete post {}, it doesn't exist!".format(post_id))
# Delete the post.
# Update the index cache.
del index[str(post_id)] # Python JSON dict keys must be strings, never ints
JsonDB.commit("blog/index", index)
def resolve_id(fid):
"""Resolve a friendly ID to the blog ID number."""
index = get_index()
# If the ID is all numeric, it's the blog post ID directly.
if re.match(r'^\d+$', fid):
if fid in index:
return int(fid)
logger.error("Tried resolving blog post ID {} as an EntryID, but it wasn't there!".format(fid))
return None
# It's a friendly ID. Scan for it.
for post_id, data in index.iteritems():
if data["fid"] == fid:
return int(post_id)
logger.error("Friendly post ID {} wasn't found!".format(fid))
return None
def list_avatars():
"""Get a list of all the available blog avatars."""
avatars = set()
paths = [
# Load avatars from both locations. We check the built-in set first,
# so if you have matching names in your local site those will override.
for path in paths:
for filename in glob.glob(path):
filename = filename.split("/")[-1]
return sorted(avatars, key=lambda x: x.lower())
def get_next_id(index):
"""Get the next free ID for a blog post."""
logger.debug("Getting next available blog ID number")
sort = sorted(index.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x))
logger.debug("Highest post ID is: {}".format(sort[-1]))
next_id = int(sort[-1]) + 1
# Sanity check!
if next_id in index:
raise Exception("Failed to get_next_id for the blog. Chosen ID is still in the index!")
return next_id