
75 lines
1.2 KiB

/[if IE]
%a{ :href => '' }
%h1 Get Firefox
-# This is a HAML comment. It will not show in the output HTML
This is a HAML multiline comment
This won't be displayed
Nor will this
Nor will this.
/ This is a HTML comment. It will be rendered as HTML
%p This doesn't render...
%h1 Because it's commented out!
#articles{:style => "border: 5px;"}
#lists.list-inline{:id => "#{@item.type}_#{@item.number}", :class => '#{@item.type} #{@item.urgency}', :phoney => `asdasdasd`}
/ file: app/views/movies/index.html.haml
%ads:{:bleh => 33}
- now =
%strong= now
= if now DateTime.parse("December 31, 2006")
= "Happy new " + "year!"
%h1= @title
= link_to 'Home', home_url
%div.article.title Blah 2006-11-05
Neil Patrick Harris
%div[@user, :greeting]
/ This is a comment
/ This is another comment with line break above