Noah Petherbridge
All modules are now plugins. The calls load_plugin for each plugin it needs (some plugins may load others automatically). Also each plugin keeps its own template folder which gets added to the template search path, so i.e. if the photo plugin is unloaded completely, the URL endpoints won't work either (with the old system, since the HTML templates still existed in the default root the endpoints would still serve pages, just without any Python logic behind them).
115 lines
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115 lines
3.2 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Legacy endpoint compatibility from
from flask import g, request, redirect, url_for, flash
import re
import os
import json
import config
from import app
from rophako.utils import template, login_required
import as Blog
import rophako.jsondb as JsonDB
def google_plus():
return redirect("")
def ancient_legacy_blog():
post_id = request.args.get("id", None)
if post_id is None:
return redirect(url_for("blog.index"))
# Look up the friendly ID.
post = Blog.get_entry(post_id)
if not post:
flash("That blog entry wasn't found.")
return redirect(url_for("blog.index"))
return redirect(url_for("blog.entry", fid=post["fid"]), code=301)
def legacy_blog(fid):
return redirect(url_for("blog.entry", fid=fid), code=301)
def legacy_rss():
return redirect(url_for("blog.rss"), code=301)
def legacy_firered(page=""):
|["page"] = str(page) or "1"
return template("firered.html")
@app.route("/download", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def legacy_download():
form = None
if request.method == "POST":
form = request.form
form = request.args
method = form.get("method", "index")
project = form.get("project", "")
filename = form.get("file", "")
root = "/home/kirsle/www/projects"
if project and filename:
# Filter the sections.
project = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', project) # Project name is alphanumeric only.
filename = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9\-_\.]', '', filename)
# Check that all the files exist.
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, project)) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, project, filename)):
# Hit counters.
hits = { "hits": 0 }
db = "data/downloads/{}-{}".format(project, filename)
if JsonDB.exists(db.format(project, filename)):
hits = JsonDB.get(db)
# Actually getting the file?
if method == "get":
# Up the hit counter.
hits["hits"] += 1
JsonDB.commit(db, hits)
|["method"] = method
|["project"] = project
|["file"] = filename
|["hits"] = hits["hits"]
return template("download.html")
flash("The file or project wasn't found.")
return redirect(url_for("index"))
def legacy_url(page):
return redirect("/{}".format(page), code=301)
def ssl_test():
return "<pre>{}</pre>".format(json.dumps({
"SSLify criteria": {
"request.is_secure": request.is_secure,
"app.debug": app.debug,
"X-Forwarded-Proto is http": request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-Proto", "http") == "https",
"App Configuration": {
"Session cookies secure": app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE"],
"config.FORCE_SSL": config.FORCE_SSL,