* On Forums landing page, show who was the most recent commenter on each board's most recently updated post. * Show photo count on Profile Pages on the "Photos" tab. * Revise the mobile and tablet top nav bar: * Always show small badge icons linking to the Site Gallery & Forum * Always show Friends & Messages badges. If no new notifications, they display as grey instead of yellow w/ a number. * Put icons next to most nav bar items, especially the User Menu * Tighten the sprawling page layouts in the Forums to be more compact for mobile screens. * Fix bug where some pages scrolled horizontally on mobile: the root cause was divs with class="content p-2", needs minimum p-3 (but p-4 is used) to provide enough padding to overcome column margins which were pushing the page too wide on mobile.
141 lines
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141 lines
6.4 KiB
{{define "title"}}Forums{{end}}
{{define "content"}}
<div class="block">
<section class="hero is-light is-success">
<div class="hero-body">
<div class="container">
<div class="level">
<div class="level-left">
<h1 class="title">
<span class="icon mr-4"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i></span>
{{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}}
<div class="level-right">
<a href="/forum/admin" class="button is-small has-text-danger">
<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-gavel"></i></span>
<span>Manage Forums</span>
{{$Root := .}}
{{range .Categories}}
<div class="block p-4">
<h1 class="title">{{.Category}}</h1>
{{if eq (len .Forums) 0}}
There are no forums under this category.
{{if not $Root.CurrentUser.Explicit}}Your content filters (non-explicit) may be hiding some forums.{{end}}
{{range .Forums}}
{{$Stats := $Root.ForumMap.Get .ID}}
<div class="card block has-background-primary-light">
<div class="card-content">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-3 pt-0 pb-1">
<h2 class="is-size-4">
<strong><a href="/f/{{.Fragment}}">{{.Title}}</a></strong>
<div class="content mb-1">
{{if .Description}}
{{ToMarkdown .Description}}
<em>No description</em>
{{if .Explicit}}
<span class="tag is-danger is-light">
<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-fire"></i></span>
{{if .Privileged}}
<span class="tag is-warning is-light">
<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-gavel"></i></span>
<div class="column py-1">
<div class="box has-background-success-light">
<h2 class="subtitle mb-1">Latest Post</h2>
{{if $Stats.RecentThread}}
<a href="/forum/thread/{{$Stats.RecentThread.ID}}">
<em>by {{$Stats.RecentThread.Comment.User.Username}}</em>
{{if and $Stats.RecentPost (not (eq $Stats.RecentPost.ID $Stats.RecentThread.CommentID))}}
<small>Last comment by {{$Stats.RecentPost.User.Username}}</small>
<small title="{{$Stats.RecentThread.UpdatedAt.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05"}}">{{SincePrettyCoarse $Stats.RecentThread.UpdatedAt}} ago</small>
<em>No posts found.</em>
<div class="column is-3 py-1">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-gapless">
<div class="column has-text-centered mr-1">
<div class="box has-background-warning-light p-2">
<p class="is-size-7">Topics</p>
{{if $Stats}}
<div class="column has-text-centered mx-1">
<div class="box has-background-warning-light p-2">
<p class="is-size-7">Posts</p>
{{if $Stats}}
<div class="column has-text-centered ml-1">
<div class="box has-background-warning-light p-2">
<p class="is-size-7">Users</p>
{{if $Stats}}
{{end}}<!-- range .Categories -->
{{end}} |