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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
"""Flask app for Rophako."""
from flask import (Flask, g, request, session, render_template, send_file,
abort, redirect)
from flask_sslify import SSLify
import jinja2
import os.path
import sys
# Get the Flask app object ready right away so other modules can import it
# without getting a circular import error.
app = Flask(__name__,
# We use a custom Jinja loader to support multiple template paths for custom
# and default templates. The base list of template paths to check includes
# your custom path (from config.SITE_ROOT), the "rophako/www" path for normal
# pages, and then the blueprint paths for all imported plugins. This list will
# be extended while blueprints are being loaded and passed in below to the
# jinja2.ChoiceLoader.
from rophako.settings import Config
from rophako.plugin import load_plugin
from rophako.log import logger
#import rophako.model.tracking as Tracking
import rophako.utils
# String escaping for the secret key (processes \ escapes properly), the
# escape encoding name varies between Python 2 and 3.
string_escape = "string_escape" if sys.version_info[0] == 2 \
else "unicode_escape"
app.DEBUG = Config.site.debug == "true"
app.secret_key = bytes(Config.security.secret_key.encode("utf-8")) \
# Security?
if Config.security.force_ssl == "true":
app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE'] = True
sslify = SSLify(app)
# Load all the built-in essential plugins.
# Custom Jinja handler to support custom- and default-template folders for
# rendering templates.
template_paths = [
Config.site.site_root, # Site specific.
"rophako/www", # Default/fall-back
app.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader([ jinja2.FileSystemLoader(x) for x in template_paths])
app.jinja_env.globals["csrf_token"] = rophako.utils.generate_csrf_token
app.jinja_env.globals["include_page"] = rophako.utils.include
app.jinja_env.globals["settings"] = lambda: Config
# Preload the emoticon data.
import rophako.model.emoticons as Emoticons
def before_request():
"""Called before all requests. Initialize global template variables."""
# Default template vars.
g.info = rophako.utils.default_vars()
# Default session vars.
if not "login" in session:
# CSRF protection.
if request.method == "POST":
token = session.pop("_csrf", None)
if not token or str(token) != str(request.form.get("token")):
# Refresh their login status from the DB.
if session["login"]:
import rophako.model.user as User
if not User.exists(uid=session["uid"]):
# Weird! Log them out.
from rophako.modules.account import logout
db = User.get_user(uid=session["uid"])
session["username"] = db["username"]
session["name"] = db["name"]
session["role"] = db["role"]
# Copy session params into g.info. The only people who should touch the
# session are the login/out pages.
for key in session:
g.info["session"][key] = session[key]
def after_request():
"""Called just before render_template. Inject g.info into the template vars."""
return g.info
def catchall(path):
"""The catch-all path handler. If it exists in the www folders, it's sent,
otherwise we give the 404 error page."""
if path.endswith("/"):
path = path.strip("/") # Remove trailing slashes.
return redirect(path)
# Search for this file.
for root in [Config.site.site_root, "rophako/www"]:
abspath = os.path.abspath("{}/{}".format(root, path))
if os.path.isfile(abspath):
return send_file(abspath)
# The exact file wasn't found, look for some extensions and index pages.
suffixes = [
".md", # Markdown formatted pages.
for suffix in suffixes:
if not "." in path and os.path.isfile(abspath + suffix):
# HTML, or Markdown?
if suffix.endswith(".html"):
return rophako.utils.template(path + suffix)
return rophako.utils.markdown_template(abspath + suffix)
return not_found("404")
def index():
return catchall("index")
def catch_exception(error):
"""Catch unexpected Python exceptions and e-mail them out."""
logger.error("INTERNAL SERVER ERROR: {}".format(str(error)))
# E-mail it out.
return rophako.utils.template("errors/500.html")
def not_found(error):
return render_template('errors/404.html', **g.info), 404
def forbidden(error):
return render_template('errors/403.html', **g.info), 403